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0001 About Khipu
0002 ===========
0003 - Khipu is an advanced Mathematical function plotter application of KDE Education Project. 
0004 - It is a replacement for KmPlot.
0005 - The basic idea of Khipu is to help teachers and Professors in understanding the behaviour of mathematical functions,surfaces etc.
0006 - Khipu can work in both 2D and 3D space.
0008 Basic Features
0009 ==============
0010 - Khipu can draw any 2D and 3D plots supported by Analitza (A mathematical library that Khipu uses for its backend)
0011 - User can save their work in .khipu file and later he/she can restore the work
0012 - If khipu is closed accidentally , the autosave feature will let the user to restore the unsaved work of the previous session.
0013 - User can add the plots from the files known as Plot-Dictionary file (.plots files). These files contain the name and equation of the plot. 
0014   So, user does not have to type a big equation rather, he/she can plot the function from its name.
0015 - User can hide/show the plots and also he/she can remove/edit the existing plots.
0016 - User can save the plots as PNG image and also take the snapshot of the plots into the clipboard.
0017 - Aprat from this, khipu has numberous features to work with mathematical functions and spaces.
0018 - For more information and screenshots of Khipu , visit http://userbase.kde.org/Khipu
0020 Backend Information
0021 ====================
0022 - Analitza is a library that work with mathematical objects. 
0023 - Analitza add mathematical features to your program, such as symbolic computations and some numerical methods; 
0024   for instance the library can parse mathematical expressions and let you evaluate and draw them.
0025 - For more information : http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdeedu-apidocs/analitza/html/index.html
0027 How To Build/Run Khipu
0028 ===================
0029 - To successfully build the application, you need the following packages installed on your system
0030 1) Analitza     (sudo apt-get install  analitza-dev)
0031 2) QJson        (sudo apt-get install libqjson-dev)
0032 3) libkdeedu    (sudo apt-get install libkdeedu-dev)
0034 - To build the application,you need to type the following commands on the command prompt.
0035 1) cd <project_name_path>
0036 2) mkdir build
0037 3) cd build
0038 4) cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull ..
0039 5) make 
0040 6) sudo make install
0041 7) khipu