Warning, /education/kdeedu-data/data/kvtml/nds/medium.kvtml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

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0003 <kvtml version="2.0">
0004   <information>
0005     <generator>convert_kvtml1to2.sh</generator>
0006     <title>Middel</title>
0007     <comment>Middelswoor Begrepen</comment>
0008   </information>
0009   <identifiers>
0010     <identifier id="0">
0011       <locale>nds</locale>
0012     </identifier>
0013   </identifiers>
0014         <entries>
0015     <entry id="0">
0016       <inactive>false</inactive>
0017       <inquery>false</inquery>
0018       <translation id="0">
0019         <text>Maschien</text>
0020         <comment>Mechaansch Reedschap</comment>
0021       </translation>
0022     </entry>
0023     <entry id="1">
0024       <inactive>false</inactive>
0025       <inquery>false</inquery>
0026       <translation id="0">
0027         <text>Slaapstuuv</text>
0028         <comment>Dat Bett steiht dor binnen</comment>
0029       </translation>
0030     </entry>
0031     <entry id="2">
0032       <inactive>false</inactive>
0033       <inquery>false</inquery>
0034       <translation id="0">
0035         <text>Richter</text>
0036         <comment>He oordeelt</comment>
0037       </translation>
0038     </entry>
0039     <entry id="3">
0040       <inactive>false</inactive>
0041       <inquery>false</inquery>
0042       <translation id="0">
0043         <text>Sporthall</text>
0044         <comment>En Ruum för Lieföven</comment>
0045       </translation>
0046     </entry>
0047     <entry id="4">
0048       <inactive>false</inactive>
0049       <inquery>false</inquery>
0050       <translation id="0">
0051         <text>Mööt</text>
0052         <comment>En Fastleggen, sik to en wiss Tiet to drepen</comment>
0053       </translation>
0054     </entry>
0055     <entry id="5">
0056       <inactive>false</inactive>
0057       <inquery>false</inquery>
0058       <translation id="0">
0059         <text>Antibiotikum</text>
0060         <comment>En Stoff gegen Bakterien</comment>
0061       </translation>
0062     </entry>
0063     <entry id="6">
0064       <inactive>false</inactive>
0065       <inquery>false</inquery>
0066       <translation id="0">
0067         <text>Afornen</text>
0068         <comment>En Delegatschoon</comment>
0069       </translation>
0070     </entry>
0071     <entry id="7">
0072       <inactive>false</inactive>
0073       <inquery>false</inquery>
0074       <translation id="0">
0075         <text>Afteker</text>
0076         <comment>Een, de Heelmiddeln verköpen dörv</comment>
0077       </translation>
0078     </entry>
0079     <entry id="8">
0080       <inactive>false</inactive>
0081       <inquery>false</inquery>
0082       <translation id="0">
0083         <text>Keesbörger</text>
0084         <comment>Frikandell, Rundstück, Salaat un Kees tosamen</comment>
0085       </translation>
0086     </entry>
0087     <entry id="9">
0088       <inactive>false</inactive>
0089       <inquery>false</inquery>
0090       <translation id="0">
0091         <text>Estemeren</text>
0092         <comment>En Mengde oder Weert warrt fastleggt</comment>
0093       </translation>
0094     </entry>
0095     <entry id="10">
0096       <inactive>false</inactive>
0097       <inquery>false</inquery>
0098       <translation id="0">
0099         <text>Ümgeven</text>
0100         <comment>De Saken un Bedingen rundümto</comment>
0101       </translation>
0102     </entry>
0103     <entry id="11">
0104       <inactive>false</inactive>
0105       <inquery>false</inquery>
0106       <translation id="0">
0107         <text>Supermarkt</text>
0108         <comment>En groot Sülvstbedeenladen</comment>
0109       </translation>
0110     </entry>
0111     <entry id="12">
0112       <inactive>false</inactive>
0113       <inquery>false</inquery>
0114       <translation id="0">
0115         <text>Indikatschoon</text>
0116         <comment>En Teken för't Dorwesen vun en Saak oder Bedingen</comment>
0117       </translation>
0118     </entry>
0119     <entry id="13">
0120       <inactive>false</inactive>
0121       <inquery>false</inquery>
0122       <translation id="0">
0123         <text>Röntgenopnahm</text>
0124         <comment>En Metood för't Kieken dör Weekdelen, t.B. bi Knakenbröök</comment>
0125       </translation>
0126     </entry>
0127     <entry id="14">
0128       <inactive>false</inactive>
0129       <inquery>false</inquery>
0130       <translation id="0">
0131         <text>Informatschoon</text>
0132         <comment>Een Stück Weten</comment>
0133       </translation>
0134     </entry>
0135     <entry id="15">
0136       <inactive>false</inactive>
0137       <inquery>false</inquery>
0138       <translation id="0">
0139         <text>Mettels</text>
0140         <comment>Dör en Wulf dreiht Fleesch</comment>
0141       </translation>
0142     </entry>
0143     <entry id="16">
0144       <inactive>false</inactive>
0145       <inquery>false</inquery>
0146       <translation id="0">
0147         <text>Ünnerschrift</text>
0148         <comment>Sülvstschreven Naam</comment>
0149       </translation>
0150     </entry>
0151     <entry id="17">
0152       <inactive>false</inactive>
0153       <inquery>false</inquery>
0154       <translation id="0">
0155         <text>Begeistern</text>
0156         <comment>Wenn Een Füür un Flamm för wat is</comment>
0157       </translation>
0158     </entry>
0159     <entry id="18">
0160       <inactive>false</inactive>
0161       <inquery>false</inquery>
0162       <translation id="0">
0163         <text>Spargel</text>
0164         <comment>En Plant, de ehr Spraten as Grööntüüch eten warrt</comment>
0165       </translation>
0166     </entry>
0167     <entry id="19">
0168       <inactive>false</inactive>
0169       <inquery>false</inquery>
0170       <translation id="0">
0171         <text>Woortschatt</text>
0172         <comment>De Heelheit vun Wöör, de Een kennt</comment>
0173       </translation>
0174     </entry>
0175     <entry id="20">
0176       <inactive>false</inactive>
0177       <inquery>false</inquery>
0178       <translation id="0">
0179         <text>Regeren</text>
0180         <comment>En Koppel vun Lüüd, de en Land stüert</comment>
0181       </translation>
0182     </entry>
0183     <entry id="21">
0184       <inactive>false</inactive>
0185       <inquery>false</inquery>
0186       <translation id="0">
0187         <text>Wintergoorn</text>
0188         <comment>En Drievhuus an't Wohnhuus</comment>
0189       </translation>
0190     </entry>
0191     <entry id="22">
0192       <inactive>false</inactive>
0193       <inquery>false</inquery>
0194       <translation id="0">
0195         <text>Bökerschapp</text>
0196         <comment>Möbelstück för't Wohren vun Literatuur</comment>
0197       </translation>
0198     </entry>
0199     <entry id="23">
0200       <inactive>false</inactive>
0201       <inquery>false</inquery>
0202       <translation id="0">
0203         <text>Fotografie</text>
0204         <comment>En Bild, teelt vun Licht, dat op cheemsche Stoffen fallt</comment>
0205       </translation>
0206     </entry>
0207     <entry id="24">
0208       <inactive>false</inactive>
0209       <inquery>false</inquery>
0210       <translation id="0">
0211         <text>Klookheit</text>
0212         <comment>Plie</comment>
0213       </translation>
0214     </entry>
0215     <entry id="25">
0216       <inactive>false</inactive>
0217       <inquery>false</inquery>
0218       <translation id="0">
0219         <text>Rasenmeiher</text>
0220         <comment>En Maschien för't Snieden vun Gras</comment>
0221       </translation>
0222     </entry>
0223     <entry id="26">
0224       <inactive>false</inactive>
0225       <inquery>false</inquery>
0226       <translation id="0">
0227         <text>Aritmetik</text>
0228         <comment>De Rekenkunst</comment>
0229       </translation>
0230     </entry>
0231     <entry id="27">
0232       <inactive>false</inactive>
0233       <inquery>false</inquery>
0234       <translation id="0">
0235         <text>Maatschap</text>
0236         <comment>En Liddmaat wesen</comment>
0237       </translation>
0238     </entry>
0239     <entry id="28">
0240       <inactive>false</inactive>
0241       <inquery>false</inquery>
0242       <translation id="0">
0243         <text>Still</text>
0244         <comment>Roh</comment>
0245       </translation>
0246     </entry>
0247     <entry id="29">
0248       <inactive>false</inactive>
0249       <inquery>false</inquery>
0250       <translation id="0">
0251         <text>Bistüern</text>
0252         <comment>Wat bidragen</comment>
0253       </translation>
0254     </entry>
0255     <entry id="30">
0256       <inactive>false</inactive>
0257       <inquery>false</inquery>
0258       <translation id="0">
0259         <text>Apostrof</text>
0260         <comment>En Satzteken</comment>
0261       </translation>
0262     </entry>
0263     <entry id="31">
0264       <inactive>false</inactive>
0265       <inquery>false</inquery>
0266       <translation id="0">
0267         <text>Amüseren</text>
0268         <comment>Ünnerhollen</comment>
0269       </translation>
0270     </entry>
0271     <entry id="32">
0272       <inactive>false</inactive>
0273       <inquery>false</inquery>
0274       <translation id="0">
0275         <text>Paraplü</text>
0276         <comment>Schuul vör Regen</comment>
0277       </translation>
0278     </entry>
0279     <entry id="33">
0280       <inactive>false</inactive>
0281       <inquery>false</inquery>
0282       <translation id="0">
0283         <text>Belüchten</text>
0284         <comment>Oort vun den Lichtinfall</comment>
0285       </translation>
0286     </entry>
0287     <entry id="34">
0288       <inactive>false</inactive>
0289       <inquery>false</inquery>
0290       <translation id="0">
0291         <text>Millimeter</text>
0292         <comment>wat weniger as 0,04 Toll</comment>
0293       </translation>
0294     </entry>
0295     <entry id="35">
0296       <inactive>false</inactive>
0297       <inquery>false</inquery>
0298       <translation id="0">
0299         <text>Milligramm</text>
0300         <comment>Een dusenddel Gramm</comment>
0301       </translation>
0302     </entry>
0303     <entry id="36">
0304       <inactive>false</inactive>
0305       <inquery>false</inquery>
0306       <translation id="0">
0307         <text>Aquarium</text>
0308         <comment>En Gelaats ut Glas för Fisch</comment>
0309       </translation>
0310     </entry>
0311     <entry id="37">
0312       <inactive>false</inactive>
0313       <inquery>false</inquery>
0314       <translation id="0">
0315         <text>Rekenfehler</text>
0316         <comment>Wenn Een falsch tellt</comment>
0317       </translation>
0318     </entry>
0319     <entry id="38">
0320       <inactive>false</inactive>
0321       <inquery>false</inquery>
0322       <translation id="0">
0323         <text>Populatschoon</text>
0324         <comment>Tall vun Lüüd</comment>
0325       </translation>
0326     </entry>
0327     <entry id="39">
0328       <inactive>false</inactive>
0329       <inquery>false</inquery>
0330       <translation id="0">
0331         <text>Innovatschoon</text>
0332         <comment>Wat Nieget</comment>
0333       </translation>
0334     </entry>
0335     <entry id="40">
0336       <inactive>false</inactive>
0337       <inquery>false</inquery>
0338       <translation id="0">
0339         <text>Stickeln</text>
0340         <comment>Ützen</comment>
0341       </translation>
0342     </entry>
0343     <entry id="41">
0344       <inactive>false</inactive>
0345       <inquery>false</inquery>
0346       <translation id="0">
0347         <text>Eerdbeer</text>
0348         <comment>Root Frucht, smacklich ok mit Slackermaschü</comment>
0349       </translation>
0350     </entry>
0351     <entry id="42">
0352       <inactive>false</inactive>
0353       <inquery>false</inquery>
0354       <translation id="0">
0355         <text>Brodersöhn</text>
0356         <comment>De Jung vun Dien Broder</comment>
0357       </translation>
0358     </entry>
0359     <entry id="43">
0360       <inactive>false</inactive>
0361       <inquery>false</inquery>
0362       <translation id="0">
0363         <text>Landschop</text>
0364         <comment>Rebeden buten de Stadt</comment>
0365       </translation>
0366     </entry>
0367     <entry id="44">
0368       <inactive>false</inactive>
0369       <inquery>false</inquery>
0370       <translation id="0">
0371         <text>Kollekschoon</text>
0372         <comment>En Sammeln</comment>
0373       </translation>
0374     </entry>
0375   </entries>
0376 </kvtml>