Warning, /education/kalzium/src/solver/chemset.mli is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 type chemtbl = (string, int) Hashtbl.t
0002 and chemrecord = { mutable hashtbl : chemtbl; mutable formula : string; }
0003 and item = { ikey : string; itbl : chemrecord; mutable sign : int; }
0004 and listitems = item list
0005 val chem_addsym : chemtbl -> string -> int -> unit
0006 val chem_add : chemrecord -> chemrecord -> chemrecord
0007 val chem_mult : chemrecord -> int -> chemrecord
0008 val createchem : string -> int -> chemrecord
0009 val chem_negate : listitems -> unit
0010 val chem_printitem : item -> unit