Warning, /education/gcompris/src/core/ControlButton.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /* GCompris - ControlButton.qml
0002  *
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Holger Kaelberer <holger.k@elberer.de>
0004  *
0005  * Authors:
0006  *   Holger Kaelberer <holger.k@elberer.de>
0007  *
0008  *   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0009  */
0010 import QtQuick 2.12
0011 import GCompris 1.0
0013 /**
0014 * A QML to use as button
0015 *
0016 * Currently used in land_safe and gravity activities
0017 */
0019 Image {
0020     id: root
0021     state: "notclicked"
0022     sourceSize.width: 54 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0024     signal clicked
0025     signal pressed
0026     signal released
0028     /** How much the mousearea should exceed the visible item on each border */
0029     property double exceed: 0
0031     MouseArea {
0032         id: mouseArea
0033         anchors.left: parent.left
0034         anchors.leftMargin: -root.exceed
0035         anchors.top: parent.top
0036         anchors.topMargin: -root.exceed
0037         width: root.width + 2*root.exceed
0038         height: root.height + 2*root.exceed
0039         hoverEnabled: !ApplicationInfo.isMobile
0040         onClicked: root.clicked()
0041         onPressed: root.pressed()
0042         onReleased: root.released()
0043     }
0045     states: [
0046         State {
0047             name: "notclicked"
0048             PropertyChanges {
0049                 target: root
0050                 scale: 1.0
0051             }
0052         },
0053         State {
0054             name: "clicked"
0055             when: mouseArea.pressed
0056             PropertyChanges {
0057                 target: root
0058                 scale: 0.9
0059             }
0060         },
0061         State {
0062             name: "hover"
0063             when: mouseArea.containsMouse
0064             PropertyChanges {
0065                 target: root
0066                 scale: 1.1
0067             }
0068         }
0069     ]
0071     Behavior on scale { NumberAnimation { duration: 70 } }
0072 }