File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 15:21:39

0001 /* GCompris - tens_complement_find.js
0002  *
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Samarth Raj <>
0004  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Timothée Giet <>
0005  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0006  *
0007  */
0008 .pragma library
0009 .import "../../core/core.js" as Core
0011 var numberOfLevel;
0012 var numberOfSubLevel;
0013 var items;
0015 function start(items_) {
0016     items = items_;
0017     numberOfLevel = items.levels.length;
0018     items.currentLevel = Core.getInitialLevel(numberOfLevel);
0019     items.score.currentSubLevel = 0;
0020     initLevel();
0021 }
0023 function stop() {
0024 }
0026 function initLevel() {
0027     items.okButton.visible = false;
0028     items.cardListModel.clear();
0029     items.holderListModel.clear();
0030     items.selectedIndex = -1;
0032     var currentDataset = items.levels[items.currentLevel];
0033     var equations = [];
0034     var cards = [];
0035     if(currentDataset.randomValues) {
0036         numberOfSubLevel = currentDataset.numberOfSublevels;
0037         var cardToDisplayIndex = 0;
0038         for(var equationIndex = 0 ; equationIndex < currentDataset.numberOfEquations ; ++ equationIndex) {
0039             // First fill the left hand containers with all the numbers
0040             var minValue = currentDataset.minimumFirstValue;
0041             var maxValue = currentDataset.maximumFirstValue;
0042             var leftHandSide;
0043             var numberAlreadyExists = true;
0044             var tryCount = 10; // Avoid too many attemps. There should not be too much duplicates.
0045             while(numberAlreadyExists && tryCount > 0) {
0046                 leftHandSide = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxValue - minValue + 1)) + minValue;
0047                 numberAlreadyExists = false;
0048                 // We check if the tens complement of the number is already used.
0049                 // This way, for levels where all numbers have to be found, we are sure to not have duplicates
0050                 for(var i = 0 ; i < cards.length ; ++ i) {
0051                     var counterpart = (10 - leftHandSide).toString();
0052                     if(counterpart == cards[i].value) {
0053                         numberAlreadyExists = true;
0054                     }
0055                 }
0056                 tryCount --;
0057             }
0059             var rightHandSide = 10 - leftHandSide;
0060             var card = {
0061                 "value": rightHandSide.toString(),
0062                 "visibility": true,
0063                 "isSignSymbol": false,
0064                 "clickable": true
0065             }
0066             cards.push(card);
0068             if(currentDataset.findBothNumbers) {
0069                 var card = {
0070                     "value": leftHandSide.toString(),
0071                     "visibility": true,
0072                     "isSignSymbol": false,
0073                     "clickable": true
0074                 } 
0075                 cards.push(card);
0076             }
0078             var toShuffleQuestionValue;
0079             if(!currentDataset.findBothNumbers) {
0080                 toShuffleQuestionValue = [leftHandSide.toString(), "?"];
0081             }
0082             else {
0083                 toShuffleQuestionValue = ["?", "?"];
0084             }
0085             if(currentDataset.randomQuestionPosition) {
0086                 Core.shuffle(toShuffleQuestionValue);
0087             }
0088             equations.push(createEquation(toShuffleQuestionValue));
0089         }
0090         // Append more random cards if needed between 1 and 9
0091         for(var i = cards.length ; i < currentDataset.numberOfNumbersInLeftContainer ; ++ i) {
0092             var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 1;
0093             var card = {
0094                 "value": randomNumber.toString(),
0095                 "visibility": true,
0096                 "isSignSymbol": false,
0097                 "clickable": true
0098             } 
0099             cards.push(card);
0100         }
0101     }
0102     else {
0103         var sublevel = currentDataset.values[currentSubLevel];
0104         numberOfSubLevel = currentDataset.values.length;
0106         var cardsToDisplay = sublevel.numberValue.length;
0107         for(var cardToDisplayIndex = 0 ; cardToDisplayIndex < cardsToDisplay ; cardToDisplayIndex++) {
0108             var card = {
0109                 "value": sublevel.numberValue[cardToDisplayIndex].toString(),
0110                 "visibility": true,
0111                 "isSignSymbol": false,
0112                 "clickable": true
0113             }
0114             cards.push(card);
0115         }
0117         var equationsToDisplay = sublevel.questionValue;
0118         for(var equationIndex = 0 ; equationIndex < equationsToDisplay.length ; equationIndex++) {
0119             var toShuffleQuestionValue = [equationsToDisplay[equationIndex].toString(), "?"];
0120             if(currentDataset.randomQuestionPosition) {
0121                 Core.shuffle(toShuffleQuestionValue);
0122             }
0123             equations.push(createEquation(toShuffleQuestionValue));
0124         }
0125     }
0126     Core.shuffle(cards);
0127     for(var i = 0 ; i < cards.length ; ++ i) {
0128         cards[i].index = i;
0129         items.cardListModel.append(cards[i]);
0130     }
0131     Core.shuffle(equations);
0132     for(var i = 0 ; i < equations.length ; ++ i) {
0133         equations[i].rowIndex = i;
0134         items.holderListModel.append(equations[i]);
0135     }
0136     items.score.numberOfSubLevels = numberOfSubLevel;
0137     items.buttonsBlocked = false;
0138 }
0140 function createEquation(values) {
0141     return {
0142         "addition": [
0143             {
0144                 "value": values[0],
0145                 "visibility": true,
0146                 "clickable": values[0] === "?",
0147                 "isSignSymbol": false
0148             },
0149             {
0150                 "value": "+",
0151                 "visibility": true,
0152                 "clickable": false,
0153                 "isSignSymbol": true
0154             },
0155             {
0156                 "value": values[1],
0157                 "visibility": true,
0158                 "clickable": values[1] === "?",
0159                 "isSignSymbol": false
0160             },
0161             {
0162                 "value": "=",
0163                 "visibility": true,
0164                 "clickable": false,
0165                 "isSignSymbol": true
0166             },
0167             {
0168                 "value": "10",
0169                 "visibility": true,
0170                 "clickable": false,
0171                 "isSignSymbol": false
0172             }
0173         ],
0174         "firstCardClickable": values[0] == "?" ? true : false,
0175         "secondCardClickable": values[1] == "?" ? true : false,
0176         "isCorrect": false,
0177         "tickVisibility": false
0178     }
0179 }
0181 function nextLevel() {
0182     items.score.stopWinAnimation();
0183     items.currentLevel = Core.getNextLevel(items.currentLevel, numberOfLevel);
0184     items.score.currentSubLevel = 0;
0185     initLevel();
0186 }
0188 function nextSubLevel() {
0189     if(items.score.currentSubLevel >= numberOfSubLevel) {
0190         items.bonus.good("flower");
0191     } else {
0192         initLevel();
0193     }
0194 }
0196 function previousLevel() {
0197     items.score.stopWinAnimation();
0198     items.currentLevel = Core.getPreviousLevel(items.currentLevel, numberOfLevel);
0199     items.score.currentSubLevel = 0;
0200     initLevel();
0201 }
0203 function reappearNumberCard(value) {
0204     var cardsToDisplay = items.cardListModel.count;
0205     for(var i = 0 ; i < cardsToDisplay ; i++) {
0206         if(value == items.cardListModel.get(i).value && !items.cardListModel.get(i).visibility) {
0207             items.cardListModel.setProperty(i, "visibility", true);
0208             break;
0209         }
0210     }
0211 }
0213 function getSelectedValue() {
0214     var selectedValue = items.selectedIndex != -1 ? items.cardListModel.get(items.selectedIndex).value.toString() : "?";
0215     return selectedValue;
0216 }
0218 function getEnteredCard() {
0219     if(items.selectedIndex == -1) {
0220         return "?";
0221     }
0222     items.cardListModel.setProperty(items.selectedIndex, "visibility", false);
0223     var tempSelected = items.selectedIndex;
0224     items.selectedIndex = -1;
0225     return items.cardListModel.get(tempSelected).value.toString();
0226 }
0228 function updateVisibility(rowIndex) {
0229     items.holderListModel.get(rowIndex).tickVisibility = false;
0230     if(items.selectedIndex != -1) {
0231         // Unselect it
0232         items.cardListModel.setProperty(selected, "selected", false);
0233         items.cardListModel.setProperty(selected, "visibility", false);
0234         items.selectedIndex = -1;
0235     }
0236     items.okButton.visible = showOkButton();
0237 }
0239 function showOkButton() {
0240     var checkQuestionMark = true;
0241     for(var i = 0; i < items.holderListModel.count; i++) {
0242         var equation = items.holderListModel.get(i).addition;
0243         for(var j = 0; j < equation.count; j++) {
0244             var answer = equation.get(j);
0245             if(answer.value == "?") {
0246                 checkQuestionMark = false;
0247                 break;
0248             }
0249         }
0250     }
0251     items.okButton.visible = checkQuestionMark;
0252 }
0254 function checkAnswer() {
0255     var isAllCorrect = true;
0256     for(var i = 0 ; i < items.holderListModel.count ; i ++) {
0257         var equation = items.holderListModel.get(i);
0258         var solution = equation.addition
0259         var isGood = parseInt(solution.get(0).value) + parseInt(solution.get(2).value) == 10 ? true : false;
0260         equation.isCorrect = isGood;
0261         equation.tickVisibility = true;
0262         isAllCorrect = isGood & isAllCorrect;
0263     }
0264     if(isAllCorrect) {
0265         items.buttonsBlocked = true;
0266         items.score.currentSubLevel++
0267         items.score.playWinAnimation()
0269     }
0270     else {
0272     }
0273 }