Warning, /education/gcompris/src/activities/share/WidgetOption.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /* GCompris - WidgetOption.qml
0002  *
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Stefan Toncu <stefan.toncu29@gmail.com>
0004  *
0005  *   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0006  */
0008 import QtQuick 2.12
0009 import GCompris 1.0
0011 import "../../core"
0013 Rectangle {
0014     id: widget
0016     width: element.opacity > 0 ? items.cellSize * 1.5 : 0
0017     height: width
0018     color: "transparent"
0020     //initial position of the element
0021     //(these vars are assigned to element after release of click mouse)
0022     property int lastX
0023     property int lastY
0024     property string src
0025     property int current: 0
0026     property int total: 0
0027     property string name
0028     property bool canDrag: true
0029     property alias element: element
0031     property string availableItems
0033     // callback defined in each widget called when we release the element in background
0034     property var releaseElement: null
0036     Image {
0037         id: element
0038         fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
0039         width: items.cellSize
0040         sourceSize.width: width
0041         source: widget.src
0042         mipmap: true
0043     }
0044     //number of available items
0045     GCText {
0046         id: elementText
0047         anchors.left: element.right
0048         anchors.bottom: element.bottom
0049         text: availableItems
0050         color: "#f2f2f2"
0051     }
0053     property alias dragAreaElement: dragAreaElement
0055     MouseArea {
0056         id: dragAreaElement
0057         anchors.fill: parent
0058         drag.target: (widget.canDrag) ? element : null
0059         enabled: element.opacity > 0 && !items.buttonsBlocked
0060         onPressed: {
0061             instruction.hide()
0062             if (widget.name !== "candy")
0063                 background.resetCandy()
0064                 //set the initial position
0065                 widget.lastX = element.x
0066                 widget.lastY = element.y
0067         }
0069         onReleased: {
0070             widget.releaseElement()
0071             //set the widget to its initial coordinates
0072             element.x = widget.lastX
0073             element.y = widget.lastY
0074         }
0075     }
0076 }