Warning, /education/gcompris/src/activities/positions/resource/2/Data.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /* GCompris - Data.qml
0002  *
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Mariam Fahmy <mariamfahmy66@gmail.com>
0004  *
0005  * Authors:
0006  *   Mariam Fahmy <mariamfahmy66@gmail.com>
0007  *
0008  *   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0009  */
0010 import GCompris 1.0
0011 import "qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/positions/positions.js" as Activity
0013 Data {
0014     objective: qsTr("All positions (with left and right).")
0015     difficulty: 2
0016     property var questionsList: [
0017         {
0018             "id": Activity.rightPosition,
0019             //: it refers to the position on the right side
0020             "position": qsTr("right"),
0021             "text": qsTr ("Select the image where the child is at the right of the box.")
0022         },
0023         {
0024             "id": Activity.leftPosition,
0025             //: it refers to the position on the left side
0026             "position": qsTr("left"),
0027             "text": qsTr ("Select the image where the child is at the left of the box.")
0028         },
0029         {
0030             "id": Activity.behindPosition,
0031             //: it refers to the behind position
0032             "position": qsTr("behind"),
0033             "text": qsTr("Select the image where the child is behind the box.")
0034         },
0035         {
0036             "id": Activity.inFrontOfPosition,
0037             //: it refers to the in front of position
0038             "position": qsTr("in front of"),
0039             "text": qsTr("Select the image where the child is in front of the box.")
0040         },
0041         {
0042             "id": Activity.insidePosition,
0043             //: it refers to the inside position
0044             "position": qsTr("inside"),
0045             "text": qsTr("Select the image where the child is inside the box.")
0046         },
0047         {
0048             "id": Activity.abovePosition,
0049             //: it refers to the above position
0050             "position": qsTr("above"),
0051             "text": qsTr("Select the image where the child is above the box.")
0052         },
0053         {
0054             "id": Activity.underPosition,
0055             //: it refers to the beneath position
0056             "position": qsTr("under"),
0057             "text": qsTr("Select the image where the child is under the box.")
0058         }
0059     ]
0060     data: [
0061         {
0062             "generateRandomPositions": true,
0063             "questions": questionsList
0064         },
0065         {
0066             "generateRandomPositions": true,
0067             "questions": questionsList
0068         }
0069     ]
0070 }