Warning, /education/gcompris/src/activities/oware/Oware.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /* GCompris - Oware.qml
0002  *
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Harsh Kumar <hadron43@yahoo.com>
0004  *
0005  * Authors:
0006  *   Harsh Kumar <hadron43@yahoo.com>
0007  *   Timothée Giet <animtim@gmail.com> (redesign)
0008  *
0009  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0010  */
0011 import QtQuick 2.12
0012 import GCompris 1.0
0014 import "../../core"
0015 import "oware.js" as Activity
0017 ActivityBase {
0018     id: activity
0020     property bool twoPlayers: false
0022     onStart: focus = true
0023     onStop: {}
0025     pageComponent: Image {
0026         id: background
0027         anchors.fill: parent
0028         source: "qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/hanoi_real/resource/background.svg"
0029         sourceSize.width: width
0030         sourceSize.height: height
0031         fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
0032         signal start
0033         signal stop
0035         Component.onCompleted: {
0036             activity.start.connect(start)
0037             activity.stop.connect(stop)
0038         }
0040         // Add here the QML items you need to access in javascript
0041         QtObject {
0042             id: items
0043             property Item main: activity.main
0044             property alias background: background
0045             property alias bonus: bonus
0046             property alias board: board
0047             property alias player1score: player1score
0048             property alias player2score: player2score
0049             property alias hand1: hand1
0050             property alias hand2: hand2
0051             property alias animationSeed: animationSeed
0052             property alias teleportAnimation: teleportAnimation
0053             property alias delayAnimation: delayAnimation
0054             property alias captureAnimation: captureAnimation
0055             property alias invalidMoveAnimation: invalidMoveAnimation
0056             property alias instructionArea: instructionArea
0057             property alias selectedPit: teleportAnimation.fromPit
0058             property bool isDistributionAnimationPlaying: false
0059             property bool forceStop: false
0060             property bool gameOver: false
0061             property int playerWithFirstMove: Player.PLAYER2
0062         }
0064         onStart: { Activity.start(items, twoPlayers) }
0065         onStop: {
0066             stopAllAnimation()
0067             Activity.stop()
0068         }
0070         Item {
0071             id: topPanel
0072             anchors {
0073                 top: parent.top
0074                 left: parent.left
0075                 right: parent.right
0076             }
0077             height: Math.min(parent.height / 6, parent.width / 6)
0079             ScoreItem {
0080                 id: player1score
0081                 player: 1
0082                 height: topPanel.height / 1.5
0083                 width: height*11/8
0084                 anchors {
0085                     top: topPanel.top
0086                     topMargin: 5
0087                     left: topPanel.left
0088                     leftMargin: 5
0089                 }
0090                 playerImageSource: "qrc:/gcompris/src/core/resource/player_1.svg"
0091                 backgroundImageSource: "qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/bargame/resource/score_1.svg"
0092                 playerItem.source: Activity.url + "seed.svg"
0093                 playerItem.height: playerItem.parent.height * 0.35
0094                 playerItem.anchors.leftMargin: playerItem.parent.height * 0.15
0095                 playerItem.anchors.bottomMargin: playerItem.parent.height * 0.10
0096             }
0098             Pit {
0099                 id: hand1
0100                 responsive: false
0101                 label: false
0102                 player: 1
0103                 seeds: 0
0104                 visible: player1score.playersTurn === true
0105                 width: topPanel.height - 2 * anchors.topMargin
0106                 anchors {
0107                     top: topPanel.top
0108                     topMargin: 10
0109                     left: player1score.right
0110                     leftMargin: 10 + 0.4 * player1score.width
0111                 }
0112             }
0114             Rectangle {
0115                 id: instructionArea
0117                 visible: false
0118                 color: "#373737"
0119                 height: instruction.contentHeight * 1.1
0120                 anchors {
0121                     left: hand1.right
0122                     right: hand2.left
0123                     leftMargin: 20 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0124                     rightMargin: 20 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0125                     verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
0126                 }
0128                 signal start(string message)
0129                 onStart: {
0130                     instruction.text = message
0131                     instructionArea.visible = true
0132                     instructionPauseAnimation.running = true
0133                 }
0134                 PauseAnimation {
0135                     id: instructionPauseAnimation
0136                     duration: 1000
0137                     onStopped: {
0138                         instructionArea.visible = false
0139                     }
0140                 }
0142                 GCText {
0143                     id: instruction
0144                     wrapMode: TextEdit.WordWrap
0145                     fontSize: tinySize
0146                     horizontalAlignment: Text.Center
0147                     width: parent.width * 0.9
0148                     color: "white"
0149                     anchors.centerIn: instructionArea
0150                 }
0151             }
0153             Pit {
0154                 id: hand2
0155                 responsive: false
0156                 label: false
0157                 player: 2
0158                 seeds: 0
0159                 visible: player2score.playersTurn === true
0160                 width: topPanel.height - 2 * anchors.topMargin
0161                 anchors {
0162                     top: topPanel.top
0163                     topMargin: 10
0164                     right: player2score.left
0165                     rightMargin: 10 + 0.4 * player2score.width
0166                 }
0167             }
0169             ScoreItem {
0170                 id: player2score
0171                 player: 2
0172                 height: topPanel.height / 1.5
0173                 width: height*11/8
0174                 anchors {
0175                     top: topPanel.top
0176                     topMargin: 5
0177                     right: topPanel.right
0178                     rightMargin: 5
0179                 }
0180                 playerImageSource: "qrc:/gcompris/src/core/resource/player_2.svg"
0181                 backgroundImageSource: "qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/bargame/resource/score_2.svg"
0182                 playerItem.source: Activity.url + "seed.svg"
0183                 playerItem.height: playerItem.parent.height * 0.35
0184                 playerItem.anchors.leftMargin: playerItem.parent.height * 0.10
0185                 playerItem.anchors.bottomMargin: playerItem.parent.height * 0.10
0186                 playerScaleOriginX: player2score.width
0187             }
0188         }
0190         Item {
0191             id: layoutArea
0192             anchors {
0193                 top: topPanel.bottom
0194                 left: parent.left
0195                 right: parent.right
0196                 bottom: bar.top
0197                 bottomMargin: bar.height * 0.2
0198             }
0199         }
0201         Board {
0202             id: board
0203             anchors {
0204                 horizontalCenter: layoutArea.horizontalCenter
0205                 verticalCenter: layoutArea.verticalCenter
0206             }
0207             width: Math.min(layoutArea.width / 6, layoutArea.height / 4) * 6
0208         }
0210         Image {
0211             id: animationSeed
0212             source: Activity.url + "seed.svg"
0213             visible: false
0214             height: width
0215             sourceSize.width: width
0216             property Pit fromPit
0217             property Pit toPit
0218             property int animationDurationMillis: 750
0220             signal startAnimation(Pit from, Pit to)
0221             signal stop
0223             onStartAnimation: {
0224                 items.isDistributionAnimationPlaying = true
0225                 animationSeed.fromPit = from
0226                 animationSeed.toPit = to
0228                 var fromPos = Activity.getGlobalPos(animationSeed.fromPit)
0229                 x = fromPos[0] + animationSeed.fromPit.width / 2
0230                 y = fromPos[1] + animationSeed.fromPit.width / 2
0232                 var toPos = Activity.getGlobalPos(animationSeed.toPit)
0233                 xAnim.to = toPos[0] + animationSeed.toPit.width / 2
0234                 yAnim.to = toPos[1] + animationSeed.toPit.width / 2
0236                 width = animationSeed.fromPit.getSeedSize()
0237                 sizeAnim.to = animationSeed.toPit.getSeedSize()
0239                 visible = true
0240                 animationSeed.fromPit.seeds = animationSeed.fromPit.seeds - 1
0241                 parallelAnimation.running = true
0242             }
0244             ParallelAnimation {
0245                 id: parallelAnimation
0246                 alwaysRunToEnd: true
0247                 NumberAnimation {
0248                     id: xAnim
0249                     target: animationSeed
0250                     property: "x"
0251                     duration: animationSeed.animationDurationMillis
0252                 }
0253                 NumberAnimation {
0254                     id: yAnim
0255                     target: animationSeed
0256                     property: "y"
0257                     duration: animationSeed.animationDurationMillis
0258                 }
0259                 PropertyAnimation {
0260                     id: sizeAnim
0261                     target: animationSeed
0262                     property: "width"
0263                     duration: animationSeed.animationDurationMillis
0264                 }
0266                 onStopped: {
0267                     audioEffects.play("qrc:/gcompris/src/core/resource/sounds/scroll.wav")
0268                     animationSeed.visible = false
0269                     animationSeed.toPit.seeds = animationSeed.toPit.seeds + 1
0270                     if(items.forceStop  || items.gameOver)
0271                         return
0272                     Activity.redistribute()
0273                 }
0274             }
0275         }
0277         Item {
0278             id: teleportAnimation
0279             property Pit fromPit
0280             property Pit toPit
0281             property int noOfSeeds
0282             property int animationDurationMillis: 750
0284             signal start(Pit from, Pit to)
0286             onStart: {
0287                 teleportAnimation.fromPit = from
0288                 teleportAnimation.toPit = to
0289                 noOfSeeds = teleportAnimation.fromPit.seeds
0290                 teleportSequenceAnimation.running = true
0291             }
0293             SequentialAnimation {
0294                 id: teleportSequenceAnimation
0295                 PropertyAnimation {
0296                     id: fromHighlightOnAnim
0297                     target: teleportAnimation.fromPit
0298                     property: "selected"
0299                     to: true
0300                 }
0301                 PauseAnimation { duration: teleportAnimation.animationDurationMillis }
0302                 PropertyAnimation {
0303                     id: fromReduceAnim
0304                     target: teleportAnimation.fromPit
0305                     property: "seeds"
0306                     to: 0
0307                 }
0308                 PropertyAnimation {
0309                     id: toIncreaseAnim
0310                     target: teleportAnimation.toPit
0311                     property: "seeds"
0312                     to: teleportAnimation.noOfSeeds
0313                 }
0314                 PauseAnimation { duration: teleportAnimation.animationDurationMillis }
0315                 PauseAnimation { duration: teleportAnimation.animationDurationMillis }
0317                 onStopped: {
0318                     if(items.forceStop  || items.gameOver) {
0319                         teleportAnimation.fromPit.selected = false;
0320                         return;
0321                     }
0322                     Activity.redistribute();
0323                 }
0324             }
0325         }
0327         Item {
0328             id: delayAnimation
0329             property int player
0330             property int index
0332             signal start(var player_, var index_)
0334             onStart: {
0335                 player = player_
0336                 index = index_
0337                 pauseAnimation.running = true
0338             }
0340             PauseAnimation {
0341                 id: pauseAnimation
0342                 duration: 750
0344                 onStopped: {
0345                     if(items.forceStop || items.gameOver)
0346                         return
0347                     Activity.processMove(delayAnimation.player, delayAnimation.index)
0348                 }
0349             }
0350         }
0352         Item {
0353             id: captureAnimation
0354             property Pit fromPit
0355             property ScoreItem score
0356             property int finalScore
0357             property string originalHighlightColor
0359             signal start(Pit fromPit_, ScoreItem score_)
0361             onStart: {
0362                 fromPit = fromPit_
0363                 score = score_
0364                 finalScore = fromPit_.seeds + score_.playerScore
0365                 originalHighlightColor = fromPit_.highlightColor
0366                 captureSequentialAnimation.running = true
0367             }
0369             SequentialAnimation {
0370                 id: captureSequentialAnimation
0371                 PropertyAnimation {
0372                     target: captureAnimation.fromPit
0373                     property: "highlightColor"
0374                     to: "#e77936" //orange
0375                 }
0376                 PropertyAnimation {
0377                     target: captureAnimation.fromPit
0378                     property: "highlight"
0379                     to: true
0380                 }
0381                 PauseAnimation { duration: 500 }
0382                 PropertyAnimation {
0383                     target: captureAnimation.fromPit
0384                     property: "seeds"
0385                     to: 0
0386                 }
0387                 PropertyAnimation {
0388                     target: captureAnimation.score
0389                     property: "playerScore"
0390                     to: captureAnimation.finalScore
0391                 }
0392                 PropertyAnimation {
0393                     target: captureAnimation.fromPit
0394                     property: "highlightColor"
0395                     to: captureAnimation.originalHighlightColor
0396                 }
0397                 PropertyAnimation {
0398                     target: captureAnimation.fromPit
0399                     property: "highlight"
0400                     to: false
0401                 }
0402                 PauseAnimation { duration: 500 }
0403                 onStopped: {
0404                     if(items.forceStop || items.gameOver)
0405                         return
0406                     Activity.checkCapture()
0407                 }
0408             }
0409         }
0411         Item {
0412             id: invalidMoveAnimation
0413             property Pit targetPit
0414             property string originalHighlightColor
0416             signal start(Pit _targetPit)
0418             onStart: {
0419                 items.isDistributionAnimationPlaying = true
0420                 targetPit = _targetPit
0421                 originalHighlightColor = targetPit.highlightColor
0422                 targetPit.highlightColor = "#DF543D" //red
0423                 targetPit.highlight = true
0424                 invalidMovePauseAnimation.running = true
0425             }
0427             PauseAnimation {
0428                 id: invalidMovePauseAnimation
0429                 duration: 750
0430                 onStopped: {
0431                     invalidMoveAnimation.targetPit.highlightColor = invalidMoveAnimation.originalHighlightColor
0432                     invalidMoveAnimation.targetPit.highlight = false
0433                     items.isDistributionAnimationPlaying = false
0434                 }
0435             }
0436         }
0438         function stopAllAnimation() {
0439             items.forceStop = true
0440             invalidMovePauseAnimation.complete()
0441             parallelAnimation.complete()
0442             teleportSequenceAnimation.complete()
0443             pauseAnimation.complete()
0444             captureSequentialAnimation.complete()
0445             items.forceStop = false
0446         }
0448         DialogHelp {
0449             id: dialogHelp
0450             onClose: home()
0451         }
0453         Bar {
0454             id: bar
0455             level: items.currentLevel + 1
0456             content: BarEnumContent { value: help | home | reload }
0457             onHelpClicked: {
0458                 displayDialog(dialogHelp)
0459             }
0460             onHomeClicked: activity.home()
0461             onReloadClicked: {
0462                 stopAllAnimation()
0463                 Activity.initLevel()
0464             }
0465         }
0467         Bonus {
0468             id: bonus
0469         }
0470     }
0472 }