Warning, /education/gcompris/src/activities/ordering_sentences/resource/2/Data.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /* GCompris - Data.qml
0002  *
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Harsh Kumar <hadron43@yahoo.com>
0004  *
0005  * Authors:
0006  *   Harsh Kumar <hadron43@yahoo.com>
0007  *
0008  *   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0009  */
0010 import GCompris 1.0
0012 Data {
0013     objective: qsTr("Below 10 words.")
0014     difficulty: 4
0015     data: [
0016         {
0017             //: These sentences should not need to be translated word by word. Please add at least 10 sentences, each one being between 6 and 10 words. Use | to separate group of words. The aim of the string is to shuffle the group of words and let the child reorder them correctly. We should not be able to form a correct sentence by shuffling some words in the final sentence.
0018             sentences: qsTr('The|sun|is|shining|in|the|sky.\n' +
0019             'Kids|enjoy|playing|outside|in|the|evening.\n' +
0020             'Are|you|going|out|for|lunch?\n'+
0021             'The|girl|tied|her|tennis|shoes|and|went|outside.\n'+
0022             'Sam|felt|sick|after|eating|five|huge|candy|bars.\n'+
0023             'Our|family|takes|a|vacation|to|the|beach|every|year.\n'+
0024             'Uncle|Joe|gave|me|a|red|toy|truck.\n'+
0025             'When|you|finish|your|rice|you|can|eat|dessert.\n'+
0026             'Mom|has|asked|me|to|play|in|the|room.\n'+
0027             'I|think|we|are|going|to|have|a|good|day.'
0028             )
0029         }
0030     ]
0031 }