Warning, /education/gcompris/src/activities/number_sequence/NumberSequence.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /* GCompris - NumberSequence.qml
0002 *
0003 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Emmanuel Charruau <echarruau@gmail.com>
0004 *
0005 * Authors:
0006 *   Olivier Ponchaut <opvg@mailoo.org> (GTK+ version)
0007 *   Emmanuel Charruau <echarruau@gmail.com> (Qt Quick port)
0008 *
0009 *   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0010 */
0011 import QtQuick 2.12
0012 import GCompris 1.0
0013 import "../../core"
0014 import "."
0015 import "number_sequence.js" as Activity
0016 import "number_sequence_dataset.js" as Dataset
0019 ActivityBase {
0020     id: activity
0021     property string mode: "number_sequence"
0022     property var dataset: Dataset
0023     property real pointImageOpacity: 1.0
0024     property string url: "qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/number_sequence/resource/"
0025     onStart: focus = true
0026     onStop: {}
0028     pageComponent: Image {
0029         id: background
0030         anchors.fill: parent
0031         source: "qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/chess/resource/background-wood.svg"
0032         sourceSize.width: parent.width
0033         sourceSize.height: parent.height
0034         signal start
0035         signal stop
0037         Component.onCompleted: {
0038             dialogActivityConfig.initialize()
0039             activity.start.connect(start)
0040             activity.stop.connect(stop)
0041         }
0043         // Add here the QML items you need to access in javascript
0044         QtObject {
0045             id: items
0046             property Item main: activity.main
0047             property alias background: background
0048             property int currentLevel: activity.currentLevel
0049             property alias bonus: bonus
0050             property GCSfx audioEffects: activity.audioEffects
0051             property GCAudio audioVoices: activity.audioVoices
0052             property alias pointImageRepeater: pointImageRepeater
0053             property alias segmentsRepeater: segmentsRepeater
0054             property alias imageBack: imageBack
0055             property alias imageBack2: imageBack2
0056             property int pointIndexToClick
0057             property int mode: 1 // default is automatic
0058             property bool highlightEnabled: true // make the point to click bigger. Always true in drawletters, drawnumbers and clickanddraw
0059         }
0061         onStart: { Activity.start(items,mode,dataset,url) }
0062         onStop: { Activity.stop() }
0064         Image {
0065             id: imageBack
0066             anchors.top: parent.top
0067             anchors.horizontalCenter: background.horizontalCenter
0068             width: Math.min((background.height - bar.height * 1.5), background.width)
0069             height: imageBack.width
0070             sourceSize.width: imageBack.width
0071             sourceSize.height: imageBack.height
0072         }
0074         Image {
0075             id: imageBack2
0076             anchors.centerIn: imageBack
0077             width: imageBack.width
0078             height: imageBack.height
0079             sourceSize.width: imageBack2.width
0080             sourceSize.height: imageBack2.height
0081         }
0083         Repeater {
0084             id: segmentsRepeater
0086             Rectangle {
0087                 id: line
0088                 opacity: 0
0089                 color: "#373737"
0090                 transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
0091                 x: imageBack.x + modelData[0] * imageBack.width / 520
0092                 y: modelData[1] * imageBack.height / 520
0093                 property double x2: imageBack.x + modelData[2] * imageBack.width / 520
0094                 property double y2: modelData[3] * imageBack.height / 520
0095                 width: Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - x2, 2) + Math.pow(y- y2, 2))
0096                 height: 3 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0097                 rotation: (Math.atan((y2 - y)/(x2-x)) * 180 / Math.PI) + (((y2-y) < 0 && (x2-x) < 0) * 180) + (((y2-y) >= 0 && (x2-x) < 0) * 180)
0099             }
0100         }
0102         Item {
0103             id: playArea
0104             anchors.fill: parent
0106             Repeater {
0107                 id: pointImageRepeater
0109                 Image {
0110                     id: pointImage
0111                     source: Activity.url + (highlight ?
0112                             (pointImageOpacity ? "bluepoint.svg" : "bluepointHighlight.svg") :
0113                             markedAsPointInternal ? "blackpoint.svg" : "greenpoint.svg")
0115                     sourceSize.height: (items.highlightEnabled && items.pointIndexToClick == index) ?
0116                                         imageBack2.width * 0.08 : imageBack2.width * 0.04 //to change the size of dots
0118                     x: imageBack.x + modelData[0] * imageBack.width / 520 - sourceSize.height/2
0119                     y: modelData[1] * imageBack.height / 520 - sourceSize.height/2
0120                     z: items.pointIndexToClick == index ? 1000 : index
0122                     // only hide last point for clickanddraw and number_sequence
0123                     // as the last point is also the first point
0124                     visible: (mode=="clickanddraw" || mode=="number_sequence") &&
0125                               index == pointImageRepeater.count - 1 &&
0126                               items.pointIndexToClick == 0 ? false : true
0128                     function drawSegment() {
0129                         Activity.drawSegment(index)
0130                     }
0131                     property bool highlight: false
0132                     // draw a point instead of hiding the clicked node if it is
0133                     // the first point of the current line to draw
0134                     // (helpful to know where the line starts)
0135                     property bool markedAsPointInternal: markedAsPoint && items.pointIndexToClick == index+1
0136                     property bool markedAsPoint: false
0138                     scale: markedAsPointInternal ? 0.2 : 1
0139                     opacity: index >= items.pointIndexToClick || markedAsPointInternal ? 1 : 0
0141                     property int xAreaStart: x
0142                     property int xAreaEnd: x + width
0143                     property int yAreaStart: y
0144                     property int yAreaEnd: y + height
0146                     GCText {
0147                         id: pointNumberText
0148                         opacity: pointImageOpacity
0149                         text: index + 1
0150                         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
0151                         anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
0152                         fontSize: 11
0153                         font.weight: Font.DemiBold
0154                         style: Text.Outline
0155                         styleColor: "black"
0156                         color: "white"
0157                     }
0158                 }
0159             }
0160         }
0162         MultiPointTouchArea {
0163             anchors.fill: parent
0164             minimumTouchPoints: 1
0165             maximumTouchPoints: 1
0166             z: 100
0168             function checkPoints(touchPoints) {
0169                 for(var i in touchPoints) {
0170                     var touch = touchPoints[i]
0171                     for(var p = 0; p < pointImageRepeater.count; p++) {
0172                         var part = pointImageRepeater.itemAt(p)
0173                         // Could not make it work with the item.contains() api
0174                         if(touch.x > part.xAreaStart && touch.x < part.xAreaEnd &&
0175                         touch.y > part.yAreaStart && touch.y < part.yAreaEnd) {
0176                             part.drawSegment()
0177                         }
0178                     }
0179                 }
0180             }
0182             onPressed: {
0183                 checkPoints(touchPoints)
0184             }
0185             onTouchUpdated: {
0186                 checkPoints(touchPoints)
0187             }
0188         }
0190         DialogHelp {
0191             id: dialogHelp
0192             onClose: home()
0193         }
0195         DialogChooseLevel {
0196             id: dialogActivityConfig
0197             currentActivity: activity.activityInfo
0199             onClose: home()
0201             onLoadData: {
0202                 if(activityData && activityData["mode"]) {
0203                     items.mode = activityData["mode"];
0204                 }
0205                 // This option exists only for number_sequence
0206                 if(activityData && activityData["highlight"]) {
0207                     items.highlightEnabled = activityData["highlight"] === "true"
0208                 }
0209             }
0210             onStartActivity: {
0211                 background.stop()
0212                 Activity.initLevel()
0213             }
0214         }
0216         Bar {
0217             id: bar
0218             level: items.currentLevel + 1
0219             content: BarEnumContent { value: help | home | level | activityConfig }
0220             onHelpClicked: {
0221                 displayDialog(dialogHelp)
0222             }
0223             onPreviousLevelClicked: Activity.previousLevel()
0224             onNextLevelClicked: Activity.nextLevel()
0225             onHomeClicked: activity.home()
0226             onActivityConfigClicked: {
0227                 displayDialog(dialogActivityConfig)
0228             }
0229         }
0231         Bonus {
0232             id: bonus
0233             onWin: if(items.mode == 1) Activity.nextLevel();
0234         }
0235     }
0236 }