Warning, /education/gcompris/src/activities/menu/BackgroundMusicList.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /* GCompris - BackgroundMusicList.qml
0002  *
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Aman Kumar Gupta <gupta2140@gmail.com>
0004  *
0005  * Authors:
0006  *   Aman Kumar Gupta <gupta2140@gmail.com> (Qt Quick)
0007  *
0008  *   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0009  */
0011 import QtQuick 2.12
0012 import QtMultimedia 5.12
0013 import GCompris 1.0
0015 import "../../core"
0016 import "qrc:/gcompris/src/core/core.js" as Core
0018 Rectangle {
0019     id: dialogBackground
0020     color: "#696da3"
0021     border.color: "black"
0022     border.width: 1
0023     z: 10000
0024     anchors.fill: parent
0025     visible: false
0026     focus: visible
0028     Keys.onPressed: {
0029         if(event.key === Qt.Key_Down) {
0030             scrollMusicList.down();
0031         } else if(event.key === Qt.Key_Up) {
0032             scrollMusicList.up();
0033         }
0034     }
0036     Keys.onEscapePressed: close()
0038     signal close
0040     onClose: parent.forceActiveFocus();
0042     property bool horizontalLayout: dialogBackground.width >= dialogBackground.height
0043     property int margin30: Math.round(30 * ApplicationInfo.ratio)
0045     Row {
0046         spacing: 2
0047         Item { width: 10; height: 1 }
0049         Column {
0050             spacing: 10
0051             anchors.top: parent.top
0052             Item { width: 1; height: 10 }
0053             Rectangle {
0054                 id: titleRectangle
0055                 color: "#e6e6e6"
0056                 radius: 6.0
0057                 width: dialogBackground.width - 30
0058                 height: title.height * 1.2
0059                 border.color: "black"
0060                 border.width: 2
0062                 GCText {
0063                     id: title
0064                     text: qsTr("Background music")
0065                     width: dialogBackground.width - 30
0066                     horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
0067                     verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
0068                     color: "black"
0069                     fontSize: 20
0070                     font.weight: Font.DemiBold
0071                     wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0072                 }
0073             }
0075             Rectangle {
0076                 color: "#e6e6e6"
0077                 radius: 6.0
0078                 width: dialogBackground.width - 30
0079                 height: dialogBackground.height - 100
0080                 border.color: "black"
0081                 border.width: 2
0082                 anchors.margins: 100
0084                 Flickable {
0085                     id: flickableList
0086                     anchors.fill: parent
0087                     anchors.margins: 10 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0088                     contentHeight: musicGrid.height + musicInfo.height + margin30
0089                     flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
0090                     clip: true
0092                     Flow {
0093                         id: musicGrid
0094                         width: parent.width
0095                         spacing: 10 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0096                         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
0098                         Repeater {
0099                             model: dialogActivityConfig.configItem ? dialogActivityConfig.configItem.allBackgroundMusic : 0
0101                             Item {
0102                                 width: (musicGrid.width - margin30)  * 0.33
0103                                 height: title.height * 2
0105                                 GCButton {
0106                                     text: modelData.slice(0, modelData.lastIndexOf('.'))
0108                                     onClicked: {
0109                                         if(dialogActivityConfig.configItem.filteredBackgroundMusic.indexOf(modelData) == -1) {
0110                                             // Keep the filtered playlist sorted w.r.t to their positions in "allBackgroundMusic" to maintain their playing order
0111                                             var musicOriginalPosition = dialogActivityConfig.configItem.allBackgroundMusic.indexOf(modelData)
0112                                             var i = 0
0113                                             while(i < dialogActivityConfig.configItem.filteredBackgroundMusic.length) {
0114                                                 var filteredMusicName = dialogActivityConfig.configItem.filteredBackgroundMusic[i]
0115                                                 if(dialogActivityConfig.configItem.allBackgroundMusic.indexOf(filteredMusicName) >  musicOriginalPosition)
0116                                                     break
0117                                                 i++
0118                                             }
0119                                             dialogActivityConfig.configItem.filteredBackgroundMusic.splice(i, 0, modelData)
0120                                         }
0121                                         else {
0122                                             dialogActivityConfig.configItem.filteredBackgroundMusic.splice(dialogActivityConfig.configItem.filteredBackgroundMusic.indexOf(modelData), 1)
0123                                             if(dialogActivityConfig.configItem.filteredBackgroundMusic == 0) {
0124                                                 dialogActivityConfig.configItem.filteredBackgroundMusic.push(modelData)
0125                                                 selectedIcon.visible = false
0126                                                 Core.showMessageDialog(dialogBackground,
0127                                                     qsTr("Disable the background music if you don't want to play them."),
0128                                                     "", null,
0129                                                     "", null,
0130                                                     null
0131                                                 );
0132                                             }
0133                                         }
0135                                         selectedIcon.visible = !selectedIcon.visible
0136                                     }
0137                                     width: parent.width
0138                                     height: parent.height * 0.8
0139                                     theme: "dark"
0141                                     Image {
0142                                         id: selectedIcon
0143                                         source: "qrc:/gcompris/src/core/resource/apply.svg"
0144                                         sourceSize.width: height
0145                                         sourceSize.height: height
0146                                         width: height
0147                                         height: parent.height / 4
0148                                         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
0149                                         anchors.right: parent.right
0150                                         anchors.margins: 2
0151                                         visible: dialogActivityConfig.configItem.filteredBackgroundMusic ? dialogActivityConfig.configItem.filteredBackgroundMusic.indexOf(modelData) != -1 : false
0152                                     }
0153                                 }
0154                             }
0155                         }
0156                     }
0158                     Column {
0159                         id: musicInfo
0160                         spacing: 10 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0161                         width: parent.width
0162                         anchors.top: musicGrid.bottom
0163                         anchors.leftMargin: 20
0164                         visible: backgroundMusic.playbackState === Audio.PlayingState && !backgroundMusic.muted
0165                         GCText {
0166                             //: Current background music playing
0167                             text: qsTr("Now Playing:")
0168                             width: dialogBackground.width - 30
0169                             horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
0170                             color: "black"
0171                             fontSize: mediumSize
0172                             wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0173                         }
0174                         GCText {
0175                             //: Title of the current background music playing
0176                             text: qsTr("Title: %1").arg(backgroundMusic.metaDataMusic[0])
0177                             width: dialogBackground.width - 30
0178                             horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
0179                             color: "black"
0180                             fontSize: smallSize
0181                             wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0182                         }
0183                         GCText {
0184                             //: Artist of the current background music playing
0185                             text: qsTr("Artist: %1").arg(backgroundMusic.metaDataMusic[1])
0186                             width: dialogBackground.width - 30
0187                             horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
0188                             color: "black"
0189                             fontSize: smallSize
0190                             wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0191                         }
0192                         GCText {
0193                             //: Year of the current background music playing
0194                             text: qsTr("Year: %1").arg(backgroundMusic.metaDataMusic[2])
0195                             width: dialogBackground.width - 30
0196                             horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
0197                             color: "black"
0198                             fontSize: smallSize
0199                             wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0200                         }
0201                         GCText {
0202                             //: Copyright of the current background music playing
0203                             text: qsTr("Copyright: %1").arg(backgroundMusic.metaDataMusic[3])
0204                             width: dialogBackground.width - 30
0205                             horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
0206                             color: "black"
0207                             fontSize: smallSize
0208                             wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0209                         }
0210                     }
0211                 }
0212                 // The scroll buttons
0213                 GCButtonScroll {
0214                     id: scrollMusicList
0215                     anchors.right: parent.right
0216                     anchors.rightMargin: 5 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0217                     anchors.bottom: flickableList.bottom
0218                     anchors.bottomMargin: 30 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0219                     width: parent.width / 20
0220                     height: width * heightRatio
0221                     onUp: flickableList.flick(0, 1400)
0222                     onDown: flickableList.flick(0, -1400)
0223                     upVisible: flickableList.atYBeginning ? false : true
0224                     downVisible: flickableList.atYEnd ? false : true
0225                 }
0226             }
0227             Item { width: 1; height: 10 }
0228         }
0229     }
0231     GCButtonCancel {
0232         onClose: {
0233             parent.close()
0234         }
0235     }
0236 }