Warning, /education/gcompris/src/activities/louis-braille/LouisBraille.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /* GCompris - louis-braille.qml
0002  *
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Arkit Vora <arkitvora123@gmail.com>
0004  *
0005  * Authors:
0006  *   <Srishti Sethi> (GTK+ version)
0007  *   Arkit Vora <arkitvora123@gmail.com> (Qt Quick port)
0008  *
0009  *   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0010  */
0011 import QtQuick 2.12
0012 import GCompris 1.0
0013 import "../../core"
0014 import "../braille_alphabets"
0015 import "louis-braille.js" as Activity
0016 import "louis_braille_data.js" as Dataset
0017 import "qrc:/gcompris/src/core/core.js" as Core
0019 ActivityBase {
0020     id: activity
0021     onStart: focus = true
0022     onStop: {}
0025     pageComponent: Rectangle {
0026         id: background
0027         anchors.fill: parent
0028         color: "#85D8F6"
0029         signal start
0030         signal stop
0032         property double baseMargins: 10 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0034         Component.onCompleted: {
0035             activity.start.connect(start)
0036             activity.stop.connect(stop)
0037         }
0039         // Add here the QML items you need to access in javascript
0040         QtObject {
0041             id: items
0042             property Item main: activity.main
0043             property alias background: background
0044             property alias bonus: bonus
0045             property int count: 0
0046             property var dataset: Dataset.dataset
0047         }
0049         onStart: { Activity.start(items) }
0050         onStop: {
0051             listScreen.stopTimer()
0052             Activity.stop()
0053         }
0055         Item {
0056             id: charList
0057             anchors.top: parent.top
0058             anchors.topMargin: background.baseMargins
0059             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
0060             height: childrenRect.height
0061             width: Math.min(parent.width - 2 * background.baseMargins, 520 * ApplicationInfo.ratio)
0063             Row {
0064                 id: row
0065                 spacing: background.baseMargins
0066                 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
0067                 width: parent.width
0069                 Repeater {
0070                     id: cardRepeater
0071                     model: ["L","O","U","I","S"," ","B","R","A","I","L","L","E"]
0073                     // workaround for https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-72643 (qml binding with global variable in Repeater do not work)
0074                     property alias rowSpacing: row.spacing
0075                     property alias rowWidth: row.width
0076                     Item {
0077                         id: inner
0078                         height: childrenRect.height
0079                         width: (cardRepeater.rowWidth - 12 * cardRepeater.rowSpacing)/ 13
0081                         Rectangle {
0082                             id: rect1
0083                             width: inner.width
0084                             height: ins.height
0085                             border.width: ApplicationInfo.ratio
0086                             opacity: index == 5 ? 0 :1
0087                             border.color: "#373737"
0088                             color: "#F0F0F0"
0090                             BrailleChar {
0091                                 id: ins
0092                                 width: parent.width * 0.9
0093                                 anchors.centerIn: parent
0094                                 clickable: false
0095                                 brailleChar: modelData
0096                                 thinBorder: rect1.border.width
0097                             }
0098                         }
0100                         GCText {
0101                             text: modelData
0102                             font.weight: Font.DemiBold
0103                             color: "#373737"
0104                             fontSize: regularSize
0105                             anchors {
0106                                 top: rect1.bottom
0107                                 topMargin: 4 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0108                                 horizontalCenter: rect1.horizontalCenter
0109                             }
0110                         }
0111                     }
0112                 }
0113             }
0114         }
0116         Keys.onRightPressed: background.next()
0117         Keys.onLeftPressed: background.previous()
0119         function previous() {
0120             if(items.count == 0)
0121                 items.count = items.dataset.length - 1
0122             else
0123                 items.count--
0124         }
0126         function next() {
0127             if(items.count == items.dataset.length - 1) {
0128                 listScreen.shuffle()
0129                 items.count = 0
0130                 listScreen.visible = true
0131             } else {
0132                 items.count++
0133             }
0134         }
0136         Item {
0137             id: layoutArea
0138             anchors.top: charList.bottom
0139             anchors.left: background.left
0140             anchors.right: background.right
0141             anchors.margins: background.baseMargins
0142             height: background.height - charList.height - bar.height * 1.2 - 3 * background.baseMargins
0143         }
0145         // The image description
0146         Rectangle {
0147             id: info_rect
0148             border.color: "#373737"
0149             border.width: ApplicationInfo.ratio
0150             color: "#F0F0F0"
0151             width: layoutArea.width
0152             height: layoutArea.height * 0.3
0153             radius: 5 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0154             anchors.top: layoutArea.top
0155             anchors.horizontalCenter: layoutArea.horizontalCenter
0157             GCText {
0158                 id: info
0159                 color: "#373737"
0160                 anchors.centerIn: parent
0161                 horizontalAlignment:  Text.AlignHCenter
0162                 width: parent.width - 2 * background.baseMargins
0163                 height: parent.height - 2 * background.baseMargins
0164                 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0165                 fontSize: regularSize
0166                 text: items.dataset[items.count].text
0167                 fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
0168             }
0169         }
0171         // Image and date
0172         Image {
0173             id: img
0174             anchors.top: info_rect.bottom
0175             anchors.topMargin: background.baseMargins
0176             anchors.horizontalCenter: layoutArea.horizontalCenter
0177             sourceSize.height: width
0178             sourceSize.width: width
0179             height: width
0180             width: Math.min(layoutArea.width - previous.width * 2 - 60 * ApplicationInfo.ratio,
0181                             layoutArea.height - (info_rect.height + year_rect.height + 2 * background.baseMargins))
0182             source: items.dataset[items.count].img
0183             fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
0185             MouseArea {
0186                 anchors.fill: parent
0187                 onClicked: background.next()
0188             }
0189         }
0191         Image {
0192             id: previous
0193             anchors.right: img.left
0194             anchors.rightMargin: 20 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0195             anchors.verticalCenter: img.verticalCenter
0196             source: "qrc:/gcompris/src/core/resource/bar_previous.svg"
0197             height: 80 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0198             width: height * 0.5
0199             sourceSize.height: height
0200             fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
0201             Behavior on scale { PropertyAnimation { duration: 100} }
0202             MouseArea {
0203                 anchors.fill: parent
0204                 hoverEnabled: true
0205                 onEntered: previous.scale = 1.1
0206                 onExited: previous.scale = 1
0207                 onClicked: background.previous()
0208             }
0209         }
0211         Image {
0212             id: next
0213             anchors.left: img.right
0214             anchors.leftMargin: 20 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0215             anchors.verticalCenter: img.verticalCenter
0216             source: "qrc:/gcompris/src/core/resource/bar_next.svg"
0217             height: 80 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0218             width: height * 0.5
0219             sourceSize.height: height
0220             fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
0221             Behavior on scale { PropertyAnimation { duration: 100} }
0223             MouseArea {
0224                 anchors.fill: parent
0225                 hoverEnabled: true
0226                 onEntered: next.scale = 1.1
0227                 onExited: next.scale = 1
0228                 onClicked: background.next()
0229             }
0230         }
0232         Rectangle {
0233             id: year_rect
0234             border.color: "#373737"
0235             border.width: ApplicationInfo.ratio
0236             radius: 5 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0237             color: "#F0F0F0"
0238             width: year.width + 2 * background.baseMargins
0239             height: year.height + background.baseMargins
0240             anchors {
0241                 top: img.bottom
0242                 horizontalCenter: img.horizontalCenter
0243                 topMargin: background.baseMargins
0244             }
0245             GCText {
0246                 id: year
0247                 color: "#373737"
0248                 fontSize: regularSize
0249                 anchors.centerIn: year_rect
0250                 text: items.dataset[items.count].year
0251             }
0252         }
0254         Keys.onUpPressed: listScreen.up()
0255         Keys.onDownPressed: listScreen.down()
0256         Keys.onEnterPressed: listScreen.space()
0257         Keys.onReturnPressed: listScreen.space()
0258         Keys.onSpacePressed: listScreen.space()
0260         ReorderList {
0261             id: listScreen
0262             visible: false
0264             signal shuffle
0266             onShuffle: {
0267                 bonusRunning = false
0268                 containerModel.clear()
0269                 var dataitems = Object.create(items.dataset)
0270                 dataitems = Core.shuffle(dataitems)
0271                 for(var i = 0 ; i < dataitems.length ; i++) {
0272                     containerModel.append(dataitems[i]);
0273                 }
0274             }
0275         }
0277         DialogHelp {
0278             id: dialogHelp
0279             onClose: home()
0280         }
0282         Bar {
0283             id: bar
0284             content: BarEnumContent { value: help | home | reload }
0285             onHelpClicked: {
0286                 displayDialog(dialogHelp)
0287             }
0288             onPreviousLevelClicked: Activity.previousLevel()
0289             onNextLevelClicked: Activity.nextLevel()
0290             onHomeClicked: activity.home()
0291             onReloadClicked: {
0292                 items.count = 0
0293                 listScreen.visible = false
0294             }
0295         }
0297         Bonus {
0298             id: bonus
0299             Component.onCompleted: win.connect(listScreen.shuffle)
0300         }
0301     }
0303 }