Warning, /education/gcompris/src/activities/learn_decimals/Learn_decimals.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /* GCompris - learn_decimals.qml
0002  *
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Mariam Fahmy <mariamfahmy66@gmail.com>
0004  *
0005  * Authors:
0006  *   Mariam Fahmy <mariamfahmy66@gmail.com>
0007  *   Timothée Giet <animtim@gmail.com>
0008  *
0009  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0010  */
0011 import QtQuick 2.12
0012 import GCompris 1.0
0013 import "../../core"
0014 import "learn_decimals.js" as Activity
0015 import "qrc:/gcompris/src/core/core.js" as Core
0018 ActivityBase {
0019     id: activity
0021     onStart: focus = true
0022     onStop: {}
0024     property bool isSubtractionMode: false
0025     property bool isAdditionMode: false
0026     property bool isQuantityMode: false
0028     pageComponent: Image {
0029         id: background
0030         source: "qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/braille_fun/resource/hillside.svg"
0031         sourceSize.width: width
0032         sourceSize.height: height
0033         fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
0035         property bool horizontalLayout: background.width >= background.height
0036         property bool scoreAtBottom: bar.width * 9 < background.width
0038         signal start
0039         signal stop
0041         Component.onCompleted: {
0042             dialogActivityConfig.initialize()
0043             activity.start.connect(start)
0044             activity.stop.connect(stop)
0045         }
0047         // Needed to get keyboard focus on Tutorial
0048         Keys.forwardTo: tutorialSection
0050         // Add here the QML items you need to access in javascript
0051         QtObject {
0052             id: items
0053             property Item main: activity.main
0054             property bool isSubtractionMode: activity.isSubtractionMode
0055             property bool isAdditionMode: activity.isAdditionMode
0056             property bool isQuantityMode: activity.isQuantityMode
0057             property alias background: background
0058             property GCSfx audioEffects: activity.audioEffects
0059             property int currentLevel: activity.currentLevel
0060             property alias bonus: bonus
0061             property alias score: score
0062             property alias numpad: numpad
0063             readonly property var levels: activity.datasetLoader.data
0064             property alias draggedItems: draggedItems
0065             property alias droppedItems: droppedItems
0066             property alias largestNumberRepresentation: largestNumberRepresentation
0067             property alias tutorialImage: tutorialImage
0068             property alias scrollBar: bottomRectangle.scrollBar
0069             property alias errorRectangle: errorRectangle
0070             property string largestNumber
0071             property string smallestNumber
0072             property bool helper: false
0073             property bool typeResult: false
0074             property double unit: activity.isQuantityMode ? 1 : 0.1
0075             property bool buttonsBlocked: false
0076         }
0078         onStart: {
0079             Activity.start(items)
0080         }
0081         onStop: {
0082             timer.stop()
0083             Activity.stop()
0084         }
0086         // Tutorial section starts
0087         Image {
0088             id: tutorialImage
0089             source: "qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/guesscount/resource/backgroundW01.svg"
0090             anchors.fill: parent
0091             visible: true
0092             z: 5
0093             Tutorial {
0094                 id: tutorialSection
0095                 useImage: false
0096                 tutorialDetails: isSubtractionMode ? Activity.subtractionInstructions :
0097                     isAdditionMode ? Activity.additionInstructions :
0098                     isQuantityMode ? Activity.quantityInstructions :
0099                     Activity.tutorialInstructions
0100                 onSkipPressed: {
0101                     Activity.initLevel()
0102                     tutorialImage.visible = false
0103                 }
0104             }
0105         }
0106         // Tutorial section ends
0108         Rectangle {
0109             id: decimalNumber
0110             width: background.width * 0.6
0111             height: parent.height / 12
0112             radius: 10
0113             color: "#373737"
0114             anchors.horizontalCenter: background.horizontalCenter
0115             anchors.top: background.top
0116             anchors.topMargin: 5 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0118             property string decimalQuestion: qsTr("Display the number: %1")
0119             property string additionQuestion: qsTr("Display the result of: %1 + %2")
0120             property string subtractionQuestion: qsTr("Display the result of: %1 - %2")
0121             property string quantityQuestion: qsTr("Represent the quantity: %1")
0123             GCText {
0124                 anchors.centerIn: parent
0125                 width: parent.width - 10 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0126                 height: parent.height
0127                 text: isSubtractionMode ? decimalNumber.subtractionQuestion.arg(items.largestNumber).arg(items.smallestNumber) :
0128                     isAdditionMode ? decimalNumber.additionQuestion.arg(items.largestNumber).arg(items.smallestNumber) :
0129                     isQuantityMode ? decimalNumber.quantityQuestion.arg(items.largestNumber) :
0130                     decimalNumber.decimalQuestion.arg(items.largestNumber)
0131                 fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
0132                 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0133                 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
0134                 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
0135                 font.weight: Font.DemiBold
0136                 color: "white"
0137             }
0138         }
0140         ListModel {
0141             id: droppedItems
0142         }
0144         Item {
0145             id: layoutArea
0146             anchors.top: decimalNumber.bottom
0147             anchors.topMargin: 5 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0148             anchors.bottom: okButton.top
0149             anchors.bottomMargin: background.scoreAtBottom ? bar.height * 0.5 : anchors.topMargin
0150             anchors.horizontalCenter: background.horizontalCenter
0151             width: background.horizontalLayout ? background.width * 0.7 : background.width * 0.95
0152         }
0154         Rectangle {
0155             id: topRectangle
0156             visible: !isSubtractionMode && !tutorialImage.visible
0157             anchors.top: layoutArea.top
0158             color: "#F2F2F2"
0159             border.color: "#373737"
0160             border.width: 2
0161             radius: 10
0162             z: 10
0164             states: [
0165                 State {
0166                     when: background.horizontalLayout
0167                     PropertyChanges {
0168                         target: topRectangle
0169                         width: layoutArea.width
0170                         // 7/11 of layoutArea
0171                         height: layoutArea.height * 0.636
0172                     }
0173                     AnchorChanges {
0174                         target: topRectangle
0175                         anchors.right: undefined
0176                         anchors.horizontalCenter: layoutArea.horizontalCenter
0177                     }
0178                 },
0179                 State {
0180                     when: !background.horizontalLayout && !items.typeResult
0181                     PropertyChanges {
0182                         target: topRectangle
0183                         width: layoutArea.width * 0.636
0184                         height: layoutArea.height
0185                         anchors.rightMargin: 10 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0186                     }
0187                     AnchorChanges {
0188                         target: topRectangle
0189                         anchors.right: background.right
0190                         anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined
0191                     }
0192                 },
0193                 State {
0194                     when: !background.horizontalLayout && items.typeResult
0195                     PropertyChanges {
0196                         target: topRectangle
0197                         width: layoutArea.width * 0.636
0198                         height: layoutArea.height
0199                     }
0200                     AnchorChanges {
0201                         target: topRectangle
0202                         anchors.right: undefined
0203                         anchors.horizontalCenter: background.horizontalCenter
0204                     }
0205                 }
0206             ]
0208             DropArea {
0209                 id: dropArea
0210                 anchors.fill: parent
0212                 readonly property int maxDroppedItems: 6
0213                 onDropped: {
0214                     if(droppedItems.count === dropArea.maxDroppedItems) return;
0215                     droppedItems.append( {"selectedSquareNumbers": bottomRectangle.currentStep + 1 } );
0216                     timer.restart()
0217                 }
0218             }
0220             Timer {
0221                 id: timer
0222                 interval: 1000
0223                 onTriggered: {
0224                     if(droppedItems.count == 1) return;
0225                     Activity.organizeDroppedBars();
0226                 }
0227             }
0229             SingleBar {
0230                 id: answerZone
0231                 anchors.centerIn: topRectangle
0232                 selectedModel: droppedItems
0233                 isAnswerRepresentation: true
0234                 isUnselectedBar: false
0235                 states: [
0236                     State {
0237                         when: background.horizontalLayout
0238                         PropertyChanges {
0239                             target: answerZone
0240                             cellSize: Math.min(topRectangle.height / 7, topRectangle.width / 11)
0241                             cellHeight: cellSize * 1.125
0242                             cellWidth: cellSize
0243                             width: cellSize * 10
0244                             height: cellSize * 6.875
0245                             anchors.verticalCenterOffset: cellSize * 0.125
0246                             anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0
0247                             flow: GridView.FlowTopToBottom
0248                         }
0249                     },
0250                     State {
0251                         when: !background.horizontalLayout
0252                         PropertyChanges {
0253                             target: answerZone
0254                             cellSize: Math.min(topRectangle.width / 7, topRectangle.height / 11)
0255                             cellHeight: cellSize
0256                             cellWidth: cellSize * 1.125
0257                             width: cellSize * 6.875
0258                             height: cellSize * 10
0259                             anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 0
0260                             anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: cellSize * 0.125
0261                             flow: GridView.FlowLeftToRight
0262                         }
0263                     }
0264                 ]
0265             }
0266         }
0268         ListModel {
0269             id: draggedItems
0270         }
0272         Rectangle {
0273             id: bottomRectangle
0274             visible: !isSubtractionMode && !items.typeResult
0275             color: "#F2F2F2"
0276             border.color: "#373737"
0277             border.width: 2
0278             radius: 10
0280             property alias scrollBar: scrollBar
0282             states: [
0283                 State {
0284                     when: background.horizontalLayout
0285                     PropertyChanges {
0286                         target: bottomRectangle
0287                         width: layoutArea.width
0288                         // 3/11 of layoutArea
0289                         height: layoutArea.height * 0.273
0290                         anchors.rightMargin: 0
0291                         // 0.5/11 of layoutArea
0292                         anchors.topMargin: layoutArea.height * 0.045
0293                     }
0294                     AnchorChanges {
0295                         target: bottomRectangle
0296                         anchors.top: topRectangle.bottom
0297                         anchors.horizontalCenter: background.horizontalCenter
0298                         anchors.right: undefined
0299                     }
0300                     PropertyChanges {
0301                         target: unselectedBar
0302                         anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -unselectedBar.height * 0.5
0303                         anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0
0304                     }
0305                     PropertyChanges {
0306                         target: selectedBar
0307                         anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -selectedBar.height * 0.5
0308                         anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0
0309                     }
0310                     PropertyChanges {
0311                         target: scrollBar
0312                         width: unselectedBar.width
0313                         height: bottomRectangle.height * 0.5
0314                         x: unselectedBar.x
0315                         y: unselectedBar.y + unselectedBar.height
0316                     }
0317                     PropertyChanges {
0318                         target: arrow
0319                         rotation: 0
0320                         x: 0
0321                     }
0322                     AnchorChanges {
0323                         target: arrow
0324                         anchors.top: parent.top
0325                         anchors.right: undefined
0326                     }
0327                     AnchorChanges {
0328                         target: hintArea
0329                         anchors.top: arrow.bottom
0330                         anchors.horizontalCenter: arrow.horizontalCenter
0331                         anchors.right: undefined
0332                         anchors.verticalCenter: undefined
0333                     }
0334                 },
0335                 State {
0336                     when: !background.horizontalLayout
0337                     PropertyChanges {
0338                         target: bottomRectangle
0339                         width: layoutArea.width * 0.273
0340                         height: layoutArea.height
0341                         anchors.rightMargin: layoutArea.width * 0.045
0342                         anchors.topMargin: 0
0343                     }
0344                     AnchorChanges {
0345                         target: bottomRectangle
0346                         anchors.top: layoutArea.top
0347                         anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined
0348                         anchors.right: topRectangle.left
0349                     }
0350                     PropertyChanges {
0351                         target: unselectedBar
0352                         anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 0
0353                         anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: unselectedBar.width * 0.5
0354                     }
0355                     PropertyChanges {
0356                         target: selectedBar
0357                         anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 0
0358                         anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: selectedBar.width * 0.5
0359                     }
0360                     PropertyChanges {
0361                         target: scrollBar
0362                         width: bottomRectangle.width * 0.5
0363                         height: unselectedBar.height
0364                         x: unselectedBar.x - width
0365                         y: unselectedBar.y
0366                     }
0367                     PropertyChanges {
0368                         target: arrow
0369                         rotation: 90
0370                         y: 0
0371                     }
0372                     AnchorChanges {
0373                         target: arrow
0374                         anchors.top: undefined
0375                         anchors.right: parent.right
0376                     }
0377                     AnchorChanges {
0378                         target: hintArea
0379                         anchors.top: undefined
0380                         anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined
0381                         anchors.right: arrow.left
0382                         anchors.verticalCenter: arrow.verticalCenter
0383                     }
0384                 }
0385             ]
0387             property int currentStep: scrollBar.currentStep
0389             SingleBar {
0390                 id: unselectedBar
0391                 opacity: 0.5
0392                 cellSize: background.horizontalLayout ? Math.min(bottomRectangle.height / 3, bottomRectangle.width / 11) : Math.min(bottomRectangle.width / 3, bottomRectangle.height / 11)
0393                 width: background.horizontalLayout ? cellSize * 10 : cellSize
0394                 height: background.horizontalLayout ? cellSize : cellSize * 10
0395                 anchors.centerIn: bottomRectangle
0397                 selectedModel: draggedItems
0398                 isAnswerRepresentation: false
0399                 isUnselectedBar: true
0400             }
0402             SingleBar {
0403                 id: selectedBar
0404                 cellSize: unselectedBar.cellSize
0405                 width: unselectedBar.width
0406                 height: unselectedBar.height
0407                 anchors.centerIn: bottomRectangle
0409                 selectedModel: draggedItems
0410                 isAnswerRepresentation: false
0411                 isUnselectedBar: false
0413                 Drag.active: dragArea.drag.active
0415                 states: [
0416                     State {
0417                         when: dragArea.drag.active
0418                         ParentChange {
0419                             target: selectedBar
0420                             parent: topRectangle
0421                         }
0422                     }
0423                 ]
0424             }
0426             MouseArea {
0427                 id: dragArea
0428                 width: selectedBar.width
0429                 height: selectedBar.height
0430                 anchors.fill: selectedBar
0431                 anchors.centerIn: parent
0432                 drag.target: selectedBar
0433                 enabled: !items.buttonsBlocked
0435                 onReleased: {
0436                     selectedBar.Drag.drop()
0437                     bottomRectangle.resetArrowPosition()
0438                 }
0439             }
0441             Item {
0442                 id: scrollBar
0444                 property double horizontalBarLimit: scrollBar.width - arrow.width / 2
0445                 property double verticalBarLimit: scrollBar.height - arrow.width / 2
0446                 property double arrowOrigin: unselectedBar.cellSize * 0.5
0447                 property alias arrowX: arrow.x
0448                 property alias arrowY: arrow.y
0449                 property int currentStep: 0
0451                 Image {
0452                     id: arrow
0453                     source: "qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/learn_decimals/resource/arrow.svg"
0454                     sourceSize.width: width
0455                     width: unselectedBar.cellSize
0456                     height: width
0458                     MouseArea {
0459                         id: arrowMouseArea
0460                         width: parent.width * 2
0461                         height: parent.height * 1.5
0462                         enabled: !items.buttonsBlocked
0463                         anchors.centerIn: parent
0464                         anchors.verticalCenterOffset: parent.height * 0.25
0465                         drag.target: arrow
0466                         onPositionChanged: {
0467                             if(background.horizontalLayout) {
0468                                 //range of the horizontal scrolling
0469                                 if(arrow.x < scrollBar.arrowOrigin) {
0470                                     arrow.x = scrollBar.arrowOrigin
0471                                 }
0472                                 else if(arrow.x > scrollBar.horizontalBarLimit) {
0473                                     arrow.x = scrollBar.horizontalBarLimit
0474                                 }
0476                                 scrollBar.currentStep = Math.round((arrow.x - scrollBar.arrowOrigin) / unselectedBar.cellSize) ;
0477                                 arrow.x = (scrollBar.currentStep + 0.5) * unselectedBar.cellSize
0478                             }
0479                             else {
0480                                 // range of the vertical scrolling
0481                                 if(arrow.y < scrollBar.arrowOrigin) {
0482                                     arrow.y = scrollBar.arrowOrigin
0483                                 }
0484                                 else if(arrow.y > scrollBar.verticalBarLimit) {
0485                                     arrow.y = scrollBar.verticalBarLimit
0486                                 }
0488                                 scrollBar.currentStep = Math.round((arrow.y - scrollBar.arrowOrigin) / unselectedBar.cellSize);
0489                                 arrow.y = (scrollBar.currentStep + 0.5) * unselectedBar.cellSize
0490                             }
0492                             Activity.changeSingleBarVisibility(scrollBar.currentStep + 1)
0493                         }
0494                     }
0495                 }
0496                 Rectangle {
0497                     id: hintArea
0498                     visible: items.helper
0499                     width: unselectedBar.cellSize * 1.1
0500                     height: width
0501                     color: "#FFFFFF"
0502                     radius: 5 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0503                     border.color: "#808080"
0504                     border.width: 2
0505                     GCText {
0506                         id: text
0507                         fontSize: regularSize
0508                         text: activity.isQuantityMode ? scrollBar.currentStep + 1 :
0509                             Activity.toDecimalLocaleNumber((scrollBar.currentStep + 1) * items.unit)
0510                         font.bold: true
0511                         color: "#373737"
0512                         fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
0513                         verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
0514                         horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
0515                         anchors.centerIn: parent
0516                         width: parent.width - 4
0517                         height: width
0518                     }
0519                 }
0521                 onWidthChanged: {
0522                     if(items.draggedItems.count != 0) {
0523                         bottomRectangle.resetArrowPosition()
0524                     }
0525                 }
0526                 onHeightChanged: {
0527                     if(items.draggedItems.count != 0) {
0528                         bottomRectangle.resetArrowPosition()
0529                     }
0530                 }
0531             }
0533             function resetArrowPosition() {
0534                 if(background.horizontalLayout) {
0535                     scrollBar.arrowX = scrollBar.arrowOrigin
0536                 }
0537                 else {
0538                     scrollBar.arrowY = scrollBar.arrowOrigin
0539                 }
0540                 Activity.changeSingleBarVisibility(1)
0541                 scrollBar.currentStep = 0
0542             }
0543         }
0545         ListModel {
0546             id: largestNumberRepresentation
0547         }
0549         Rectangle {
0550             id: mainRectangle
0551             visible: isSubtractionMode
0552             width: topRectangle.width
0553             height: background.scoreAtBottom ? layoutArea.height - okButton.height : layoutArea.height
0554             anchors.top: layoutArea.top
0555             anchors.horizontalCenter: background.horizontalCenter
0556             color: "#F2F2F2"
0557             border.color: "#373737"
0558             border.width: 2
0559             radius: 10
0561             MultipleBars {
0562                 id: multipleBars
0563             }
0564         }
0566         Rectangle {
0567             id: answerBackground
0568             visible: items.typeResult
0569             height: okButton.height
0570             color: "#f2f2f2"
0571             border.color: "#373737"
0572             border.width: 2
0573             radius: 10
0575             property string userEntry
0576             property string resultText: qsTr("Enter the result: %1")
0578             GCText {
0579                 id: userEntryText
0580                 anchors.centerIn: parent
0581                 width: parent.width - 10 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0582                 height: parent.height
0583                 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
0584                 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
0585                 fontSize: smallSize
0586                 fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
0587                 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0588                 color: "#373737"
0589                 text: answerBackground.resultText.arg(answerBackground.userEntry)
0590             }
0591         }
0593         NumPad {
0594             id: numpad
0595             displayDecimalButton: true
0596             onAnswerChanged: {
0597                 answerBackground.userEntry = answer
0598             }
0599             maxDigit: 3
0600             opacity: items.typeResult ? 1 : 0
0601             columnWidth: 60 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0602             enableInput: !items.buttonsBlocked
0603         }
0605         Keys.enabled: !items.buttonsBlocked
0606         Keys.onPressed: {
0607             if(items.buttonsBlocked)
0608                 return
0609             if(event.key === Qt.Key_Enter || event.key === Qt.Key_Return) {
0610                 if(items.typeResult) {
0611                     Activity.verifyNumberTyping(answerBackground.userEntry)
0612                 }
0613                 else {
0614                     Activity.verifyNumberRepresentation()
0615                 }
0616             }
0617             else {
0618                numpad.updateAnswer(event.key, true);
0619             }
0620         }
0622         states: [
0623             State {
0624                 when: background.scoreAtBottom
0625                 AnchorChanges {
0626                     target: answerBackground
0627                     anchors.left: undefined
0628                     anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
0629                     anchors.top: mainRectangle.bottom
0630                     anchors.verticalCenter: undefined
0631                 }
0632                 PropertyChanges {
0633                     target: answerBackground
0634                     width: mainRectangle.width
0635                     anchors.topMargin: 5 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0636                 }
0637                 AnchorChanges {
0638                     target: okButton
0639                     anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined
0640                     anchors.verticalCenter: bar.verticalCenter
0641                     anchors.bottom: undefined
0642                     anchors.right: background.right
0643                     anchors.left: undefined
0644                 }
0645                 PropertyChanges {
0646                     target: okButton
0647                     anchors.bottomMargin: 0
0648                     anchors.rightMargin: okButton.width * 0.5
0649                     anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -10
0650                 }
0651             },
0652             State {
0653                 when: !background.scoreAtBottom
0654                 AnchorChanges {
0655                     target: answerBackground
0656                     anchors.left: topRectangle.left
0657                     anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined
0658                     anchors.top: undefined
0659                     anchors.verticalCenter: okButton.verticalCenter
0660                 }
0661                 PropertyChanges {
0662                     target: answerBackground
0663                     width: mainRectangle.width - okButton.width * 1.2
0664                     anchors.topMargin: 0
0665                 }
0666                 AnchorChanges {
0667                     target: okButton
0668                     anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined
0669                     anchors.verticalCenter: undefined
0670                     anchors.bottom: bar.top
0671                     anchors.right: mainRectangle.right
0672                     anchors.left: undefined
0673                 }
0674                 PropertyChanges {
0675                     target: okButton
0676                     anchors.bottomMargin: okButton.height * 0.5
0677                     anchors.rightMargin: 0
0678                     anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 0
0679                 }
0680             }
0681         ]
0683         Image {
0684             id: hint
0685             source:"qrc:/gcompris/src/core/resource/bar_hint.svg"
0686             visible: !isSubtractionMode && !items.typeResult
0687             sourceSize.width: okButton.width
0688             fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
0689             anchors.right: okButton.left
0690             anchors.rightMargin: okButton.width * 0.3
0691             anchors.verticalCenter: okButton.verticalCenter
0693             MouseArea {
0694                 id: hintMouseArea
0695                 anchors.fill: parent
0696                 enabled: !items.buttonsBlocked
0697                 hoverEnabled: true
0698                 onClicked: items.helper = !items.helper
0699             }
0701             states: State {
0702                 when: hintMouseArea.containsMouse
0703                 PropertyChanges {
0704                     target: hint
0705                     scale: 1.1
0706                 }
0707             }
0708         }
0710         ErrorRectangle {
0711             id: errorRectangle
0712             z: 10
0713             function releaseControls() { items.buttonsBlocked = false; }
0715             states: [
0716                 State {
0717                     when: !isSubtractionMode && !items.typeResult
0718                     PropertyChanges {
0719                         target: errorRectangle
0720                         anchors.fill: topRectangle
0721                         radius: topRectangle.radius
0722                         imageSize: 60 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0723                     }
0724                 },
0725                 State {
0726                     when: isSubtractionMode && !items.typeResult
0727                     PropertyChanges {
0728                         target: errorRectangle
0729                         anchors.fill: mainRectangle
0730                         radius: mainRectangle.radius
0731                         imageSize: 60 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0732                     }
0733                 },
0734                 State {
0735                     when: items.typeResult
0736                     PropertyChanges {
0737                         target: errorRectangle
0738                         anchors.fill: answerBackground
0739                         radius: answerBackground.radius
0740                         imageSize: height * 0.5
0741                     }
0742                 }
0743             ]
0744         }
0746         DialogChooseLevel {
0747             id: dialogActivityConfig
0748             currentActivity: activity.activityInfo
0750             onSaveData: {
0751                 levelFolder = dialogActivityConfig.chosenLevels
0752                 currentActivity.currentLevels = dialogActivityConfig.chosenLevels
0753                 ApplicationSettings.setCurrentLevels(currentActivity.name, dialogActivityConfig.chosenLevels)
0754             }
0755             onClose: home()
0756             onStartActivity: {
0757                 background.stop()
0758                 background.start()
0759             }
0760         }
0763         DialogHelp {
0764             id: dialogHelp
0765             onClose: home()
0766         }
0768         Bar {
0769             id: bar
0770             level: items.currentLevel + 1
0772             content: tutorialImage.visible ? tutorialBar : withConfig
0773             property BarEnumContent tutorialBar: BarEnumContent { value: help | home }
0774             property BarEnumContent withConfig: BarEnumContent { value: help | home | level | activityConfig }
0776             onHelpClicked: {
0777                 displayDialog(dialogHelp)
0778             }
0779             onActivityConfigClicked: {
0780                 displayDialog(dialogActivityConfig)
0781             }
0782             onPreviousLevelClicked: Activity.previousLevel()
0783             onNextLevelClicked: Activity.nextLevel()
0784             onHomeClicked: home()
0785         }
0787         BarButton {
0788             id: okButton
0789             source: "qrc:/gcompris/src/core/resource/bar_ok.svg"
0790             width: 60 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0791             sourceSize.width: width
0792             onClicked: items.typeResult? Activity.verifyNumberTyping(answerBackground.userEntry) : Activity.verifyNumberRepresentation()
0793             mouseArea.enabled: !items.buttonsBlocked
0794         }
0796         Bonus {
0797             id: bonus
0798             Component.onCompleted: win.connect(Activity.nextLevel)
0799         }
0801         Score {
0802             id: score
0803             visible: !tutorialImage.visible && !isAdditionMode && !isSubtractionMode
0804             height: okButton.height * 0.9
0805             anchors.top: undefined
0806             anchors.bottom: undefined
0807             anchors.right: hint.visible ? hint.left : okButton.left
0808             anchors.verticalCenter: okButton.verticalCenter
0809             onStop: Activity.nextSubLevel()
0810         }
0811     }
0812 }