Warning, /education/gcompris/src/activities/digital_electricity/TutorialDataset.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /* GCompris - Dataset.qml
0002  *
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Rudra Nil Basu <rudra.nil.basu.1996@gmail.com>
0004  *
0005  * Authors:
0006  *   Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin@gcompris.net> (Gtk+ version)
0007  *   Rudra Nil Basu <rudra.nil.basu.1996@gmail.com> (Qt Quick port)
0008  *
0009  *   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0010  */
0011 import QtQuick 2.12
0013 QtObject {
0014     property var zero: {
0015         'imageName': 'zero.svg',
0016         'componentSource': 'Zero.qml',
0017         'width': 0.2,
0018         'height': 0.2,
0019         'toolTipText': qsTr("Zero input")
0020     }
0021     property var one: {
0022         'imageName': 'one.svg',
0023         'componentSource': 'One.qml',
0024         'width': 0.2,
0025         'height': 0.2,
0026         'toolTipText': qsTr("One input")
0027     }
0028     property var digitalLight: {
0029         'imageName': 'DigitalLightOff.svg',
0030         'componentSource': 'DigitalLight.qml',
0031         'width': 0.2,
0032         'height': 0.2,
0033         'toolTipText': qsTr("Digital light")
0034     }
0035     property var andGate: {
0036         'imageName': 'gateAnd.svg',
0037         'componentSource': 'AndGate.qml',
0038         'width': 0.15,
0039         'height': 0.15,
0040         'toolTipText': qsTr("AND gate")
0041     }
0042     property var orGate: {
0043         'imageName': 'gateOr.svg',
0044         'componentSource': 'OrGate.qml',
0045         'width': 0.15,
0046         'height': 0.15,
0047         'toolTipText': qsTr("OR gate")
0048     }
0049     property var notGate: {
0050         'imageName': 'gateNot.svg',
0051         'componentSource': 'NotGate.qml',
0052         'width': 0.15,
0053         'height': 0.15,
0054         'toolTipText': qsTr("NOT gate")
0055     }
0056     property var xorGate: {
0057         'imageName': 'gateXor.svg',
0058         'componentSource': 'XorGate.qml',
0059         'width': 0.15,
0060         'height': 0.15,
0061         'toolTipText': qsTr("XOR gate")
0062     }
0063     property var nandGate: {
0064         'imageName': 'gateNand.svg',
0065         'componentSource': 'NandGate.qml',
0066         'width': 0.15,
0067         'height': 0.15,
0068         'toolTipText': qsTr("NAND gate")
0069     }
0070     property var norGate: {
0071         'imageName': 'gateNor.svg',
0072         'componentSource': 'NorGate.qml',
0073         'width': 0.15,
0074         'height': 0.15,
0075         'toolTipText': qsTr("NOR gate")
0076     }
0077     property var switchKey: {
0078         'imageName': 'switchOff.svg',
0079         'componentSource': 'Switch.qml',
0080         'width': 0.15,
0081         'height': 0.15,
0082         'toolTipText': qsTr("Switch")
0083     }
0084     property var comparator: {
0085         'imageName': 'comparator.svg',
0086         'componentSource': 'Comparator.qml',
0087         'width': 0.3,
0088         'height': 0.2,
0089         'toolTipText': qsTr("Comparator")
0090     }
0091     property var bcdToSevenSegment: {
0092         'imageName': 'BCDTo7Segment.svg',
0093         'componentSource': 'BCDToSevenSegment.qml',
0094         'width': 0.3,
0095         'height': 0.4,
0096         'toolTipText': qsTr("BCD to 7 segment")
0097     }
0098     property var sevenSegmentDisplay: {
0099         'imageName': 'sevenSegmentDisplay.svg',
0100         'componentSource': 'SevenSegment.qml',
0101         'width': 0.225,
0102         'height': 0.4,
0103         'toolTipText': qsTr("7 segment display")
0104     }
0105     property var signalGenerator: {
0106         'imageName': 'signalGenerator.svg',
0107         'componentSource': 'SignalGenerator.qml',
0108         'width': 0.3,
0109         'height': 0.2,
0110         'toolTipText': qsTr("Signal generator")
0111     }
0112     property var bcdCounter: {
0113         'imageName': 'bcdCounter.svg',
0114         'componentSource': 'BcdCounter.qml',
0115         'width': 0.225,
0116         'height': 0.4,
0117         'toolTipText': qsTr("BCD counter")
0118     }
0119     // List of all components
0120     property var componentList: [zero, one, digitalLight, andGate, orGate, 
0121                                  notGate, xorGate, nandGate, norGate, switchKey,
0122                                  comparator, bcdToSevenSegment,
0123                                  sevenSegmentDisplay, signalGenerator, bcdCounter]
0125     property var problemType: {
0126         'lightTheBulb': 1,
0127         'equation1Variable': 2,
0128         'equation2Variables': 3,
0129         'equation3Variables': 4,
0130         'others': 5
0131     }
0132     // tutorial levels
0133     property var tutorialLevels: [
0134         // level 1
0135         {
0136             inputComponentList: [zero, one],
0137             playAreaComponentList: [digitalLight],
0138             determiningComponentsIndex: [0],
0139             wires: [],
0140             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.4],
0141             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.3],
0142             type: [problemType.lightTheBulb],
0143             introMessage: [
0144                 qsTr("The digital light glows when its terminal is connected with an input of 1."),
0145                 qsTr("Turn on the digital light using the provided inputs.") + " " +
0146                 qsTr("To connect two terminals, click on a first terminal, then on a second terminal.")
0147             ]
0148         },
0149         // level 2
0150         {
0151             inputComponentList: [zero, one],
0152             playAreaComponentList: [andGate, digitalLight],
0153             determiningComponentsIndex: [1],
0154             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0] ], // from_component_index, from_terminal_no, to_component_index, to_terminal_no
0155             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.4, 0.6],
0156             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.3, 0.3],
0157             type: [problemType.lightTheBulb],
0158             introMessage: [
0159                 qsTr("The AND gate produces an output of 1 when both of its input terminals are of value 1."),
0160                 qsTr("Turn on the digital light using an AND gate and the provided inputs.")
0161             ]
0162         },
0163         // level 3
0164         {
0165             inputComponentList: [zero, one],
0166             playAreaComponentList: [orGate, digitalLight],
0167             determiningComponentsIndex: [1],
0168             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0] ],
0169             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.4, 0.6],
0170             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.3, 0.3],
0171             type: [problemType.lightTheBulb],
0172             introMessage: [
0173                 qsTr("The OR gate produces an output of 1 when at least one of its input terminals is of value 1."),
0174                 qsTr("Turn on the digital light using an OR gate and the provided inputs.")
0175             ]
0176         },
0177         // level 4
0178         {
0179             inputComponentList: [zero],
0180             playAreaComponentList: [zero, one, orGate, andGate, digitalLight],
0181             determiningComponentsIndex: [4],
0182             wires: [ [0, 0, 2, 0], [2, 0, 3, 0], [3, 0, 4, 0]],
0183             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6],
0184             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.0, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3],
0185             type: [problemType.lightTheBulb],
0186             introMessage: [
0187                 qsTr("You can draw multiple wires from the output terminal of a component."),
0188                 qsTr("Turn on the digital light using the provided components.")
0189             ]
0190         },
0191         // level 5
0192         {
0193             inputComponentList: [zero],
0194             playAreaComponentList: [notGate, notGate, orGate, orGate, andGate, digitalLight],
0195             determiningComponentsIndex: [5],
0196             wires: [ [4, 0, 5, 0], [2, 0, 4, 0], [3, 0, 4, 1]],
0197             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.05, 0.05, 0.3, 0.3, 0.35, 0.58],
0198             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.1, 0.4, 0.05, 0.45, 0.25, 0.25],
0199             type: [problemType.lightTheBulb],
0200             introMessage: [
0201                 qsTr("The NOT gate takes a single binary input and flips the value in the output."),
0202                 qsTr("Turn on the digital light using the provided inputs.")
0203             ]
0204         },
0205         // level 6
0206         {
0207             inputComponentList: [zero, one],
0208             playAreaComponentList: [nandGate, digitalLight],
0209             determiningComponentsIndex: [1],
0210             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0] ],
0211             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.25, 0.6],
0212             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.3, 0.3],
0213             type: [problemType.lightTheBulb],
0214             introMessage: [
0215                 qsTr("The NAND gate takes two binary inputs and produces one binary output."),
0216                 qsTr("The output of the NAND gate is zero if both of its inputs are 1. Else, the output is one."),
0217                 qsTr("For a more detailed description about the NAND gate, select it and click on the info button."),
0218                 qsTr("Light the bulb using the provided NAND gate.")
0219             ]
0220         },
0221         // level 7
0222         {
0223             inputComponentList: [andGate, orGate],
0224             playAreaComponentList: [one, switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0225             determiningComponentsIndex: [1, 2, 3],
0226             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0] ],
0227             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6],
0228             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.25, 0.2, 0.35, 0.25],
0229             type: [problemType.equation2Variables],
0230             result: function (A, B) {
0231                 return A & B
0232             },
0233             introMessage: [
0234                 qsTr("Create a circuit using the provided components so that the bulb glows only when both of the switches are turned on.")
0235             ]
0236         },
0237         // level 8
0238         {
0239             inputComponentList: [andGate, orGate],
0240             playAreaComponentList: [one, switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0241             determiningComponentsIndex: [1, 2, 3],
0242             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0] ],
0243             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6],
0244             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.25, 0.2, 0.35, 0.25],
0245             type: [problemType.equation2Variables],
0246             result: function (A, B) {
0247                 return A | B
0248             },
0249             introMessage: [
0250                 qsTr("Create a circuit using the provided components so that the bulb glows when either of the switch is turned on.")
0251             ]
0252         },
0253         // level 9
0254         {
0255             inputComponentList: [zero, one, andGate, orGate],
0256             playAreaComponentList: [switchKey, switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0257             determiningComponentsIndex: [0, 1, 2, 3],
0258             wires: [],
0259             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5],
0260             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.0, 0.25, 0.55, 0.25],
0261             type: [problemType.equation3Variables],
0262             result: function (A, B, C) {
0263                 return A & B & C
0264             },
0265             introMessage: [
0266                 qsTr("Light the bulb using the three switches so that the bulb glows only if all the three switches are turned on.")
0267             ]
0268         },
0269         // level 10
0270         {
0271             inputComponentList: [zero, one, andGate, orGate],
0272             playAreaComponentList: [switchKey, switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0273             determiningComponentsIndex: [0, 1, 2, 3],
0274             wires: [],
0275             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5],
0276             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.0, 0.25, 0.55, 0.25],
0277             type: [problemType.equation3Variables],
0278             result: function (A, B, C) {
0279                 return A | B | C
0280             },
0281             introMessage: [
0282                 qsTr("Light the bulb using the three switches so that the bulb glows if any of the switches are turned on.")
0283             ]
0284         },
0285         // level 11
0286         {
0287             inputComponentList: [zero, andGate, orGate, notGate],
0288             playAreaComponentList: [switchKey, digitalLight],
0289             determiningComponentsIndex: [0, 1],
0290             wires: [],
0291             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.3, 0.6],
0292             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.25, 0.25],
0293             type: [problemType.others],
0294             introMessage: [
0295                 qsTr("Use the gates so that the bulb glows only when the switch is on.")
0296             ]
0297         },
0298         // level 12
0299         {
0300             inputComponentList: [zero, one],
0301             playAreaComponentList: [xorGate, digitalLight],
0302             determiningComponentsIndex: [1],
0303             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0] ],
0304             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.25, 0.6],
0305             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.3, 0.3],
0306             type: [problemType.lightTheBulb],
0307             introMessage: [
0308                 qsTr("The XOR Gate takes two binary inputs and produces one binary output."),
0309                 qsTr("The output of the XOR gate is one if the number of 1 in the input is odd. Else, the output is zero."),
0310                 qsTr("Light the bulb using the provided XOR gate.")
0311             ]
0312         },
0313         // level 13
0314         {
0315             inputComponentList: [zero, one, xorGate],
0316             playAreaComponentList: [switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0317             determiningComponentsIndex: [0, 1, 2],
0318             wires: [],
0319             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.2, 0.2, 0.6],
0320             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.2, 0.35, 0.25],
0321             type: [problemType.equation2Variables],
0322             result: function (A, B) {
0323                 return A ^ B
0324             },
0325             introMessage: [
0326                 qsTr("Light the bulb using the two switches so that the bulb glows when one of the switch is on and the other is off.")
0327             ]
0328         },
0329         // level 14
0330         {
0331             inputComponentList: [zero, one, xorGate],
0332             playAreaComponentList: [switchKey, switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0333             determiningComponentsIndex: [0, 1, 2, 3],
0334             wires: [],
0335             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5],
0336             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.0, 0.25, 0.55, 0.25],
0337             type: [problemType.equation3Variables],
0338             result: function (A, B, C) {
0339                 return A ^ B ^ C
0340             },
0341             introMessage: [
0342                 qsTr("Light the bulb using the three switches so that the bulb glows when odd number of the switches are turned on.")
0343             ]
0344         },
0345         // level 15
0346         {
0347             inputComponentList: [one, notGate],
0348             playAreaComponentList: [norGate, digitalLight],
0349             determiningComponentsIndex: [1],
0350             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0] ],
0351             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.25, 0.6],
0352             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.3, 0.3],
0353             type: [problemType.lightTheBulb],
0354             introMessage: [
0355                 qsTr("A NOR gate takes 2 binary inputs and outputs 1 if both of them are 0, otherwise produces an output of 0."),
0356                 qsTr("For a more detailed description about the NOR gate, select it and click on the info button."),
0357                 qsTr("Light the bulb using the provided NOR gate.")
0358             ]
0359         },
0360         // level 16
0361         {
0362             inputComponentList: [nandGate],
0363             playAreaComponentList: [one, switchKey, digitalLight],
0364             determiningComponentsIndex: [1, 2],
0365             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0] ],
0366             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.0, 0.3, 0.6],
0367             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25],
0368             type: [problemType.equation1Variable],
0369             introMessage: [
0370                 qsTr("Use the gates so that the bulb glows only when the switch is turned off and doesn't glow when the switch is turned on.")
0371             ]
0372         },
0373         // level 17
0374         {
0375             inputComponentList: [nandGate],
0376             playAreaComponentList: [one, switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0377             determiningComponentsIndex: [1, 2, 3],
0378             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0] ],
0379             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6],
0380             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.25, 0.2, 0.35, 0.25],
0381             type: [problemType.equation2Variables],
0382             result: function (A, B) {
0383                 return A & B
0384             },
0385             introMessage: [
0386                 qsTr("Create a circuit using the provided components so that the bulb glows only when both of the switches are turned on.")
0387             ]
0388         },
0389         // level 18
0390         {
0391             inputComponentList: [nandGate],
0392             playAreaComponentList: [one, switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0393             determiningComponentsIndex: [1, 2, 3],
0394             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0] ],
0395             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6],
0396             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.25, 0.2, 0.35, 0.25],
0397             type: [problemType.equation2Variables],
0398             result: function (A, B) {
0399                 return A | B
0400             },
0401             introMessage: [
0402                 qsTr("Create a circuit using the provided components so that the bulb glows when either of the switch is turned on.")
0403             ]
0404         },
0405         // level 19
0406         {
0407             inputComponentList: [nandGate],
0408             playAreaComponentList: [one, switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0409             determiningComponentsIndex: [1, 2, 3],
0410             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0] ],
0411             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6],
0412             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.25, 0.2, 0.35, 0.25],
0413             type: [problemType.equation2Variables],
0414             result: function (A, B) {
0415                 return !(A | B)
0416             },
0417             introMessage: [
0418                 qsTr("Create a circuit using the provided components so that the bulb glows only when both of the switches are turned off.")
0419             ]
0420         },
0421         // level 20
0422         {
0423             inputComponentList: [zero, one, andGate, orGate, nandGate],
0424             playAreaComponentList: [switchKey, switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0425             determiningComponentsIndex: [0, 1, 2, 3],
0426             wires: [],
0427             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5],
0428             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.0, 0.25, 0.55, 0.25],
0429             type: [problemType.equation3Variables],
0430             result: function (A, B, C) {
0431                 return A | (B & C)
0432             },
0433             introMessage: [
0434                 qsTr("Light the bulb using the provided components so that the bulb glows if the first switch is turned ON, or if both the second and the third switches are turned on.")
0435             ]
0436         },
0437         // level 21
0438         {
0439             inputComponentList: [norGate],
0440             playAreaComponentList: [one, switchKey, digitalLight],
0441             determiningComponentsIndex: [1, 2],
0442             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0] ],
0443             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.0, 0.3, 0.6],
0444             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25],
0445             type: [problemType.equation1Variable],
0446             introMessage: [
0447                 qsTr("Use the gates so that the bulb glows when the switch is turned off and doesn't glow when the switch is turned on.")
0448             ]
0449         },
0450         // level 22
0451         {
0452             inputComponentList: [norGate],
0453             playAreaComponentList: [one, switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0454             determiningComponentsIndex: [1, 2, 3],
0455             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0] ],
0456             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6],
0457             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.25, 0.2, 0.35, 0.25],
0458             type: [problemType.equation2Variables],
0459             result: function (A, B) {
0460                 return A & B
0461             },
0462             introMessage: [
0463                 qsTr("Create a circuit using the provided components so that the bulb glows only when both of the switches are turned on.")
0464             ]
0465         },
0466         // level 23
0467         {
0468             inputComponentList: [norGate],
0469             playAreaComponentList: [one, switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0470             determiningComponentsIndex: [1, 2, 3],
0471             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0] ],
0472             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6],
0473             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.25, 0.2, 0.35, 0.25],
0474             type: [problemType.equation2Variables],
0475             result: function (A, B) {
0476                 return A | B
0477             },
0478             introMessage: [
0479                 qsTr("Create a circuit using the provided components so that the bulb glows when either of the switches are turned on.")
0480             ]
0481         },
0482         // level 24
0483         {
0484             inputComponentList: [norGate],
0485             playAreaComponentList: [one, switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0486             determiningComponentsIndex: [1, 2, 3],
0487             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0] ],
0488             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6],
0489             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.25, 0.2, 0.35, 0.25],
0490             type: [problemType.equation2Variables],
0491             result: function (A, B) {
0492                 return !(A & B)
0493             },
0494             introMessage: [
0495                 qsTr("Create a circuit using the provided components so that the bulb glows when at least one of the switches is turned off.")
0496             ]
0497         },
0498         // level 25
0499         {
0500             inputComponentList: [one, andGate, notGate, norGate, xorGate, nandGate, orGate],
0501             playAreaComponentList: [switchKey, switchKey, comparator, digitalLight],
0502             determiningComponentsIndex: [0, 1, 3],
0503             wires: [  ],
0504             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.02, 0.02, 0.2, 0.6],
0505             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.05, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25],
0506             type: [problemType.equation2Variables],
0507             result: function (A, B) {
0508                 return A <= B
0509             },
0510             introMessage: [
0511                 qsTr("A comparator takes two numbers (A and B) as input and produces 3 values as output. The first value is 1 if A < B, the second value is 1 if A = B and the third value is 1 if A > B."),
0512                 qsTr("Create a circuit using the provided components so that the bulb glows when the output of the first switch is less than or equal to the output of the second switch.")
0513             ]
0514         },
0515         // level 26
0516         {
0517             inputComponentList: [one, switchKey, nandGate, norGate, andGate, orGate, notGate],
0518             playAreaComponentList: [bcdToSevenSegment, sevenSegmentDisplay],
0519             determiningComponentsIndex: [0, 1],
0520             wires: [ [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 2, 1, 2], [0, 3, 1, 3], [0, 4, 1, 4], [0, 5, 1, 5], [0, 6, 1, 6] ],
0521             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.2, 0.6],
0522             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.1, 0.1],
0523             type: [problemType.others],
0524             introMessage: [
0525                 qsTr("The component in the middle is a BCD to seven segment converter."),
0526                 qsTr("It takes 4 bits as input represented in the binary coded decimal (BCD) format and converts the BCD number into a seven segment code."),
0527                 qsTr("The output of the converter is connected to the seven segment display, to view the value of the input provided."),
0528                 qsTr("Display the number 6 in the seven segment display.")
0529             ]
0530         },
0531         // level 27
0532         {
0533             inputComponentList: [one, switchKey, nandGate, norGate, andGate, orGate, notGate],
0534             playAreaComponentList: [signalGenerator, bcdCounter, bcdToSevenSegment, sevenSegmentDisplay],
0535             determiningComponentsIndex: [1, 2],
0536             wires: [ [2, 0, 3, 0], [2, 1, 3, 1], [2, 2, 3, 2], [2, 3, 3, 3], [2, 4, 3, 4], [2, 5, 3, 5], [2, 6, 3, 6] ],
0537             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.0, 0.0, 0.27, 0.6],
0538             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.0, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1],
0539             type: [problemType.others],
0540             introMessage: [
0541                 qsTr("The signal generator on the left is used to generate alternating signals between 0 and 1 in a given time period taken as input. The time period by default is 1 second, but it can be changed between 0.25 and 2s."),
0542                 qsTr("The BCD counter placed under it is a special type of counter which can count from 0 to 9 and back to 0 on application of a clock signal."),
0543                 qsTr("Connect the components to make sure that the count of 0 to 9 is visible in the provided seven segment display.")
0544             ]
0545         },
0546         // level 28
0547         {
0548             inputComponentList: [zero, notGate, orGate, andGate],
0549             playAreaComponentList: [one, one, switchKey, switchKey, digitalLight],
0550             determiningComponentsIndex: [2, 3, 4],
0551             wires: [ ],
0552             playAreaComponentPositionX: [0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6],
0553             playAreaComponentPositionY: [0.0, 0.5, 0.15, 0.4, 0.27],
0554             type: [problemType.equation2Variables],
0555             result: function (A, B) {
0556                 return A ^ B
0557             },
0558             introMessage: [
0559                 qsTr("Light the bulb using both the switches so that the bulb glows only when either the first switch is on and the second switch is off, or when the first switch is off and the second switch is on.")
0560             ]
0561         }
0562     ]
0563 }