Warning, /education/gcompris/src/activities/chess_partyend/ActivityInfo.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /* GCompris - ActivityInfo.qml
0002  *
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin@gcompris.net>
0004  *
0005  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0006  */
0007 import GCompris 1.0
0009 ActivityInfo {
0010   name: "chess_partyend/ChessPartyEnd.qml"
0011   difficulty: 6
0012   icon: "chess_partyend/chess_partyend.svg"
0013   author: "Bruno Coudoin &lt;bruno.coudoin@gcompris.net&gt;"
0014   //: Activity title
0015   title: qsTr("End of chess game")
0016   //: Help title
0017   description: qsTr("Play the end of the chess game against Tux.")
0018   //intro: "Click on a white chess piece and green boxes will appear to indicate all the movements that piece can make. Try and get the black king into checkmate."
0019   goal: ""
0020   prerequisite: ""
0021   //: Help manual
0022   //: Much of this string is shared across the three activities "chess", "chess_partyend", and "chess_2players".
0023   manual: qsTr("In this activity you discover the chess game by playing only the end of a game. It displays the possible target positions for any selected piece which helps the children understand how pieces moves.
0024 \nYou can achieve a mate sooner if you follow these simple rules:
0025     Trying to drive your opponent's king in the corner.
0026 <b>Explanation</b>: this way your opponent's king would have only 3 directions to move instead of 8 from a better position.
0027     'Making a trap'. Use your pawns as baits.
0028 <b>Explanation</b>: this way you can lure your opponent out of his 'comfort zone'.
0029     Be patient enough.
0030 <b>Explanation</b>: don't rush too quick, be patient. Let yourself think a little bit and try to predict your opponent's future moves, so that you can catch him or secure your pieces from his attacks.") + ("<br><br>") + qsTr("Single click on undo button will undo one move. Single click on redo button will redo one move. To undo all the moves, press and hold the undo button for 3 seconds.")
0031   credit: qsTr("The chess engine is p4wn &lt;https://github.com/douglasbagnall/p4wn&gt;.")
0032   section: "strategy"
0033   createdInVersion: 5000
0034 }