File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 03:42:45

0001 /* p4wn, AKA 5k chess - by Douglas Bagnall <>
0002  *
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002 Douglas Bagnall <>
0004  *
0005  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
0006  *
0007  * This code is in the public domain, or as close to it as various
0008  * laws allow. No warranty; no restrictions.
0009  *
0010  * lives at
0011  */
0013 /*Compatibility tricks:
0014  * backwards for old MSIEs (to 5.5)
0015  * sideways for seed command-line javascript.*/
0016 var p4_log;
0017 if (this.imports !== undefined &&
0018     this.printerr !== undefined){//seed or gjs
0019     p4_log = function(){
0020         var args =;
0021         printerr(args.join(', '));
0022     };
0023 }
0024 else if (this.console === undefined){//MSIE
0025     p4_log = function(){};
0026 }
0027 else {
0028     // disable the console
0029     p4_log = function(){};
0030     //p4_log = function(){console.log.apply(console, arguments);};
0031 }
0033 /*MSIE backport */
0034 if ( === undefined)
0035 = function(){return (new Date).getTime();};
0037 /* The pieces are stored as numbers between 2 and 13, inclusive.
0038  * Empty squares are stored as 0, and off-board squares as 16.
0039  * There is some bitwise logic to it:
0040  *  piece & 1 -> colour (white: 0, black: 1)
0041  *  piece & 2 -> single move piece (including pawn)
0042  *  if (piece & 2) == 0:
0043  *     piece & 4  -> row and column moves
0044  *     piece & 8  -> diagonal moves
0045  */
0046 var P4_PAWN = 2, P4_ROOK = 4, P4_KNIGHT = 6, P4_BISHOP = 8, P4_QUEEN = 12, P4_KING = 10;
0047 var P4_EDGE = 16;
0049 /* in order, even indices: <nothing>, pawn, rook, knight, bishop, king, queen. Only the
0050  * even indices are used.*/
0051 var P4_MOVES = [[], [],
0052                 [], [],
0053                 [1,10,-1,-10], [],
0054                 [21,19,12,8,-21,-19,-12,-8], [],
0055                 [11,9,-11,-9], [],
0056                 [1,10,11,9,-1,-10,-11,-9], [],
0057                 [1,10,11,9,-1,-10,-11,-9], []
0058                ];
0060 /*P4_VALUES defines the relative value of various pieces.
0061  *
0062  * It follows the 1,3,3,5,9 pattern you learn as a kid, multiplied by
0063  * 20 to give sub-pawn resolution to other factors, with bishops given
0064  * a wee boost over knights.
0065  */
0066 var P4_VALUES=[0, 0,      //Piece values
0067                20, 20,    //pawns
0068                100, 100,  //rooks
0069                60, 60,    //knights
0070                61, 61,    //bishops
0071                8000, 8000,//kings
0072                180, 180,  //queens
0073                0];
0075 /* A score greater than P4_WIN indicates a king has been taken. It is
0076  * less than the value of a king, in case someone finds a way to, say,
0077  * sacrifice two queens in order to checkmate.
0078  */
0079 var P4_KING_VALUE = P4_VALUES[10];
0080 var P4_WIN = P4_KING_VALUE >> 1;
0082 /* every move, a winning score decreases by this much */
0083 var P4_WIN_DECAY = 300;
0084 var P4_WIN_NOW = P4_KING_VALUE - 250;
0086 /* P4_{MAX,MIN}_SCORE should be beyond any possible evaluated score */
0088 var P4_MAX_SCORE = 9999;    // extremes of evaluation range
0089 var P4_MIN_SCORE = -P4_MAX_SCORE;
0091 /*initialised in p4_initialise_state */
0096 /*P4_DEBUG turns on debugging features */
0097 var P4_DEBUG = 0;
0098 var P4_INITIAL_BOARD = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 1 1";
0100 /*use javascript typed arrays rather than plain arrays
0101  * (faster in some browsers, unsupported in others, possibly slower elsewhere) */
0102 var P4_USE_TYPED_ARRAYS = this.Int32Array !== undefined;
0104 var P4_PIECE_LUT = { /*for FEN, PGN interpretation */
0105     P: 2,
0106     p: 3,
0107     R: 4,
0108     r: 5,
0109     N: 6,
0110     n: 7,
0111     B: 8,
0112     b: 9,
0113     K: 10,
0114     k: 11,
0115     Q: 12,
0116     q: 13
0117 };
0122 function p4_alphabeta_treeclimber(state, count, colour, score, s, e, alpha, beta){
0123     var move = p4_make_move(state, s, e, P4_QUEEN);
0124     var i;
0125     var ncolour = 1 - colour;
0126     var movelist = p4_parse(state, colour, move.ep, -score);
0127     var movecount = movelist.length;
0128     if(count){
0129         //branch nodes
0130         var t;
0131         for(i = 0; i < movecount; i++){
0132             var mv = movelist[i];
0133             var mscore = mv[0];
0134             var ms = mv[1];
0135             var me = mv[2];
0136             if (mscore > P4_WIN){ //we won! Don't look further.
0137                 alpha = P4_KING_VALUE;
0138                 break;
0139             }
0140             t = -p4_alphabeta_treeclimber(state, count - 1, ncolour, mscore, ms, me,
0141                                           -beta, -alpha);
0142             if (t > alpha){
0143                 alpha = t;
0144             }
0145             if (alpha >= beta){
0146                 break;
0147             }
0148         }
0149         if (alpha < -P4_WIN_NOW && ! p4_check_check(state, colour)){
0150             /* Whatever we do, we lose the king.
0151              * But if it is not check then this is stalemate, and the
0152              * score doesn't apply.
0153              */
0154             alpha = state.stalemate_scores[colour];
0155         }
0156         if (alpha < -P4_WIN){
0157             /*make distant checkmate seem less bad */
0158             alpha += P4_WIN_DECAY;
0159         }
0160     }
0161     else{
0162         //leaf nodes
0163         while(beta > alpha && --movecount != -1){
0164             if(movelist[movecount][0] > alpha){
0165                 alpha = movelist[movecount][0];
0166             }
0167         }
0168     }
0169     p4_unmake_move(state, move);
0170     return alpha;
0171 }
0174 /* p4_prepare() works out weightings for assessing various moves,
0175  * favouring centralising moves early, for example.
0176  *
0177  * It is called before each tree search, not for each parse(), so it
0178  * is OK for it to be a little bit slow. But that also means it drifts
0179  * out of sync with the real board state, especially on deep searches.
0180  */
0182 function p4_prepare(state){
0183     var i, j, x, y, a;
0184     var pieces = state.pieces = [[], []];
0185     /*convert state.moveno half move count to move cycle count */
0186     var moveno = state.moveno >> 1;
0187     var board = state.board;
0189     /* high earliness_weight indicates a low move number. The formula
0190      * should work above moveno == 50, but this is javascript.
0191      */
0192     var earliness_weight = (moveno > 50) ? 0 : parseInt(6 * Math.exp(moveno * -0.07));
0193     var king_should_hide = moveno < 12;
0194     var early = moveno < 5;
0195     /* find the pieces, kings, and weigh material*/
0196     var kings = [0, 0];
0197     var material = [0, 0];
0198     var best_pieces = [0, 0];
0199     for(i = 20; i  < 100; i++){
0200         a = board[i];
0201         var piece = a & 14;
0202         var colour = a & 1;
0203         if(piece){
0204             pieces[colour].push([a, i]);
0205             if (piece == P4_KING){
0206                 kings[colour] = i;
0207             }
0208             else{
0209                 material[colour] += P4_VALUES[piece];
0210                 best_pieces[colour] = Math.max(best_pieces[colour], P4_VALUES[piece]);
0211             }
0212         }
0213     }
0215     /*does a draw seem likely soon?*/
0216     var draw_likely = (state.draw_timeout > 90 || state.current_repetitions >= 2);
0217     if (draw_likely)
0218         p4_log("draw likely", state.current_repetitions, state.draw_timeout);
0219     state.values = [[], []];
0220     var qvalue = P4_VALUES[P4_QUEEN]; /*used as ballast in various ratios*/
0221     var material_sum = material[0] + material[1] + 2 * qvalue;
0222     var wmul = 2 * (material[1] + qvalue) / material_sum;
0223     var bmul = 2 * (material[0] + qvalue) / material_sum;
0224     var multipliers = [wmul, bmul];
0225     var emptiness = 4 * P4_QUEEN / material_sum;
0226     state.stalemate_scores = [parseInt(0.5 + (wmul - 1) * 2 * qvalue),
0227                               parseInt(0.5 + (bmul - 1) * 2 * qvalue)];
0228     //p4_log("value multipliers (W, B):", wmul, bmul,
0229     //       "stalemate scores", state.stalemate_scores);
0230     for (i = 0; i < P4_VALUES.length; i++){
0231         var v = P4_VALUES[i];
0232         if (v < P4_WIN){//i.e., not king
0233             state.values[0][i] = parseInt(v * wmul + 0.5);
0234             state.values[1][i] = parseInt(v * bmul + 0.5);
0235         }
0236         else {
0237             state.values[0][i] = v;
0238             state.values[1][i] = v;
0239         }
0240     }
0241     /*used for pruning quiescence search */
0242     state.best_pieces = [parseInt(best_pieces[0] * wmul + 0.5),
0243                          parseInt(best_pieces[1] * bmul + 0.5)];
0245     var kx = [kings[0] % 10, kings[1] % 10];
0246     var ky = [parseInt(kings[0] / 10), parseInt(kings[1] / 10)];
0248     /* find the frontmost pawns in each file */
0249     var pawn_cols = [[], []];
0250     for (y = 3; y < 9; y++){
0251         for (x = 1; x < 9; x++){
0252             i = y * 10 + x;
0253             a = board[i];
0254             if ((a & 14) != P4_PAWN)
0255                 continue;
0256             if ((a & 1) == 0){
0257                 pawn_cols[0][x] = y;
0258             }
0259             else if (pawn_cols[1][x] === undefined){
0260                 pawn_cols[1][x] = y;
0261             }
0262         }
0263     }
0264     var target_king = (moveno >= 20 || material_sum < 5 * qvalue);
0265     var weights = state.weights;
0267     for (y = 2; y < 10; y++){
0268         for (x = 1; x < 9; x++){
0269             i = y * 10 + x;
0270             var early_centre = P4_CENTRALISING_WEIGHTS[i] * earliness_weight;
0271             var plateau = P4_KNIGHT_WEIGHTS[i];
0272             for (var c = 0; c < 2; c++){
0273                 var dx = Math.abs(kx[1 - c] - x);
0274                 var dy = Math.abs(ky[1 - c] - y);
0275                 var our_dx = Math.abs(kx[c] - x);
0276                 var our_dy = Math.abs(ky[c] - y);
0278                 var d = Math.max(Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy), 1) + 1;
0279                 var mul = multipliers[c]; /*(mul < 1) <==> we're winning*/
0280                 var mul3 = mul * mul * mul;
0281                 var at_home = y == 2 + c * 7;
0282                 var pawn_home = y == 3 + c * 5;
0283                 var row4 = y == 5 + c;
0284                 var promotion_row = y == 9 - c * 7;
0285                 var get_out = (early && at_home) * -5;
0287                 var knight = parseInt(early_centre * 0.3) + 2 * plateau + get_out;
0288                 var rook = parseInt(early_centre * 0.3);
0289                 var bishop = parseInt(early_centre * 0.6) + plateau + get_out;
0290                 if (at_home){
0291                     rook += (x == 4 || x == 5) * (earliness_weight + ! target_king);
0292                     rook += (x == 1 || x == 8) * (moveno > 10 && moveno < 20) * -3;
0293                     rook += (x == 2 || x == 7) * (moveno > 10 && moveno < 20) * -1;
0294                 }
0296                 /*Queen wants to stay home early, then jump right in*/
0297                 /*keep kings back on home row for a while*/
0298                 var queen = parseInt(plateau * 0.5 + early_centre * (0.5 - early));
0299                 var king = (king_should_hide && at_home) * 2 * earliness_weight;
0301                 /*empty board means pawn advancement is more urgent*/
0302                 var get_on_with_it = Math.max(emptiness * 2, 1);
0303                 var pawn = get_on_with_it * P4_BASE_PAWN_WEIGHTS[c ? 119 - i : i];
0304                 if (early){
0305                     /* Early pawn weights are slightly randomised, so each game is different.
0306                      */
0307                     if (y >= 4 && y <= 7){
0308                         var boost = 1 + 3 * (y == 5 || y == 6);
0309                         pawn += parseInt((boost + p4_random_int(state, 4)) * 0.1 *
0310                                          early_centre);
0311                     }
0312                     if (x == 4 || x == 5){
0313                         //discourage middle pawns from waiting at home
0314                         pawn -= 3 * pawn_home;
0315                         pawn += 3 * row4;
0316                     }
0317                 }
0318                 /*pawn promotion row is weighted as a queen minus a pawn.*/
0319                 if (promotion_row)
0320                     pawn += state.values[c][P4_QUEEN] - state.values[c][P4_PAWN];
0322                 /*pawns in front of a castled king should stay there*/
0323                 pawn += 4 * (y == 3 && ky[c] == 2 && Math.abs(our_dx) < 2 &&
0324                              kx[c] != 5 && x != 4 && x != 5);
0325                 /*passed pawns (having no opposing pawn in front) are encouraged. */
0326                 var cols = pawn_cols[1 - c];
0327                 if (cols[x] == undefined ||
0328                     (c == 0 && cols[x] < y) ||
0329                     (c == 1 && cols[x] > y))
0330                     pawn += 2;
0332                 /* After a while, start going for opposite king. Just
0333                  * attract pieces into the area so they can mill about in
0334                  * the area, waiting for an opportunity.
0335                  *
0336                  * As prepare is only called at the beginning of each tree
0337                  * search, the king could wander out of the targeted area
0338                  * in deep searches. But that's OK. Heuristics are
0339                  * heuristics.
0340                  */
0341                 if (target_king){
0342                     knight += 2 * parseInt(8 * mul / d);
0343                     rook += 2 * ((dx < 2) + (dy < 2));
0344                     bishop += 3 * (Math.abs((dx - dy))  < 2);
0345                     queen += 2 * parseInt(8 / d) + (dx * dy == 0) + (dx - dy == 0);
0346                     /* The losing king wants to stay in the middle, while
0347                      the winning king goes in for the kill.*/
0348                     var king_centre_wt = 8 * emptiness * P4_CENTRALISING_WEIGHTS[i];
0349                     king += parseInt(150 * emptiness / (mul3 * d) + king_centre_wt * mul3);
0350                 }
0351                 weights[P4_PAWN + c][i] = pawn;
0352                 weights[P4_KNIGHT + c][i] = knight;
0353                 weights[P4_ROOK + c][i] = rook;
0354                 weights[P4_BISHOP + c][i] = bishop;
0355                 weights[P4_QUEEN + c][i] = queen;
0356                 weights[P4_KING + c][i] = king;
0358                 if (draw_likely && mul < 1){
0359                     /*The winning side wants to avoid draw, so adds jitter to its weights.*/
0360                     var range = 3 / mul3;
0361                     for (j = 2 + c; j < 14; j += 2){
0362                         weights[j][i] += p4_random_int(state, range);
0363                     }
0364                 }
0365             }
0366         }
0367     }
0368     state.prepared = true;
0369 }
0371 function p4_maybe_prepare(state){
0372     if (! state.prepared)
0373         p4_prepare(state);
0374 }
0377 function p4_parse(state, colour, ep, score) {
0378     var board = state.board;
0379     var s, e;    //start and end position
0380     var E, a;       //E=piece at end place, a= piece moving
0381     var i, j;
0382     var other_colour = 1 - colour;
0383     var dir = (10 - 20 * colour); //dir= 10 for white, -10 for black
0384     var movelist = [];
0385     var captures = [];
0386     var weight;
0387     var pieces = state.pieces[colour];
0388     var castle_flags = (state.castles >> (colour * 2)) & 3;
0389     var values = state.values[other_colour];
0390     var all_weights = state.weights;
0391     for (j = pieces.length - 1; j >= 0; j--){
0392         s = pieces[j][1]; // board position
0393         a = board[s]; //piece number
0394         var weight_lut = all_weights[a];
0395         weight = score - weight_lut[s];
0396         a &= 14;
0397         if(a > 2){    //non-pawns
0398             var moves = P4_MOVES[a];
0399             if(a & 2){
0400                 for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){
0401                     e = s + moves[i];
0402                     E = board[e];
0403                     if(!E){
0404                         movelist.push([weight + values[E] + weight_lut[e], s, e]);
0405                     }
0406                     else if((E&17)==other_colour){
0407                         captures.push([weight + values[E] + weight_lut[e] + all_weights[E][e], s, e]);
0408                     }
0409                 }
0410                 if(a === P4_KING && castle_flags){
0411                     if((castle_flags & 1) &&
0412                         (board[s-1] + board[s-2] + board[s-3] == 0) &&
0413                         p4_check_castling(board, s - 2,other_colour,dir,-1)){//Q side
0414                         movelist.push([weight + 12, s, s - 2]);     //no analysis, just encouragement
0415                     }
0416                     if((castle_flags & 2) && (board[s+1]+board[s+2] == 0)&&
0417                         p4_check_castling(board, s, other_colour, dir, 1)){//K side
0418                         movelist.push([weight + 13, s, s + 2]);
0419                     }
0420                 }
0421             }
0422             else{//rook, bishop, queen
0423                 var mlen = moves.length;
0424                 for(i=0;i<mlen;){     //goeth thru list of moves
0425                     var m = moves[i++];
0426                     e=s;
0427                     // can't do-while loop:
0428                     e+=m;
0429                     E=board[e];
0430                     if(!E){
0431                         movelist.push([weight + values[E] + weight_lut[e], s, e]);
0432                     }
0433                     else if((E&17)==other_colour){
0434                         captures.push([weight + values[E] + weight_lut[e] + all_weights[E][e], s, e]);
0435                     }
0437                     while(!E) {
0438                         e+=m;
0439                         E=board[e];
0440                         if(!E){
0441                             movelist.push([weight + values[E] + weight_lut[e], s, e]);
0442                         }
0443                         else if((E&17)==other_colour){
0444                             captures.push([weight + values[E] + weight_lut[e] + all_weights[E][e], s, e]);
0445                         }
0446                     }
0447                 }
0448             }
0449         }
0450         else{    //pawns
0451             e=s+dir;
0452             if(!board[e]){
0453                 movelist.push([weight + weight_lut[e], s, e]);
0454                 /* s * (120 - s) < 3200 true for outer two rows on either side.*/
0455                 var e2 = e + dir;
0456                 if(s * (120 - s) < 3200 && (!board[e2])){
0457                     movelist.push([weight + weight_lut[e2], s, e2]);
0458                 }
0459             }
0460             /* +/-1 for pawn capturing */
0461             E = board[--e];
0462             if(E && (E & 17) == other_colour){
0463                 captures.push([weight + values[E] + weight_lut[e] + all_weights[E][e], s, e]);
0464             }
0465             e += 2;
0466             E = board[e];
0467             if(E && (E & 17) == other_colour){
0468                 captures.push([weight + values[E] + weight_lut[e] + all_weights[E][e], s, e]);
0469             }
0470         }
0471     }
0472     if(ep){
0473         var pawn = P4_PAWN | colour;
0474         var taken;
0475         /* Some repetitive calculation here could be hoisted out, but that would
0476             probably slow things: the common case is no pawns waiting to capture
0477             enpassant, not 2.
0478          */
0479         s = ep - dir - 1;
0480         if (board[s] === pawn){
0481             taken = values[P4_PAWN] + all_weights[P4_PAWN | other_colour][ep - dir];
0482             captures.push([score - weight_lut[s] + weight_lut[ep] + taken, s, ep]);
0483         }
0484         s += 2;
0485         if (board[s] === pawn){
0486             taken = values[P4_PAWN] + all_weights[P4_PAWN | other_colour][ep - dir];
0487             captures.push([score - weight_lut[s] + weight_lut[ep] + taken, s, ep]);
0488         }
0489     }
0490     return captures.concat(movelist);
0491 }
0493 /*Explaining the bit tricks used in check_castling and check_check:
0494  *
0495  * in binary:    16 8 4 2 1
0496  *   empty
0497  *   pawn               1 c
0498  *   rook             1   c
0499  *   knight           1 1 c
0500  *   bishop         1     c
0501  *   king           1   1 c
0502  *   queen          1 1   c
0503  *   wall         1
0504  *
0505  * so:
0506  *
0507  * piece & (16 | 4 | 2 | 1) is:
0508  *  2 + c  for kings and pawns
0509  *  4 + c  for rooks and queens
0510  *  6 + c  for knights
0511  *  0 + c  for bishops
0512  * 16      for walls
0513  *
0514  * thus:
0515  * ((piece & 23) == 4 | colour) separates the rooks and queens out
0516  * from the rest.
0517  * ((piece & 27) == 8 | colour) does the same for queens and bishops.
0518  */
0520 /* check_castling
0521  *
0522  * s - "start" location (either king home square, or king destination)
0523  *     the checks are done left to right.
0524  * * dir - direction of travel (White: 10, Black: -10)
0525  * side: -1 means Q side; 1, K side
0526  */
0528 function p4_check_castling(board, s, colour, dir, side){
0529     var e;
0530     var E;
0531     var m, p;
0532     var knight = colour + P4_KNIGHT;
0533     var diag_slider = P4_BISHOP | colour;
0534     var diag_mask = 27;
0535     var grid_slider = P4_ROOK | colour;
0536     var king_pawn = 2 | colour;
0537     var grid_mask = 23;
0539     /* go through 3 positions, checking for check in each
0540      */
0541     for(p = s; p < s + 3; p++){
0542         //bishops, rooks, queens
0543         e = p;
0544         // can't do-while loop:
0545         e += dir;
0546         E=board[e];
0547         while (! E) {
0548             e += dir;
0549             E=board[e];
0550         }
0551         if((E & grid_mask) == grid_slider)
0552             return 0;
0553         e = p;
0554         var delta = dir - 1;
0555         // can't do-while loop:
0556         e += delta;
0557         E=board[e];
0558         while (!E) {
0559             e += delta;
0560             E=board[e];
0561         } 
0562         if((E & diag_mask) == diag_slider)
0563             return 0;
0564         e = p;
0565         delta += 2;
0566         // can't do-while loop:
0567         e += delta;
0568         E=board[e];
0569         while(! E) {
0570             e += delta;
0571             E=board[e];
0572         }
0573         if((E & diag_mask) == diag_slider)
0574             return 0;
0575         /*knights on row 7. (row 6 is handled below)*/
0576         if (board[p + dir - 2] === knight ||
0577             board[p + dir + 2] === knight)
0578             return 0;
0579     }
0581     /* a pawn or king in any of 5 positions on row 7.
0582      * or a knight on row 6. */
0583     for(p = s + dir - 1; p < s + dir + 4; p++){
0584         E = board[p] & grid_mask;
0585         if(E === king_pawn || board[p + dir] === knight)
0586             return 0;
0587     }
0588     /* scan back row for rooks, queens on the other side.
0589      * Same side check is impossible, because the castling rook is there
0590      */
0591     e = (side < 0) ? s + 2 : s;
0592     // can't do-while loop:
0593     e -= side;
0594     E=board[e];
0595     while (! E) {
0596         e -= side;
0597         E=board[e];
0598     }
0599     if((E & grid_mask) == grid_slider)
0600         return 0;
0602     return 1;
0603 }
0605 function p4_check_check(state, colour){
0606     var board = state.board;
0607     /*find the king.  The pieces list updates from the end,
0608      * so the last-most king is correctly placed.*/
0609     var pieces = state.pieces[colour];
0610     var i = pieces.length;
0611     var king = P4_KING | colour
0612     // can't do-while loop:
0613     var val = king-1
0614     while (val !== king) {
0615         var p = pieces[--i];
0616         val = p[0]
0617     };
0618     var s = p[1];
0619     var other_colour = 1 - colour;
0620     var dir = 10 - 20 * colour;
0621     if (board[s + dir - 1] === (P4_PAWN | other_colour) ||
0622         board[s + dir + 1] === (P4_PAWN | other_colour))
0623         return true;
0624     var knight_moves = P4_MOVES[P4_KNIGHT];
0625     var king_moves = P4_MOVES[P4_KING];
0626     var knight = P4_KNIGHT | other_colour;
0627     var king = P4_KING | other_colour;
0628     for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){
0629         if (board[s + knight_moves[i]] === knight ||
0630             board[s + king_moves[i]] === king)
0631             return true;
0632     }
0633     var diagonal_moves = P4_MOVES[P4_BISHOP];
0634     var grid_moves = P4_MOVES[P4_ROOK];
0636     /* diag_mask ignores rook moves of queens,
0637      * grid_mask ignores the bishop moves*/
0638     var diag_slider = P4_BISHOP | other_colour;
0639     var diag_mask = 27;
0640     var grid_slider = P4_ROOK | other_colour;
0641     var grid_mask = 23;
0642     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){
0643         var m = diagonal_moves[i];
0644         var e = s;
0645         var E;
0646         // can't do-while loop:
0647         e += m;
0648         E = board[e];
0649         while (!E) {
0650             e += m;
0651             E = board[e];
0652         }
0653         if((E & diag_mask) == diag_slider)
0654             return true;
0656         m = grid_moves[i];
0657         e = s;
0658         // can't do-while loop:
0659         e += m;
0660         E = board[e];
0661         while (!E) {
0662             e += m;
0663             E = board[e];
0664         }
0666         if((E & grid_mask) == grid_slider)
0667             return true;
0668     }
0669     return false;
0670 }
0672 function p4_optimise_piece_list(state){
0673     var i, p, s, e;
0674     var movelists = [
0675         p4_parse(state, 0, 0, 0),
0676         p4_parse(state, 1, 0, 0)
0677     ];
0678     var weights = state.weights;
0679     var board = state.board;
0680     for (var colour = 0; colour < 2; colour++){
0681         var our_values = state.values[colour];
0682         var pieces = state.pieces[colour];
0683         var movelist = movelists[colour];
0684         var threats = movelists[1 - colour];
0685         /* sparse array to index by score. */
0686         var scores = [];
0687         for (i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++){
0688             p = pieces[i];
0689             scores[p[1]] = {
0690                 score: 0,
0691                 piece: p[0],
0692                 pos: p[1],
0693                 threatened: 0
0694             };
0695         }
0696         /* Find the best score for each piece by pure static weights,
0697          * ignoring captures, which have their own path to the top. */
0698         for(i = movelist.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
0699             var mv = movelist[i];
0700             var score = mv[0];
0701             s = mv[1];
0702             e = mv[2];
0703             if(! board[e]){
0704                 var x = scores[s];
0705                 x.score = Math.max(x.score, score);
0706             }
0707         }
0708         /* moving out of a threat is worth considering, especially
0709          * if it is a pawn and you are not.*/
0710         for(i = threats.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
0711             var mv = threats[i];
0712             var x = scores[mv[2]];
0713             if (x !== undefined){
0714                 var S = board[mv[1]];
0715                 var r = (1 + x.piece > 3 + S < 4) * 0.01;
0716                 if (x.threatened < r)
0717                     x.threatened = r;
0718             }
0719         }
0720         var pieces2 = [];
0721         for (i = 20; i < 100; i++){
0722             p = scores[i];
0723             if (p !== undefined){
0724                 p.score += p.threatened * our_values[p.piece];
0725                 pieces2.push(p);
0726             }
0727         }
0728         pieces2.sort(function(a, b){return a.score - b.score;});
0729         for (i = 0; i < pieces2.length; i++){
0730             p = pieces2[i];
0731             pieces[i] = [p.piece, p.pos];
0732         }
0733     }
0734 }
0736 function p4_findmove(state, level, colour, ep){
0737     p4_prepare(state);
0738     p4_optimise_piece_list(state);
0739     var board = state.board;
0740     if (arguments.length == 2){
0741         colour = state.to_play;
0742         ep = state.enpassant;
0743     }
0744     var movelist = p4_parse(state, colour, ep, 0);
0745     var alpha = P4_MIN_SCORE;
0746     var mv, t, i;
0747     var bs = 0;
0748     var be = 0;
0750     if (level <= 0){
0751         for (i = 0; i < movelist.length; i++){
0752             mv = movelist[i];
0753             if(movelist[i][0] > alpha){
0754                 alpha = mv[0];
0755                 bs = mv[1];
0756                 be = mv[2];
0757             }
0758         }
0759         return [bs, be, alpha];
0760     }
0762     for(i = 0; i < movelist.length; i++){
0763         mv = movelist[i];
0764         var mscore = mv[0];
0765         var ms = mv[1];
0766         var me = mv[2];
0767         if (mscore > P4_WIN){
0768             p4_log("XXX taking king! it should never come to this");
0769             alpha = P4_KING_VALUE;
0770             bs = ms;
0771             be = me;
0772             break;
0773         }
0774         t = -state.treeclimber(state, level - 1, 1 - colour, mscore, ms, me,
0775                                P4_MIN_SCORE, -alpha);
0776         if (t > alpha){
0777             alpha = t;
0778             bs = ms;
0779             be = me;
0780         }
0781     }
0782     if (alpha < -P4_WIN_NOW && ! p4_check_check(state, colour)){
0783         alpha = state.stalemate_scores[colour];
0784     }
0785     return [bs, be, alpha];
0786 }
0788 /*p4_make_move changes the state and returns an object containing
0789  * everything necessary to undo the change.
0790  *
0791  * p4_unmake_move uses the p4_make_move return value to restore the
0792  * previous state.
0793  */
0795 function p4_make_move(state, s, e, promotion){
0796     var board = state.board;
0797     var S = board[s];
0798     var E = board[e];
0799     board[e] = S;
0800     board[s] = 0;
0801     var piece = S & 14;
0802     var moved_colour = S & 1;
0803     var end_piece = S; /* can differ from S in queening*/
0804     //now some stuff to handle queening, castling
0805     var rs = 0, re, rook;
0806     var ep_taken = 0, ep_position;
0807     var ep = 0;
0808     if(piece == P4_PAWN){
0809         if((60 - e) * (60 - e) > 900){
0810             /*got to end; replace the pawn on board and in pieces cache.*/
0811             promotion |= moved_colour;
0812             board[e] = promotion;
0813             end_piece = promotion;
0814         }
0815         else if (((s ^ e) & 1) && E === 0){
0816             /*this is a diagonal move, but the end spot is empty, so we surmise enpassant */
0817             ep_position = e - 10 + 20 * moved_colour;
0818             ep_taken = board[ep_position];
0819             board[ep_position] = 0;
0820         }
0821         else if ((s - e) * (s - e) == 400){
0822             /*delta is 20 --> two row jump at start*/
0823             ep = (s + e) >> 1;
0824         }
0825     }
0826     else if (piece == P4_KING && ((s - e) * (s - e) == 4)){  //castling - move rook too
0827         rs = s - 4 + (s < e) * 7;
0828         re = (s + e) >> 1; //avg of s,e=rook's spot
0829         rook = moved_colour + P4_ROOK;
0830         board[rs] = 0;
0831         board[re] = rook;
0832         //piece_locations.push([rook, re]);
0833     }
0835     var old_castle_state = state.castles;
0836     if (old_castle_state){
0837         var mask = 0;
0838         var shift = moved_colour * 2;
0839         var side = moved_colour * 70;
0840         var s2 = s - side;
0841         var e2 = e + side;
0842         //wipe both our sides if king moves
0843         if (s2 == 25)
0844             mask |= 3 << shift;
0845         //wipe one side on any move from rook points
0846         else if (s2 == 21)
0847             mask |= 1 << shift;
0848         else if (s2 == 28)
0849             mask |= 2 << shift;
0850         //or on any move *to* opposition corners
0851         if (e2 == 91)
0852             mask |= 4 >> shift;
0853         else if (e2 == 98)
0854             mask |= 8 >> shift;
0855         state.castles &= ~mask;
0856     }
0858     var old_pieces = state.pieces.concat();
0859     var our_pieces = old_pieces[moved_colour];
0860     var dest = state.pieces[moved_colour] = [];
0861     for (var i = 0; i < our_pieces.length; i++){
0862         var x = our_pieces[i];
0863         var pp = x[0];
0864         var ps = x[1];
0865         if (ps != s && ps != rs){
0866             dest.push(x);
0867         }
0868     }
0869     dest.push([end_piece, e]);
0870     if (rook)
0871         dest.push([rook, re]);
0873     if (E || ep_taken){
0874         var their_pieces = old_pieces[1 - moved_colour];
0875         dest = state.pieces[1 - moved_colour] = [];
0876         var gone = ep_taken ? ep_position : e;
0877         for (i = 0; i < their_pieces.length; i++){
0878             var x = their_pieces[i];
0879             if (x[1] != gone){
0880                 dest.push(x);
0881             }
0882         }
0883     }
0885     return {
0886         /*some of these (e.g. rook) could be recalculated during
0887          * unmake, possibly more cheaply. */
0888         s: s,
0889         e: e,
0890         S: S,
0891         E: E,
0892         ep: ep,
0893         castles: old_castle_state,
0894         rs: rs,
0895         re: re,
0896         rook: rook,
0897         ep_position: ep_position,
0898         ep_taken: ep_taken,
0899         pieces: old_pieces
0900     };
0901 }
0903 function p4_unmake_move(state, move){
0904     var board = state.board;
0905     if (move.ep_position){
0906         board[move.ep_position] = move.ep_taken;
0907     }
0908     board[move.s] = move.S;
0909     board[move.e] = move.E;
0910     //move.piece_locations.length--;
0911     if({
0912         board[] = move.rook;
0913         board[] = 0;
0914         //move.piece_locations.length--;
0915     }
0916     state.pieces = move.pieces;
0917     state.castles = move.castles;
0918 }
0921 function p4_insufficient_material(state){
0922     var knights = false;
0923     var bishops = undefined;
0924     var i;
0925     var board = state.board;
0926     for(i = 20; i  < 100; i++){
0927         var piece = board[i] & 14;
0928         if(piece == 0 || piece == P4_KING){
0929             continue;
0930         }
0931         if (piece == P4_KNIGHT){
0932             /* only allow one knight of either colour, never with a bishop */
0933             if (knights || bishops !== undefined){
0934                 return false;
0935             }
0936             knights = true;
0937         }
0938         else if (piece == P4_BISHOP){
0939             /*any number of bishops, but on only one colour square */
0940             var x = i & 1;
0941             var y = parseInt(i / 10) & 1;
0942             var parity = x ^ y;
0943             if (knights){
0944                 return false;
0945             }
0946             else if (bishops === undefined){
0947                 bishops = parity;
0948             }
0949             else if (bishops != parity){
0950                 return false;
0951             }
0952         }
0953         else {
0954              return false;
0955         }
0956     }
0957     return true;
0958 }
0960 /* p4_move(state, s, e, promotion)
0961  * s, e are start and end positions
0962  *
0963  * promotion is the desired pawn promotion if the move gets a pawn to the other
0964  * end.
0965  *
0966  * return value contains bitwise flags
0967 */
0969 var P4_MOVE_FLAG_OK = 1;
0970 var P4_MOVE_FLAG_CHECK = 2;
0971 var P4_MOVE_FLAG_MATE = 4;
0972 var P4_MOVE_FLAG_CAPTURE = 8;
0973 var P4_MOVE_FLAG_CASTLE_KING = 16;
0974 var P4_MOVE_FLAG_CASTLE_QUEEN = 32;
0975 var P4_MOVE_FLAG_DRAW = 64;
0977 var P4_MOVE_ILLEGAL = 0;
0982 function p4_move(state, s, e, promotion){
0983     var board = state.board;
0984     var colour = state.to_play;
0985     var other_colour = 1 - colour;
0986     if (s != parseInt(s)){
0987         if (e === undefined){
0988             var mv = p4_interpret_movestring(state, s);
0989             s = mv[0];
0990             e = mv[1];
0991             if (s == 0)
0992                 return {flags: P4_MOVE_ILLEGAL, ok: false};
0993             promotion = mv[2];
0994         }
0995         else {/*assume two point strings: 'e2', 'e4'*/
0996             s = p4_destringify_point(s);
0997             e = p4_destringify_point(e);
0998         }
0999     }
1000     if (promotion === undefined)
1001         promotion = P4_QUEEN;
1002     var E=board[e];
1003     var S=board[s];
1005     /*See if this move is even slightly legal, disregarding check.
1006      */
1007     var i;
1008     var legal = false;
1009     p4_maybe_prepare(state);
1010     var moves = p4_parse(state, colour, state.enpassant, 0);
1011     for (i = 0; i < moves.length; i++){
1012         if (e === moves[i][2] && s === moves[i][1]){
1013             legal = true;
1014             break;
1015         }
1016     }
1017     if (! legal) {
1018         return {flags: P4_MOVE_ILLEGAL, ok: false};
1019     }
1021     /*Try the move, and see what the response is.*/
1022     var changes = p4_make_move(state, s, e, promotion);
1023     /*is it check? */
1024     if (p4_check_check(state, colour)){
1025         p4_unmake_move(state, changes);
1026         p4_log('in check', changes);
1027         return {flags: P4_MOVE_ILLEGAL, ok: false, string: "in check!"};
1028     }
1029     /*The move is known to be legal. We won't be undoing it.*/
1031     var flags = P4_MOVE_FLAG_OK;
1033     state.enpassant = changes.ep;
1034     state.history.push([s, e, promotion]);
1035     /*draw timeout: 50 moves without pawn move or capture is a draw */
1036     if (changes.E || changes.ep_position){
1037         state.draw_timeout = 0;
1038         flags |= P4_MOVE_FLAG_CAPTURE;
1039     }
1040     else if ((S & 14) == P4_PAWN){
1041         state.draw_timeout = 0;
1042     }
1043     else{
1044         state.draw_timeout++;
1045     }
1046     if ({
1047         flags |= (s > e) ? P4_MOVE_FLAG_CASTLE_QUEEN : P4_MOVE_FLAG_CASTLE_KING;
1048     }
1049     var shortfen = p4_state2fen(state, true);
1050     var repetitions = (state.position_counts[shortfen] || 0) + 1;
1051     state.position_counts[shortfen] = repetitions;
1052     state.current_repetitions = repetitions;
1053     if (state.draw_timeout > 100 || repetitions >= 3 ||
1054         p4_insufficient_material(state)){
1055         flags |= P4_MOVE_FLAG_DRAW;
1056     }
1057     state.moveno++;
1058     state.to_play = other_colour;
1060     if (p4_check_check(state, other_colour)){
1061         flags |= P4_MOVE_FLAG_CHECK;
1062     }
1063     /* check for (stale|check)mate, by seeing if there is a move for
1064      * the other side that doesn't result in check. (In other words,
1065      * reduce the pseudo-legal-move list down to a legal-move list,
1066      * and check it isn't empty).
1067      *
1068      * We don't need to p4_prepare because other colour pieces can't
1069      * have moved (just disappeared) since previous call. Also,
1070      * setting the promotion piece is unnecessary, because all
1071      * promotions block check equally well.
1072     */
1073     var is_mate = true;
1074     var replies = p4_parse(state, other_colour, changes.ep, 0);
1075     for (i = 0; i < replies.length; i++){
1076         var m = replies[i];
1077         var change2 = p4_make_move(state, m[1], m[2], P4_QUEEN);
1078         var check = p4_check_check(state, other_colour);
1079         p4_unmake_move(state, change2);
1080         if (!check){
1081             is_mate = false;
1082             break;
1083         }
1084     }
1085     if (is_mate)
1086         flags |= P4_MOVE_FLAG_MATE;
1088     var movestring = p4_move2string(state, s, e, S, promotion, flags, moves);
1089     p4_log("successful move", s, e, movestring, flags);
1090     state.prepared = false;
1091     return {
1092         flags: flags,
1093         string: movestring,
1094         ok: true
1095     };
1096 }
1099 function p4_move2string(state, s, e, S, promotion, flags, moves){
1100     var piece = S & 14;
1101     var src, dest;
1102     var mv, i;
1103     var capture = flags & P4_MOVE_FLAG_CAPTURE;
1105     src = p4_stringify_point(s);
1106     dest = p4_stringify_point(e);
1107     if (piece == P4_PAWN){
1108         if (capture){
1109             mv = src.charAt(0) + 'x' + dest;
1110         }
1111         else
1112             mv = dest;
1113         if (e > 90 || e < 30){  //end row, queening
1114             if (promotion === undefined)
1115                 promotion = P4_QUEEN;
1116             mv += '=' + P4_ENCODE_LUT.charAt(promotion);
1117         }
1118     }
1119     else if (piece == P4_KING && (s-e) * (s-e) == 4) {
1120         if (e < s)
1121             mv = 'O-O-O';
1122         else
1123             mv = 'O-O';
1124     }
1125     else {
1126         var row_qualifier = '';
1127         var col_qualifier = '';
1128         var pstr = P4_ENCODE_LUT.charAt(S);
1129         var sx = s % 10;
1130         var sy = parseInt(s / 10);
1132         /* find any other pseudo-legal moves that would put the same
1133          * piece in the same place, for which we'd need
1134          * disambiguation. */
1135         var co_landers = [];
1136         for (i = 0; i < moves.length; i++){
1137             var m = moves[i];
1138             if (e == m[2] && s != m[1] && state.board[m[1]] == S){
1139                 co_landers.push(m[1]);
1140             }
1141         }
1142         if (co_landers.length){
1143             for (i = 0; i < co_landers.length; i++){
1144                 var c = co_landers[i];
1145                 var cx = c % 10;
1146                 var cy = parseInt(c / 10);
1147                 if (cx == sx)/*same column, so qualify by row*/
1148                     row_qualifier = src.charAt(1);
1149                 if (cy == sy)
1150                     col_qualifier = src.charAt(0);
1151             }
1152             if (row_qualifier == '' && col_qualifier == ''){
1153                 /*no co-landers on the same rank or file, so one or the other will do.
1154                  * By convention, use the column (a-h) */
1155                 col_qualifier = src.charAt(0);
1156             }
1157         }
1158         mv = pstr + col_qualifier + row_qualifier + (capture ? 'x' : '') + dest;
1159     }
1160     if (flags & P4_MOVE_FLAG_CHECK){
1161         if (flags & P4_MOVE_FLAG_MATE)
1162             mv += '#';
1163         else
1164             mv += '+';
1165     }
1166     else if (flags & P4_MOVE_FLAG_MATE)
1167         mv += ' stalemate';
1168     return mv;
1169 }
1172 function p4_jump_to_moveno(state, moveno){
1173     p4_log('jumping to move', moveno);
1174     if (moveno === undefined || moveno > state.moveno)
1175         moveno = state.moveno;
1176     else if (moveno < 0){
1177         moveno = state.moveno + moveno;
1178     }
1179     var state2 = p4_fen2state(state.beginning);
1180     var i = 0;
1181     while (state2.moveno < moveno){
1182         var m = state.history[i++];
1183         p4_move(state2, m[0], m[1], m[2]);
1184     }
1185     /* copy the replayed state across, not all that deeply, but
1186      * enough to cover, eg, held references to board. */
1187     var attr, dest;
1188     for (attr in state2){
1189         var src = state2[attr];
1190         if (attr instanceof Array){
1191             dest = state[attr];
1192             dest.length = 0;
1193             for (i = 0; i < src.length; i++){
1194                 dest[i] = src[i];
1195             }
1196         }
1197         else {
1198             state[attr] = src;
1199         }
1200     }
1201     state.prepared = false;
1202 }
1205 /* write a standard FEN notation
1206  *
1207  * */
1208 function p4_state2fen(state, reduced){
1209     var piece_lut = '  PpRrNnBbKkQq';
1210     var board = state.board;
1211     var fen = '';
1212     //fen does Y axis backwards, X axis forwards */
1213     for (var y = 9; y > 1; y--){
1214         var count = 0;
1215         for (var x = 1; x < 9; x++){
1216             var piece = board[y * 10 + x];
1217             if (piece === 0)
1218                 count++;
1219             else{
1220                 if (count)
1221                     fen += count.toString();
1222                 fen += piece_lut.charAt(piece);
1223                 count = 0;
1224             }
1225         }
1226         if (count)
1227             fen += count;
1228         if (y > 2)
1229             fen += '/';
1230     }
1231     /*white or black */
1232     fen += ' ' + 'wb'.charAt(state.to_play) + ' ';
1233     /*castling */
1234     if (state.castles){
1235         var lut = [2, 'K', 1, 'Q', 8, 'k', 4, 'q'];
1236         for (var i = 0; i < 8; i += 2){
1237             if (state.castles & lut[i]){
1238                 fen += lut[i + 1];
1239             }
1240         }
1241     }
1242     else
1243         fen += '-';
1244     /*enpassant */
1245     if (state.enpassant !== 0){
1246         fen += ' ' + p4_stringify_point(state.enpassant);
1247     }
1248     else
1249         fen += ' -';
1250     if (reduced){
1251         /*if the 'reduced' flag is set, the move number and draw
1252          *timeout are not added. This form is used to detect draws by
1253          *3-fold repetition.*/
1254         return fen;
1255     }
1256     fen += ' ' + state.draw_timeout + ' ';
1257     fen += (state.moveno >> 1) + 1;
1258     return fen;
1259 }
1261 function p4_stringify_point(p){
1262     var letters = " abcdefgh";
1263     var x = p % 10;
1264     var y = (p - x) / 10 - 1;
1265     return letters.charAt(x) + y;
1266 }
1268 function p4_destringify_point(p){
1269     var x = parseInt(p.charAt(0), 19) - 9; //a-h <-> 10-18, base 19
1270     var y = parseInt(p.charAt(1)) + 1;
1271     if (y >= 2 && y < 10 && x >= 1 && x < 9)
1272         return y * 10 + x;
1273     return undefined;
1274 }
1276 /* read a standard FEN notation
1277  *
1278  * */
1279 function p4_fen2state(fen, state){
1280     if (state === undefined)
1281         state = p4_initialise_state();
1282     var board = state.board;
1283     var fenbits = fen.split(' ');
1284     var fen_board = fenbits[0];
1285     var fen_toplay = fenbits[1];
1286     var fen_castles = fenbits[2];
1287     var fen_enpassant = fenbits[3];
1288     var fen_timeout = fenbits[4];
1289     var fen_moveno = fenbits[5];
1290     if (fen_timeout === undefined)
1291         fen_timeout = 0;
1292     //fen does Y axis backwards, X axis forwards */
1293     var y = 90;
1294     var x = 1;
1295     var i;
1296     for (var j = 0; j < fen_board.length; j++){
1297         var c = fen_board.charAt(j);
1298         if (c === '/'){
1299             x = 1;
1300             y -= 10;
1301             if (y < 20)
1302                 break;
1303             continue;
1304         }
1305         var piece = P4_PIECE_LUT[c];
1306         if (piece && x < 9){
1307             board[y + x] = piece;
1308             x++;
1309         }
1310         else {
1311             var end = Math.min(x + parseInt(c), 9);
1312             for (; x < end; x++){
1313                 board[y + x] = 0;
1314             }
1315         }
1316     }
1317     state.to_play = (fen_toplay.toLowerCase() == 'b') ? 1 : 0;
1318     state.castles = 0;
1319     for (i = 0; i < fen_castles.length; i++){
1320         var bit = {k: 8, q: 4, K: 2, Q: 1}[fen_castles.charAt(i)];
1321         state.castles |= (bit || 0);
1322     }
1323     state.enpassant = (fen_enpassant != '-') ? p4_destringify_point(fen_enpassant) : 0;
1324     state.draw_timeout = parseInt(fen_timeout);
1325     if (fen_moveno === undefined){
1326         /*have a guess based on entropy and pieces remaining*/
1327         var pieces = 0;
1328         var mix = 0;
1329         var p, q, r;
1330         for (y = 20; y < 100; y+=10){
1331             for (x = 1; x < 9; x++){
1332                 p = board[y + x] & 15;
1333                 pieces += (!!p);
1334                 if (x < 8){
1335                     q = board[y + x + 1];
1336                     mix += (!q) != (!p);
1337                 }
1338                 if (y < 90){
1339                     q = board[y + x + 10];
1340                     mix += (!q) != (!p);
1341                 }
1342             }
1343         }
1344         fen_moveno = Math.max(1, parseInt((32 - pieces) * 1.3 + (4 - fen_castles.length) * 1.5 + ((mix - 16) / 5)));
1345         //p4_log("pieces", pieces, "mix", mix, "estimate", fen_moveno);
1346     }
1347     state.moveno = 2 * (parseInt(fen_moveno) - 1) + state.to_play;
1348     state.history = [];
1349     state.beginning = fen;
1350     state.prepared = false;
1351     state.position_counts = {};
1352     /* Wrap external functions as methods. */
1353     state.move = function(s, e, promotion){
1354         return p4_move(this, s, e, promotion);
1355     };
1356     state.findmove = function(level){
1357         return p4_findmove(this, level);
1358     };
1359     state.jump_to_moveno = function(moveno){
1360         return p4_jump_to_moveno(this, moveno);
1361     };
1362     return state;
1363 }
1365 /*
1366 Weights would all fit within an Int8Array *except* for the last row
1367 for pawns, which is close to the queen value (180, max is 127).
1369 Int8Array seems slightly quicker in Chromium 18, no different in
1370 Firefox 12.
1372 Int16Array is no faster, perhaps slower than Int32Array.
1374 Int32Array is marginally slower than plain arrays with Firefox 12, but
1375 significantly quicker with Chromium.
1376  */
1378 var P4_ZEROS = [];
1379 function p4_zero_array(){
1380     if (P4_USE_TYPED_ARRAYS)
1381         return new Int32Array(120);
1382     if (P4_ZEROS.length == 0){
1383         for(var i = 0; i < 120; i++){
1384             P4_ZEROS[i] = 0;
1385         }
1386     }
1387     return P4_ZEROS.slice();
1388 }
1390 /* p4_initialise_state() creates the board and initialises weight
1391  * arrays etc.  Some of this is really only needs to be done once.
1392  */
1394 function p4_initialise_state(){
1395     var board = p4_zero_array();
1396     P4_CENTRALISING_WEIGHTS = p4_zero_array();
1397     P4_BASE_PAWN_WEIGHTS = p4_zero_array();
1398     P4_KNIGHT_WEIGHTS = p4_zero_array();
1399     for(var i = 0; i < 120; i++){
1400         var y = parseInt(i / 10);
1401         var x = i % 10;
1402         var dx = Math.abs(x - 4.5);
1403         var dy = Math.abs(y - 5.5);
1404         P4_CENTRALISING_WEIGHTS[i] = parseInt(6 - Math.pow((dx * dx + dy * dy) * 1.5, 0.6));
1405          //knights have a flat topped centre (bishops too, but less so).
1406         P4_KNIGHT_WEIGHTS[i] = parseInt(((dx < 2) + (dy < 2) * 1.5)
1407                                         + (dx < 3) + (dy < 3)) - 2;
1408         P4_BASE_PAWN_WEIGHTS[i] = parseInt('000012347000'.charAt(y));
1409         if (y > 9 || y < 2 || x < 1 || x > 8)
1410             board[i] = 16;
1411     }
1412     var weights = [];
1413     for (i = 0; i < 14; i++){
1414         weights[i] = p4_zero_array();
1415     }
1416     var state = {
1417         board: board,
1418         weights: weights,
1419         history: [],
1420         treeclimber: p4_alphabeta_treeclimber
1421     };
1422     p4_random_seed(state, P4_DEBUG ? 1 :;
1423     return state;
1424 }
1426 function p4_new_game(){
1427     return p4_fen2state(P4_INITIAL_BOARD);
1428 }
1430 /*convert an arbitrary movestring into a pair of integers offsets into
1431  * the board. The string might be in any of these forms:
1432  *
1433  *  "d2-d4" "d2d4" "d4" -- moving a pawn
1434  *
1435  *  "b1-c3" "b1c3" "Nc3" "N1c3" "Nbc3" "Nb1c3" -- moving a knight
1436  *
1437  *  "b1xc3" "b1xc3" "Nxc3" -- moving a knight, also happens to capture.
1438  *
1439  *  "O-O" "O-O-O" -- special cases for castling ("e1-c1", etc, also work)
1440  *
1441  *  Note that for the "Nc3" (pgn) format, some knowledge of the board
1442  *  is necessary, so the state parameter is required. If it is
1443  *  undefined, the other forms will still work.
1444  */
1446 function p4_interpret_movestring(state, str){
1447     /* Ignore any irrelevant characters, then tokenise.
1448      *
1449      */
1450     var FAIL = [0, 0];
1451     var algebraic_re = /^\s*([RNBQK]?[a-h]?[1-8]?)[ :x-]*([a-h][1-8]?)(=[RNBQ])?[!?+#e.p]*\s*$/;
1452     var castle_re = /^\s*([O0o]-[O0o](-[O0o])?)\s*$/;
1453     var position_re = /^[a-h][1-8]$/;
1455     var m = algebraic_re.exec(str);
1456     if (m == null){
1457         /*check for castling notation (O-O, O-O-O) */
1458         m = castle_re.exec(str);
1459         if (m){
1460             s = 25 + state.to_play * 70;
1461             if (m[2])/*queenside*/
1462                 e = s - 2;
1463             else
1464                 e = s + 2;
1465         }
1466         else
1467             return FAIL;
1468     }
1469     var src = m[1];
1470     var dest = m[2];
1471     var queen = m[3];
1472     var s, e, q;
1473     var moves, i;
1474     if (src == '' || src == undefined){
1475         /* a single coordinate pawn move */
1476         e = p4_destringify_point(dest);
1477         s = p4_find_source_point(state, e, 'P' + dest.charAt(0));
1478     }
1479     else if (/^[RNBQK]/.test(src)){
1480         /*pgn format*/
1481         e = p4_destringify_point(dest);
1482         s = p4_find_source_point(state, e, src);
1483     }
1484     else if (position_re.test(src) && position_re.test(dest)){
1485         s = p4_destringify_point(src);
1486         e = p4_destringify_point(dest);
1487     }
1488     else if (/^[a-h]$/.test(src)){
1489         e = p4_destringify_point(dest);
1490         s = p4_find_source_point(state, e, 'P' + src);
1491     }
1492     if (s == 0)
1493         return FAIL;
1495     if (queen){
1496         /* the chosen queen piece */
1497         q = P4_PIECE_LUT[queen.charAt(1)];
1498     }
1499     return [s, e, q];
1500 }
1503 function p4_find_source_point(state, e, str){
1504     var colour = state.to_play;
1505     var piece = P4_PIECE_LUT[str.charAt(0)];
1506     piece |= colour;
1507     var s, i;
1509     var row, column;
1510     /* can be specified as Na, Na3, N3, and who knows, N3a? */
1511     for (i = 1; i < str.length; i++){
1512         var c = str.charAt(i);
1513         if (/[a-h]/.test(c)){
1514             column = str.charCodeAt(i) - 96;
1515         }
1516         else if (/[1-8]/.test(c)){
1517             /*row goes 2 - 9 */
1518             row = 1 + parseInt(c);
1519         }
1520     }
1521     var possibilities = [];
1522     p4_prepare(state);
1523     var moves = p4_parse(state, colour,
1524                          state.enpassant, 0);
1525     for (i = 0; i < moves.length; i++){
1526         var mv = moves[i];
1527         if (e === mv[2]){
1528             s = mv[1];
1529             if (state.board[s] === piece &&
1530                 (column === undefined || column === s % 10) &&
1531                 (row === undefined || row === parseInt(s / 10))
1532                ){
1533                    var change = p4_make_move(state, s, e, P4_QUEEN);
1534                    if (! p4_check_check(state, colour))
1535                        possibilities.push(s);
1536                    p4_unmake_move(state, change);
1537             }
1538         }
1539     }
1540     p4_log("finding", str, "that goes to", e, "got", possibilities);
1542     if (possibilities.length == 0){
1543         return 0;
1544     }
1545     else if (possibilities.length > 1){
1546         p4_log("p4_find_source_point seems to have failed",
1547                state, e, str,
1548                possibilities);
1549     }
1550     return possibilities[0];
1551 }
1554 /*random number generator based on
1555  *
1556  */
1557 function p4_random_seed(state, seed){
1558     seed &= 0xffffffff;
1559     state.rng = (P4_USE_TYPED_ARRAYS) ? new Uint32Array(4) : [];
1560     state.rng[0] = 0xf1ea5eed;
1561     state.rng[1] = seed;
1562     state.rng[2] = seed;
1563     state.rng[3] = seed;
1564     for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
1565         p4_random31(state);
1566 }
1568 function p4_random31(state){
1569     var rng = state.rng;
1570     var b = rng[1];
1571     var c = rng[2];
1572     /* These shifts amount to rotates.
1573      * Note the three-fold right shift '>>>', meaning an unsigned shift.
1574      * The 0xffffffff masks are needed to keep javascript to 32bit. (supposing
1575      * untyped arrays).
1576      */
1577     var e = rng[0] - ((b << 27) | (b >>> 5));
1578     rng[0] = b ^ ((c << 17) | (c >>> 15));
1579     rng[1] = (c + rng[3]) & 0xffffffff;
1580     rng[2] = (rng[3] + e) & 0xffffffff;
1581     rng[3] = (e + rng[0]) & 0xffffffff;
1582     return rng[3] & 0x7fffffff;
1583 }
1585 function p4_random_int(state, top){
1586     /* uniform integer in range [0 < n < top), supposing top < 2 ** 31
1587      *
1588      * This method is slightly (probably pointlessly) more accurate
1589      * than converting to 0-1 float, multiplying and truncating, and
1590      * considerably more accurate than a simple modulus.
1591      * Obviously it is a bit slower.
1592      */
1593     /* mask becomes one less than the next highest power of 2 */
1594     var mask = top;
1595     mask--;
1596     mask |= mask >>> 1;
1597     mask |= mask >>> 2;
1598     mask |= mask >>> 4;
1599     mask |= mask >>> 8;
1600     mask |= mask >>> 16;
1601     // can't do-while loop:
1602     var r = top + 1;
1603     while(r >= top)
1604         r = p4_random31(state) & mask;
1606     return r;
1607 }