Warning, /education/gcompris/src/activities/ballcatch/Ball.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /* gcompris - Ball.qml
0003  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Johnny Jazeix <jazeix@gmail.com>
0005  Bruno Coudoin: initial Gtk+ version
0007  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0008 */
0009 import QtQuick 2.12
0010 import "ballcatch.js" as Activity
0011 import GCompris 1.0
0013 Image {
0014     id: ball
0016     property bool isVertical: background.width <= background.height    // To check if in Vertical mode
0018     source: "qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/ballcatch/resource/ball.svg"
0019     sourceSize.height: background.isVertical ? 175 * Application.ratio : 200 * ApplicationInfo.ratio
0020     z: 3
0022     readonly property real initScale: 1.0
0024     // If won, ball goes on tux, if lose, depends on the side clicked first
0025     property int finishX
0027     readonly property int finishY: tux.y + tux.height / 4
0028     readonly property real finishScale: initScale / 2
0029     property int radius: initScale
0030     property bool levelChange: false    //needed in case of changing level while animation is running
0032     function stop() {
0033         levelChange = true;
0034         animation.stop();
0035     }
0037     ParallelAnimation {
0038         id: animation
0039         running: false
0041         NumberAnimation { target: ball; property: "x";
0042                           to: finishX; duration: 1000
0043                           easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
0044         NumberAnimation { target: ball; property: "y";
0045                           to: finishY; duration: 1000
0046                           easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
0047         NumberAnimation { target: ball; property: "scale";
0048                           to: finishScale; duration: 1000
0049                           easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
0050         NumberAnimation { target: ball; property: "rotation";
0051                           to: 360; duration: 1000
0052                           easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
0053         onStarted: {
0054             items.background.playSound("brick");
0055         }
0057         onStopped: {
0058             // We are done with the ballon move
0059             if(levelChange) {
0060                 return
0061             } else if(Activity.gameWon) {
0062                 // This is a win
0063                 items.background.playSound("completetask");
0064                 bonus.good("tux");
0065             } else {
0066                 // This is a lose
0067                 bonus.bad("tux");
0068             }
0069         }
0070     }
0072     function startAnimation() {
0073         if(Activity.gameWon) {
0074             finishX = x;
0075         }
0076         else if(Activity.items.leftPressed) {
0077             finishX = tux.x + tux.width * 2;
0078         }
0079         else {
0080             finishX = tux.x - tux.width * 2;
0081         }
0082         /* Only start the timer if the game is at init state.
0083            In init state, radius is initScale */
0084         if(ball.radius == ball.initScale)
0085             animation.start();
0086     }
0088     function reinitBall() {
0089         x = background.width / 2 - width / 2;
0090         y = leftHand.y - height / 3;
0091         ball.scale = initScale;
0092         ball.rotation = 0;
0093         levelChange = false;
0094     }
0095 }