Warning, /education/gcompris/po/sl/gcompris_voices.po is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 # Copyright (C) 2024 This file is copyright: 0002 # This file is distributed under the same license as the gcompris package. 0003 # 0004 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024 Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net> 0005 msgid "" 0006 msgstr "" 0007 "Project-Id-Version: gcompris\n" 0008 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n" 0009 "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-01-16 03:10+0000\n" 0010 "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-16 10:52+0100\n" 0011 "Last-Translator: Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>\n" 0012 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-slo@lugos.si>\n" 0013 "Language: sl\n" 0014 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 0015 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 0016 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 0017 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n" 0018 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n" 0019 "X-Generator: Lokalize 23.08.4\n" 0020 0021 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "adjacent_numbers" 0022 #: activities/adjacent_numbers/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0023 #, kde-format 0024 msgid "Find the missing numbers." 0025 msgstr "Najdite manjkajoča števila." 0026 0027 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "advanced_colors" 0028 #: activities/advanced_colors/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0029 #, kde-format 0030 msgid "click on the required color" 0031 msgstr "kliknite na želeno barvo" 0032 0033 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "algebra_by" 0034 #: activities/algebra_by/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0035 #, kde-format 0036 msgid "" 0037 "Multiply the two numbers together and type in your answer before the balloon " 0038 "lands in the water" 0039 msgstr "" 0040 "Pomnožite obe številki skupaj in vpišite svoj odgovor preden balon pristane " 0041 "v vodi" 0042 0043 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "algebra_div" 0044 #: activities/algebra_div/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0045 #, kde-format 0046 msgid "" 0047 "Find the result of the division and type in your answer before the balloon " 0048 "lands in the water" 0049 msgstr "" 0050 "Poiščite rezultat deljenja in vpišite svoj odgovor preden balon pristane v " 0051 "vodi" 0052 0053 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "algebra_minus" 0054 #: activities/algebra_minus/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0055 #, kde-format 0056 msgid "" 0057 "Subtract the two numbers and type in your answer before the balloon lands in " 0058 "the water" 0059 msgstr "" 0060 "Odštejte dve števili in vpišite svoj odgovor preden balon pristane v vodi" 0061 0062 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "algebra_plus" 0063 #: activities/algebra_plus/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0064 #, kde-format 0065 msgid "" 0066 "Add the two numbers together and type in your answer before the balloon " 0067 "lands in the water" 0068 msgstr "" 0069 "Seštejte dve števili in vpišite svoj odgovor preden balon pristane v vodi" 0070 0071 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "algorithm" 0072 #: activities/algorithm/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0073 #, kde-format 0074 msgid "" 0075 "Click on the missing items on the table and follow the logical sequence " 0076 "displayed above it." 0077 msgstr "" 0078 "Kliknite na manjkajoče elemente na tabeli in sledite logičnemu zaporedju " 0079 "prikazanem nad njo." 0080 0081 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "align4" 0082 #: activities/align4/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0083 #, kde-format 0084 msgid "" 0085 "Click on the column where you wish your token to fall and try to align of 4 " 0086 "tokens before Tux." 0087 msgstr "" 0088 "Kliknite stolpec, kamor želite, da pade vaš žeton in poskusite poravnati 4 " 0089 "žetone pred Tuxom." 0090 0091 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "align4_2players" 0092 #: activities/align4_2players/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0093 #, kde-format 0094 msgid "" 0095 "Click on the column where you wish your token to fall and try to align 4 " 0096 "tokens to win." 0097 msgstr "" 0098 "Kliknite stolpec, kamor želite, da pade vaš žeton in poskusite poravnati 4 " 0099 "žetone da zmagate." 0100 0101 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "alphabet-sequence" 0102 #: activities/alphabet-sequence/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0103 #, kde-format 0104 msgid "" 0105 "Move the helicopter to catch the clouds following the order of the alphabet." 0106 msgstr "Premikajte helikopter, da lovite oblake po vrstnem redu abecede." 0107 0108 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "analog_electricity" 0109 #: activities/analog_electricity/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0110 #, kde-format 0111 msgid "Learn how analog electricity works and create your own circuit." 0112 msgstr "" 0113 "Naučite se, kako deluje analogna elektrika in ustvarite svoje lastno vezje." 0114 0115 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "baby_keyboard" 0116 #: activities/baby_keyboard/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0117 #, kde-format 0118 msgid "Type any key on the keyboard and observe the result." 0119 msgstr "Pritisnite na katero koli tipko na tipkovnici in opazujte rezultat." 0120 0121 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "baby_mouse" 0122 #: activities/baby_mouse/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0123 #, kde-format 0124 msgid "Move the mouse or touch the screen and observe the result." 0125 msgstr "Premaknite miško ali dotaknite se zaslona in opazujte rezultat." 0126 0127 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "baby_tangram" 0128 #: activities/baby_tangram/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0129 #, kde-format 0130 msgid "" 0131 "Move each puzzle piece, to obtain the completed puzzle. You can change their " 0132 "orientation by clicking on the arrows." 0133 msgstr "" 0134 "Premaknite vsak kos sestavljanke, da dobite izpolnjeno sestavljanko. Lahko " 0135 "spremenite njihovo usmeritev s kliki na puščice." 0136 0137 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "baby_wordprocessor" 0138 #: activities/baby_wordprocessor/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0139 #, kde-format 0140 msgid "A simplistic word processor to play around with the keyboard" 0141 msgstr "" 0142 "Poenostavljen urejevalnik besedil, s katerim se lahko igrate s tipkovnico" 0143 0144 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "babymatch" 0145 #: activities/babymatch/ActivityInfo.qml:21 0146 #, kde-format 0147 msgid "Drag and drop the objects matching the pictures" 0148 msgstr "Vlecite in spuščajte predmete, ki se ujemajo s slikami" 0149 0150 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "babyshapes" 0151 #: activities/babyshapes/ActivityInfo.qml:22 0152 #, kde-format 0153 msgid "Drag and drop the objects matching the shapes." 0154 msgstr "Vlecite in spuščajte predmete, ki se ujemajo s oblikami." 0155 0156 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "balancebox" 0157 #: activities/balancebox/ActivityInfo.qml:21 0158 #, kde-format 0159 msgid "Tilt the box to navigate the ball to the door." 0160 msgstr "Nagibajte škatlo, da kroglico usmerite do vrat." 0161 0162 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "ballcatch" 0163 #: activities/ballcatch/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0164 #, kde-format 0165 msgid "" 0166 "Press the left and right arrows at the same time to send the ball straight on" 0167 msgstr "Pritisnite levo in desno puščico hkrati, da pošljete žogo naravnost" 0168 0169 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "bargame" 0170 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "bargame_2players" 0171 #: activities/bargame/ActivityInfo.qml:19 0172 #: activities/bargame_2players/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0173 #, kde-format 0174 msgid "" 0175 "Select the number of balls you wish to place in the holes and then click on " 0176 "the OK button. The winner is the one who hasn't put a ball in the red hole." 0177 msgstr "" 0178 "Izberite število kroglic, ki jih želite namestiti v luknje, nato pa kliknite " 0179 "V redu. Zmagovalec je tisti, ki žoge ni postavil v rdečo luknjo." 0180 0181 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "binary_bulb" 0182 #: activities/binary_bulb/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0183 #, kde-format 0184 msgid "" 0185 "Turn on the right bulbs to represent the binary of the given decimal number. " 0186 "When you have achieved it, press OK" 0187 msgstr "" 0188 "Vklopite desne žarnice, ki predstavljajo dvojiške številke danega " 0189 "decimalnega števila. Ko to dosežete, pritisnite V redu" 0190 0191 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "braille_alphabets" 0192 #: activities/braille_alphabets/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0193 #, kde-format 0194 msgid "Click on Tux to start and then re-create the Braille cells." 0195 msgstr "Za začetek kliknite na Tuxa in znova ustvarite Braillejeve celice." 0196 0197 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "braille_fun" 0198 #: activities/braille_fun/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0199 #, kde-format 0200 msgid "Create the Braille cell for the letter." 0201 msgstr "Ustvarite celico brajice za črko." 0202 0203 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "calcudoku" 0204 #: activities/calcudoku/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0205 #, kde-format 0206 msgid "" 0207 "Select a number and click on its target position. Each number must appear " 0208 "only once in a row and in a column. The numbers in the cells of a cage must " 0209 "produce the given result when combined using the given operator." 0210 msgstr "" 0211 "Izberite številko in kliknite njen ciljni položaj. Vsaka številka se mora " 0212 "pojaviti samo enkrat v vrstici in stolpcu. Številke v celicah kletke morajo " 0213 "dati dani rezultat, če jih kombiniramo z danim operatorjem." 0214 0215 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "calendar" 0216 #: activities/calendar/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0217 #, kde-format 0218 msgid "Select the asked date on the calendar" 0219 msgstr "Izberite izbrani datum na koledarju" 0220 0221 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "canal_lock" 0222 #: activities/canal_lock/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0223 #, kde-format 0224 msgid "" 0225 "You are responsible for the lock and you must help Tux pass through. Click " 0226 "on the valves to cause either a drop or an increase in the water level, and " 0227 "click on the gates to open or close a path." 0228 msgstr "" 0229 "Odgovorni ste za zapornico in Tuxu morate pomagati skoznjo. Kliknite na " 0230 "ventile, da povzročijo padec ali povečanje nivoja vode, in kliknite na " 0231 "zapornice, da odprete ali zaprete pot." 0232 0233 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "categorization" 0234 #: activities/categorization/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0235 #, kde-format 0236 msgid "Categorize the items into the correct group" 0237 msgstr "Kategorizirajte elemente v pravilno skupino" 0238 0239 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "checkers" 0240 #: activities/checkers/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0241 #, kde-format 0242 msgid "play checkers against Tux" 0243 msgstr "igrajte damo proti Tuxu" 0244 0245 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "checkers_2players" 0246 #: activities/checkers_2players/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0247 #, kde-format 0248 msgid "play checkers with your friend" 0249 msgstr "igrajte damo s prijateljem" 0250 0251 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "chess" 0252 #: activities/chess/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0253 #, kde-format 0254 msgid "play chess against Tux" 0255 msgstr "igrajte šah proti Tuxu" 0256 0257 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "chess_2players" 0258 #: activities/chess_2players/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0259 #, kde-format 0260 msgid "play chess against your friend" 0261 msgstr "igrajte šah proti svojemu prijatelju" 0262 0263 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "chess_partyend" 0264 #: activities/chess_partyend/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0265 #, kde-format 0266 msgid "" 0267 "Click on a white chess piece and green boxes will appear to indicate all the " 0268 "movements that piece can make. Try and get the black king into checkmate." 0269 msgstr "" 0270 "Kliknite na belo šahovsko figuro in prikazale se bodo zelena polja, ki " 0271 "označujejo vse poteze, ki jih lahko figura naredi. Poskusite matirati črnega " 0272 "kralja." 0273 0274 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "chronos" 0275 #: activities/chronos/ActivityInfo.qml:22 0276 #, kde-format 0277 msgid "Slide the pictures into the order that tells the story" 0278 msgstr "Premaknite slike v vrstni red, ki pripoveduje zgodbo" 0279 0280 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "click_on_letter_up" 0281 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "click_on_letter" 0282 #: activities/click_on_letter/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0283 #: activities/click_on_letter_up/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0284 #, kde-format 0285 msgid "" 0286 "Click on the required letter. You can listen to it again by clicking on the " 0287 "mouth." 0288 msgstr "Kliknite na želeno črko. Ponovno ga lahko poslušate s klikom na usta." 0289 0290 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "clickanddraw" 0291 #: activities/clickanddraw/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0292 #, kde-format 0293 msgid "Click on the selected points and draw" 0294 msgstr "Klikajte na izbrane točke in rišite" 0295 0296 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "clickgame" 0297 #: activities/clickgame/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0298 #, kde-format 0299 msgid "Catch the fish before they leave the aquarium." 0300 msgstr "Ujemite ribo preden zapusti akvarij." 0301 0302 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "clockgame" 0303 #: activities/clockgame/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0304 #, kde-format 0305 msgid "Drag and drop the needles of the clock to display the required time" 0306 msgstr "Vlecite in spustite kazalce na uri, da prikažete želeni čas" 0307 0308 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "color_mix" 0309 #: activities/color_mix/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0310 #, kde-format 0311 msgid "Match the color by moving the sliders on the tubes of paint" 0312 msgstr "Prilagodite barvo s premikanjem drsnikov na cevi barve" 0313 0314 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "color_mix_light" 0315 #: activities/color_mix_light/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0316 #, kde-format 0317 msgid "Match the color by moving the sliders on the torches" 0318 msgstr "Prilagodite barvo s premikanjem drsnikov na baklah" 0319 0320 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "colors" 0321 #: activities/colors/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0322 #, kde-format 0323 msgid "Click on the right color" 0324 msgstr "Kliknite na pravo barvo" 0325 0326 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "comparator" 0327 #: activities/comparator/ActivityInfo.qml:20 0328 #, kde-format 0329 msgid "" 0330 "Select the correct comparator sign for each pair of numbers in the list." 0331 msgstr "Izberite pravilni znak primerjave za vsak par števil v seznamu." 0332 0333 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "crane" 0334 #: activities/crane/ActivityInfo.qml:23 0335 #, kde-format 0336 msgid "" 0337 " Click on each item in turn, in the blue frame, and move them to reproduce " 0338 "the pattern from the pink frame." 0339 msgstr "" 0340 " Kliknite na vsak element po vrsti v modrem okvirju in ga premaknite za " 0341 "reprodukcijo vzorca iz roza okvirja." 0342 0343 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "details" 0344 #: activities/details/ActivityInfo.qml:21 0345 #, kde-format 0346 msgid "Slide the images on their respective targets" 0347 msgstr "Pomaknite slike na njihove cilje" 0348 0349 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "digital_electricity" 0350 #: activities/digital_electricity/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0351 #, kde-format 0352 msgid "Learn how digital electronics work and create your own circuit." 0353 msgstr "Naučite se, kako deluje elektronika in si ustvarite svoje vezje." 0354 0355 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "drawletters" 0356 #: activities/drawletters/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0357 #, kde-format 0358 msgid "Click on the selected points and draw the letter" 0359 msgstr "Kliknite na izbrane točke in narišite črko" 0360 0361 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "drawnumbers" 0362 #: activities/drawnumbers/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0363 #, kde-format 0364 msgid "Draw the numbers by connecting the dots in the correct order." 0365 msgstr "Narišite številke tako, da pike povežete v pravilnem vrstnem redu." 0366 0367 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "enumerate" 0368 #: activities/enumerate/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0369 #, kde-format 0370 msgid "" 0371 "Count the elements by organizing them then type the answer on your keyboard." 0372 msgstr "" 0373 "Preštejte elemente tako, da jih razvrstite, nato odgovor vnesite prek " 0374 "tipkovnice." 0375 0376 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "erase" 0377 #: activities/erase/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0378 #, kde-format 0379 msgid " Clear the window with your sponge and discover the hidden picture." 0380 msgstr " Z gobo počistite okno in odkrijte skrito sliko." 0381 0382 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "erase_2clic" 0383 #: activities/erase_2clic/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0384 #, kde-format 0385 msgid "Double tap or double click on the bricks to discover the hidden picture" 0386 msgstr "" 0387 "Dvakrat tapnite ali dvakrat kliknite na opeke, da odkrijete skrito sliko" 0388 0389 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "erase_clic" 0390 #: activities/erase_clic/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0391 #, kde-format 0392 msgid "Click or tap on the transparent bricks and discover the hidden picture." 0393 msgstr "Kliknite ali tapnite na prosojne opeke, da odkrijete skrito sliko." 0394 0395 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "explore_farm_animals" 0396 #: activities/explore_farm_animals/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0397 #, kde-format 0398 msgid "Learn about farmyard animals and the noises that they make." 0399 msgstr "Spoznajte domače živali in glasove, ki jih oddajajo." 0400 0401 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "explore_monuments" 0402 #: activities/explore_monuments/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0403 #, kde-format 0404 msgid "Explore Monuments around the world." 0405 msgstr "Raziščite kulturne spomenike po svetu." 0406 0407 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "explore_world_animals" 0408 #: activities/explore_world_animals/ActivityInfo.qml:22 0409 #, kde-format 0410 msgid "Learn about world animals and locate them on a map." 0411 msgstr "Poučite se o živalih po svetu in jih poiščite na zemljevidu." 0412 0413 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "explore_world_music" 0414 #: activities/explore_world_music/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0415 #, kde-format 0416 msgid "Click on the suitcases to learn about music from around the world." 0417 msgstr "Kliknite na kovčke in se seznanite z glasbo z vsega sveta." 0418 0419 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "family" 0420 #: activities/family/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0421 #, kde-format 0422 msgid "Let us understand what to call our relatives" 0423 msgstr "Naj razumemo, kako poklicati sorodnike" 0424 0425 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "family_find_relative" 0426 #: activities/family_find_relative/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0427 #, kde-format 0428 msgid "Click on a pair that defines the given relation" 0429 msgstr "Kliknite na par, ki določa dano sorodstvo" 0430 0431 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "fifteen" 0432 #: activities/fifteen/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0433 #, kde-format 0434 msgid "" 0435 "Click or drag an element next to a free space, the element will move and " 0436 "release its space. You must put all the pieces in the correct order. The " 0437 "numbers on the pieces can help you." 0438 msgstr "" 0439 "Kliknite ali povlecite element poleg prostega prostora, element se bo " 0440 "premaknil in sprostil svoj prostor. Vse kose morate postaviti v pravilnem " 0441 "vrstnem redu. Številke na kosih vam pomagajo pri tem." 0442 0443 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "find_the_day" 0444 #: activities/find_the_day/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0445 #, kde-format 0446 msgid "Select the required day." 0447 msgstr "Izberite zahtevan dan." 0448 0449 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "followline" 0450 #: activities/followline/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0451 #, kde-format 0452 msgid " Move the mouse or your finger along the pipe to stop the fire." 0453 msgstr " Premaknite miško ali prst vzdolž cevi, da zadušite ogenj." 0454 0455 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "football" 0456 #: activities/football/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0457 #, kde-format 0458 msgid "Drag a line from the ball to set the speed and direction of your kick." 0459 msgstr "Iz žoge povlecite črto, da nastavite hitrost in smer svoje brce." 0460 0461 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "fractions_create" 0462 #: activities/fractions_create/ActivityInfo.qml:19 0463 #, kde-format 0464 msgid "" 0465 "Select the appropriate number of parts as described in the instructions." 0466 msgstr "Izberite ustrezno število delov kot je opisano v navodilih." 0467 0468 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "fractions_find" 0469 #: activities/fractions_find/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0470 #, kde-format 0471 msgid "Find the correct numerator and denominator of the represented fraction" 0472 msgstr "Najdite pravilnega števca in imenovalca predstavljenega ulomka" 0473 0474 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "frieze" 0475 #: activities/frieze/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0476 #, kde-format 0477 msgid "Reproduce and complete the frieze model." 0478 msgstr "Reproducirajte in dokončajte model friza." 0479 0480 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "geo-country" 0481 #: activities/geo-country/ActivityInfo.qml:22 0482 #, kde-format 0483 msgid "Drag and drop the regions to complete the country maps." 0484 msgstr "Vlecite in spuščajte regije, da bi dokončali zemljevide držav." 0485 0486 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "geography" 0487 #: activities/geography/ActivityInfo.qml:22 0488 #, kde-format 0489 msgid "Drag and drop the objects to complete the map." 0490 msgstr "Vlecite in spuščajte predmete, da bi dokončali zemljevide." 0491 0492 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "gletters" 0493 #: activities/gletters/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0494 #, kde-format 0495 msgid "Type the letters on your keyboard before they reach the ground." 0496 msgstr "Vtipkajte črke na tipkovnici preden dosežejo tla." 0497 0498 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "gnumch-equality" 0499 #: activities/gnumch-equality/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0500 #, kde-format 0501 msgid "" 0502 "Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the required numbers and press " 0503 "the space bar to swallow them." 0504 msgstr "" 0505 "Vodite požiralca številk s tipkami puščic poiščite do zahtevanih števil in " 0506 "pritisnite preslednico, da jih pogoltne." 0507 0508 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "gnumch-factors" 0509 #: activities/gnumch-factors/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0510 #, kde-format 0511 msgid "" 0512 "Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the factors of the displayed " 0513 "number and press space to swallow them." 0514 msgstr "" 0515 "Vodite požiralca številk s tipkami puščic poiščite do faktorjev prikazanih " 0516 "števil in pritisnite preslednico, da jih pogoltne." 0517 0518 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "gnumch-inequality" 0519 #: activities/gnumch-inequality/ActivityInfo.qml:19 0520 #, kde-format 0521 msgid "" 0522 "Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the numbers that are different " 0523 "from the ones displayed and press the space bar to swallow them." 0524 msgstr "" 0525 "Vodite požiralca številk s tipkami puščic poiščite do števil, ki so različne " 0526 "od prikazanih in pritisnite preslednico, da jih pogoltne." 0527 0528 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "gnumch-multiples" 0529 #: activities/gnumch-multiples/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0530 #, kde-format 0531 msgid "" 0532 "Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the multiples of the displayed " 0533 "number and press space to swallow them." 0534 msgstr "" 0535 "Vodite požiralca številk s tipkami puščic poiščite do mnogokratnikov " 0536 "zahtevanih števil in pritisnite preslednico, da jih pogoltne." 0537 0538 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "gnumch-primes" 0539 #: activities/gnumch-primes/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0540 #, kde-format 0541 msgid "" 0542 "Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the prime numbers and press " 0543 "space to swallow them." 0544 msgstr "" 0545 "Vodite požiralca številk s tipkami puščic poiščite do praštevil in " 0546 "pritisnite preslednico, da jih pogoltne." 0547 0548 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "graduated_line_read" 0549 #: activities/graduated_line_read/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0550 #, kde-format 0551 msgid "Find the value corresponding to the given spot on the graduated line." 0552 msgstr "Poiščite vrednost, ki ustreza dani točki na merski lestvici." 0553 0554 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "graduated_line_use" 0555 #: activities/graduated_line_use/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0556 #, kde-format 0557 msgid "Place the given value on the graduated line." 0558 msgstr "Postavite dano vrednost na mersko lestvico." 0559 0560 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "grammar_classes" 0561 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "grammar_analysis" 0562 #: activities/grammar_analysis/ActivityInfo.qml:21 0563 #: activities/grammar_classes/ActivityInfo.qml:21 0564 #, kde-format 0565 msgid "Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words." 0566 msgstr "Dodelite zahtevane slovnične razrede ustreznim besedam." 0567 0568 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "graph-coloring" 0569 #: activities/graph-coloring/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0570 #, kde-format 0571 msgid "Color the graph so that no two adjacent nodes have the same color." 0572 msgstr "" 0573 "Pobarvajte graf tako, da nobena dva sosednja vozlišča nimata iste barve." 0574 0575 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "gravity" 0576 #: activities/gravity/ActivityInfo.qml:22 0577 #, kde-format 0578 msgid "" 0579 "Move the spaceship to avoid hitting the planets and reach the space station." 0580 msgstr "" 0581 "Premikajte vesoljsko ladjo ne da bi se zaleteli v planete in dosegli " 0582 "vesoljsko postajo." 0583 0584 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "guess24" 0585 #: activities/guess24/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0586 #, kde-format 0587 msgid "Use the four numbers with given operators to find 24" 0588 msgstr "Uporabite štiri števila z danimi operatorji, da najdete 24" 0589 0590 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "guesscount" 0591 #: activities/guesscount/ActivityInfo.qml:22 0592 #, kde-format 0593 msgid "" 0594 "Use the numbers and operations suggested to find the results proposed above." 0595 msgstr "" 0596 "Uporabite predlagane številke in operacije za iskanje rezultatov predlaganih " 0597 "zgoraj." 0598 0599 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "guessnumber" 0600 #: activities/guessnumber/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0601 #, kde-format 0602 msgid "Find out the number by typing a number from the range proposed." 0603 msgstr "Ugotovite število tako, da vnesete število iz predlaganega obsega." 0604 0605 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "hangman" 0606 #: activities/hangman/ActivityInfo.qml:21 0607 #, kde-format 0608 msgid "A word is hidden, you must discover it letter by letter." 0609 msgstr "Beseda je skrita, odkrijte jo črko za črko." 0610 0611 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "hanoi" 0612 #: activities/hanoi/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0613 #, kde-format 0614 msgid "" 0615 "Rebuild the same tower in the empty area as the one you see on the right " 0616 "hand side." 0617 msgstr "" 0618 "Ponovno postavite enak stolp v praznem prostoru kot stolp, ki ga vidite na " 0619 "desni strani." 0620 0621 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "hanoi_real" 0622 #: activities/hanoi_real/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0623 #, kde-format 0624 msgid "" 0625 "Rebuild the model tower on the right support. Take care, no disc may be " 0626 "placed atop a smaller disc." 0627 msgstr "" 0628 "Ponovno postavite model stolpa na desni podpori. Pazite, da noben disk ni " 0629 "postavljen na manjši disk." 0630 0631 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "hexagon" 0632 #: activities/hexagon/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0633 #, kde-format 0634 msgid "" 0635 "Click on the hexagons to find the hidden object, the red zone indicates that " 0636 "you're close to it!" 0637 msgstr "" 0638 "Klikajte na šesterokotnike, da najdete skriti predmet, rdeča cona označuje " 0639 "da ste blizu!" 0640 0641 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "imagename" 0642 #: activities/imagename/ActivityInfo.qml:21 0643 #, kde-format 0644 msgid "Drag and drop each item above its name." 0645 msgstr "Povlecite in spustite vsak element nad njegovo ime." 0646 0647 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "instruments" 0648 #: activities/instruments/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0649 #, kde-format 0650 msgid "Click on the correct musical instrument." 0651 msgstr "Klikajte na pravi glasbeni instrument." 0652 0653 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "land_safe" 0654 #: activities/land_safe/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0655 #, kde-format 0656 msgid "Use the arrow keys to pilot your spaceship safely onto the landing pad." 0657 msgstr "S puščicami varno vodite svojo vesoljsko ladjo na pristajalno ploščad." 0658 0659 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "lang" 0660 #: activities/lang/ActivityInfo.qml:24 0661 #, kde-format 0662 msgid "" 0663 "Select the language you want to learn then review the words before doing the " 0664 "exercises." 0665 msgstr "" 0666 "Izberite jezik, ki se ga želite naučiti, nato pa preglejte besede pred " 0667 "začetkom vaj." 0668 0669 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "learn_additions" 0670 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "learn_subtractions" 0671 #: activities/learn_additions/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0672 #: activities/learn_subtractions/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0673 #, kde-format 0674 msgid "Click on the circles to give the operation's result." 0675 msgstr "Kliknite na kroge, da dobite rezultat operacije." 0676 0677 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "learn_decimals" 0678 #: activities/learn_decimals/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0679 #, kde-format 0680 msgid "" 0681 "Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of " 0682 "the bar to the empty area to represent the decimal number." 0683 msgstr "" 0684 "Povlecite puščico, da izberete del stolpca in povlecite izbrani del stolpca " 0685 "na prazno območje, da predstavlja decimalno število." 0686 0687 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "learn_decimals_additions" 0688 #: activities/learn_decimals_additions/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0689 #, kde-format 0690 msgid "" 0691 "Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of " 0692 "the bar to the empty area to represent the result of the addition." 0693 msgstr "" 0694 "Povlecite puščico, da izberete del letvice in povlecite izbrani del letvice " 0695 "na prazno območje, ki predstavlja rezultat seštevanja." 0696 0697 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "learn_decimals_subtractions" 0698 #: activities/learn_decimals_subtractions/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0699 #, kde-format 0700 msgid "Click on the squares to represent the result of the subtraction." 0701 msgstr "Kliknite na kvadrate, ki predstavljajo rezultat odštevanja." 0702 0703 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "learn_digits" 0704 #: activities/learn_digits/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0705 #, kde-format 0706 msgid "Click on the circles to match the given digit." 0707 msgstr "Kliknite na kroge, ki ustrezajo dani številki." 0708 0709 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "learn_quantities" 0710 #: activities/learn_quantities/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0711 #, kde-format 0712 msgid "" 0713 "Drag the arrow to select a number of oranges, and drag the oranges to the " 0714 "empty area to represent the requested quantity." 0715 msgstr "" 0716 "Povlecite puščico, da izberete število pomaranč in povlecite izbrane " 0717 "pomaranče na prazno območje, da predstavljajo zahtevano količino." 0718 0719 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "left_right_click" 0720 #: activities/left_right_click/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0721 #, kde-format 0722 msgid "" 0723 "Move animals to their homes using a left click or right click on your mouse." 0724 msgstr "Preseli živali v njihove domove z levim ali desnim klikom miške." 0725 0726 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "leftright" 0727 #: activities/leftright/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0728 #, kde-format 0729 msgid "" 0730 "Guess if the picture presents a left or right hand and click on the correct " 0731 "answer." 0732 msgstr "" 0733 "Uganite ali slika predstavlja levo ali desno roko in kliknite na pravilni " 0734 "odgovor." 0735 0736 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "letter-in-word" 0737 #: activities/letter-in-word/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0738 #, kde-format 0739 msgid "Click on all the words containing the wanted letter." 0740 msgstr "Kliknite na vse besede, ki vsebujejo želeno črko." 0741 0742 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "lightsoff" 0743 #: activities/lightsoff/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0744 #, kde-format 0745 msgid "Click on the lamps to turn them off." 0746 msgstr "Kliknite na svetilke, da jih ugasnete." 0747 0748 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "louis-braille" 0749 #: activities/louis-braille/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0750 #, kde-format 0751 msgid "Discover the history of Louis Braille." 0752 msgstr "Odkrijte zgodovino Louisa Braille-a." 0753 0754 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "magic-hat-minus" 0755 #: activities/magic-hat-minus/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0756 #, kde-format 0757 msgid "Click on the hat. How many stars are still hiding under the hat." 0758 msgstr "Kliknite na klobuk. Koliko zvezd se še skriva pod klobukom." 0759 0760 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "magic-hat-plus" 0761 #: activities/magic-hat-plus/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0762 #, kde-format 0763 msgid "" 0764 "Count the number of stars hidden under the hat and then click on the stars " 0765 "to indicate their number." 0766 msgstr "" 0767 "Preštejte število zvezd, ki so skrite pod klobukom in nato kliknite na " 0768 "zvezde, da navedete njihovo število." 0769 0770 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "maze" 0771 #: activities/maze/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0772 #, kde-format 0773 msgid "" 0774 "Use the arrows keys or swipe the touch screen to help Tux find his way out." 0775 msgstr "" 0776 "Uporabite puščice ali povlecite po zaslonu na dotik, da Tuxu poiščete pot " 0777 "ven." 0778 0779 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "mazeinvisible" 0780 #: activities/mazeinvisible/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0781 #, kde-format 0782 msgid "" 0783 "Use the arrow keys or swipe the touch screen to guide Tux out. Use the maze " 0784 "icon or the space key to see the map." 0785 msgstr "" 0786 "Uporabite puščice ali povlecite zaslon na dotik, da vodite Tuxa ven. " 0787 "Uporabite ikono labirinta ali preslednico za prikaz zemljevida." 0788 0789 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "mazerelative" 0790 #: activities/mazerelative/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0791 #, kde-format 0792 msgid "" 0793 "Help Tux find his way out. Left and right are used to turn and up to go " 0794 "forward." 0795 msgstr "" 0796 "Pomagajte Tuxu najti pot ven. Tipki levo in desno se uporabljata za " 0797 "obračanje, tipka gor pa za pomik naprej." 0798 0799 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "melody" 0800 #: activities/melody/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0801 #, kde-format 0802 msgid "" 0803 "Listen to the sound sequence played, and reproduce it by clicking on the " 0804 "xylophone's bars" 0805 msgstr "Poslušajte zaporedje zvokov in ga ponovite s kliki na palice ksilofona" 0806 0807 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-case-association-tux" 0808 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-case-association" 0809 #: activities/memory-case-association-tux/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0810 #: activities/memory-case-association/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0811 #, kde-format 0812 msgid "Match the upper case card with its lower case pair." 0813 msgstr "Uskladite kartico z veliko črko z njeno ustreznico z malo črko." 0814 0815 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-enumerate" 0816 #: activities/memory-enumerate/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0817 #, kde-format 0818 msgid "" 0819 "Match a number card with a card displaying the same number of butterflies." 0820 msgstr "" 0821 "Uskladite kartico s številom s kartico, na kateri je prikazano enako število " 0822 "metuljev." 0823 0824 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-minus" 0825 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-add-tux" 0826 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-div-tux" 0827 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-add-minus-tux" 0828 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-add-minus-mult-div" 0829 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-add-minus-mult-div-tux" 0830 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-add-minus" 0831 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-mult-div" 0832 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-mult" 0833 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-mult-div-tux" 0834 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-div" 0835 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-add" 0836 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-mult-tux" 0837 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-math-minus-tux" 0838 #: activities/memory-math-add-minus-mult-div-tux/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0839 #: activities/memory-math-add-minus-mult-div/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0840 #: activities/memory-math-add-minus-tux/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0841 #: activities/memory-math-add-minus/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0842 #: activities/memory-math-add-tux/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0843 #: activities/memory-math-add/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0844 #: activities/memory-math-div-tux/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0845 #: activities/memory-math-div/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0846 #: activities/memory-math-minus-tux/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0847 #: activities/memory-math-minus/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0848 #: activities/memory-math-mult-div-tux/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0849 #: activities/memory-math-mult-div/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0850 #: activities/memory-math-mult-tux/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0851 #: activities/memory-math-mult/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0852 #, kde-format 0853 msgid "Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer." 0854 msgstr "Obrnite dve kartici, da se izračun ujema z njegovim odgovorom." 0855 0856 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-sound" 0857 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-sound-tux" 0858 #: activities/memory-sound-tux/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0859 #: activities/memory-sound/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0860 #, kde-format 0861 msgid "Click on an audio card and find its double." 0862 msgstr "Kliknite na zvočno kartico in poiščite njeno dvojnico." 0863 0864 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-tux" 0865 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory" 0866 #: activities/memory-tux/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0867 #: activities/memory/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0868 #, kde-format 0869 msgid "Click on a card and find its double." 0870 msgstr "Kliknite na kartico in poiščite njeno dvojnico." 0871 0872 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "memory-wordnumber" 0873 #: activities/memory-wordnumber/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0874 #, kde-format 0875 msgid "Match the numeric with the word." 0876 msgstr "Uskladite število z besedo." 0877 0878 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "mining" 0879 #: activities/mining/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0880 #, kde-format 0881 msgid "" 0882 "Looking at the rockwall, you can see a sparkle somewhere. Move the mouse " 0883 "cursor next to this sparkle and use the mousewheel or the zoom gesture to " 0884 "zoom in." 0885 msgstr "" 0886 "S pogledom na skalni zid nekje zasledimo iskrico. Premakni miškino kazalko " 0887 "poleg te iskrice in uporabite miškin kolešček ali gesto za približanje." 0888 0889 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "missing-letter" 0890 #: activities/missing-letter/ActivityInfo.qml:19 0891 #, kde-format 0892 msgid "" 0893 "Find the missing letter and complete the word by clicking on one of the " 0894 "letters proposed on the side." 0895 msgstr "" 0896 "Poiščite manjkajočo črko in besedo dopolnite s klikom na eno od črk, ki so " 0897 "predlagane na strani." 0898 0899 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "money" 0900 #: activities/money/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0901 #, kde-format 0902 msgid "Click or tap on the money to pay." 0903 msgstr "Kliknite ali tapnite na denar za plačilo." 0904 0905 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "money_back_cents" 0906 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "money_back" 0907 #: activities/money_back/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0908 #: activities/money_back_cents/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0909 #, kde-format 0910 msgid "Click on the money at the bottom of the screen to give Tux his change." 0911 msgstr "Kliknite na denar na dnu zaslona, da Tuxu omogočite vrnete drobiž." 0912 0913 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "money_cents" 0914 #: activities/money_cents/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0915 #, kde-format 0916 msgid "Click on the money to pay." 0917 msgstr "Kliknite na denar, da plačate." 0918 0919 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "morse_code" 0920 #: activities/morse_code/ActivityInfo.qml:21 0921 #, kde-format 0922 msgid "Learn and practice the International Morse code" 0923 msgstr "Naučite se in vadite mednarodno Morsejevo kodo" 0924 0925 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "mosaic" 0926 #: activities/mosaic/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0927 #, kde-format 0928 msgid "Put each item at the same place as in the given example." 0929 msgstr "Vsak predmet postavite na isto mesto kot v danem primeru." 0930 0931 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "nine_men_morris" 0932 #: activities/nine_men_morris/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0933 #, kde-format 0934 msgid "" 0935 "Click on the dot where you wish to place your piece and try to take all " 0936 "Tux's pieces." 0937 msgstr "" 0938 "Kliknite na piko, na katero želite postaviti svojo figuro, in poskusite " 0939 "vzeti vse Tuxove figure." 0940 0941 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "nine_men_morris_2players" 0942 #: activities/nine_men_morris_2players/ActivityInfo.qml:17 0943 #, kde-format 0944 msgid "" 0945 "Click on the dot where you wish to place your piece and try to take all your " 0946 "friend's pieces." 0947 msgstr "" 0948 "Kliknite na piko, na katero želite postaviti svojo figuro, in poskusite " 0949 "vzeti vse prijateljeve figure." 0950 0951 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "note_names" 0952 #: activities/note_names/ActivityInfo.qml:21 0953 #, kde-format 0954 msgid "Identify the note and press the correct piano key" 0955 msgstr "Prepoznajte noto in pritisnite pravilno tipko na klaviaturi" 0956 0957 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "number_sequence" 0958 #: activities/number_sequence/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0959 #, kde-format 0960 msgid "Draw the picture by touching the numbers in ascending order." 0961 msgstr "Narišite sliko z dotiki števil v naraščajočem vrstnem redu." 0962 0963 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "numbers-odd-even" 0964 #: activities/numbers-odd-even/ActivityInfo.qml:18 0965 #, kde-format 0966 msgid "" 0967 "Move the helicopter to catch the clouds having even or odd numbers, in the " 0968 "shown order." 0969 msgstr "" 0970 "Premikajte helikopter, da bi ujeli oblake s sodimi ali lihimi števili v " 0971 "prikazanem vrstnem redu." 0972 0973 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "ordering_alphabets" 0974 #: activities/ordering_alphabets/ActivityInfo.qml:24 0975 #, kde-format 0976 msgid "Arrange the letters in the correct order." 0977 msgstr "Razporedite črke v pravilnem redu." 0978 0979 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "ordering_chronology" 0980 #: activities/ordering_chronology/ActivityInfo.qml:24 0981 #, kde-format 0982 msgid "Arrange the given events in their chronological order." 0983 msgstr "Dane dogodke razporedite v njihovem kronološkem vrstnem redu." 0984 0985 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "ordering_numbers" 0986 #: activities/ordering_numbers/ActivityInfo.qml:23 0987 #, kde-format 0988 msgid "Arrange the numbers in the correct order." 0989 msgstr "Razporedite števila v pravilnem vrstnem redu." 0990 0991 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "ordering_sentences" 0992 #: activities/ordering_sentences/ActivityInfo.qml:23 0993 #, kde-format 0994 msgid "Arrange the given words to form a meaningful sentence." 0995 msgstr "Razporedite dene besede tako, da tvorijo smiseln stavek." 0996 0997 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "oware_2players" 0998 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "oware" 0999 #: activities/oware/ActivityInfo.qml:17 1000 #: activities/oware_2players/ActivityInfo.qml:17 1001 #, kde-format 1002 msgid "Capture at least 25 seeds to win the game" 1003 msgstr "Zajemite vsaj 25 semen, da bi zmagali" 1004 1005 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "paintings" 1006 #: activities/paintings/ActivityInfo.qml:23 1007 #, kde-format 1008 msgid "Catch and drop each piece on the points." 1009 msgstr "Ujemite in spustite vsako figuro na točke." 1010 1011 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "path_decoding" 1012 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "path_decoding_relative" 1013 #: activities/path_decoding/ActivityInfo.qml:17 1014 #: activities/path_decoding_relative/ActivityInfo.qml:17 1015 #, kde-format 1016 msgid "" 1017 "Click on the grid squares following the given directions to help Tux reach " 1018 "the target." 1019 msgstr "" 1020 "Klikajte na kvadratke mreže, tako da sledite danim navodilom, da pomagate " 1021 "Tuxu doseči cilj." 1022 1023 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "path_encoding" 1024 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "path_encoding_relative" 1025 #: activities/path_encoding/ActivityInfo.qml:17 1026 #: activities/path_encoding_relative/ActivityInfo.qml:17 1027 #, kde-format 1028 msgid "Use the arrows to move Tux along the path and reach the target." 1029 msgstr "Uporabite puščice, da premikate Tuxa po poti in dosežete cilj." 1030 1031 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "penalty" 1032 #: activities/penalty/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1033 #, kde-format 1034 msgid "Double click or double tap on the goal, in order to score." 1035 msgstr "Dvakrat kliknite ali se dvakrat tapnite na cilj, da dosežete zadetek." 1036 1037 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "photo_hunter" 1038 #: activities/photo_hunter/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1039 #, kde-format 1040 msgid "look at the two pictures carefully and click where you see a difference" 1041 msgstr "poglejte si obe sliki in kliknite, kjer opazite razliko" 1042 1043 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "piano_composition" 1044 #: activities/piano_composition/ActivityInfo.qml:19 1045 #, kde-format 1046 msgid "" 1047 "Learn to compose piano music using the octaves and the tools presented above " 1048 "the staff." 1049 msgstr "" 1050 "Naučite se komponirati klavirsko glasbo s pomočjo oktav in orodij prikazanih " 1051 "nad notnim črtovjem." 1052 1053 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "planegame" 1054 #: activities/planegame/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1055 #, kde-format 1056 msgid "" 1057 "Move the helicopter with the arrow keys and catch the numbers in the clouds, " 1058 "in ascending order." 1059 msgstr "" 1060 "S puščicami premikajte helikopter in lovite števila v oblakih v naraščajočem " 1061 "vrstnem redu." 1062 1063 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "play_piano" 1064 #: activities/play_piano/ActivityInfo.qml:21 1065 #, kde-format 1066 msgid "Click on the keyboard keys that match the notes that you see and hear" 1067 msgstr "" 1068 "Kliknite na tipke na klaviaturi, ki ustrezajo notam, ki jih vidite in slišite" 1069 1070 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "play_rhythm" 1071 #: activities/play_rhythm/ActivityInfo.qml:21 1072 #, kde-format 1073 msgid "Click the drum to recreate the rhythm" 1074 msgstr "Klikajte na boben, da bi ponovili ritem" 1075 1076 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "positions" 1077 #: activities/positions/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1078 #, kde-format 1079 msgid "Find the correct position" 1080 msgstr "Najdi pravilno pozicijo" 1081 1082 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "programmingMaze" 1083 #: activities/programmingMaze/ActivityInfo.qml:19 1084 #, kde-format 1085 msgid "" 1086 "Arrange the instructions and traverse the correct path to reach the fish." 1087 msgstr "Uredite navodila in prečkajte po pravilni pot, da bi prišli do ribe." 1088 1089 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "railroad" 1090 #: activities/railroad/ActivityInfo.qml:20 1091 #, kde-format 1092 msgid "Observe the train and then click on the items to set up a similar train" 1093 msgstr "Opazujte vlak in kliknite na elemente, da sestavite podoben vlak" 1094 1095 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "readingh" 1096 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "readingv" 1097 #: activities/readingh/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1098 #: activities/readingv/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1099 #, kde-format 1100 msgid "Read a list of words and say if a given word is in it." 1101 msgstr "Preberite seznam besed in povejte, ali je v njem določena beseda." 1102 1103 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "redraw" 1104 #: activities/redraw/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1105 #, kde-format 1106 msgid "Use the drawing tools to build an identical pattern on the right." 1107 msgstr "Z risalnimi orodji sestavite enak vzorec na desni." 1108 1109 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "redraw_symmetrical" 1110 #: activities/redraw_symmetrical/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1111 #, kde-format 1112 msgid "" 1113 "Use the drawing tools to reproduce symmetrically the pattern on the right." 1114 msgstr "Z risalnimi orodji sestavite simetričen vzorec na desni." 1115 1116 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "renewable_energy" 1117 #: activities/renewable_energy/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1118 #, kde-format 1119 msgid "Click on the different stages that go to make up the power supply." 1120 msgstr "Kliknite različne stopnje, ki sestavljajo napajalnik." 1121 1122 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "reversecount" 1123 #: activities/reversecount/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1124 #, kde-format 1125 msgid "" 1126 "Click on the domino and validate your choice with the OK button to indicate " 1127 "the number of ice blocks Tux will have to follow to eat a fish." 1128 msgstr "" 1129 "Kliknite na domino in potrdite svojo izbiro z gumbom V redu, da " 1130 "označiteštevilo ledenih blokov, ki jih bo moral slediti Tux, da bo pojedel " 1131 "ribo." 1132 1133 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "roman_numerals" 1134 #: activities/roman_numerals/ActivityInfo.qml:17 1135 #, kde-format 1136 msgid "Learn and practice roman to arabic numerals conversion" 1137 msgstr "Naučite se in vadite pretvorbo rimskih v arabske številke" 1138 1139 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "scalesboard" 1140 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "scalesboard_weight_avoirdupois" 1141 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "scalesboard_weight" 1142 #: activities/scalesboard/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1143 #: activities/scalesboard_weight/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1144 #: activities/scalesboard_weight_avoirdupois/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1145 #, kde-format 1146 msgid "Drag the weights up to balance the scales." 1147 msgstr "Povlecite uteži, da uravnotežite tehtnico." 1148 1149 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "share" 1150 #: activities/share/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1151 #, kde-format 1152 msgid "" 1153 "Share the candies equally among the specified number of children and notice " 1154 "that there may be a rest left" 1155 msgstr "" 1156 "Enakomerno delite slaščice med navedenim številom otrok in pazite, da lahko " 1157 "ostane tudi ostanek" 1158 1159 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "simplepaint" 1160 #: activities/simplepaint/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1161 #, kde-format 1162 msgid "" 1163 "Select a color and paint the rectangles as you like to create a drawing." 1164 msgstr "" 1165 "Izberite barvo in pobarvajte pravokotnike kot želite, da ustvariti risbo." 1166 1167 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "smallnumbers" 1168 #: activities/smallnumbers/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1169 #, kde-format 1170 msgid "" 1171 "Count the number on the dice and type it on your keyboard before it reaches " 1172 "the ground." 1173 msgstr "" 1174 "Preštejte število na kocki in jo vnesite s tipkovnico preden doseže tla." 1175 1176 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "smallnumbers2" 1177 #: activities/smallnumbers2/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1178 #, kde-format 1179 msgid "" 1180 "Count the numbers on the dominoes then type the result on your keyboard." 1181 msgstr "" 1182 "Preštejte število pik na dominah in nato vnesite rezultat na svoji " 1183 "tipkovnici." 1184 1185 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "solar_system" 1186 #: activities/solar_system/ActivityInfo.qml:21 1187 #, kde-format 1188 msgid "" 1189 "Answer the questions presented and get a 100% correctness among the options." 1190 msgstr "" 1191 "Odgovorite na predstavljena vprašanja in dobite 100% pravilnost izmed " 1192 "ponujenimi možnostmi." 1193 1194 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "submarine" 1195 #: activities/submarine/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1196 #, kde-format 1197 msgid "" 1198 "Drive the submarine to the right end of the screen without colliding with " 1199 "any objects" 1200 msgstr "" 1201 "Peljite podmornico proti desnem koncu zaslona, ne da bi pri tem trčili v kak " 1202 "predmet" 1203 1204 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "sudoku" 1205 #: activities/sudoku/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1206 #, kde-format 1207 msgid "" 1208 "Select a number or a symbol and click its target area. Each symbol must " 1209 "appear only once in a row, in a column and in a subregion if any." 1210 msgstr "" 1211 "Izberite številko ali simbol in kliknite na njegovo ciljno območje. Vsak " 1212 "simbol se sme pojaviti samo enkrat v vrsti, v stolpcu in v podregiji, če " 1213 "obstaja." 1214 1215 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "superbrain" 1216 #: activities/superbrain/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1217 #, kde-format 1218 msgid "" 1219 "Find out the right combination of colors. A dot framed in a black square " 1220 "means that you found the correct colour in the correct position, while a dot " 1221 "framed in a white square means it's the correct colour, but in the wrong " 1222 "position." 1223 msgstr "" 1224 "Ugotovite pravo kombinacijo barv. Če je pika uokvirjena v črni kvadrat " 1225 "pomeni, da ste našli pravilno barvo na pravilnem mestu, če je pika " 1226 "uokvirjena v belem kvadratu, pomeni, da je pravilna barva, a na napačnem " 1227 "mestu." 1228 1229 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "tangram" 1230 #: activities/tangram/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1231 #, kde-format 1232 msgid "" 1233 "Click on each object to obtain the same figure. You can change their " 1234 "orientation by clicking on the arrows." 1235 msgstr "" 1236 "Kliknite na vsak predmet, da dobite isto figuro. Lahko ji spremenite " 1237 "orientacijo s klikom na puščice." 1238 1239 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "target" 1240 #: activities/target/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1241 #, kde-format 1242 msgid "Click on the target to launch darts, then count your final score!" 1243 msgstr "" 1244 "Kliknite na cilj, če želite izstreliti pikado, nato pa preštejte končni " 1245 "rezultat!" 1246 1247 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "tens_complement_find" 1248 #: activities/tens_complement_find/ActivityInfo.qml:17 1249 #, kde-format 1250 msgid "" 1251 "Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then " 1252 "select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there." 1253 msgstr "" 1254 "Ustvarite pare številk, ki so enake deset. Izberite število na seznamu, nato " 1255 "izberite prazno mesto operacije in premaknite izbrano število tja." 1256 1257 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "tens_complement_swap" 1258 #: activities/tens_complement_swap/ActivityInfo.qml:17 1259 #, kde-format 1260 msgid "" 1261 "Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number, then select another " 1262 "number of the same operation to swap their position." 1263 msgstr "" 1264 "Ustvarite pare števil enakih deset. Izberite število, nato izberite drugo " 1265 "število iste operacije, da zamenjate njun položaj. " 1266 1267 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "tens_complement_use" 1268 #: activities/tens_complement_use/ActivityInfo.qml:17 1269 #, kde-format 1270 msgid "" 1271 "Decompose the operations to include a pair of numbers equal to ten. Select a " 1272 "number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the " 1273 "selected number there." 1274 msgstr "" 1275 "Razgradite operacije tako, da vključujejo par številk enakih deset. Izberite " 1276 "število na seznamu, nato izberite prazno mesto operacije in premaknite " 1277 "izbrano število tja." 1278 1279 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "tic_tac_toe_2players" 1280 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "tic_tac_toe" 1281 #: activities/tic_tac_toe/ActivityInfo.qml:21 1282 #: activities/tic_tac_toe_2players/ActivityInfo.qml:21 1283 #, kde-format 1284 msgid "" 1285 "Click on the square which you wish to mark and try to mark 3 consecutive " 1286 "squares before Tux." 1287 msgstr "" 1288 "Kliknite na kvadrat, ki ga želite označiti, in poskusite označiti 3 " 1289 "zaporedne kvadrate pred Tuxom." 1290 1291 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "traffic" 1292 #: activities/traffic/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1293 #, kde-format 1294 msgid "" 1295 "Slide the cars to make a space so that the red car can go out of the box." 1296 msgstr "" 1297 "Potiskajte avtomobile tako, da naredite prostor, da lahko rdeči avtomobil " 1298 "pride iz škatle." 1299 1300 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "watercycle" 1301 #: activities/watercycle/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1302 #, kde-format 1303 msgid "" 1304 "Click on the various active elements that make up the water supply. Then " 1305 "press the shower button for Tux." 1306 msgstr "" 1307 "Kliknite na različne aktivne elemente, ki sestavljajo vodovod. Potem " 1308 "pritisnite gumb za prho za Tuxa." 1309 1310 #. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/README.md - activity: "wordsgame" 1311 #: activities/wordsgame/ActivityInfo.qml:18 1312 #, kde-format 1313 msgid "Type the words on your keyboard before they reach the ground." 1314 msgstr "Vnesite besede na tipkovnici, preden pridejo do tal." 1315 1316 #~ msgid "play checkers against the computer" 1317 #~ msgstr "igrajte damo proti računalniku" 1318 1319 #~ msgid "" 1320 #~ "Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar then drop it in the empty area " 1321 #~ "to represent the decimal number." 1322 #~ msgstr "" 1323 #~ "Povlecite puščico, da izberete del letvice, nato pa jo spustite na prazno " 1324 #~ "območje da predstavlja decimalno število." 1325 1326 #~ msgid "" 1327 #~ "Arrange the alphabets in the correct order by placing an alphabet in its " 1328 #~ "correct position" 1329 #~ msgstr "" 1330 #~ "Razporedite abecede v pravilnem vrstnem redu tako, da postavite abecedo v " 1331 #~ "pravilen položaj" 1332 1333 #~ msgid "" 1334 #~ "Arrange the numbers in the correct order by placing a number in its " 1335 #~ "correct position" 1336 #~ msgstr "" 1337 #~ "Razporedite števila v pravilnem vrstnem redu, tako da postavite število v " 1338 #~ "pravilni položaj" 1339 1340 #~ msgid "put here in comment the text for the intro voice" 1341 #~ msgstr "tu v komentar dodajte besedilo uvodnega glasu"