Warning, /education/gcompris/external/qml-box2d/examples/shared/ScreenBoundaries.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import Box2D 2.0
0003 /*
0004   This body places 32-pixel wide invisible static bodies around the screen,
0005   to avoid stuff getting out.
0006 */
0007 Body {
0008     world: physicsWorld
0010     Box {
0011         y: screen.height
0012         width: screen.width
0013         height: 32
0014     }
0015     Box {
0016         y: -32
0017         height: 32
0018         width: screen.width
0019     }
0020     Box {
0021         x: -32
0022         width: 32
0023         height: screen.height
0024     }
0025     Box {
0026         x: screen.width
0027         width: 32
0028         height: screen.height
0029     }
0030 }