File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 11:20:39

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Milian Wolff <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #include "qalculatesyntaxhelpobject.h"
0008 #include "settings.h"
0009 #include "qalculatesession.h"
0011 #include <KLocalizedString>
0013 #include <libqalculate/Calculator.h>
0014 #include <libqalculate/ExpressionItem.h>
0015 #include <libqalculate/Unit.h>
0016 #include <libqalculate/Prefix.h>
0017 #include <libqalculate/Variable.h>
0018 #include <libqalculate/Function.h>
0020 QalculateSyntaxHelpObject::QalculateSyntaxHelpObject(const QString& command, QalculateSession* session)
0021     : SyntaxHelpObject(command, session), m_answer(QString())
0022 {
0023 }
0025 void QalculateSyntaxHelpObject::fetchInformation()
0026 {
0027     std::string cmd = command().remove(QLatin1String("help")).simplified().toLatin1().data();
0028     qDebug() << "HELP CALLED FOR:" << QLatin1String(cmd.c_str());
0030     if (cmd == "plot") {
0031     setPlotInformation();
0032     return;
0033     }
0034     if (cmd == "saveVariables") {
0035     setSaveVariablesInformation();
0036     return;
0037     }
0038     if (cmd == "loadVariables") {
0039     setLoadVariablesInformation();
0040     return;
0041     }
0043     ExpressionItem *item = CALCULATOR->getActiveExpressionItem(cmd);
0045     if (!item) {
0046         m_answer = i18n("No function, variable or unit with specified name exist.");
0047         return;
0048     }
0050     switch(item->type()) {
0051     case TYPE_FUNCTION:
0052         MathFunction *f = (MathFunction*) item;
0053         QString title = i18n("Function: %1", QLatin1String(item->title().c_str()));
0054         const ExpressionName *ename = &f->preferredName(false);
0055         int iargs = f->maxargs();
0056         if(iargs < 0) {
0057             iargs = f->minargs() + 1;
0058         }
0059         QString str,str2,syntax;
0060         str += QLatin1String(ename->name.c_str());
0061         str += QLatin1String("(");
0062         if(iargs != 0) {
0063             Argument *arg;
0064             Argument default_arg;
0065             for(int i2 = 1; i2 <= iargs; i2++) {
0066                 if(i2 > f->minargs()) {
0067                     str += QLatin1String("[");
0068                 }
0069                 if(i2 > 1) {
0070                     str += QLatin1String(CALCULATOR->getComma().c_str());
0071                     str += QLatin1String(" ");
0072                 }
0073                 arg = f->getArgumentDefinition(i2);
0074                 if(arg && !arg->name().empty()) {
0075                     str2 = QLatin1String(arg->name().c_str());
0076                 } else {
0077                     str2 = QLatin1String("argument");
0078                     str2 += QLatin1String(" ");
0079                     str2 += QString::number(i2);
0080                 }
0081                 str += str2;
0082                 if(i2 > f->minargs()) {
0083                     str += QLatin1String("]");
0084                 }
0085             }
0086             if(f->maxargs() < 0) {
0087                 str += QLatin1String(CALCULATOR->getComma().c_str());
0088                 str += QLatin1String(" ...");
0089             }
0090     }
0091     str += QLatin1String(")");
0092     syntax = QString::fromLatin1("<p>%1</p>").arg(str);
0094     QString arguments = QLatin1String("");
0095         if(iargs != 0) {
0096             Argument *arg;
0097             Argument default_arg;
0098             for(int i2 = 1; i2 <= iargs; i2++) {
0099                 arg = f->getArgumentDefinition(i2);
0100                 if(arg && !arg->name().empty()) {
0101                     str = QLatin1String(arg->name().c_str());
0102                 } else {
0103                     str = QString::number(i2);
0104                 }
0105                 str += QLatin1String(": ");
0106                 if(arg) {
0107                     str2 = QLatin1String(arg->printlong().c_str());
0108                 } else {
0109                     str2 = QLatin1String(default_arg.printlong().c_str());
0110                 }
0111                 if(i2 > f->minargs()) {
0112                     str2 += QLatin1String(" (");
0113                     //optional argument, in description
0114                     str2 += QLatin1String("optional");
0115                     if(!f->getDefaultValue(i2).empty()) {
0116                         str2 += QLatin1String(", ");
0117                         //argument default, in description
0118                         str2 += QLatin1String("default: ");
0119                         str2 += QLatin1String(f->getDefaultValue(i2).c_str());
0120                     }
0121                     str2 += QLatin1String(")");
0122                 }
0123                 str += str2;
0124         arguments += QString::fromLatin1("<p>%1</p>").arg(str);
0125             }
0126         }
0128         QString desc = QString::fromLatin1("<p>%1</p>").arg(QLatin1String(item->description().c_str()));
0130         m_answer = title + desc + syntax + arguments;
0131     setHtml(QLatin1String("<p style='white-space:pre'>") + syntax + QLatin1String("</p>"));
0132     emit done();
0133     }
0134 }
0136 void QalculateSyntaxHelpObject::setPlotInformation()
0137 {
0138     QString title = QLatin1String("<p>") + i18n("Plotting interface") + QLatin1String("</p>");
0139     QString desc = QLatin1String("<p>") + i18n("Plots one or more functions either inline or in a separate window.") + QLatin1String("</p>");
0140     QString expression = i18n("expression");
0141     QString option = i18n("option");
0142     QString value = i18n("value");
0143     QString syntax = QLatin1String("<p>plot %1 [%2=%3 ...] [, %4 [%5=%6 ...]] ...</p>");
0144     syntax = syntax.arg(expression, option, value, expression, option, value);
0146     QString integer = i18n("integer");
0147     QString boolean = i18n("boolean");
0148     QString number = i18n("number");
0149     QString defaultValue = i18n("default: %1");
0150     QString noDefault = QLatin1String("");
0151     QString optionFormat2 = QLatin1String("<p>%1: %2</p>");
0152     QString optionFormat3 = QLatin1String("<p>%1: %2 (%3)</p>");
0153     QString optionFormat4 = QLatin1String("<p>%1: %2 (%3, %4)</p>");
0155     QStringList boolList;
0156     boolList << QLatin1String("false") << QLatin1String("true");
0158     QString legendDefault;
0159     QString styleDefault;
0160     QString smoothingDefault;
0161     switch (QalculateSettings::plotLegend()) {
0162     case QalculateSettings::LEGEND_NONE:
0163     legendDefault = QLatin1String("none"); break;
0164     case QalculateSettings::LEGEND_TOP_LEFT:
0165     legendDefault = QLatin1String("top_left"); break;
0166     case QalculateSettings::LEGEND_TOP_RIGHT:
0167     legendDefault = QLatin1String("top_right"); break;
0168     case QalculateSettings::LEGEND_BOTTOM_LEFT:
0169     legendDefault = QLatin1String("bottom_left"); break;
0170     case QalculateSettings::LEGEND_BOTTOM_RIGHT:
0171     legendDefault = QLatin1String("bottom_right"); break;
0172     case QalculateSettings::LEGEND_BELOW:
0173     legendDefault = QLatin1String("below"); break;
0174     case QalculateSettings::LEGEND_OUTSIDE:
0175     legendDefault = QLatin1String("outside"); break;
0176     }
0177     switch(QalculateSettings::plotSmoothing()) {
0178     case QalculateSettings::SMOOTHING_NONE:
0179     smoothingDefault = QLatin1String("none");   break;
0180     case QalculateSettings::SMOOTHING_UNIQUE:
0181     smoothingDefault = QLatin1String("monotonic"); break;
0182     case QalculateSettings::SMOOTHING_CSPLINES:
0183     smoothingDefault = QLatin1String("csplines"); break;
0184     case QalculateSettings::SMOOTHING_BEZIER:
0185     smoothingDefault = QLatin1String("bezier"); break;
0186     case QalculateSettings::SMOOTHING_SBEZIER:
0187     smoothingDefault = QLatin1String("sbezier"); break;
0188     }
0189     switch(QalculateSettings::plotStyle()) {
0190     case QalculateSettings::STYLE_LINES:
0191     styleDefault = QLatin1String("lines"); break;
0192     case QalculateSettings::STYLE_POINTS:
0193     styleDefault = QLatin1String("points"); break;
0194     case QalculateSettings::STYLE_LINES_POINTS:
0195     styleDefault = QLatin1String("points_lines"); break;
0196     case QalculateSettings::STYLE_BOXES:
0197     styleDefault = QLatin1String("boxes"); break;
0198     case QalculateSettings::STYLE_HISTOGRAM:
0199     styleDefault = QLatin1String("histogram"); break;
0200     case QalculateSettings::STYLE_STEPS:
0201     styleDefault = QLatin1String("steps"); break;
0202     case QalculateSettings::STYLE_CANDLESTICKS:
0203     styleDefault = QLatin1String("candlesticks"); break;
0204     case QalculateSettings::STYLE_DOTS:
0205     styleDefault = QLatin1String("dots"); break;
0206     }
0208     QString arguments = QLatin1String("");
0209     arguments += optionFormat3.arg(QLatin1String("title"), i18n("The function's name"),
0210                    defaultValue.arg(QLatin1String("expression")));
0211     arguments += optionFormat2.arg(QLatin1String("plottitle"), i18n("Title label"));
0212     arguments += optionFormat2.arg(QLatin1String("xlabel"), i18n("x-axis label"));
0213     arguments += optionFormat2.arg(QLatin1String("ylabel"), i18n("y-axis label"));
0214     arguments += optionFormat2.arg(QLatin1String("filename"), i18n("Image to save plot to. If empty shows plot in a window on the screen. If inline=true the image is shown regardless of this option."));
0215     arguments += optionFormat3.arg(QLatin1String("filetype"), i18n("The image type to save as. One of auto, png, ps, eps, latex, svg, fig."), defaultValue.arg(QLatin1String("auto")));
0216     arguments += optionFormat4.arg(QLatin1String("color"), i18n("Set to true for colored plot, false for monochrome."), boolean, defaultValue.arg(boolList[QalculateSettings::coloredPlot()]));
0217     arguments += optionFormat3.arg(QLatin1String("xmin"), i18n("Minimum x-axis value."), number);
0218     arguments += optionFormat3.arg(QLatin1String("xmax"), i18n("Maximum x-axis value."), number);
0219     arguments += optionFormat4.arg(QLatin1String("xlog"), i18n("If a logarithmic scale shall be used for the x-axis."), boolean, defaultValue.arg(QLatin1String("false")));
0220     arguments += optionFormat4.arg(QLatin1String("ylog"), i18n("If a logarithmic scale shall be used for the y-axis."), boolean, defaultValue.arg(QLatin1String("false")));
0221     arguments += optionFormat4.arg(QLatin1String("xlogbase"), i18n("Logarithmic base for the x-axis."), number, defaultValue.arg(QLatin1String("10")));
0222     arguments += optionFormat4.arg(QLatin1String("ylogbase"), i18n("Logarithmic base for the y-axis."), boolean, defaultValue.arg(QLatin1String("10")));
0223     arguments += optionFormat4.arg(QLatin1String("grid"), i18n("If a grid shall be shown in the plot."), boolean, defaultValue.arg(boolList[QalculateSettings::plotGrid()]));
0224     arguments += optionFormat4.arg(QLatin1String("border"), i18n("If the plot shall be surrounded by borders on all sides (not just axis)."), boolean, defaultValue.arg(boolList[QalculateSettings::plotBorder()]));
0225     arguments += optionFormat4.arg(QLatin1String("linewidth"), i18n("Width of lines."), integer, defaultValue.arg(QString::number(QalculateSettings::plotLineWidth())));
0226     arguments += optionFormat3.arg(QLatin1String("legend"), i18n("Where the plot legend shall be placed. One of none, top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right, below, outside"), defaultValue.arg(legendDefault));
0227     arguments += optionFormat3.arg(QLatin1String("smoothing"), i18n("Plot smoothing. One of none, unique, csplines, bezier, sbezier"), defaultValue.arg(smoothingDefault));
0228     arguments += optionFormat3.arg(QLatin1String("style"), i18n("Plot style. One of lines, points, points_lines, boxes, histogram, steps, candlesticks, dots"), defaultValue.arg(styleDefault));
0229     arguments += optionFormat4.arg(QLatin1String("xaxis2"), i18n("Use scale on second x-axis."), boolean, defaultValue.arg(QLatin1String("false")));
0230     arguments += optionFormat4.arg(QLatin1String("yaxis2"), i18n("Use scale on second y-axis."), boolean, defaultValue.arg(QLatin1String("false")));
0231     arguments += optionFormat4.arg(QLatin1String("inline"), i18n("If the plot is to be drawn inline, instead of in a new window."), boolean, defaultValue.arg(boolList[QalculateSettings::inlinePlot()]));
0232     arguments += optionFormat3.arg(QLatin1String("step"), i18n("Distance between two interpolation points. See also steps."), number);
0233     arguments += optionFormat4.arg(QLatin1String("steps"), i18n("Number of interpolation points. See also step."), integer, defaultValue.arg(QString::number(QalculateSettings::plotSteps())));
0234     arguments += optionFormat3.arg(QLatin1String("xvar"), i18n("The name of the x variable. This must be an unknown variable"), defaultValue.arg(QLatin1String("x")));
0236     m_answer = title + desc + syntax + arguments;
0239 }
0241 void QalculateSyntaxHelpObject::setSaveVariablesInformation()
0242 {
0243     QString title = QLatin1String("<p>") + i18n("Save variables to a file") + QLatin1String("</p>");
0244     QString desc = QLatin1String("<p>") + i18n("Save all currently defined variables to a file. They can be reloaded with %1.", QLatin1String("loadVariables")) + QLatin1String("</p>");
0245     QString syntax = QLatin1String("<p>saveVariables ") + i18n("file") + QLatin1String("</p>");
0246     QString arguments = QLatin1String("<p>") + i18n("file: the file to save to") + QLatin1String("</p>");
0247     m_answer = title + desc + syntax + arguments;
0248 }
0250 void QalculateSyntaxHelpObject::setLoadVariablesInformation()
0251 {
0252     QString title = QLatin1String("<p>") + i18n("Load variables from a file") + QLatin1String("</p>");
0253     QString desc = QLatin1String("<p>") + i18n("Load variables from a file that has previously been created by %1.", QLatin1String("saveVariables")) + QLatin1String("</p>");
0254     QString syntax = QLatin1String("<p>loadVariables ") + i18n("file") + QLatin1String("</p>");
0255     QString arguments = QLatin1String("<p>") + i18n("file: the file to load") + QLatin1String("</p>");
0256     m_answer = title + desc + syntax + arguments;
0257 }
0260 QString QalculateSyntaxHelpObject::answer()
0261 {
0262     fetchInformation();
0263     return m_answer;
0264 }