Warning, /education/cantor/src/backends/qalculate/qalculatebackend.kcfg is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <kcfg xmlns="https://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
0003       xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
0004       xsi:schemaLocation="https://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0
0005                           https://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
0006   <kcfgfile name="cantorrc"/>
0007   <group name="QalculateBackend">
0008     <entry name="Path" type="Url">
0009       <label>Path to the Qalculate! executable</label>
0010       <default code="true">
0011           [this] {
0012                 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
0013                 return QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::findExecutable( QLatin1String("qalc.exe") ));
0014                 #else
0015                 return QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::findExecutable( QLatin1String("qalc") ));
0016                 #endif
0017             } ()
0018       </default>
0019     </entry>
0020     <entry name="postConversion" type="Bool">
0021       <label>If and how units will be automatically converted. If true, convert to the best suited SI units (the least amount of units).</label>
0022       <default>true</default>
0023     </entry>
0024     <entry name="angleUnit" type="Enum">
0025         <label>Default angle unit for trigonometric functions.</label>
0026         <choices name="AngleUnit">
0027             <choice name="ANGLE_UNIT_NONE" />
0028             <choice name="ANGLE_UNIT_RADIANS" />
0029             <choice name="ANGLE_UNIT_DEGREES" />
0030             <choice name="ANGLE_UNIT_GRADIANS" />
0031         </choices>
0032         <default>1</default>
0033     </entry>
0034     <entry name="base" type="Int">
0035       <label>Base of parsed and evaluated numbers.</label>
0036       <default>10</default>
0037     </entry>
0038     <entry name="structuring" type="Enum">
0039         <choices name="StructuringMode">
0040             <choice name="STRUCTURING_NONE" />
0041             <choice name="STRUCTURING_SIMPLIFY" />
0042             <choice name="STRUCTURING_FACTORIZE" />
0043         </choices>
0044         <label>If the evaluation result will be simplified or factorized.</label>
0045         <default>0</default>
0046     </entry>
0047     <entry name="fractionFormat" type="Enum">
0048         <choices name="NumberFractionFormat">
0049              <choice name="FRACTION_DECIMAL" />
0050              <choice name="FRACTION_DECIMAL_EXACT" />
0051              <choice name="FRACTION_FRACTIONAL" />
0052              <choice name="FRACTION_COMBINED" />
0053         </choices>
0054         <label>If rational numbers will be displayed with decimals, as a fraction, or something in between.</label>
0055         <default>0</default>
0056     </entry>
0057     <entry name="indicateInfiniteSeries" type="Bool">
0058       <label>Show that the digit series of a number continues forever with three dots, instead of rounding (ex. 2/3 displays as 0.666666... instead of 0.666667).</label>
0059       <default>false</default>
0060     </entry>
0061     <entry name="useAllPrefixes" type="Bool">
0062       <label>Use all decimal SI prefixes. If false, prefixes which is not a multiple of thousand (centi, deci, deca, hecto) will not be used automatically.</label>
0063       <default>false</default>
0064     </entry>
0065     <entry name="negativeExponents" type="Bool">
0066       <label>If true, negative exponents will be used instead of division (ex. 5/x^2 becomes 5*x^-2).</label>
0067       <default>false</default>
0068     </entry>
0069     <entry name="minExp" type="Enum">
0070         <choices name="ExpMode">
0071             <choice name="EXP_NONE" />
0072             <choice name="EXP_PURE" />
0073             <choice name="EXP_SCIENTIFIC" />
0074             <choice name="EXP_PRECISION" />
0075         </choices>
0076         <label>Numerical display.</label>
0077         <default>3</default>
0078     </entry>
0079     <entry name="inlinePlot" type="Bool">
0080       <label>If true, plots will be displayed inside the worksheet. If not they appear in a separate window.</label>
0081       <default>true</default>
0082     </entry>
0083     <entry name="coloredPlot" type="Bool">
0084       <label>Whether colors should be used in plots.</label>
0085       <default>true</default>
0086     </entry>
0087     <entry name="plotGrid" type="Bool">
0088       <label>Whether a grid should be plotted.</label>
0089       <default>false</default>
0090     </entry>
0091     <entry name="plotBorder" type="Bool">
0092       <label>Whether full borders should be drawn around the plot.</label>
0093       <default>false</default>
0094     </entry>
0095     <entry name="plotLineWidth" type="Int">
0096       <label>Width of lines, in pixels.</label>
0097       <default>2</default>
0098     </entry>
0099     <entry name="plotSteps" type="Int">
0100       <label>Number of interpolation steps to be used in plotting.</label>
0101       <default>100</default>
0102     </entry>
0103     <entry name="plotSmoothing" type="Enum">
0104         <choices name="SmoothingMode">
0105             <choice name="SMOOTHING_NONE" />
0106             <choice name="SMOOTHING_UNIQUE" />
0107             <choice name="SMOOTHING_CSPLINES" />
0108             <choice name="SMOOTHING_BEZIER" />
0109             <choice name="SMOOTHING_SBEZIER" />
0110         </choices>
0111         <label>Smoothing mode in plots.</label>
0112         <default>0</default>
0113     </entry>
0114     <entry name="plotStyle" type="Enum">
0115         <choices name="PlotStyle">
0116             <choice name="STYLE_LINES" />
0117             <choice name="STYLE_POINTS" />
0118             <choice name="STYLE_LINES_POINTS" />
0119             <choice name="STYLE_BOXES" />
0120             <choice name="STYLE_HISTOGRAM" />
0121             <choice name="STYLE_STEPS" />
0122             <choice name="STYLE_CANDLESTICKS" />
0123             <choice name="STYLE_DOTS" />
0124         </choices>
0125         <label>Style of plots.</label>
0126         <default>0</default>
0127     </entry>
0128     <entry name="plotLegend" type="Enum">
0129         <choices name="LegendPosition">
0130             <choice name="LEGEND_NONE" />
0131             <choice name="LEGEND_TOP_LEFT" />
0132             <choice name="LEGEND_TOP_RIGHT" />
0133             <choice name="LEGEND_BOTTOM_LEFT" />
0134             <choice name="LEGEND_BOTTOM_RIGHT" />
0135             <choice name="LEGEND_BELOW" />
0136             <choice name="LEGEND_OUTSIDE" />
0137         </choices>
0138         <label>Legend position in plots.</label>
0139         <default>2</default>
0140     </entry>
0141     <entry name="autorunScripts" type="StringList">
0142       <label>List of scripts to autorun at the beginning of session</label>
0143     </entry>
0144   </group>
0145 </kcfg>