File indexing completed on 2024-05-05 03:41:03

0001 /*!
0002  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
0003  */
0005 (function() {//switch: v1.2
0006 "use strict";
0008 // NOTE: enable more languages in dropbox selector from HTML target by disabling corresponding lines.
0009 //       English is always enabled and must be the first on the list. For the rest, respect alphabetic order.
0010 //       The language code can be found in this wikipedia page:
0011 //       The description of language code must encode special character using entity reference for HTML: 
0012 //       Other languages must be listed in locale/ sub-directory from root directory of this git repository.
0013 //       All changes from this list must be also applied to the docs-digikam-org section from the JSON config file in binary-factory-tooling repository
0014 //
0015 //       supporte_languages array in 404handler.php file from this repository needs to be also updated.
0016 var all_langs = {
0017     "en": "English",
0018     //"ar": "اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ",
0019     "ca": "Català",
0020     "cs": "Čeština",
0021     //"da": "‎dansk",
0022     "de": "Deutsch",
0023     "es": "Español",
0024     //"et": "Eesti"
0025     "fi": "Suomeksi",
0026     "fr": "Français",
0027     //"id": "Bahasa Indonesia",
0028     "it": "Italiano",
0029     "ja": "日本語",
0030     //"ko": "한국어",
0031     //"nb": "Norsk Bokmål",
0032     "lt": "Lietuvių kalba",
0033     "nl": "‎Nederlands",
0034     //"pl": "Polski",
0035     //"pt_BR": "Português (Brazil)",
0036     "pt_PT": "Português",
0037     //"ru": "Ρусский",
0038     "sk": "Slovenčina",
0039     "sl": "Slovenščina",
0040     //"sr": "српски",
0041     //"sv": "Svenska",
0042     //"tr": "‎Türkçe",
0043     "uk_UA": "Українська",
0044     //"vi": "Tiếng Việt",
0045     "zh_CN": "中文(简体)",
0046     //"zh_TW": "中文(繁體)",
0047 };
0049 var Popover=function(){
0050 function Popover(id){
0051     this.isOpen=false;
0052     this.$btn = $('#' + id);
0053     this.$dialog = this.$;
0054     this.$list = this.$dialog.children("ul");
0055     this.sel = null;
0056     this.beforeInit();
0057 }
0059 Popover.prototype={
0060 beforeInit: function() {
0061     var that=this;
0062     this.$btn.on("click", function(e){that.init();e.preventDefault();e.stopPropagation();});
0063     this.$btn.on("keydown", function(e) { if(that.btnKeyFilter(e)){that.init();e.preventDefault();e.stopPropagation();} });
0064 },
0065 init: function() {
0066     this.$"click");
0067     this.$"keydown");
0069     this.afterLoad();
0070 },
0071 afterLoad: function() {
0073     const m = release.match(/\d\.\d+/g);
0074     if (m) {release = m[0];}
0076     if(!lang || lang === "None" || lang === "") {lang = "en";}
0078     var list = this.buildList(lang);
0080     this.$list.children(":first-child").remove();
0081     this.$list.append(list);
0082     var that = this;
0083     this.$list.on("keydown", function(e) {that.keyMove(e);});
0085     this.$btn.removeClass("wait");
0086     this.btnOpenHandler();
0087     this.$btn.on("mousedown", function(e){that.btnOpenHandler(); e.preventDefault()});
0088     this.$btn.on("keydown", function(e){ if(that.btnKeyFilter(e)){that.btnOpenHandler();} });
0089 },
0090 buildList: function(l) {
0091     var url = new URL(window.location.href);
0092     let pathSplit = ["", l, url.pathname.split('/').slice(2).join('/')];
0093     var dyn = all_langs;
0094     var cur = l;
0095     var buf = [];
0096     var that=this;
0097     $.each(dyn, function(ix, title) {
0098         buf.push("<li");
0099         if (ix === cur) {
0100             buf.push(' class="selected" tabindex="-1" role="presentation"><span tabindex="-1" role="menuitem" aria-current="page">' + title + '</spanp></li>');
0101         } else {
0102             pathSplit[1] = ix;
0103             var href = new URL(url);
0104             href.pathname = pathSplit.join('/');
0105             buf.push(' tabindex="-1" role="presentation"><a href ="' + href + '" tabindex="-1">' + title + '</a></li>');
0106         }
0107     });
0108     return buf.join('');
0109 },
0110 dialogToggle: function(speed) {
0111     var wasClose = !this.isOpen;
0112     var that=this;
0113     if(!this.isOpen) {
0114         this.$btn.addClass("version-btn-open");
0115         this.$btn.attr("aria-pressed", true);
0116         this.$dialog.attr("aria-hidden", false);
0117         this.$dialog.fadeIn(speed, function() {
0118             that.$btn.parent().on("focusout", function(e) {that.focusoutHandler(); e.stopImmediatePropagation();})
0119             that.$btn.parent().on("mouseleave", function(e){that.mouseoutHandler(); e.stopImmediatePropagation();});
0120         });
0121         this.isOpen = true;
0122     } else {
0123         this.$btn.removeClass("version-btn-open");
0124         this.$btn.attr("aria-pressed", false);
0125         this.$dialog.attr("aria-hidden", true);
0126         this.$btn.parent().off("focusout");
0127         this.$btn.parent().off("mouseleave");
0128         this.$dialog.fadeOut(speed, function() {
0129             if (this.$sel) {this.$sel.attr("tabindex", -1);}
0130             that.$btn.attr("tabindex", 0);
0131             if(document.activeElement !== null && document.activeElement !== document && document.activeElement !== document.body) {
0132                 that.$btn.focus();
0133             }
0134         });
0135         this.isOpen = false;
0136     }
0138     if(wasClose) {
0139         if (this.$sel) {this.$sel.attr("tabindex", -1);}
0140         if(document.activeElement !== null && document.activeElement !== document && document.activeElement !== document.body) {
0141             var $nw = this.listEnter();
0142             $nw.attr("tabindex", 0);
0143             $nw.focus();
0144             this.$sel = $nw;
0145         }
0146     }
0147 },
0148 btnOpenHandler: function() {
0149     this.dialogToggle(300);
0150 },
0151 focusoutHandler: function() {
0152     var list = this.$list;
0153     var that = this;
0154     setTimeout(function() {
0155         if (list.find(":focus").length === 0) {
0156             that.dialogToggle(200);
0157         }
0158     }, 200);
0159 },
0160 mouseoutHandler: function() {
0161     this.dialogToggle(200);
0162 },
0163 btnKeyFilter: function(e) {
0164     if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) {return false;}
0165     if(e.key === " " || e.key === "Enter" || (e.key === "ArrowDown" && e.altKey) || e.key === "ArrowDown" || e.key === "ArrowUp") {
0166         return true;
0167     }
0168     return false;
0169 },
0170 keyMove: function(e) {
0171     if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) {return true;}
0172     var p = true;
0173     var $nw = $(;
0174     switch(e.key) {
0175         case "ArrowUp": $nw = this.listPrev($nw); break;
0176         case "ArrowDown": $nw = this.listNext($nw); break;
0177         case "Home": $nw = this.listFirst(); break;
0178         case "End": $nw = this.listLast(); break;
0179         case "Escape": $nw = this.listExit(); break;
0180         case "ArrowLeft": $nw = this.listExit(); break;
0181         case "ArrowRight": $nw = this.listExit(); break;
0182         default: p = false;
0183     }
0184     if(p) {
0185         $nw.attr("tabindex", 0);
0186         $nw.focus();
0187         if (this.$sel) {this.$sel.attr("tabindex", -1);}
0188         this.$sel = $nw;
0189         e.preventDefault();
0190         e.stopPropagation();
0191     }
0192 },
0193 listPrev: function($nw) {
0194     if ($nw.parent().prev().length !== 0) {
0195         return $nw.parent().prev().children(":first-child");
0196     } else {
0197         return this.listLast();
0198     }
0199 },
0200 listNext: function($nw) {
0201     if ($nw.parent().next().length !== 0) {
0202         return $nw.parent().next().children(":first-child");
0203     } else {
0204         return this.listFirst();
0205     }
0206 },
0207 listFirst: function() {
0208     return this.$list.children(":first-child").children(":first-child");
0209 },
0210 listLast: function() {
0211     return this.$list.children(":last-child").children(":first-child");
0212 },
0213 listExit: function() {
0214     this.mouseoutHandler();
0215     return this.$btn;
0216 },
0217 listEnter: function() {
0218     return this.$list.children(":first-child").children(":first-child");
0219 }
0220 };
0221 return Popover}();
0223 $(document).ready(function() {
0225     if(!lang || lang === "None") {lang = "en";}
0226     if(all_langs.hasOwnProperty(lang)) {$("#lang-popover").html(all_langs[lang]);}
0227     var lng_popover=new Popover("version-popover");
0228     var vsn_popover=new Popover("lang-popover");
0229 });
0230 })();