Warning, /documentation/digikam-doc/menu_descriptions/menu_lighttable.rst is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 .. meta:: 0002 :description: digiKam Light Table Menu Descriptions 0003 :keywords: digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, learn, easy, menu, light table 0004 0005 .. metadata-placeholder 0006 0007 :authors: - digiKam Team 0008 0009 :license: see Credits and License page for details (https://docs.digikam.org/en/credits_license.html) 0010 0011 .. _menu_lighttable: 0012 0013 Light Table Menu 0014 ================ 0015 0016 .. contents:: 0017 0018 .. figure:: images/menu_light_table.webp 0019 :alt: 0020 :align: center 0021 0022 The digiKam Light Table Menu 0023 0024 .. tip:: 0025 0026 .. |icon_hamburger| image:: images/menu_icon_hamburger.webp 0027 0028 When switching in **Full-Screen Mode** :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+F`, or when you **Hide Menubar** :kbd:`Ctrl+M`, the main menu will be available on the right side of tool-bar with the **Hamburger Button** |icon_hamburger|. 0029 0030 The File Menu 0031 ------------- 0032 0033 :menuselection:`File --> First` :kbd:`Ctrl+Home` 0034 0035 Select first item from thumb-bar. 0036 0037 :menuselection:`File --> Back` :kbd:`PgUp` 0038 0039 Select thumb-bar item on the left of current one. 0040 0041 :menuselection:`File --> Forward` :kbd:`PgDown` 0042 0043 Select thumb-bar item on the right of current one. 0044 0045 :menuselection:`File --> Last` :kbd:`Ctrl+End` 0046 0047 Select last item from thumb-bar. 0048 0049 :menuselection:`File --> On Left` :kbd:`Ctrl+L` 0050 0051 Load current selected item from thumb-bar to the left preview pane. 0052 0053 :menuselection:`File --> On Right` :kbd:`Ctrl+R` 0054 0055 Load current selected item from thumb-bar to the right preview pane. 0056 0057 :menuselection:`File --> Edit` :kbd:`F4` 0058 0059 Opens the selected image in the digiKam :ref:`Image Editor <image_editor>`. 0060 0061 :menuselection:`File --> Open With Default Application` :kbd:`Meta-F4` 0062 0063 Opens the selected item in the default application according to the mime-type set in your desktop. 0064 0065 :menuselection:`File --> Remove item from Light Table` :kbd:`Ctrl+K` 0066 0067 Remove the current selected item in Thumb-bar from the Light Table. 0068 0069 :menuselection:`File --> Remove all items from Light Table` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+K` 0070 0071 Remove all thumb-bar items from the Light Table. 0072 0073 :menuselection:`File --> Move to trash` :kbd:`Del` 0074 0075 Move to trash the current image from the current Album. 0076 0077 .. note:: 0078 0079 To **Delete permanently** a file, use :kbd:`Shift+Del` 0080 0081 :menuselection:`File --> Close` :kbd:`Ctrl+W` 0082 0083 Close digiKam Light Table. 0084 0085 The View Menu 0086 ------------- 0087 0088 **Full Screen Mode** option is the same entry available in :ref:`Main Window <menu_mainfullscreen>`. 0089 0090 **Slideshow** option is the same entry available in :ref:`Main Window <menu_mainslideshow>`. 0091 0092 **Presentation** option is the same entry available in :ref:`Main Window <menu_mainpresentation>`. 0093 0094 **OpenGL Image Viewer** option is the same entry available in :ref:`Main Window <menu_mainopenglviewer>`. 0095 0096 :menuselection:`View --> Synchronize` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+Y` 0097 0098 Synchronize the Left and Right Preview panels while review image contents (Pan and Zoom). 0099 0100 :menuselection:`View --> By Pair` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+P` 0101 0102 Open selected item from Thumbbar in the Left Preview panel, and the next item from the Thumbbar in Right Preview panel. 0103 0104 :menuselection:`View --> Left Panel` 0105 0106 This menu entry host all options to change Zoom level on Left Preview panel. Possible choices are: 0107 0108 - **Zoom In** :kbd:`Ctrl++`. 0109 - **Zoom Out** :kbd:`Ctrl+-`. 0110 - **Zoom to 100%** :kbd:`Ctrl+.`. 0111 - **Fit to Window** :kbd:`Ctrl+ALt+E`. 0112 0113 :menuselection:`View --> Right Panel` 0114 0115 This menu entry host all options to change Zoom level on Right Preview panel. Possible choices are: 0116 0117 - **Zoom In** :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift++`. 0118 - **Zoom Out** :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+-`. 0119 - **Zoom to 100%** :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+.`. 0120 - **Fit to Window** :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+E`. 0121 0122 **Color Managed View** option is the same entry available in :ref:`Main Window <menu_maincolormanaged>`. 0123 0124 The Tools Menu 0125 -------------- 0126 0127 See description from :ref:`Main Window <menu_maintools>` section about Import plugins. 0128 0129 The Import Menu 0130 --------------- 0131 0132 See description from :ref:`Main Window <menu_mainimport>` section about Import plugins. 0133 0134 The Export Menu 0135 --------------- 0136 0137 See description from :ref:`Main Window <menu_mainexport>` section about Export plugins. 0138 0139 The Settings Menu 0140 ----------------- 0141 0142 See description from :ref:`Main Window <menu_mainsettings>` section. 0143 0144 The Help Menu 0145 ------------- 0146 0147 See description from :ref:`Main Window <menu_mainhelp>` section.