Warning, /documentation/digikam-doc/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/supported_materials/camera_devices.po is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Copyright (C) licensed under the  <a href="https://spdx.org/licenses/GFDL-1.2-or-later.html">licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2+</a> unless stated otherwise
0002 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Digikam Manual package.
0003 #
0004 # Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>, 2023.
0005 msgid ""
0006 msgstr ""
0007 "Project-Id-Version: Digikam Manual 8.1.0\n"
0008 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
0009 "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-02 00:35+0000\n"
0010 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-31 09:30+0100\n"
0011 "Last-Translator: Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>\n"
0012 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-slo@lugos.si>\n"
0013 "Language: sl\n"
0014 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
0015 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
0016 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
0017 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n"
0018 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
0019 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.4\n"
0021 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:1
0022 msgid "Camera Devices Supported by digiKam"
0023 msgstr "Naprave kamere, ki jih podpira digiKam"
0025 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:1
0026 msgid ""
0027 "digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, "
0028 "learn, easy, camera, gphoto, usb, mass, storage"
0029 msgstr ""
0030 "digiKam, dokumentacija, uporabniški priročnik, upravljanje fotografij, "
0031 "odprta koda, prosto, učenje, enostavno, kamera, gphoto, usb, masa, "
0032 "shranjevanje"
0034 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:14
0035 msgid "Camera Devices"
0036 msgstr "Naprave kamere"
0038 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:16
0039 msgid "Contents"
0040 msgstr "Vsebina"
0042 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:19
0043 msgid "Introduction"
0044 msgstr "Uvod"
0046 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:23
0047 msgid ""
0048 "RAW file support: if you are using RAW shooting mode with your camera, "
0049 "digiKam is probably well able to deal with it. RAW support depends on the "
0050 "libraw library. To find out if your particular camera is supported, bring up "
0051 "the list from the :menuselection:`Help --> Supported RAW Cameras` menu."
0052 msgstr ""
0053 "Podpora za surove datoteke RAW: če s kamero uporabljate način fotografiranja "
0054 "RAW, se digiKam verjetno dobro zna spopasti s tem. Podpora za surove formate "
0055 "RAW je odvisna od knjižnice. Če želite izvedeti, ali je vaša kamera podprta, "
0056 "prikličite seznam iz menija :menuselection:`Help --> Podprte kamere RAW`."
0058 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:25
0059 msgid ""
0060 "How to setup and work with RAW files is described in :ref:`RAW Decoding "
0061 "Settings <setup_raw>` and :ref:`RAW Workflow <rawprocessing_workflow>` "
0062 "sections."
0063 msgstr ""
0064 "Kako nastaviti in delati z datotekami RAW je opisano v razdelkih :ref:"
0065 "`Nastavitve dekodiranja RAW <setup_raw>` in :ref:`Potek dela RAW "
0066 "<rawprocessing_workflow>`."
0068 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:29
0069 msgid ""
0070 "Camera import is currently not supported on Windows Systems due limitations "
0071 "in the Gphoto2 library."
0072 msgstr ""
0073 "Uvoz kamere trenutno ni podprt v sistemih Windows zaradi omejitev v "
0074 "knjižnici Gphoto2."
0076 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:31
0077 msgid ""
0078 "An easy-to-use camera interface is provided that will connect to your "
0079 "digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam Albums. More "
0080 "than `2500 digital cameras <http://www.gphoto.org/proj/libgphoto2/support."
0081 "php>`_ are supported by the gPhoto library. Of course, any media or card "
0082 "reader supported by your operating system will interface with digiKam."
0083 msgstr ""
0084 "Na voljo je vmesnik kamere, enostaven za uporabo, ki se bo povezal z vašo "
0085 "digitalno kamero in prenesel fotografije neposredno v albume digiKama. Več "
0086 "kot `2500 digitalnih kamer <http://www.gphoto.org/proj/libgphoto2/support."
0087 "php>`_ podpira knjižnica gPhoto. Seveda se bo kateri koli medij ali kartica "
0088 "in bralnik, ki ga podpira vaš operacijski sistem, povezal z digiKamom."
0090 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:33
0091 msgid ""
0092 "Current digital cameras are characterized by the use of Compact Flash™ "
0093 "Memory cards and USB or FireWire (IEEE-1394 or i-link) for data "
0094 "transmission. The actual transfers to a host computer are commonly carried "
0095 "out using the USB Mass Storage device class (so that the camera appears as a "
0096 "disk drive) or using the Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) and its "
0097 "derivatives. Older cameras may use the Serial Port (RS-232) connection."
0098 msgstr ""
0099 "Za trenutne digitalne kamere je značilna uporaba Pomnilniške kartice Compact "
0100 "Flash™ in USB ali FireWire (IEEE-1394 ali i-link) za prenos podatkov. "
0101 "Dejanski prenosi na gostiteljski računalnik se običajno izvajajo z uporabo "
0102 "razreda naprave USB Mass Storage (tako da se fotoaparat prikaže kot disk) "
0103 "ali z uporabo protokola za prenos slike (PTP) in njegovih derivatov. "
0104 "Starejše kamere morda uporabljajo povezavo za serijska vrata (RS-232)."
0106 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:36
0107 msgid "Transfers using gPhoto: PTP and Serial Port"
0108 msgstr "Prenosi z uporabo gPhoto: PTP in serijska vrata"
0110 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:38
0111 msgid ""
0112 "digiKam employs the gPhoto program to communicate with digital still "
0113 "cameras. Gphoto is a free, redistributable set of digital camera software "
0114 "applications which supports a growing number of cameras. Gphoto has support "
0115 "for the Picture Transfer Protocol, which is a widely supported protocol "
0116 "developed by the International Imaging Industry Association to allow the "
0117 "transfer of images from digital cameras to computers and other peripheral "
0118 "devices without the need of additional device drivers."
0119 msgstr ""
0120 "digiKam uporablja program gPhoto za komunikacijo z digitalnimi kamerami. "
0121 "Gphoto je prosti nabor programske opreme za digitalne fotoaparate, ki ga je "
0122 "mogoče ponovno distribuirati v aplikacijah, ki podpirajo vse večje število "
0123 "kamer. Gphoto ima podporo za Picture Transfer Protocol, ki je široko podprt "
0124 "protokol, ki ga je razvilo Mednarodno združenje industrije kamer, da bi "
0125 "omogočilo prenos slik iz digitalnih kamer v računalnike in drugih perifernih "
0126 "naprav brez potrebe po dodatnih gonilnikih."
0128 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:40
0129 msgid ""
0130 "Many old digital still cameras used Serial Port to communicate with host "
0131 "computers. Because photographs are big files and serial port transfers are "
0132 "slow, this connection is now obsolete. digiKam supports these cameras and "
0133 "performs image transfers using the gPhoto program. You can find a complete "
0134 "list of supported digital cameras at `this url <http://www.gphoto.org/proj/"
0135 "libgphoto2/support.php>`_."
0136 msgstr ""
0137 "Številni stari digitalni fotoaparati so za komunikacijo z gostiteljem "
0138 "uporabljali serijska vrata na računalnikih. Ker so fotografije velike "
0139 "datoteke in so prenosi prek serijskih vrat počasna, je ta povezava zdaj "
0140 "zastarela. digiKam podpira te kamere in izvaja prenos slik s programom "
0141 "gPhoto. Lahko najdete popolni seznam podprtih digitalnih fotoaparatov na "
0142 "`tem naslovu <http://www.gphoto.org/proj/libgphoto2/support.php>`_."
0144 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:44
0145 msgid ""
0146 "Gphoto needs to be built with libexif to retrieve thumbnails to digiKam "
0147 "properly. Exif support is required for thumbnail retrieval on some "
0148 "libgphoto2 camera drivers. If Exif support is not set with gPhoto, you might "
0149 "not see thumbnails or the thumbnail extraction may be very slow."
0150 msgstr ""
0151 "Gphoto je treba zgraditi s programom libexif, da pravilno pridobi sličice v "
0152 "digiKam. Pri nekaterih je za iskanje sličic potrebna podpora gonilnika Exif "
0153 "fotoaparata v libgphoto2. Če podpora za Exif ni nastavljena z gPhoto, lahko "
0154 "ali ne vidite sličic ali pa je ekstrakcija sličic zelo počasna."
0156 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:50
0157 msgid "The digiKam Setup Dialog to Configure a gPhoto Camera Device"
0158 msgstr ""
0159 "Pogovorno okno za nastavitev digiKam za konfiguracijo naprave kamere gPhoto"
0161 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:53
0162 msgid "Transfers using Mass Storage device"
0163 msgstr "Prenosi z uporabo naprave za masovno shranjevanje"
0165 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:55
0166 msgid ""
0167 "For the devices that are not directly supported by gPhoto, there is support "
0168 "for the Mass Storage protocol, which is well supported under GNU/Linux®. "
0169 "This includes many digital cameras and Memory Card Readers. Mass Storage "
0170 "interfaces are:"
0171 msgstr ""
0172 "Za naprave, ki jih gPhoto ne podpira neposredno, obstaja podpora za protokol "
0173 "Mass Storage, ki je dobro podprt v GNU/Linux®. To vključuje številne "
0174 "digitalne fotoaparate in čitalnike pomnilniških kartic. Vmesniki za masovni "
0175 "pomnilnik:"
0177 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:57
0178 msgid ""
0179 "**USB Mass Storage**: a computer interface using communication protocols "
0180 "defined by the USB Implementers Forum that run on the Universal Serial Bus. "
0181 "This standard provides an interface to a variety of storage devices, "
0182 "including digital cameras."
0183 msgstr ""
0184 "**USB Mass Storage**: računalniški vmesnik, ki uporablja komunikacijske "
0185 "protokole definirane v Forum izvajalcev USB, ki delujejo na univerzalnem "
0186 "serijskem vodilu. Ta standard zagotavlja vmesnik za različne naprave za "
0187 "shranjevanje, vključno z digitalnimi kamerami."
0189 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:59
0190 msgid ""
0191 "**FireWire Mass Storage**: a computer interface using communication "
0192 "protocols developed primarily by Apple Computer in the 1990s. FireWire "
0193 "offers high-speed communications and isochronous real-time data services. "
0194 "Like USB Mass Storage, this standard provides an interface to a variety of "
0195 "storage devices, including digital still cameras. Almost all recent digital "
0196 "cameras support USB version 1 and eventually will support USB version 2; a "
0197 "very few support FireWire."
0198 msgstr ""
0199 "**FireWire Mass Storage**: računalniški vmesnik, ki uporablja protokol "
0200 "komunikacije, ki jih je razvil predvsem Apple Computer v devetdesetih letih "
0201 "prejšnjega stoletja. FireWire ponuja visokohitrostne komunikacije in "
0202 "izohrone podatkovne storitve v realnem času. Tako kot USB Mass Storage tudi "
0203 "ta standard ponuja vmesnik za različne naprave za shranjevanje, vključno z "
0204 "digitalnimi fotoaparati. Skoraj vsi novejši digitalni fotoaparati podpirajo "
0205 "USB različico 1 in bodo sčasoma podpirali USB različico 2; a zelo malo jih "
0206 "podpira FireWire."
0208 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:61
0209 msgid ""
0210 "To use a generic Mass Storage device with digiKam, select :menuselection:"
0211 "`Import --> Camera --> Add Camera Manually...`, add your device and set the "
0212 "correct mount point path."
0213 msgstr ""
0214 "Če želite uporabljati generično napravo za množično shranjevanje z "
0215 "digiKamom, izberite :menuselection:`Import --> Camera --> Add Camera "
0216 "Manually...`, dodajte svojo napravo in nastavite pravilno pot točke priklopa."
0218 #: ../../supported_materials/camera_devices.rst:63
0219 msgid ""
0220 "For details see the chapter to configure digiKam, into :ref:`Camera section "
0221 "<camera_settings>`."
0222 msgstr ""
0223 "Za podrobnosti glejte poglavje o konfiguraciji digiKama v :ref:`Razdelek "
0224 "kamere <camera_settings>`."