Warning, /documentation/digikam-doc/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/post_processing/time_adjust.po is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Copyright (C) licensed under the  <a href="https://spdx.org/licenses/GFDL-1.2-or-later.html">licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2+</a> unless stated otherwise
0002 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Digikam Manual package.
0003 #
0004 # Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>, 2023.
0005 msgid ""
0006 msgstr ""
0007 "Project-Id-Version: Digikam Manual 8.1.0\n"
0008 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
0009 "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-02 00:35+0000\n"
0010 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-17 20:54+0200\n"
0011 "Last-Translator: Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>\n"
0012 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-slo@lugos.si>\n"
0013 "Language: sl\n"
0014 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
0015 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
0016 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
0017 "X-Generator: Lokalize 23.04.2\n"
0018 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n"
0019 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
0021 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:1
0022 msgid "The digiKam Time Adjust"
0023 msgstr "Prilagoditev časa digiKam"
0025 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:1
0026 msgid ""
0027 "digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, "
0028 "learn, easy, date, time, adjust"
0029 msgstr ""
0030 "digiKam, dokumentacija, uporabniški priročnik, upravljanje fotografij, "
0031 "odprta koda, prosto, učenje, enostavno, datum, ura, prilagajanje"
0033 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:14
0034 msgid "Time Adjust"
0035 msgstr "Prilagoditev časa"
0037 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:16
0038 msgid "Contents"
0039 msgstr "Vsebina"
0041 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:18
0042 msgid ""
0043 "The Time Adjust tool available from :menuselection:`Item --> Adjust Time & "
0044 "Date` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+D` allows to tune or records the timestamps in file "
0045 "metadata. This common task is sometime mandatory when your images do not "
0046 "contain dates in metadata as when contents is digitized with a scanner, or "
0047 "when a camera records a wrong date in you file due to a bad device settings. "
0048 "With this tool you can choose the right source to take the date information, "
0049 "the date entries to fix or append, and the calculation to operate on dates "
0050 "before registration."
0051 msgstr ""
0052 "Orodje za prilagajanje časa je na voljo na :menuselection:`Element --> "
0053 "Prilagodi čas in datum` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+D` omogoča nastavitev ali snemanje "
0054 "časovnih žigov v  metapodatke datoteke. Ta običajna naloga je včasih "
0055 "obvezna, ko vaše slike ne vsebujejo datumov v metapodatkih kot npr. pri "
0056 "digitalizaciji vsebine s skenerjem, oz. ko kamera v datoteko posname napačen "
0057 "datum zaradi napačnih  nastavitev naprave. S tem orodjem lahko izberete "
0058 "pravi vir za prevzem informacij o datumu, vnose datumov, ki jih je treba "
0059 "popraviti ali dodati  in izračun za delovanje na datumih pred registracijo."
0061 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:20
0062 msgid ""
0063 "The **Timestamp Used** group allows to select the source of the date. "
0064 "Available choices are listed below:"
0065 msgstr ""
0066 "Skupina **Uporabljeni časovni žig** omogoča izbiro vira datuma. "
0067 "Razpoložljive možnosti so navedene spodaj:"
0069 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:22
0070 msgid "**digiKam timestamp**: the date records in database."
0071 msgstr "**digiKam časovni žig**: datumski zapisi v bazi podatkov."
0073 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:23
0074 msgid "**File name timestamp**: the date extracted from the filename."
0075 msgstr "**Časovni žig imena datoteke**: datum, ekstrahiran iz imena datoteke."
0077 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:24
0078 msgid ""
0079 "From the file system: **File last Modified** will use the last modification "
0080 "date of file."
0081 msgstr ""
0082 "Iz datotečnega sistema: **Datoteka zadnjič spremenjena** bo uporabila zadnjo "
0083 "spremembo datuma datoteke."
0085 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:26
0086 msgid ""
0087 "**Exif/IPTC/XMP**: parse Exif, IPTC, and XMP to get the first value "
0088 "available."
0089 msgstr ""
0090 "**Exif/IPTC/XMP**: razčleni Exif, IPTC in XMP, da dobi prvo vrednost na "
0091 "voljo."
0093 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:27
0094 msgid "**EXIF: created**: image creation timestamp from Exif."
0095 msgstr "**EXIF: created**: časovni žig ustvarjanja slike iz Exif."
0097 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:28
0098 msgid "**EXIF: original**: image original timestamp from Exif."
0099 msgstr "**EXIF: original**: izvirni časovni žig slike iz Exif."
0101 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:29
0102 msgid "**EXIF: digitized**: image digitized timestamp from Exif."
0103 msgstr "**EXIF: digitized**: slika digitaliziran časovni žig iz Exif."
0105 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:30
0106 msgid "**IPTC: created**: image created timestamp from IPTC."
0107 msgstr "**IPTC: created**: časovni žig ustvarjene slike iz IPTC."
0109 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:31
0110 msgid "**XMP: created**: image created timestamp from XMP."
0111 msgstr "**XMP: created**: časovni žig ustvarjene slike iz XMP."
0113 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:32
0114 msgid ""
0115 "**EXIF: created (fuzzy)**: image creation timestamp from Exif and trying "
0116 "different encoding combinations in case of non-respect of standard."
0117 msgstr ""
0118 "**EXIF: created (fuzzy)***: časovni žig ustvarjanja slike iz Exifa in "
0119 "preizkušanje različnih kombinacij kodiranja v primeru neupoštevanja "
0120 "standarda."
0122 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:33
0123 msgid "From the metadata:"
0124 msgstr "Iz metapodatkov:"
0126 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:33
0127 msgid ""
0128 "**EXIF: original (fuzzy)**: image original timestamp from Exif and trying "
0129 "different encoding combinations in case of non-respect of standard."
0130 msgstr ""
0131 "**EXIF: original (fuzzy)**: izvirni časovni žig slike iz Exifa in "
0132 "preizkušanje različnih kombinacij kodiranja v primeru neupoštevanja "
0133 "standarda."
0135 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:34
0136 msgid ""
0137 "**EXIF: digitized (fuzzy)**: image digitized timestamp from Exif and trying "
0138 "different encoding combinations in case of non-respect of standard."
0139 msgstr ""
0140 "**EXIF: digitized (fuzzy)**: digitaliziran časovni žig slike iz Exifa in "
0141 "poskus različnih kombinacij kodiranja v primeru neupoštevanja standarda."
0143 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:35
0144 msgid "A fixed date taken from calendar."
0145 msgstr "Fiksni datum iz koledarja."
0147 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:37
0148 msgid ""
0149 "The **Timestamp Adjustments** group allows to select operation to process of "
0150 "source date to evaluate the target date. Available choices are listed below:"
0151 msgstr ""
0152 "Skupina **Prilagoditve časovnega žiga** omogoča izbiro operacije za obdelavo "
0153 "izvorni datum za oceno ciljnega datuma. Razpoložljive možnosti so navedene "
0154 "spodaj:"
0156 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:39
0157 msgid "**Copy value**: copy timestamp as well from source date to target date."
0158 msgstr ""
0159 "**Kopiraj vrednost**: kopiraj tudi časovni žig od izvornega datuma do "
0160 "ciljnega datuma."
0162 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:40
0163 msgid ""
0164 "**Add**: add a fixed timestamp to source date to compute target date. Use "
0165 "the settings on the right side to define the added value."
0166 msgstr ""
0167 "**Dodaj**: izvornemu datumu dodaj fiksni časovni žig za izračun ciljnega "
0168 "datuma. Uporaba nastavitve na desni strani, da določite dodano vrednost."
0170 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:41
0171 msgid ""
0172 "**Subtract**: remove a fixed timestamp to source date to compute target "
0173 "date. Use the settings on the right side to define the subtracted value."
0174 msgstr ""
0175 "**Odštej**: odstrani fiksni časovni žig do izvornega datuma za izračun "
0176 "ciljnega datuma. Z nastavitvami na desni strani določite odšteto vrednost."
0178 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:42
0179 msgid ""
0180 "**Interval**: interval timestamp to the next image from the list to process. "
0181 "Use the settings on the right side to define the interval value."
0182 msgstr ""
0183 "**Interval**: časovni žig intervala do naslednje slike s seznama za "
0184 "obdelavo. Z nastavitvami na desni strani določite vrednost intervala."
0186 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:44
0187 msgid ""
0188 "The **Determine difference from clock photo** allows to select a photo to "
0189 "get a date from and calculate the time difference between it and the current "
0190 "item selected from the list of files to process. You can also use drag and "
0191 "drop over this button to define the selected image. This feature will "
0192 "automatically select the **Copy value**, **Add**, or **Subtract** method."
0193 msgstr ""
0194 "**Določi razliko od ure fotografije** omogoča izbiro fotografije, da "
0195 "pridobite datum in izračunajte časovno razliko med njim in trenutnim "
0196 "elementom, izbran iz seznama datotek za obdelavo. Uporabite lahko tudi "
0197 "tehniko povleci in spusti nad tem gumbom, da določite izbrano sliko. Ta "
0198 "funkcija bo samodejno izbrala metodo **Kopiraj vrednost**, **Dodaj** ali "
0199 "**Odštej**."
0201 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:46
0202 msgid ""
0203 "The **Timestamp updated** group allows to define the target entries to patch "
0204 "with the new values. Available choices are listed below:"
0205 msgstr ""
0206 "Skupina **Časovni žig posodobljen** omogoča definiranje ciljnih vnosov za "
0207 "popravke z novimi vrednotami. Razpoložljive možnosti so navedene spodaj:"
0209 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:48
0210 msgid ""
0211 "**Update only existing timestamps**: will change only the values which "
0212 "already exists in file."
0213 msgstr ""
0214 "**Posodobi samo obstoječe časovne žige**: spremeni samo vrednosti, ki že "
0215 "obstajajo v datoteki."
0217 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:49
0218 msgid "**Exif: original**: will change the image original timestamp from Exif."
0219 msgstr "**Exif: original**: bo spremenil izvirni časovni žig slike iz Exif."
0221 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:50
0222 msgid ""
0223 "**Exif: digitized**: will change the image digitized timestamp from Exif."
0224 msgstr ""
0225 "**Exif: digitalizirano**: spremeni časovni žig digitalizirane slike iz Exif."
0227 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:51
0228 msgid "**Exif: created**: will change the image creation timestamp from Exif."
0229 msgstr ""
0230 "**Exif: ustvarjen**: bo spremenil časovni žig ustvarjanja slike iz Exif."
0232 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:52
0233 msgid ""
0234 "**Exif: Thumbnail**: will change the image thumbnail timestamp from Exif."
0235 msgstr "**Exif: Thumbnail**: spremeni časovni žig sličice slike iz Exif."
0237 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:53
0238 msgid "**XMP**: will change the image timestamp from standard XMP namespaces."
0239 msgstr ""
0240 "**XMP**: bo spremenil časovni žig slike iz standardnih imenskih prostorov "
0241 "XMP."
0243 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:54
0244 msgid ""
0245 "**XMP: video**: will change the image timestamp from WMP video namespace."
0246 msgstr ""
0247 "**XMP: video**: bo spremenil časovni žig slike iz imenskega prostora videa "
0248 "WMP."
0250 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:55
0251 msgid "**IPTC: created**: will change the image created timestamp from IPTC."
0252 msgstr ""
0253 "**IPTC: ustvarjen**: bo spremenil časovni žig ustvarjene slike iz IPTC."
0255 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:56
0256 msgid ""
0257 "**File last modified**: will change the last modified timestamp from file "
0258 "system."
0259 msgstr ""
0260 "**Nazadnje spremenjena datoteka**: spremeni zadnji spremenjeni časovni žig "
0261 "iz datotečnega sistema."
0263 #: ../../post_processing/time_adjust.rst:62
0264 msgid "The digiKam Time Adjust Tool Tuning Items Time-Stamp"
0265 msgstr "Časovni žig orodja za nastavitev časa digiKam"