Warning, /documentation/digikam-doc/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/post_processing/send_images.po is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Copyright (C) licensed under the  <a href="https://spdx.org/licenses/GFDL-1.2-or-later.html">licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2+</a> unless stated otherwise
0002 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Digikam Manual package.
0003 #
0004 # Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>, 2023.
0005 msgid ""
0006 msgstr ""
0007 "Project-Id-Version: Digikam Manual 8.1.0\n"
0008 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
0009 "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-02 00:35+0000\n"
0010 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-23 18:36+0200\n"
0011 "Last-Translator: Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>\n"
0012 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-slo@lugos.si>\n"
0013 "Language: sl\n"
0014 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
0015 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
0016 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
0017 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n"
0018 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
0019 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.2\n"
0021 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:1
0022 msgid "The digiKam Tool to Send Images By Mail"
0023 msgstr "Orodje digiKam za pošiljanje slik po pošti"
0025 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:1
0026 msgid ""
0027 "digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, "
0028 "learn, easy, email, sharing"
0029 msgstr ""
0030 "digiKam, dokumentacija, uporabniški priročnik, upravljanje fotografij, "
0031 "odprta koda, prosto, učenje, enostavno, e-pošta, deljenje"
0033 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:14
0034 msgid "Send Images"
0035 msgstr "Pošljite slike"
0037 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:16
0038 msgid "Contents"
0039 msgstr "Vsebina"
0041 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:18
0042 msgid "This tool can be used to send images directly by e-mail."
0043 msgstr "To orodje lahko uporabite za neposredno pošiljanje slik po e-pošti."
0045 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:20
0046 msgid ""
0047 "With this tool you can e-mail the selected images with your favorite e-mail "
0048 "agent. Resizing images is possible. You can use drag and drop to add more "
0049 "images to the list of images to send."
0050 msgstr ""
0051 "S tem orodjem lahko izbrane slike pošljete po e-pošti s svojim najljubšim "
0052 "odjemalcem e-pošte. Možno je spreminjanje velikosti. Če želite dodati več "
0053 "slik, uporabite tehniko povleci in spusti slike na seznam slik za pošiljanje."
0055 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:22
0056 msgid ""
0057 "When opening the tool from the application, the **Email Images Options** "
0058 "dialog will appear with the e-mail agent applications detected on your "
0059 "system. You can also select the items to send by **Images** list or "
0060 "**albums** collection."
0061 msgstr ""
0062 "Ko odprete orodje iz aplikacije, se prikaže **Možnosti e-pošte slik** na "
0063 "pogovornem oknu z aplikacijami odjemalcev e-pošte, ki so zaznane na vašem "
0064 "sistemu. Izberete lahko tudi elemente za pošiljanje s seznama **Slik** oz. "
0065 "zbirke **albumov**."
0067 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:28
0068 msgid "The Send Images E-mail Client Detection and Contents Selection"
0069 msgstr "Zaznavanje in izbira vsebine e-poštnega odjemalca za pošiljanje slik"
0071 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:30
0072 msgid ""
0073 "With the Images list mode, you will show your pre-selected items from "
0074 "digiKam already in the list of the dialog."
0075 msgstr ""
0076 "Z načinom seznama slik boste že na seznamu pogovornega okna prikazali "
0077 "vnaprej izbrane elemente iz digiKama."
0079 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:36
0080 msgid "The Send Images Tool and Selected List of Items"
0081 msgstr "Orodje za pošiljanje slik in izbrani seznam elementov"
0083 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:38
0084 msgid ""
0085 "Below the image list there are five buttons. The two left buttons are used "
0086 "to move a selected image in the list up or down. The middle button opens a "
0087 "file browser to add more files as needed in the usual file selection manner."
0088 msgstr ""
0089 "Pod seznamom slik je pet gumbov. Dva leva gumba se uporabljata za premikanje "
0090 "izbrane slike na seznamu gor ali dol. Srednji gumb odpre brskalnik datotek, "
0091 "da po potrebi dodate še več datotek na običajen način izbire datotek."
0093 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:40
0094 msgid ""
0095 "When clicking on the other buttons the selected images will be removed from "
0096 "the list or the list will be cleared."
0097 msgstr ""
0098 "Ko kliknete druge gumbe, bodo izbrane slike odstranjene s seznama ali pa bo "
0099 "seznam počiščen."
0101 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:44
0102 msgid ""
0103 "You can drag and drop images between the host application window and the "
0104 "image file list to add new items to e-mail."
0105 msgstr ""
0106 "Slike lahko povlečete in spustite med oknom gostiteljske aplikacije in "
0107 "seznamom slikovnih datotek, da dodate nove elemente v e-pošto."
0109 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:48
0110 msgid ""
0111 "Be sure not to overload your own or your addressees e-mail transmission "
0112 "limit; most providers limit the e-mail size to some megabytes of data. Use "
0113 "several e-mails if you want to send a lot of data."
0114 msgstr ""
0115 "Pazite, da ne preobremenite svojega e-poštnega sporočila ali prenosa e-pošte "
0116 "do svojih naslovnikov prek omejitev; večina ponudnikov pošte omejuje "
0117 "velikost e-pošte na nekaj megabajtov podatkov. Uporabite več e-poštnih "
0118 "sporočil, če želite poslati veliko podatkov."
0120 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:50
0121 msgid ""
0122 "The next page is used to change the settings of the images to be sent. These "
0123 "settings will be remembered when you close the tool until you change them."
0124 msgstr ""
0125 "Naslednja stran se uporablja za spreminjanje nastavitev slik, ki jih želite "
0126 "poslati. Te nastavitve bodo shranjene, ko zaprete orodje, dokler jih ne "
0127 "spremenite."
0129 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:52
0130 msgid "Select your favorite **Mail Program** from the drop-down menu."
0131 msgstr "Iz spustnega menija izberite svoj najljubši **Poštni program**."
0133 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:54
0134 msgid ""
0135 "If you select **Attach a file with image properties from Application** the "
0136 "comments, rating, or tags included with the images will be merged to a text "
0137 "file and attached in the mail."
0138 msgstr ""
0139 "Če izberete **Priloži datoteko z lastnostmi slike iz aplikacije**, bodo "
0140 "komentarji, ocene ali značke, vključene v slike, združeni v besedilno "
0141 "datoteko in priloženi pošti."
0143 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:56
0144 msgid ""
0145 "The next three items allow you to set-up the image properties to be sent. To "
0146 "enable these options check **Adjust image properties**. First select an "
0147 "**Image size** suitable for your Internet connection speed and the target "
0148 "mailbox size."
0149 msgstr ""
0150 "Naslednji trije elementi vam omogočajo nastavitev lastnosti slike za "
0151 "pošiljanje. Da omogočite te možnosti, preverite **Prilagodi lastnosti "
0152 "slike**. Najprej izberite **Velikost slike** primerno za vašo hitrost "
0153 "internetne povezave in ciljno velikost poštnega predala."
0155 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:58
0156 msgid ""
0157 "The **PNG** file format in the **Image format** drop-down menu is not well "
0158 "adapted to reduce photographic images file size, but is best suited for "
0159 "compressing lossless items like the TIFF file format. **PNG** must be used "
0160 "if you use dial-up speed Internet and you want to preserve the photo "
0161 "quality. Otherwise, **JPEG** is the recommended format."
0162 msgstr ""
0163 "Oblika datoteke **PNG** v spustnem meniju **Oblika slike** ni dobro "
0164 "prilagojena za zmanjšanje velikosti datoteke s fotografijami, vendar je "
0165 "najbolj primerna za stiskanje elementov brez izgub, kot je format datoteke "
0166 "TIFF. Uporabiti je treba **PNG**, če uporabljate klicni hitri internet in "
0167 "želite ohraniti kakovost fotografije. Sicer je priporočena oblika zapisa "
0168 "**JPEG**."
0170 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:60
0171 msgid ""
0172 "The **Image quality** can be chosen with the input box. 75% is the standard "
0173 "compression ratio for **JPEG** files. Setting compression to 100% will "
0174 "result in lossless compression at the cost of the largest file size. The "
0175 "difference in file size between 90% and 100% can be quite dramatic, whereas "
0176 "the gain in quality is minor. Very good quality is already obtained with 85% "
0177 "compression."
0178 msgstr ""
0179 "**Kakovost slike** lahko izberete z vnosnim poljem. 75% je standardno "
0180 "kompresijsko razmerje za datoteke **JPEG**. Nastavitev kompresije na 100 % "
0181 "bo povzročilo stiskanje brez izgub za ceno največje velikosti datoteke. "
0182 "Razlika v velikosti datoteke med 90 % in 100 % je lahko precej drastična, "
0183 "medtem ko je prirast v kvaliteti le majhen. Zelo dobra kakovost je dosežena "
0184 "že s 85% stiskanjem."
0186 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:64
0187 msgid ""
0188 "If you choose JPEG as the Image file format and the original files were in "
0189 "JPEG format, the original Exif data included is preserved in e-mailed images."
0190 msgstr ""
0191 "Če izberete JPEG kot format slikovne datoteke in so bile izvirne datoteke v "
0192 "formatu JPEG, se originalni vključeni podatki Exif ohranijo v slikah, "
0193 "poslanih po e-pošti."
0195 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:66
0196 msgid "If you want to drop metadata, turn on **Remove all metadata** option."
0197 msgstr ""
0198 "Če želite opustiti metapodatke, vklopite možnost **Odstrani vse "
0199 "metapodatke**."
0201 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:72
0202 msgid "The Send Images Tool Mail Program Selection and Attachment Properties"
0203 msgstr ""
0204 "Izbira poštnega programa orodja za pošiljanje slik in lastnosti priloge"
0206 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:74
0207 msgid ""
0208 "The next page will show a progress dialog given a feedback on the progress "
0209 "of your operation to prepare item before e-mailing. Press the **Cancel** "
0210 "button during this stage if you want to abort the process."
0211 msgstr ""
0212 "Na naslednji strani bo prikazano pogovorno okno napredka s povratnimi "
0213 "informacijami o napredku vašega postopka za pripravo predmeta pred "
0214 "pošiljanjem po e-pošti. Pritisnite **Prekliči** med to stopnjo, če želite "
0215 "prekiniti postopek."
0217 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:76
0218 msgid ""
0219 "When all jobs are completed, this dialog will not close automatically and "
0220 "you can consult the progress messages if any errors occurred during this "
0221 "stage. The mail agent will be started automatically at the end."
0222 msgstr ""
0223 "Ko so vsa opravila dokončana, se to pogovorno okno samodejno ne zapre in si "
0224 "lahko ogledate sporočila o napredku, če je med tem prišlo do kakršnihkoli "
0225 "napak. Odjemalec elektronske pošte se bo na koncu samodejno zagnal."
0227 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:82
0228 msgid "The Send Images Tool Post Processing Items to Send By Mail"
0229 msgstr ""
0230 "Orodje za pošiljanje slik naknadno obdela predmete za pošiljanje po pošti"
0232 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:84
0233 msgid ""
0234 "The composer window will be open with your favorite e-mail client. You just "
0235 "need to add the addressee and the subject. The selected images will be "
0236 "already be listed as attachments."
0237 msgstr ""
0238 "Odprlo se bo okno za pisanje pošte z vašim priljubljenim odjemalcem e-pošte. "
0239 "Treba je samo dodati naslovnika in zadevo. Izbrane slike bodo že navedene "
0240 "kot priloge."
0242 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:90
0243 msgid "The Items Post Processed and Ready to Send with Thunderbird Mail Agent"
0244 msgstr ""
0245 "Predmeti naknadno obdelani in pripravljeni za pošiljanje s Thunderbird Mail "
0246 "Agent"
0248 #: ../../post_processing/send_images.rst:92
0249 msgid ""
0250 "When email is sent, you can **Close** the progress dialog to purge all "
0251 "temporary files."
0252 msgstr ""
0253 "Ko je e-pošta poslana, lahko **Zaprete** pogovorno okno napredka, da "
0254 "počistite vse začasne datoteke."