Warning, /documentation/digikam-doc/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/post_processing/print_creator.po is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Copyright (C) licensed under the  <a href="https://spdx.org/licenses/GFDL-1.2-or-later.html">licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2+</a> unless stated otherwise
0002 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Digikam Manual package.
0003 #
0004 # Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>, 2023.
0005 msgid ""
0006 msgstr ""
0007 "Project-Id-Version: Digikam Manual 8.1.0\n"
0008 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
0009 "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-02 00:35+0000\n"
0010 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-23 09:55+0100\n"
0011 "Last-Translator: Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>\n"
0012 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-slo@lugos.si>\n"
0013 "Language: sl\n"
0014 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
0015 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
0016 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
0017 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n"
0018 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
0019 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.1\n"
0021 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:1
0022 msgid "The digiKam Print Creator"
0023 msgstr "digiKam kreator tiska"
0025 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:1
0026 msgid ""
0027 "digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, "
0028 "learn, easy, print, creator, template, group, combination, layout"
0029 msgstr ""
0030 "digiKam, dokumentacija, uporabniški priročnik, upravljanje fotografij, "
0031 "odprta koda, prosto, učenje, enostavno, tiskanje, kreator, predloga, "
0032 "skupina, kombinacija, postavitev"
0034 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:14
0035 msgid "Print Creator"
0036 msgstr "Print Creator"
0038 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:16
0039 msgid "Contents"
0040 msgstr "Vsebina"
0042 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:19
0043 msgid "Overview"
0044 msgstr "Pregled"
0046 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:21
0047 msgid "The Print Creator is a tool to print grouped images at the same time."
0048 msgstr "Kreator tiska je orodje za hkratno tiskanje združenih slik."
0050 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:23
0051 msgid ""
0052 "This tool allows multiple images to be combined into single sheets of paper "
0053 "in standard photo sizes for printing. The combined images can also be "
0054 "automatically opened with the image editor Gimp for enhancement or for "
0055 "direct printing using the Gimp-Print tool. The combined images can also be "
0056 "output directly as **PDF** or **image** files."
0057 msgstr ""
0058 "To orodje omogoča združevanje več slik na posamezne liste papirja "
0059 "standardnih velikosti fotografij za tisk. Kombinirane slike lahko samodejno "
0060 "odpre z urejevalnikom slik Gimp za izboljšave ali za neposredno tiskanje z "
0061 "orodjem Gimp-Print. Kombinirane slike lahko tudi prenesemo na izhod "
0062 "neposredno kot datoteke **PDF** ali datoteke **slike**."
0064 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:26
0065 msgid "Using the Wizard"
0066 msgstr "Uporaba čarovnika"
0068 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:28
0069 msgid ""
0070 "The first page allows to use the items selection method: from **Images** "
0071 "currently selected in digiKam, or from **Albums** hosted in your "
0072 "collections. This page also verify the availability of **Gimp** binary "
0073 "program."
0074 msgstr ""
0075 "Prva stran omogoča uporabo načina izbire artiklov: iz **Slik** trenutno "
0076 "izbranih v digiKamu ali iz **Albumov**, ki gostujejo v vaši zbirki. Ta stran "
0077 "tudi preveri razpoložljivost binarne datoteke programa **Gimp**."
0079 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:34
0080 msgid "The Print Wizard Page to Select Items"
0081 msgstr "Stran čarovnika za tiskanje za izbiro elementov"
0083 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:36
0084 msgid ""
0085 "The next page allows to customize the **Printing Layout**, the **List of "
0086 "Items** to assemble, and the **Printing Target** as:"
0087 msgstr ""
0088 "Naslednja stran omogoča prilagajanje **Postavitve tiskanja**, **Seznama "
0089 "elementov** za sestavljanje in **Cilja tiskanja** kot:"
0091 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:38
0092 msgid ""
0093 "Post processing with **Gimp**. Application needs to be installed on your "
0094 "system."
0095 msgstr ""
0096 "Naknadna obdelava z **Gimp**. Aplikacija mora biti nameščena v vašem sistemu."
0098 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:39
0099 msgid ""
0100 "**PDF** file. Linux has a native export to PDF support. For Windows and "
0101 "macOS, supplemental driver needs to be installed."
0102 msgstr ""
0103 "**PDF** datoteka. Linux nudi izvorno podporo za izvoz v PDF. Za Windows in "
0104 "macOS je treba namestiti dodatni gonilnik."
0106 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:40
0107 msgid "**Image** file."
0108 msgstr "Datoteka **Slika**."
0110 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:42
0111 msgid ""
0112 "A layout preview using selected items an the printing template is given on "
0113 "the left bottom side of the dialog."
0114 msgstr ""
0115 "Predogled postavitve z izbranimi elementi in predlogo za tiskanje je podan "
0116 "na levi spodnji strani pogovornega okna."
0118 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:48
0119 msgid "The Print Wizard Page to Preview Selected Items on Template Layout"
0120 msgstr ""
0121 "Stran čarovnika za tiskanje za predogled izbranih elementov v postavitvi "
0122 "predloge"
0124 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:50
0125 msgid "The next page allows to customize the caption for each items, as:"
0126 msgstr "Naslednja stran omogoča prilagoditev napisa za vsak element, kot je:"
0128 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:52
0129 msgid "**No caption**."
0130 msgstr "**Brez napisa**."
0132 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:53
0133 msgid "**Image file name**."
0134 msgstr "**Ime slikovne datoteke**."
0136 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:54
0137 msgid "**Exif date-time** from file metadata."
0138 msgstr "**Exif datum-ura** iz metapodatkov datoteke."
0140 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:55
0141 msgid "**Item comments** from file metadata."
0142 msgstr "**Komentarji elementov** iz metapodatkov datoteke."
0144 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:56
0145 msgid ""
0146 "A **Custom Format** constructed by a list of fields assembly as a string."
0147 msgstr "**Oblika po meri**, sestavljena s sestavom seznama polj kot niz."
0149 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:58
0150 msgid ""
0151 "The caption **Text Color**, **Text Size**, and **Font Family** can be "
0152 "customized if necessary."
0153 msgstr ""
0154 "Napis **Barva besedila**, **Velikost besedila** in **Družina pisav** lahko "
0155 "po potrebi prilagodite."
0157 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:64
0158 msgid "The Print Wizard Page to Setup Captions"
0159 msgstr "Stran čarovnika za tiskanje za nastavitev napisov"
0161 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:66
0162 msgid ""
0163 "The next page allows to crop and rotate each items at the desired area "
0164 "before printing. You can review all items one by one before to start the "
0165 "print processing."
0166 msgstr ""
0167 "Naslednja stran omogoča obrezovanje in vrtenja vsakega predmeta na želenem "
0168 "območjupred tiskanjem. Preden začnete, lahko pregledate vse elemente enega "
0169 "za drugim pred tiskanjem."
0171 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:72
0172 msgid "The Print Wizard Page to Crop or Rotate Items"
0173 msgstr "Stran čarovnika za tiskanje za obrezovanje ali obračanje elementov"
0175 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:74
0176 msgid ""
0177 "The last page list all necessary tasks to render printing. If you select an "
0178 "image or a PDF file as target, a supplemental dialog will appear to "
0179 "customize the last options used by the print driver, and especially the "
0180 "place where the file must be generated."
0181 msgstr ""
0182 "Na zadnji strani je seznam vseh potrebnih opravil za upodabljanje tiskanja. "
0183 "Če izberete sliko ali datoteko PDF kot cilj, se prikaže dodatno pogovorno "
0184 "okno prilagodite zadnje možnosti, ki jih uporablja gonilnik tiskalnika, in "
0185 "še posebej mesto, kjer mora biti datoteka ustvarjena."
0187 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:80
0188 msgid "The Print Wizard Page to Render Printing"
0189 msgstr "Stran čarovnika za tiskanje za upodabljanje tiskanja"
0191 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:85
0192 msgid "Creating a New Layout"
0193 msgstr "Ustvarjanje nove postavitve"
0195 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:87
0196 msgid ""
0197 "The Print Creator tool allows to add new templates to manage new page "
0198 "layouts easily. This chapter explains how to create templates, test, and "
0199 "share files for an official integration in application."
0200 msgstr ""
0201 "Orodje kreator tiska omogoča dodajanje novih predlog za enostavno "
0202 "upravljanje novih postavitev. V tem poglavju je razloženo, kako ustvariti "
0203 "predloge, preizkusiti in deliti datoteke za uradno integracijo v aplikacijo."
0205 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:90
0206 msgid "Getting Started"
0207 msgstr "Kako začeti"
0209 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:92
0210 msgid ""
0211 "A template is at least one file with XML extension (for instance :file:`my-"
0212 "templates.xml`), if you want it to be included however you need another file "
0213 "that allows translations, e.g. a desktop file (see below)."
0214 msgstr ""
0215 "Predloga je vsaj ena datoteka s pripono XML (na primer :file:`my-templates."
0216 "xml`), če želite, da je vključena, pa potrebujete drugo datoteko, ki omogoča "
0217 "prevode, npr. datoteko namizja (glejte spodaj)."
0219 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:94
0220 msgid "When the Print Creator is running, it does the following:"
0221 msgstr "Ko se Print Creator izvaja, naredi naslednje:"
0223 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:96
0224 msgid "Waits from you to choose the page size."
0225 msgstr "Čaka, da izberete velikost strani."
0227 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:97
0228 msgid "Looks for files describing templates (XML files)."
0229 msgstr "Išče datoteke, ki opisujejo predloge (datoteke XML)."
0231 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:98
0232 msgid ""
0233 "For each file, it looks for templates. If template is fine, it checks if "
0234 "layout fits into the chosen page size, adds it, and loads desktop file if "
0235 "exists."
0236 msgstr ""
0237 "Za vsako datoteko išče predloge. Če je predloga v redu, preveri, ali "
0238 "postavitev ustreza izbrani velikosti strani, jo doda in naloži datoteko "
0239 "namizja, če obstaja."
0241 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:99
0242 msgid "Shows templates with a preview icon in a list box."
0243 msgstr "Prikaže predloge z ikono za predogled v seznamskem polju."
0245 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:101
0246 msgid ""
0247 "The current official templates list can be seen `in this git repository "
0248 "<https://invent.kde.org/graphics/digikam/-/tree/master/core/dplugins/generic/"
0249 "tools/printcreator/templates>`_."
0250 msgstr ""
0251 "Trenutni uradni seznam predlog si lahko ogledate `v tem repozitoriju "
0252 "git<https://invent.kde.org/graphics/digikam/-/tree/master/core/dplugins/"
0253 "generic/tools/printcreator/templates>`_."
0255 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:104
0256 msgid "The XML File Structure"
0257 msgstr "Struktura datoteke XML"
0259 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:106
0260 msgid ""
0261 "The XML file is used to describe template layouts, once it was a real page "
0262 "layout. At now, you can add a fake page size to make it available for all "
0263 "those pages in which your new template fits."
0264 msgstr ""
0265 "Datoteka XML se uporablja za opis postavitev predloge, ko je bila nekoč prva "
0266 "stran postavitve. Zdaj lahko dodate lažno velikost strani, da bo na voljo "
0267 "vsem tistim stranem, ki jim ustreza vaša nova predloga."
0269 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:108
0270 msgid ""
0271 "An example of template (already included into default templates.xml) is a "
0272 "layout containing six passport size photos (35x40mm) is the following:"
0273 msgstr ""
0274 "Primer predloge (ki je že vključena v privzeti templates.xml) je postavitev, "
0275 "ki vsebuje šest fotografij velikosti potnega lista (35x40 mm), je naslednja:"
0277 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:125
0278 msgid ""
0279 "The **paper** element represents the template layout, important attributes "
0280 "are width, height and unit:"
0281 msgstr ""
0282 "Element **papir** predstavlja postavitev predloge, pomembni atributi so "
0283 "širina, višina in enota:"
0285 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:127
0286 msgid "**width** attribute: Represents the layout width."
0287 msgstr "**width** atribut: Predstavlja širino postavitve."
0289 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:128
0290 msgid "**height** attribute: Represents the layout height."
0291 msgstr "atribut **height**: Predstavlja višino postavitve."
0293 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:129
0294 msgid ""
0295 "**unit** attribute: Explains in which units width and height are, it can be "
0296 "inches or inch, mm, or cm."
0297 msgstr ""
0298 "**enota** atribut: Pojasnjuje, v katerih enotah sta širina in višina, lahko "
0299 "so palci ali palci, mm ali cm."
0301 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:131
0302 msgid ""
0303 "The **template** element is the real template definition and contains the "
0304 "photo positions. Attributes are:"
0305 msgstr ""
0306 "Element **template** je prava definicija predloge in vsebuje položaje "
0307 "fotografij. Atributi so:"
0309 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:133
0310 msgid ""
0311 "**name** attribute: It is the template's name. It's used to get translations "
0312 "at run-time set from a desktop file-name ( :file:`6_photos_3.5x4cm.desktop` "
0313 "in the example). If the desktop file-name does not exist, the name attribute "
0314 "is shown."
0315 msgstr ""
0316 "Atribut **name**: je ime predloge. Uporablja se za pridobivanje prevodov v "
0317 "času izvajanja, nastavljenem iz imena datoteke namizja ( :file:"
0318 "`6_photos_3.5x4cm.desktop` v primeru). Če ime datoteke namizja ne obstaja, "
0319 "je prikazano ime atributa."
0321 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:134
0322 msgid "**autorotate** attribute: Sets if autorotation must be done."
0323 msgstr ""
0324 "**samodejno vrtenje** atribut: Nastavi, ali mora biti opravljeno samodejno "
0325 "vrtenje."
0327 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:135
0328 msgid ""
0329 "**photo** element: Sets photo position (x and y attributes) and size (width "
0330 "and height attributes)."
0331 msgstr ""
0332 "Element **fotografija**: Nastavi položaj fotografije (atributa x in y) in "
0333 "velikost (atributa širine in višine)."
0335 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:137
0336 msgid "See below another example for **A6 page size**:"
0337 msgstr "Spodaj si oglejte drug primer za **velikost strani A6**:"
0339 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:151
0340 msgid "The Desktop File"
0341 msgstr "Datoteka namizja"
0343 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:153
0344 msgid ""
0345 "The desktop file is needed for translations. If you use your templates for "
0346 "your own, you don't really need it. It's a standard ini-style file and looks "
0347 "like this (for instance :file:`1_photo_9x13cm`):"
0348 msgstr ""
0349 "Za prevode je potrebna namizna datoteka. Če uporabljate svoje predloge za "
0350 "svoje, ga pravzaprav ne potrebujete. Je standardna datoteka v slogu ini in "
0351 "izgleda takole (na primer :file:`1_photo_9x13cm`):"
0353 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:173
0354 msgid ""
0355 "The nice thing is that when your layout get integrated into Print Creator "
0356 "tool default templates, translators teams will translate the desktop file "
0357 "for you."
0358 msgstr ""
0359 "Lepo je to, da ko bo vaša postavitev integrirana v privzete predloge orodja "
0360 "Print Creator, bodo prevajalske ekipe namesto vas prevedle namizno datoteko."
0362 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:176
0363 msgid "Creating new Template from Another One"
0364 msgstr "Ustvarjanje nove predloge iz druge"
0366 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:178
0367 msgid ""
0368 "The easiest way to get started is to copy templates.xml file and modify it. "
0369 "Templates folder can be found usually under **Linux** at :file:`/usr/share/"
0370 "apps/digikam/templates/`. Writing in this folder requires root access, so we "
0371 "will not create our template there, Instead do the following from a console:"
0372 msgstr ""
0373 "Najlažji način za začetek je, da kopirate datoteko templates.xml in jo "
0374 "spremenite. Mapo templates običajno najdete pod **Linux** na :file:`/usr/"
0375 "share/apps/digikam/templates/`. Pisanje v to mapo zahteva root dostop, zato "
0376 "tam ne bomo ustvaril naše predloge, namesto tega iz konzole naredite "
0377 "naslednje:"
0379 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:180
0380 msgid "Create a template folder in your home directory:"
0381 msgstr "Ustvarite mapo s predlogo v domačem imeniku:"
0383 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:186
0384 msgid "Go to this directory:"
0385 msgstr "Pojdi v ta imenik:"
0387 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:192
0388 msgid ""
0389 "Copy the :file:`templates.xml` to :file:`my_templates.xml` for instance:"
0390 msgstr "Kopirajte :file:`templates.xml` v :file:`my_templates.xml` na primer:"
0392 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:198
0393 msgid ""
0394 "Remove all pages and add yours then create the desktop file accordingly."
0395 msgstr ""
0396 "Odstranite vse strani in dodajte svojo, nato pa ustrezno ustvarite datoteko "
0397 "namizja."
0399 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:200
0400 msgid ""
0401 "You are done, you can now open digiKam and start the tool, your new "
0402 "templates should appear in the **Layouts** list from the  **Select page "
0403 "layout** wizard dialog page."
0404 msgstr ""
0405 "Končali ste, zdaj lahko odprete digiKam in zaženete orodje, vaše nove "
0406 "predloge bi se morale pojaviti na seznamu **Postavitve** na pogovorni strani "
0407 "čarovnika **Izberi postavitev strani**."
0409 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:203
0410 msgid "Final Words"
0411 msgstr "Zadnje besede"
0413 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:205
0414 msgid ""
0415 "This is the end of this chapter, now is the time for you to get creative and "
0416 "add new templates."
0417 msgstr ""
0418 "To je konec tega poglavja, zdaj je čas, da postanete ustvarjalni in dodate "
0419 "nove predloge."
0421 #: ../../post_processing/print_creator.rst:207
0422 msgid ""
0423 "When you are done, do not hesitate to propose your work for an official "
0424 "integration in digiKam, to see your new layout included in the official "
0425 "list. See the `Contribute page <https://www.digikam.org/contribute/>`_ from "
0426 "the digiKam project web-site for details."
0427 msgstr ""
0428 "Ko ste končali, ne oklevajte in predlagajte svoje delo za uradno integracijo "
0429 "v digiKam, da vidite svojo novo postavitev vključeno v uradni seznam. "
0430 "Oglejte si `Stran za prispevke <https://www.digikam.org/contribute/>`_ za "
0431 "podrobnosti na spletnem mestu projekta digiKam."
0433 #~ msgid "Post processing with **Gimp**."
0434 #~ msgstr "Naknadna obdelava z **Gimpom**."
0436 #~ msgid "**PDF** file."
0437 #~ msgstr "**PDF** datoteka."