Warning, /documentation/digikam-doc/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/post_processing/expo_blending.po is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Copyright (C) licensed under the  <a href="https://spdx.org/licenses/GFDL-1.2-or-later.html">licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2+</a> unless stated otherwise
0002 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Digikam Manual package.
0003 #
0004 # Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>, 2023.
0005 msgid ""
0006 msgstr ""
0007 "Project-Id-Version: Digikam Manual 8.1.0\n"
0008 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
0009 "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-02 00:35+0000\n"
0010 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-29 13:33+0200\n"
0011 "Last-Translator: Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>\n"
0012 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-slo@lugos.si>\n"
0013 "Language: sl\n"
0014 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
0015 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
0016 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
0017 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n"
0018 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
0019 "X-Generator: Lokalize 23.04.3\n"
0021 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:1
0022 msgid "The digiKam Exposure Blending Tool"
0023 msgstr "Orodje za mešanje osvetlitve digiKam"
0025 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:1
0026 msgid ""
0027 "digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, "
0028 "learn, easy, exposure, blending, bracketing"
0029 msgstr ""
0030 "digiKam, dokumentacija, uporabniški priročnik, upravljanje fotografij, "
0031 "odprta koda, prosto, učenje, enostavno, osvetlitev, mešanje, oklepaj"
0033 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:14
0034 msgid "Exposure Blending"
0035 msgstr "Mešanje osvetlitve"
0037 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:16
0038 msgid "Contents"
0039 msgstr "Vsebina"
0041 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:18
0042 msgid ""
0043 "No matter how good your camera is, taking a well-exposed photo of a high-"
0044 "contrast scene like a black bird on snow can be really tricky. Even if you "
0045 "switch to the manual mode and tweak the exposure settings, there is still a "
0046 "risk that you will end up with a shot containing under or over-exposed "
0047 "areas. One way to solve this problem is to use the digiKam Exposure "
0048 "Blending. This technique involves taking several shots of the same scene or "
0049 "subject with different exposures (**bracketing**) and then fusing these "
0050 "shots into one perfectly exposed photo."
0051 msgstr ""
0052 "Ne glede na to, kako dober je vaš fotoaparat, je posneti dobro osvetljeno "
0053 "fotografijo kontrastnega prizora, kot je črna ptica na snegu, lahko res "
0054 "težavno. Tudi če preklopite v ročni način in prilagodite nastavitve "
0055 "osvetlitve, še vedno obstaja a tveganje, da boste na koncu dobili posnetek s "
0056 "premalo ali preosveljenimi področji. Eden od načinov za rešitev te težave je "
0057 "uporaba digiKamovega mešanja osvetlitve. Pri tej tehniki gre za snemanje več "
0058 "posnetkov istega prizora oz. motiva z različnimi osvetlitvami (**kadriranje "
0059 "- bracketing**) in nato zlitje te posnetkov v eno popolno osvetljeno "
0060 "fotografijo."
0062 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:20
0063 msgid ""
0064 "While exposure blending sounds simple in theory, achieving usable results "
0065 "can be a rather laborious and time-consuming process. Fortunately, digiKam "
0066 "can do the donkey job for you. The exposure blending tool relies on the "
0067 "`Hugin command line tools <https://hugin.sourceforge.io/>`_ for processing "
0068 "and fusing photos, so you must install it on your machine beforehand."
0069 msgstr ""
0070 "Čeprav mešanje osvetlitve v teoriji zveni preprosto, je doseganje uporabnih "
0071 "rezultatov lahko precej naporen in dolgotrajen postopek. Na srečo digiKam "
0072 "lahko namesto vas opravi to neprijetno delo. Orodje za mešanje osvetlitve "
0073 "temelji na `Orodju ukazne vrstice Hugin <https://hugin.sourceforge.io/>`_ za "
0074 "obdelavo in spajanje fotografij, zato ga morate predhodno namestiti na svoj "
0075 "računalnik."
0077 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:22
0078 msgid ""
0079 "From Icon-View, select the photos you want to blend, and choose :"
0080 "menuselection:`Tools --> Blend Stacked Images`, or click on **Blend Stacked "
0081 "Images** icon from **Tools** tab in **Right Sidebar**."
0082 msgstr ""
0083 "V pogledu ikon izberite fotografije, ki jih želite združiti, in izberite: :"
0084 "menuselection:`Orodja --> Združi zložene slike` ali kliknite **Združi "
0085 "zložene slike** na zavihku **Orodja** v **desnem stranskem stolpcu**."
0087 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:28
0088 msgid "The Bracketed NEF Files Selected from Icon-View"
0089 msgstr "Kadrirane datoteke NEF, izbrane iz pogleda ikon"
0091 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:30
0092 msgid ""
0093 "This opens the Exposure Blending wizard that guides you through the entire "
0094 "process."
0095 msgstr ""
0096 "S tem se odpre čarovnik za mešanje osvetlitve, ki vas vodi skozi celoten "
0097 "postopek."
0099 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:36
0100 msgid "The Exposure Blending Wizard with the Hugin Components Detection"
0101 msgstr "Čarovnik za mešanje osvetlitve z zaznavanjem komponent Hugin"
0103 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:38
0104 msgid ""
0105 "In the Set Bracketed Images window, add other photos if needed, and remove "
0106 "and rearrange the photos that are already in the list. Hit then the Next "
0107 "button to move to the next step"
0108 msgstr ""
0109 "V oknu Nastavite kadrirane slike po potrebi dodajte druge fotografije in jih "
0110 "odstranitein preuredite fotografije, ki so že na seznamu. Nato pritisnite "
0111 "gumb Naprej za pomik na naslednji korak"
0113 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:44
0114 msgid "The Exposure Blending Wizard with the List of Items to Merge"
0115 msgstr "Čarovnik za mešanje osvetlitve s seznamom elementov za združitev"
0117 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:46
0118 msgid ""
0119 "digiKam can align the selected photos before blending them. This feature can "
0120 "come in handy if you took the photos without a tripod. If this is the case, "
0121 "tick the Align bracketed images check box, and press Next to start the pre-"
0122 "processing."
0123 msgstr ""
0124 "digiKam lahko poravna izbrane fotografije preden jih zlije. Ta funkcija "
0125 "lahko pride prav, če ste fotografirali brez stojala. Če je temu tako, "
0126 "označite potrditveno polje Poravnaj kadrirane slike in pritisnite gumb "
0127 "Naprej, da začnete predobdelavo."
0129 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:52
0130 msgid "The Exposure Blending Wizard Pre-Processing Stage"
0131 msgstr "Faza predhodne obdelave čarovnika za mešanje osvetlitve"
0133 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:54
0134 msgid ""
0135 "Once digiKam is done, press **Finish** button, and you will be automatically "
0136 "dropped into the **Exposure Blending Editor**."
0137 msgstr ""
0138 "Ko je digiKam končan, pritisnite gumb **Končaj** in samodejno boste spuščeni "
0139 "v **Urejevalnik mešanja osvetlitev**."
0141 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:60
0142 msgid "The Exposure Blending Ready to Edit the Stacked Images"
0143 msgstr "Mešanje osvetlitve, pripravljeno za urejanje zloženih slik"
0145 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:62
0146 msgid ""
0147 "Hit the **Preview** button to see the blended photo in the preview pane. If "
0148 "you move the mouse over the preview canvas, a toolbar must appears on top "
0149 "left corner to **Zoom In**, **Zoom Out**, and **Zoom to Fit** on the image."
0150 msgstr ""
0151 "Pritisnite gumb **Predogled**, da si ogledate zlito fotografijo v podoknu za "
0152 "predogled. Če premaknete miško čez platno za predogled, se mora na vrhu "
0153 "pojaviti orodna vrstica v zgornjem levem kotu slike za **Povečava**, "
0154 "**Pomanjšava** in **Povečava, da se prilega**."
0156 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:64
0157 msgid ""
0158 "If you are not satisfied with the **Preview** result, you can tweak the "
0159 "available **Enfuse Settings** on the right side. where you will found the "
0160 "following options:"
0161 msgstr ""
0162 "Če niste zadovoljni z rezultatom **Predogleda**, ga lahko prilagodite z "
0163 "**Nastavitve Enfuse** na desni strani, kjer boste našli naslednje možnosti:"
0165 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:66
0166 msgid ""
0167 "**Automatic Local/Global Image Features Balance (Levels)**: Set automatic "
0168 "level selection (maximized) for pyramid blending, i.e. optimize image "
0169 "features (contrast, saturation, ...) to be as global as possible."
0170 msgstr ""
0171 "**Samodejno ravnovesje lokalnih/globalnih funkcij slike (ravni)**: Nastavite "
0172 "samodejno izbiro ravni (maksimirano) za piramidno mešanje, tj. optimizirajte "
0173 "funkcije slike (kontrast, nasičenost, ...), da bodo čim bolj globalne."
0175 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:68
0176 msgid ""
0177 "**Image Features Balance**: Set the number of levels for pyramid blending. "
0178 "Balances towards local features (small number) or global features (high "
0179 "number). Additionally, a low number trades off quality of results for faster "
0180 "execution time and lower memory usage. This option is enable only if "
0181 "**Automatic Local/Global Image Features Balance (Levels)** is disabled."
0182 msgstr ""
0183 "**Ravnovesje značilnosti slike**: Nastavite število ravni za piramidno "
0184 "mešanje. Uravnava lokalne značilnosti (majhno število) ali globalne "
0185 "značilnosti (visoko število). Poleg tega nizko število povzroči slabšo "
0186 "kakovost rezultatov na račun hitrejšega izvajanja in manjšo poraba "
0187 "pomnilnika. Ta možnost je omogočena le, če je **Samodejno ravnotežje "
0188 "lokalnih/globalnih funkcij slike (ravni)** onemogočeno."
0190 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:70
0191 msgid ""
0192 "**Hard Mask**: Force hard blend masks without averaging on finest scale. "
0193 "This is only useful for focus stacks with thin and high contrast features. "
0194 "It improves sharpness at the expense of increased noise."
0195 msgstr ""
0196 "**Trda maska**: Vsili maske trdega mešanja brez povprečenja na najfinejši "
0197 "lestvici.To je uporabno samo za sklade fokusov s tankimi in "
0198 "visokokontrastnimi značilnostmi.Izboljša ostrino na račun povečanega šuma."
0200 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:72
0201 msgid ""
0202 "**Well-Exposedness Contribution**: Set the well-exposedness criterion "
0203 "contribution for the blending process. Higher values will favor well-exposed "
0204 "pixels."
0205 msgstr ""
0206 "**Prispevek dobre osvetlitve**: Nastavite kriterij merila prispevka k dobri "
0207 "osvetlitvi za postopek mešanja. Višje vrednosti dajejo prednost dobro "
0208 "osvetljenim slikovnim pikam."
0210 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:74
0211 msgid ""
0212 "**High-Saturation Contribution**: Increasing this value makes pixels with "
0213 "high saturation contribute more to the final output."
0214 msgstr ""
0215 "**Prispevek visoke nasičenosti**: Če povečate to vrednost, slikovne pike z "
0216 "visoko nasičenostjo prispevajo več h končnemu izhodu."
0218 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:76
0219 msgid ""
0220 "**High-Contrast Contribution**: Sets the relative weight of high-contrast "
0221 "pixels. Increasing this weight makes pixels with neighboring differently "
0222 "colored pixels contribute more to the final output. Particularly useful for "
0223 "focus stacks."
0224 msgstr ""
0225 "**Prispevek visokega kontrasta**: Nastavi relativno težo visokega kontrasta "
0226 "slikovnih pik. Povečanje te teže naredi slikovne pike s sosednjimi "
0227 "drugačnimi barvnimi slikovnimi  pikami prispevajo več h končnemu rezultatu. "
0228 "Še posebej uporabno za fokusne sklade."
0230 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:78
0231 msgid ""
0232 "**Use Color Appearance Model (CIECAM02)**: Use Color Appearance Modelling "
0233 "(CIECAM02) to render detailed colors. Your input files should have embedded "
0234 "ICC profiles. If no ICC profile is present, sRGB color space will be "
0235 "assumed. The difference between using this option and default color blending "
0236 "algorithm is very slight, and will be most noticeable when you need to blend "
0237 "areas of different primary colors together."
0238 msgstr ""
0239 "**Uporabi model barvnega videza (CIECAM02)**: Uporabi modeliranje barvnega "
0240 "videza (CIECAM02) za upodabljanje podrobnih barv. Vaše vhodne datoteke bi "
0241 "morale biti vdelane v ICC profili. Če profil ICC ni prisoten, bo barvni "
0242 "prostor domnevno sRGB. Razlika med uporabo te možnosti in privzetim "
0243 "algoritmom mešanja barv je zelo majhen in bo najbolj opazen, ko boste morali "
0244 "mešati območja različnih primarnih barv skupaj."
0246 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:80
0247 msgid ""
0248 "You can also exclude individual photos from the stack on the top right "
0249 "corner to improve the blending result. The clever part is that every time "
0250 "you tweak the settings and press the **Preview** button, digiKam generates a "
0251 "preview image stored on the bottom right corner which you can compare with "
0252 "the previous versions. You can then save all the generated versions, or save "
0253 "only the one you like most by selecting wanted preview. The output format to "
0254 "use at export stage can be set in **Save Result** settings. If exported file "
0255 "already exists, it can be overwritten or not. A common template file name "
0256 "can be also configured for the exported files."
0257 msgstr ""
0258 "Posamezne fotografije lahko tudi izključite iz nabora v zgornjem desnem "
0259 "kotu, da izboljšate rezultat mešanja. Pametno je, da vsakič prilagodite "
0260 "nastavitve in pritisnete gumb **Predogled**, digiKam ustvari predogled "
0261 "slike, shranjene v spodnjem desnem kotu, s katero lahko primerjate prejšnje "
0262 "različice. Nato lahko shranite vse ustvarjene različice ali shranite samo "
0263 "tisto, ki vam je najbolj všeč, tako da izberete želeni predogled. Izhodni "
0264 "format za uporabo na stopnji izvoza lahko nastavite v nastavitvah **Shrani "
0265 "rezultat**. Če izvožena datoteka že obstaja, se lahko prepiše ali pa ne. "
0266 "Običajno predlogo imena datoteke lahko konfigurirate tudi za izvožene "
0267 "datoteke."
0269 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:86
0270 msgid "The Exposure Blending Editor to Create Fusionned Versions"
0271 msgstr "Urejevalnik za mešanje osvetlitve za ustvarjanje zlitih različic"
0273 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:88
0274 msgid ""
0275 "digiKam’s exposure blending tool is capable of producing rather impressive "
0276 "results, especially if you are not afraid of getting your hands dirty with "
0277 "manually tweaking the final results."
0278 msgstr ""
0279 "digiKamovo orodje za mešanje osvetlitve je sposobno narediti precej "
0280 "impresivne rezultate, še posebej, če se ne bojite, da bi si s tem umazali "
0281 "roke z ročnim prilagajanjem končnih rezultatov."
0283 #: ../../post_processing/expo_blending.rst:94
0284 msgid "The Fusionned NEF Files Exported as JPEG and Displayed in digiKam"
0285 msgstr "Datoteke Fusionned NEF, izvožene kot JPEG in prikazane v digiKamu"