Warning, /documentation/digikam-doc/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.po is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Copyright (C) licensed under the  <a href="https://spdx.org/licenses/GFDL-1.2-or-later.html">licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2+</a> unless stated otherwise
0002 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Digikam Manual package.
0003 #
0004 # Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>, 2023.
0005 msgid ""
0006 msgstr ""
0007 "Project-Id-Version: Digikam Manual 8.1.0\n"
0008 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
0009 "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-02 00:35+0000\n"
0010 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-24 22:12+0200\n"
0011 "Last-Translator: Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>\n"
0012 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-slo@lugos.si>\n"
0013 "Language: sl\n"
0014 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
0015 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
0016 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
0017 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n"
0018 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
0019 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.2\n"
0021 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:1
0022 msgid "digiKam Main Window Menu Descriptions"
0023 msgstr "digiKam glavno okno opisi menijev"
0025 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:1
0026 msgid ""
0027 "digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, "
0028 "learn, easy, menu, main window"
0029 msgstr ""
0030 "digiKam, dokumentacija, uporabniški priročnik, upravljanje fotografij, "
0031 "odprta koda, prosto, učenje, enostavno, meni, glavno okno"
0033 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:14
0034 msgid "Main Window Menu"
0035 msgstr "Meni glavnega okna"
0037 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:16
0038 msgid "Contents"
0039 msgstr "Vsebina"
0041 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:22
0042 msgid "The digiKam Main Window Menu"
0043 msgstr "Meni glavnega okna digiKam"
0045 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:28
0046 msgid ""
0047 "When switching in **Full-Screen Mode** :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+F`, or when you "
0048 "**Hide Menubar** :kbd:`Ctrl+M`, the main menu will be available on the right "
0049 "side of tool-bar with the **Hamburger Button** |icon_hamburger|."
0050 msgstr ""
0051 "Ko preklopite v **Celozaslonski način** :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+F` ali ko **Skrij "
0052 "menijsko vrstico** :kbd:`Ctrl+M`, bo glavni meni na voljo na desni strani "
0053 "orodne vrstice s **Hamburger gumbom** |icon_hamburger|."
0055 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:31
0056 msgid "The Browse Menu"
0057 msgstr "Meni Brskanje"
0059 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:33
0060 msgid ""
0061 "The Browse menu provides access to the same views you can see on the :ref:"
0062 "`Left Sidebar <main_window>`, accessible through  :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+Fn` (with "
0063 "*Fn* equals :kbd:`F1`, :kbd:`F2`, :kbd:`F3`, etc.). In addition there are "
0064 "**Back** :kbd:`Alt+Left` and **Forward** :kbd:`Alt+Right` menu items that "
0065 "will lead you through the history of your digiKam use in the same way you "
0066 "are used to from an internet browser for example. And finally there is the "
0067 "**Quit** :kbd:`Ctrl+Q` item to leave digiKam."
0068 msgstr ""
0069 "Meni Prebrskaj omogoča dostop do istih pogledov, ki jih lahko vidite na :ref:"
0070 "`Levem stranskem stolpcu <main_window>`, dostopna prek :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+Fn` "
0071 "(z *Fn* je enako :kbd:`F1`, :kbd:`F2`, :kbd:`F3` itd.). Poleg tega obstajajo "
0072 "**Nazaj** :kbd:`Alt+levo` in **Naprej** :kbd:`Alt+desno` elementa menija, ki "
0073 "vas bosta vodila skozi zgodovino vaše uporabe digiKama na enak način kot ste "
0074 "vajeni na primer iz spletnega brskalnika. In končno je tu še element "
0075 "**Zapri** :kbd:`Ctrl+Q`, da zapustite digiKam."
0077 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:38
0078 msgid "The Album Menu"
0079 msgstr "Meni albuma"
0081 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:40
0082 msgid ""
0083 "The first five items of this menu (above the separator) are only active if "
0084 "you are in the Albums View."
0085 msgstr ""
0086 "Prvih pet elementov tega menija (nad ločilom) je aktivnih le, če ste v "
0087 "pogledu albumov."
0089 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:42
0090 msgid ":menuselection:`Album --> New...` :kbd:`Ctrl+N`"
0091 msgstr ":menuselection:`Album --> Nov...` :kbd:`Ctrl N`"
0093 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:44
0094 msgid ""
0095 "Opens a dialog to create a new album folder similar to the album properties "
0096 "dialog described :ref:`there <managing_albums>`. It just has an additional "
0097 "drop down field where you can choose whether the new album is created as a "
0098 "child of the current one or at the root of the current collection."
0099 msgstr ""
0100 "Odpre pogovorno okno za ustvarjanje nove mape albuma, podobne lastnostim "
0101 "albuma opisano pogovorno okno :ref:`tam <managing_albums>`. Ima samo dodatno "
0102 "spustno polje, kjer lahko izberete, ali je nov album ustvarjen kot otrok "
0103 "trenutnega ali v korenu trenutne zbirke."
0105 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:46
0106 msgid ":menuselection:`Album --> Properties`"
0107 msgstr ":menuselection:`Album --> Lastnosti`"
0109 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:48
0110 msgid ""
0111 "Edit the currently selected album title, caption and collection as described "
0112 "here."
0113 msgstr ""
0114 "Uredite trenutno izbran naslov albuma, napis in zbirko, kot je opisano tukaj."
0116 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:50
0117 msgid ":menuselection:`Album --> Rename` :kbd:`F5`"
0118 msgstr ":menuselection:`Album --> Preimenuj` :kbd:`F5`"
0120 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:52
0121 msgid "Rename the current album."
0122 msgstr "Preimenujte trenutni album."
0124 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:54
0125 msgid ":menuselection:`Album --> Open in File Manager`"
0126 msgstr ":menuselection:`Album --> Odpri v upravljalniku datotek`"
0128 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:56
0129 msgid "Open the default file manager with the current Album path."
0130 msgstr "Odpri privzeti upravljalnik datotek s trenutno potjo albuma."
0132 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:58
0133 msgid ":menuselection:`Album --> Delete Album`"
0134 msgstr ":menuselection:`Album --> Izbriši album`"
0136 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:60
0137 msgid "Delete/Move to trash selected Album and all items in it."
0138 msgstr "Izbriši/premakni v koš izbrani album in vse elemente v njem."
0140 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:62
0141 msgid ":menuselection:`Album --> Write Metadata to Images`"
0142 msgstr ":menuselection:`Album --> Zapiši metapodatke v slike`"
0144 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:64
0145 msgid ""
0146 "Write the metadata in the database to the file's metadata of all items in "
0147 "the current album. The images will inherit the database metadata, not the "
0148 "other way round as in the next menu item."
0149 msgstr ""
0150 "Zapiše metapodatke v zbirko podatkov v datoteke metapodatkov vseh elementov "
0151 "v trenutnem albumu. Slike bodo podedovale metapodatke zbirke podatkov, ne pa "
0152 "obratno kot v naslednji točki menija."
0154 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:66
0155 msgid ":menuselection:`Album -->Reread Metadata From Images`"
0156 msgstr ":menuselection:`Album -->Ponovno branje metapodatkov iz slik`"
0158 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:68
0159 msgid ""
0160 "Write the metadata of all items in the current album to the database. The "
0161 "database will inherit the images metadata, not the other way round as in the "
0162 "previous menu item."
0163 msgstr ""
0164 "Zapišite metapodatke vseh elementov v trenutnem albumu v bazo podatkov. Baza "
0165 "podatkov bo podedovala metapodatke slik, ne pa obratno kot pri prejšnjem "
0166 "elementu menija."
0168 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:73
0169 msgid "The Tag Menu"
0170 msgstr "Meni značk"
0172 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:75
0173 msgid ""
0174 "The items below the separator are only active if you are in the Tags View."
0175 msgstr "Elementi pod ločilom so aktivni le, če ste v Pogledu značk."
0177 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:77
0178 msgid ":menuselection:`Tag --> Tag Manager`"
0179 msgstr ":menuselection:`Oznaka --> Upravljalnik značk`"
0181 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:79
0182 msgid "Opens the digiKam :ref:`Tag Manager <tag_manager>`."
0183 msgstr "Odpre digiKam :ref:`Upravljalnik značk <tag_manager>`."
0185 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:81
0186 msgid ":menuselection:`Tag --> New...`"
0187 msgstr ":menuselection:`Oznaka --> Novo...`"
0189 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:83
0190 msgid ""
0191 "A dialog will open where you can type in the tag name (or even a whole "
0192 "hierarchy branch), assign an icon and/or a shortcut to the tag. The new tag "
0193 "will be created as a sub-tag of the selected tag."
0194 msgstr ""
0195 "Odpre se pogovorno okno, kjer lahko vnesete ime značke (ali celo celotno "
0196 "hierarhično vejo), znački dodelite ikono in/ali bližnjico. Nova značka bo "
0197 "ustvarjena kot pod-značka izbrane značke."
0199 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:85
0200 msgid ":menuselection:`Tag --> Properties`"
0201 msgstr ":menuselection:`Značka --> Lastnosti`"
0203 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:87
0204 msgid ""
0205 "The Tag Properties allow you to change the name of the tag, the icon used in "
0206 "the Tags tree and the shortcut."
0207 msgstr ""
0208 "Lastnosti značke vam omogočajo, da spremenite ime značke, ikono, uporabljeno "
0209 "v drevesu značk, in bližnjico."
0211 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:89
0212 msgid ":menuselection:`Tag --> Delete`"
0213 msgstr ":menuselection:`Značka --> Izbriši`"
0215 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:91
0216 msgid ""
0217 "Remove the currently selected Tag from the Album's Database. This doesn't "
0218 "delete the images the tag was assigned to."
0219 msgstr ""
0220 "Odstrani trenutno izbrano znaćko iz zbirke podatkov albuma. To ne izbriše "
0221 "slik, ki jim je bila dodeljena značka."
0223 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:96
0224 msgid "The Item Menu"
0225 msgstr "Meni elementov"
0227 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:98
0228 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Open...` :kbd:`F4`"
0229 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element --> Odpri...` :kbd:`F4`"
0231 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:100
0232 msgid ""
0233 "Opens the selected image in the digiKam :ref:`Image Editor <image_editor>`."
0234 msgstr "Odpre izbrano sliko v digiKam :ref:`Urejevalnik slik <image_editor>`."
0236 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:102
0237 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Open With Default Application` :kbd:`Meta-F4`"
0238 msgstr ""
0239 ":menuselection:`Element --> Odpri s privzeto aplikacijo` :kbd:`Meta-F4`"
0241 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:104
0242 msgid ""
0243 "Opens the selected item in the default application according to the mime-"
0244 "type set in your desktop."
0245 msgstr ""
0246 "Odpre izbrani element v privzeti aplikaciji glede na vrsto mime, nastavljeno "
0247 "na vašem namizju."
0249 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:106
0250 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Rename` :kbd:`F2`"
0251 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element --> Preimenuj` :kbd:`F2`"
0253 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:108
0254 msgid ""
0255 "Renames the currently selected item(s). See description :ref:`here "
0256 "<renaming_photograph>`."
0257 msgstr ""
0258 "Preimenuje trenutno izbrane elemente. Glejte opis :ref:`tukaj "
0259 "<renaming_photograph>`."
0261 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:110
0262 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Move to trash` :kbd:`Del`"
0263 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element --> Premakni v smeti` :kbd:`Del`"
0265 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:112
0266 msgid ""
0267 "Moves selected item(s) to the :ref:`digiKam Trash <deleting_photograph>` "
0268 "(recoverable delete)."
0269 msgstr ""
0270 "Premakne izbran(e) element(e) v :ref:`digiKam Trash <deleting_photograph>` "
0271 "(popravljivo brisanje)."
0273 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:116
0274 msgid "To **Delete permanently** a file, use :kbd:`Shift+Del`"
0275 msgstr "Če želite **Trajno izbrisati** datoteko, uporabite :kbd:`Shift Del`"
0277 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:118
0278 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Place onto Light Table` :kbd:`Ctrl-L`"
0279 msgstr ""
0280 ":menuselection:`Element --> Postavi na osvetlitveno mizo` :kbd:`Ctrl-L`"
0282 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:120
0283 msgid ""
0284 "Inserts selection into the :ref:`Light Table <light_table>` thumbbar and "
0285 "puts the Light Table into the foreground."
0286 msgstr ""
0287 "Vstavi izbor v vrstico s palcem :ref:`Osvetlitvena miza <light_table>` in "
0288 "postavi osvetlitveno mizo v ospredje."
0290 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:122
0291 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Add to Light Table` :kbd:`Ctrl-Shift-L`"
0292 msgstr ""
0293 ":menuselection:`Element --> Dodaj na osvetlitveno mizo` :kbd:`Ctrl-Shift-L`"
0295 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:124
0296 msgid ""
0297 "Adds selection to the :ref:`Light Table <light_table>` thumbbar and puts the "
0298 "Light Table into the foreground."
0299 msgstr ""
0300 "Doda izbor v vrstico s palcem :ref:`Osvetlitvena miza<light_table>` in "
0301 "postavi osvetlitveno mizo v ospredje."
0303 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:126
0304 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Add to Current Queue` :kbd:`Ctrl-B`"
0305 msgstr ""
0306 ":menuselection:`Element --> Dodaj v trenutno čakalno vrsto` :kbd:`Ctrl-B`"
0308 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:128
0309 msgid ""
0310 "Opens the digiKam :ref:`Batch Queue Manager <batch_queue>` and adds "
0311 "selection to the current queue or, if there is no queue yet, to a new queue."
0312 msgstr ""
0313 "Odpre digiKam :ref:`Batch Queue Manager <batch_queue>` in doda izbor v "
0314 "trenutno čakalno vrsto ali, če čakalne vrste še ni, v novo čakalno vrsto."
0316 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:130
0317 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Add to New Queue` :kbd:`Ctrl-Shift-B`"
0318 msgstr ""
0319 ":menuselection:`Element --> Dodaj v novo čakalno vrsto` :kbd:`Ctrl-Shift-B`"
0321 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:132
0322 msgid ""
0323 "Opens the digiKam :ref:`Batch Queue Manager <batch_queue>` and puts "
0324 "selection into a new queue."
0325 msgstr ""
0326 "Odpre digiKam :ref:`Batch Queue Manager <batch_queue>` in postavi izbiro v "
0327 "novo čakalno vrsto."
0329 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:134
0330 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Find Similar...`"
0331 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element --> Poišči podobno...`"
0333 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:136
0334 msgid "Puts the selected item from the **Image** tab in the Similar View."
0335 msgstr "Postavi izbrani element iz zavihka **Slika** v podoben pogled."
0337 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:138
0338 msgid ""
0339 "See the dedicated :ref:`Similarity Search Tool <similarity_view>` for more "
0340 "information."
0341 msgstr ""
0342 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za iskanje podobnosti <similarity_view>` za več "
0343 "informacij."
0345 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:140
0346 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Write Metadata to Image`"
0347 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element --> Zapiši metapodatke v sliko`"
0349 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:142
0350 msgid ""
0351 "When editing files outside digiKam, the database will not be triggered to "
0352 "update information. If you want to scan items and backport changes in the "
0353 "database you got to use this function first."
0354 msgstr ""
0355 "Pri urejanju datotek zunaj digiKama, se pri bazi podatkov ne bo sprožila "
0356 "posodobitev informacij. Če želite prečesati in posodobiti elemente in "
0357 "podatke v bazi podatkov morate najprej uporabiti to funkcijo."
0359 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:144
0360 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Reread Metadata from Image`"
0361 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element --> Znova preberi metapodatke iz slike`"
0363 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:146
0364 msgid ""
0365 "When editing metadata using the Metadata Editor the data will be written to "
0366 "the image only. If you want them to appear in the Metadata Tab of the Right "
0367 "Sidebar you got to use this function first."
0368 msgstr ""
0369 "Pri urejanju metapodatkov z urejevalnikom metapodatkov bodo podatki zapisani "
0370 "samo v sliko. Če želite, da se prikažejo na zavihku Metapodatki na desnem "
0371 "stranskem stolpcu, najprej morate uporabiti to funkcijo."
0373 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:148
0374 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Rotate`"
0375 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element --> Zavrti`"
0377 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:150
0378 msgid ""
0379 "Menu entry for rotating the currently selected images lossless Left :kbd:"
0380 "`Ctrl-Shift-Left` or Right :kbd:`Ctrl-Shift-Right` in 90 degree steps (see "
0381 "sub-menu)."
0382 msgstr ""
0383 "Vnos v meni za obračanje trenutno izbranih slik brez izgub v levo :kbd:`Ctrl-"
0384 "Shift-Left` ali Desno :kbd:`Ctrl-Shift-Right` v korakih po 90 stopinj "
0385 "(glejte podmeni)."
0387 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:152
0388 msgid ":menuselection:`Item -->Flip`"
0389 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element -->Obrni`"
0391 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:154
0392 msgid ""
0393 "Menu entry for flipping the currently selected images lossless Horizontally :"
0394 "kbd:`Ctrl-\\*` or Vertically :kbd:`Ctrl-/` (see sub-menu)."
0395 msgstr ""
0396 "Vnos v meni za obračanje trenutno izbranih slik brez izgube vodoravno :kbd:"
0397 "`Ctrl-\\*` ali navpično :kbd:`Ctrl-/` (glejte podmeni)."
0399 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:156
0400 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Auto Rotate/Flip using Exif information`"
0401 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element --> Auto Rotate/Flip using Exif information`"
0403 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:158
0404 msgid ""
0405 "Menu entry to manually activate the auto rotate/flip feature for the "
0406 "currently selected images using the Exif orientation tag. For a more "
0407 "detailed description see :ref:`Lossless Image Rotation <lossless_rotation>`."
0408 msgstr ""
0409 "Vnos v meni za ročno aktiviranje funkcije samodejnega obračanja/obračanja za "
0410 "trenutno izbrane slike z uporabo značke orientacije Exif. Za več podroben "
0411 "opis glejte :ref:`Vrtenje slik brez izgub <lossless_rotation>`."
0413 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:160
0414 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Adjust Exif Orientation Tag`"
0415 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element --> Prilagodi značko orientacije Exif`"
0417 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:162
0418 msgid ""
0419 "The Exif Orientation Tag of the current selection will be changed depending "
0420 "on the option you choose from the sub-menu. The thumbnail(s) and preview(s) "
0421 "will be rotated accordingly if **Show images/thumbnails rotated according to "
0422 "orientation** tag is checked in :menuselection:`Settings --> Configure "
0423 "digiKam... --> Metadata --> Rotation --> Rotate actions`, but not the actual "
0424 "image file. If you want to rotate that as well you got to use the function :"
0425 "menuselection:`Item --> Auto Rotate/Flip using Exif information` described "
0426 "above additionally. If you open the file in the digiKam Image Editor it will "
0427 "also come up in the rotated version and will be stored that way on disc if "
0428 "you save it. But be aware of the fact that this would be a lossy operation "
0429 "as long as it is not a lossless file format."
0430 msgstr ""
0431 "Exif orientacijska značka trenutnega izbora se bo spremenila glede na na "
0432 "možnost, ki jo izberete v podmeniju. Predogledne sličice in predogled(i) "
0433 "bodo ustrezno zavrtene, če je potrjena možnost **Prikaži slike/sličice "
0434 "zavrtene glede na orientacijo** v :menuselection:`Nastavitve--> Konfiguriraj "
0435 "digiKam... --> Metapodatki --> Vrtenje --> Dejanje vrtenja`, vendar ne "
0436 "dejanske slikovne datoteke. Če želite tudi to zavrteti, morate uporabiti "
0437 "funkcijo :menuselection:`Element --> Samodejno zavrti/obrni z uporabo "
0438 "informacij Exif` zgoraj dodatno opisano. Če datoteko odprete v urejevalniku "
0439 "slik digiKam, se bo pojavi tudi v zavrteni različici in bo tako shranjen na "
0440 "disku, če ga shranite. Vendar se zavedajte dejstva, da bi bila to operacija "
0441 "z izgubo, če ni format datoteke brez izgub."
0443 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:164
0444 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Edit Metadata...`"
0445 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element --> Uredi metapodatke...`"
0447 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:166
0448 msgid ""
0449 "Opens the digiKam Metadata Editor to handle metadata of the image (Exif, "
0450 "IPTC, XMP)."
0451 msgstr ""
0452 "Odpre urejevalnik metapodatkov digiKam za obdelavo metapodatkov slike (Exif, "
0453 "IPTC, XMP)."
0455 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:168
0456 msgid ""
0457 "See the dedicated :ref:`Metadata Editor <metadata_editor>` chapter for more "
0458 "information."
0459 msgstr ""
0460 "Za več informacij glejte namensko poglavje :ref:`Urejevalnik metapodatkov "
0461 "<metadata_editor>`."
0463 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:170
0464 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Edit Geolocation...`"
0465 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element --> Uredi geolokacijo...`"
0467 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:172
0468 msgid ""
0469 "Opens the digiKam Geolocation Editor to handle GPS meta data of the image."
0470 msgstr "Odpre digiKam Geolocation Editor za obdelavo metapodatkov GPS slike."
0472 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:174
0473 msgid ""
0474 "See the dedicated :ref:`Geolocation Editor <geolocation_editor>` for more "
0475 "information."
0476 msgstr ""
0477 "Glejte namenski :ref:`Geolocation Editor <geolocation_editor>` za več "
0478 "informacij."
0480 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:176
0481 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Print`"
0482 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element --> Natisni`"
0484 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:178
0485 msgid "Calls standard print dialog."
0486 msgstr "Prikliče standardno pogovorno okno za tiskanje."
0488 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:180
0489 msgid ":menuselection:`Item --> Print Assistant...`"
0490 msgstr ":menuselection:`Element --> Print Assistant...`"
0492 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:182
0493 msgid "Tool to print grouped images from Album."
0494 msgstr "Orodje za tiskanje združenih slik iz albuma."
0496 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:184
0497 msgid ""
0498 "See the dedicated :ref:`Print Creator <print_creator>` for more information."
0499 msgstr ""
0500 "Glejte namenski :ref:`Print Creator <print_creator>` za več informacij."
0502 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:188
0503 msgid ""
0504 "Another very useful function on items is grouping which is at the time of "
0505 "writing only available through the context menu on a selection of items. For "
0506 "details see :ref:`Grouping Photographs <grouping_photograph>` in the chapter "
0507 "about the digiKam **Main Window**."
0508 msgstr ""
0509 "Druga zelo uporabna funkcija elementov je združevanje, ki je bilo v času "
0510 "pisanja je na voljo samo prek kontekstnega menija pri izbiri elementov. Za "
0511 "podrobnosti glejte :ref:`Združevanje fotografij <grouping_photograph>` v "
0512 "poglavju o **Glavnem oknu** digiKama."
0514 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:193
0515 msgid "The Edit Menu"
0516 msgstr "Meni Urejanje"
0518 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:195
0519 msgid ""
0520 "Beside the usual **Cut**, **Copy** and **Paste** the Edit Menu contains the "
0521 "following items:"
0522 msgstr ""
0523 "Poleg običajnih **Izreži**, **Kopiraj** in **Prilepi** meni Urejanje vsebuje "
0524 "naslednje elemente:"
0526 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:197
0527 msgid ":menuselection:`Edit --> Select All` :kbd:`Ctrl+A`"
0528 msgstr ":menuselection:`Uredi --> Izberi vse` :kbd:`Ctrl A`"
0530 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:199
0531 msgid "Select all images currently shown."
0532 msgstr "Izberite vse trenutno prikazane slike."
0534 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:201
0535 msgid ":menuselection:`Edit --> Select None` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+A`"
0536 msgstr ":menuselection:`Uredi --> Izberi nič` :kbd:`Ctrl Shift A`"
0538 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:203
0539 msgid "Un-select all items in the current view."
0540 msgstr "Odznači vse elemente v trenutnem pogledu."
0542 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:205
0543 msgid ":menuselection:`Edit --> Invert Selection` :kbd:`Ctrl+I`"
0544 msgstr ":menuselection:`Uredi --> Obrni izbor` :kbd:`Ctrl I`"
0546 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:207
0547 msgid "Invert the current selection."
0548 msgstr "Obrni trenutni izbor."
0550 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:212
0551 msgid "The View Menu"
0552 msgstr "Meni Pogled"
0554 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:216
0555 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Thumbnails`"
0556 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Sličice`"
0558 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:218
0559 msgid "Shows thumbnails in the :ref:`Image View <image_view>`."
0560 msgstr "Prikaže sličice v :ref:`Pogledu slike <image_view>`."
0562 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:222
0563 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Preview Image` :kbd:`F3`"
0564 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Predogled slike` :kbd:`F3`"
0566 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:224
0567 msgid ""
0568 "Shows additionally a :ref:`Preview <viewing_photograph>` in the **Image "
0569 "View**."
0570 msgstr ""
0571 "Dodatno prikaže :ref:`Predogled <viewing_photograph>` v **Pogledu slike**."
0573 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:226
0574 msgid ""
0575 "The preview has **Back** and **Forward** buttons at the top left corner to "
0576 "navigate through all the images currently shown."
0577 msgstr ""
0578 "Predogled ima gumba **Nazaj** in **Naprej** v zgornjem levem kotu za "
0579 "krmarjenje po vseh trenutno prikazanih slikah."
0581 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:230
0582 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Map`"
0583 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Zemljevid`"
0585 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:232
0586 msgid "Shows images on a map."
0587 msgstr "Prikaže slike na zemljevidu."
0589 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:236
0590 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Table`"
0591 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Tabela`"
0593 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:238
0594 msgid ""
0595 "Shows images in a table where you can choose by right clicking on the title "
0596 "bar which information you want to be displayed."
0597 msgstr ""
0598 "Prikaže slike v tabeli, kjer lahko z desnim klikom na naslovno vrstico "
0599 "izberete, katere informacije želite prikazati."
0601 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:240
0602 msgid "By default you have these four items also on the main toolbar."
0603 msgstr "Privzeto imate te štiri elemente tudi v glavni orodni vrstici."
0605 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:244
0606 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Slideshow`"
0607 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Predstavitev`"
0609 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:246
0610 msgid ":ref:`Slide-Show <slide_tool>` including RAW files."
0611 msgstr ":ref:`Predstavitev <slide_tool>` vključno z datotekami RAW."
0613 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:248
0614 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Slideshow --> All` :kbd:`F9`"
0615 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Predstavitev --> Vse` :kbd:`F9`"
0617 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:250
0618 msgid "Start Slide-Show of all images in current window."
0619 msgstr "Začni predstavitev vseh slik v trenutnem oknu."
0621 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:252
0622 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Slideshow --> Selection` :kbd:`Alt+F9`"
0623 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Predstavitev --> Izbira` :kbd:`Alt F9`"
0625 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:254
0626 msgid "Start Slide-Show on selected images."
0627 msgstr "Začni predstavitev na izbranih slikah."
0629 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:256
0630 msgid ""
0631 ":menuselection:`View --> Slideshow --> With All Sub-Albums` :kbd:`Shift+F9`"
0632 msgstr ""
0633 ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Predstavitev --> Z vsemi podalbumi` :kbd:`Shift "
0634 "F9`"
0636 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:258
0637 msgid "Slide-Show that recurses through the current album tree."
0638 msgstr "Predstavitev, ki se rekurzivno prehaja skozi trenutno drevo albuma."
0640 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:262
0641 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Presentation...` :kbd:`Alt+Shift+F9`"
0642 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Predstavitev...` :kbd:`Alt Shift F9`"
0644 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:264
0645 msgid "Tool to display an advanced slide show with Album items."
0646 msgstr "Orodje za prikaz napredne predstavitve z elementi albuma."
0648 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:266
0649 msgid ""
0650 "See the dedicated :ref:`Presentation Tool <presentation_tool>` for more "
0651 "information."
0652 msgstr ""
0653 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Predstavitveno orodje <presentation_tool>` za več "
0654 "informacij."
0656 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:270
0657 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> OpenGL Image Viewer`"
0658 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Pregledovalnik slik OpenGL`"
0660 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:272
0661 msgid "Tool to display images using OpenGL compatible device."
0662 msgstr "Orodje za prikaz slik z uporabo naprave, združljive z OpenGL."
0664 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:274
0665 msgid ""
0666 "See the dedicated :ref:`OpenGL Viewer <opengl_viewer>` for more information."
0667 msgstr ""
0668 "Glejte namenski :ref:`OpenGL Viewer <opengl_viewer>` za več informacij."
0670 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:278
0671 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Full Screen Mode` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+F`"
0672 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Celozaslonski način` :kbd:`Ctrl Shift F`"
0674 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:280
0675 msgid "Switch to full screen (Return with the same keyboard shortcut)."
0676 msgstr "Preklopi na celoten zaslon (vrnite se z isto bližnjico na tipkovnici)."
0678 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:284
0679 msgid ""
0680 "You can access to the application menu using the **Hamburger Button** on the "
0681 "right side of tool-bar."
0682 msgstr ""
0683 "Do menija aplikacije lahko dostopate z uporabo **Hamburger Button** na desni "
0684 "strani orodne vrstice."
0686 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:290
0687 msgid "The Hamburger Menu Available in Full-Screen Mode"
0688 msgstr "Meni Hamburger je na voljo v celozaslonskem načinu"
0690 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:294
0691 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Zoom in` :kbd:`Ctrl++,+`"
0692 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Povečaj` :kbd:`Ctrl , `"
0694 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:296
0695 msgid "Increase preview or the thumbnail size of the currently selected Album."
0696 msgstr "Povečaj predogled ali velikost sličice trenutno izbranega albuma."
0698 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:300
0699 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Zoom out` :kbd:`Ctrl+-,-`"
0700 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Pomanjšaj` :kbd:`Ctrl -,-`"
0702 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:302
0703 msgid "Decrease preview or the thumbnail size of the currently selected Album."
0704 msgstr "Zmanjšajte predogled ali velikost sličice trenutno izbranega albuma."
0706 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:304
0707 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Fit to Window` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+E`"
0708 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Prilagodi oknu` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt E`"
0710 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:306
0711 msgid "Will size the image as to fit snug into the window."
0712 msgstr "Sliko bo prilagodil velikosti, da se bo tesno prilegala oknu."
0714 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:308
0715 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Zoom to 100%` :kbd:`Ctrl+,`"
0716 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Povečaj na 100 %` :kbd:`Ctrl ,`"
0718 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:310
0719 msgid ""
0720 "Will show the image 1:1 (meaning 1 image pixel is mapped exactly to 1 screen "
0721 "pixel) in preview mode."
0722 msgstr ""
0723 "Prikazal bo sliko 1:1 (kar pomeni, da je 1 slikovna pika natančno preslikana "
0724 "v 1 slikovno piko) v načinu predogleda."
0726 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:312
0727 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Sort Albums`"
0728 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Razvrsti albume`"
0730 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:314
0731 msgid "Sort all digiKam Albums by Folder, by Category or by Date."
0732 msgstr "Razvrsti vse albume digiKam po mapi, po kategoriji ali po datumu."
0734 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:316
0735 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Sort Images`"
0736 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Razvrsti slike`"
0738 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:318
0739 msgid "Sort all images in current Album by:"
0740 msgstr "Razvrsti vse slike v trenutnem albumu po:"
0742 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:320
0743 msgid "Name."
0744 msgstr "Ime."
0746 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:321
0747 msgid "Path."
0748 msgstr "Pot."
0750 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:322
0751 msgid "Creation Date."
0752 msgstr "Datum nastanka."
0754 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:323
0755 msgid "Modification Date."
0756 msgstr "Datum spremembe."
0758 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:324
0759 msgid "File Size."
0760 msgstr "Velikost datoteke."
0762 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:325
0763 msgid "Rating."
0764 msgstr "Ocena."
0766 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:326
0767 msgid "Image Size."
0768 msgstr "Velikost slike."
0770 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:327
0771 msgid "Aspect Ratio."
0772 msgstr "Razmerje stranic."
0774 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:328
0775 msgid "Face Type."
0776 msgstr "Vrsta obraza."
0778 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:329
0779 msgid "Similarity (only in the Similarity Search View)."
0780 msgstr "Podobnost (samo v pogledu iskanja podobnosti)."
0782 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:330
0783 msgid "Manual and Name."
0784 msgstr "Priročnik in ime."
0786 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:331
0787 msgid "Manual and Date."
0788 msgstr "Priročnik in datum."
0790 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:333
0791 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Image Sorting Order`"
0792 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Vrstni red razvrščanja slik`"
0794 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:335
0795 msgid ""
0796 "Select whether images should be sorted in ascending or descending order."
0797 msgstr ""
0798 "Izberite, ali naj bodo slike razvrščene v naraščajočem ali padajočem vrstnem "
0799 "redu."
0801 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:337
0802 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Group Images`"
0803 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Skupinske slike`"
0805 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:339
0806 msgid ""
0807 "Select whether images should be shown un-grouped (Flat List) or grouped by "
0808 "album or by format."
0809 msgstr ""
0810 "Izberite, ali naj bodo slike prikazane nezdružene (Raven seznam) ali "
0811 "razvrščene po albumu ali po formatu."
0813 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:341
0814 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Group Sorting Order`"
0815 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Vrstni red razvrščanja skupin`"
0817 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:343
0818 msgid ""
0819 "Select whether groups should be sorted in ascending or descending order."
0820 msgstr ""
0821 "Izberite, ali naj bodo skupine razvrščene v naraščajočem ali padajočem "
0822 "vrstnem redu."
0824 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:345
0825 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Include Album Sub-Tree`"
0826 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Vključi poddrevo albuma`"
0828 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:347
0829 msgid ""
0830 "If a hierarchical album structure exists, the currently selected branch will "
0831 "be displayed in full depth."
0832 msgstr ""
0833 "Če obstaja hierarhična struktura albuma, bo trenutno izbrana veja prikazana "
0834 "v polni globini."
0836 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:349
0837 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Include Tag Sub-Tree`"
0838 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Vključi poddrevo značk`"
0840 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:351
0841 msgid ""
0842 "If a hierarchical tag structure exists, the currently selected branch will "
0843 "be displayed in full depth."
0844 msgstr ""
0845 "Če obstaja hierarhična struktura značke, bo trenutno izbrana veja prikazana "
0846 "v polni globini."
0848 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:355
0849 msgid ":menuselection:`View --> Color-Managed View` :kbd:`F12`"
0850 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Pogled z upravljanjem barv` :kbd:`F12`"
0852 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:357
0853 msgid ""
0854 "Toggles between showing thumbnails and preview in color-managed mode or not."
0855 msgstr ""
0856 "Preklaplja med prikazovanjem sličic in predogledom v načinu upravljanja barv "
0857 "ali ne."
0859 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:359
0860 msgid "For more information about color management see this lengthy chapter."
0861 msgstr "Za več informacij o upravljanju barv glejte to obsežno poglavje."
0863 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:364
0864 msgid "The Tools Menu"
0865 msgstr "Meni Orodja"
0867 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:366
0868 msgid ":menuselection:`Tools --> Image Editor`"
0869 msgstr ":menuselection:`Orodja --> Urejevalnik slik`"
0871 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:368
0872 msgid "Opens the digiKam Image Editor."
0873 msgstr "Odpre urejevalnik slik digiKam."
0875 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:370
0876 msgid ":menuselection:`Tools --> Light Table` :kbd:`L`"
0877 msgstr ":menuselection:`Orodja --> Osvetlitvena miza` :kbd:`L`"
0879 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:372
0880 msgid "Switches to the Light Table window."
0881 msgstr "Preklopi na okno Osvetlitvene mize."
0883 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:374
0884 msgid ":menuselection:`Tools --> Batch Queue Manager` :kbd:`B`"
0885 msgstr ""
0886 ":menuselection:`Orodja --> Upravljalnik paketne čakalne vrste` :kbd:`B`"
0888 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:376
0889 msgid "Opens the Batch Queue Manager window."
0890 msgstr "Odpre okno Batch Queue Manager."
0892 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:378
0893 msgid ":menuselection:`Tools --> Search...` :kbd:`Ctrl+F`"
0894 msgstr ":menuselection:`Orodja --> Iskanje...` :kbd:`Ctrl F`"
0896 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:380
0897 msgid "Switches to the Search View with focus on the simple search field."
0898 msgstr "Preklopi na iskalni pogled s poudarkom na preprostem iskalnem polju."
0900 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:382
0901 msgid ":menuselection:`Tools --> Advanced Search...` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+F`"
0902 msgstr ":menuselection:`Orodja --> Napredno iskanje...` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt F`"
0904 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:384
0905 msgid "Switches to the Search View and launches the advanced search dialog."
0906 msgstr ""
0907 "Preklopi na pogled iskanja in zažene pogovorno okno naprednega iskanja."
0909 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:386
0910 msgid ":menuselection:`Tools --> Find Duplicates` :kbd:`Ctrl+D`"
0911 msgstr ":menuselection:`Orodja --> Poišči dvojnike` :kbd:`Ctrl D`"
0913 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:388
0914 msgid "Leads to the **Duplicates** tab in the Similarity Search View."
0915 msgstr "Vodi do zavihka **Duplicates** v pogledu iskanja podobnosti."
0917 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:390
0918 msgid ""
0919 "See :ref:`Similarity Search Tool <similarity_view>` for more information."
0920 msgstr ""
0921 "Glejte :ref:`Orodje za iskanje podobnosti <similarity_view>` za več "
0922 "informacij."
0924 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:392
0925 msgid ":menuselection:`Tools --> Maintenance...`"
0926 msgstr ":menuselection:`Orodja --> Vzdrževanje...`"
0928 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:394
0929 msgid "Opens the maintenance tool."
0930 msgstr "Odpre orodje za vzdrževanje."
0932 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:396
0933 msgid "For a detailed description see :ref:`this Chapter <maintenance_tools>`."
0934 msgstr "Za podroben opis glejte :ref:`to poglavje <maintenance_tools>`."
0936 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:398
0937 msgid ":menuselection:`Tools --> Blend Bracketed or Focus Stack Images...`"
0938 msgstr ":menuselection:`Orodja --> Blend Bracketed or Focus Stack Images...`"
0940 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:400
0941 msgid ""
0942 "This tool allows users to blend bracketed images together to create pseudo "
0943 "HDR photo."
0944 msgstr ""
0945 "To orodje uporabnikom omogoča, da združijo slike v oklepajih in ustvarijo "
0946 "psevdo HDR fotografijo."
0948 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:402
0949 msgid ":menuselection:`Tools --> Create Panorama...`"
0950 msgstr ":menuselection:`Orodja --> Ustvari panoramo...`"
0952 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:404
0953 msgid ""
0954 "This tool allows users to assemble images together to create large panorama."
0955 msgstr "To orodje uporabnikom omogoča sestavljanje slik v veliko panoramo."
0957 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:406
0958 msgid ":menuselection:`Tools --> Create Calendar...`"
0959 msgstr ":menuselection:`Orodja --> Ustvari koledar...`"
0961 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:408
0962 msgid "Tool to create a calendar with Album items."
0963 msgstr "Orodje za ustvarjanje koledarja z elementi albuma."
0965 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:410
0966 msgid "See the dedicated Calendar Tool for more information."
0967 msgstr "Za več informacij glejte namensko orodje za koledar."
0969 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:412
0970 msgid ":menuselection:`Tools --> Email Images...`"
0971 msgstr ":menuselection:`Orodja --> Pošlji slike po e-pošti...`"
0973 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:414
0974 msgid "Tool to send images with your favorite email client."
0975 msgstr "Orodje za pošiljanje slik z vašim najljubšim e-poštnim odjemalcem."
0977 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:416
0978 msgid "See the dedicated Send Images Tool for more information."
0979 msgstr "Za več informacij glejte namensko orodje za pošiljanje slik."
0981 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:421
0982 msgid "The Import Menu"
0983 msgstr "Meni Uvozi"
0985 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:423
0986 msgid ":menuselection:`Import --> Cameras`"
0987 msgstr ":menuselection:`Uvozi --> Kamere`"
0989 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:425
0990 msgid ""
0991 "Any configured digital camera will be listed here. You can use the **Add "
0992 "Camera Manually...** menu entry to add a new camera to the list. Please, "
0993 "read the :ref:`Camera Settings <camera_settings>` for more information."
0994 msgstr ""
0995 "Tukaj bo navedena katera koli konfigurirana digitalna kamera. Uporabite "
0996 "lahko meni **Dodaj kamero ročno...** za dodajanje nove kamere na seznam. "
0997 "Preberite :ref:`Nastavitve kamere <camera_settings>` za več informacij."
0999 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:427
1000 msgid ""
1001 "Once you choose a camera from the list the Camera Interface will open. For a "
1002 "detailed description see :ref:`digiKam Import Tool <import_overview>`."
1003 msgstr ""
1004 "Ko s seznama izberete kamero, se odpre vmesnik kamere. Za podroben opis "
1005 "glejte :ref:`orodje za uvoz digiKam <import_overview>`."
1007 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:429
1008 msgid ":menuselection:`Import --> USB Storage Devices`"
1009 msgstr ":menuselection:`Uvozi --> USB pomnilniške naprave`"
1011 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:431
1012 msgid ""
1013 "All currently mounted USB storage devices will be listed here. The function "
1014 "will open the same :ref:`interface <import_overview>` as the Import/Cameras "
1015 "menu item."
1016 msgstr ""
1017 "Tukaj bodo navedene vse trenutno nameščene pomnilniške naprave USB. Funkcija "
1018 "bo odprla isti :ref:`vmesnik <import_overview>` kot meni Uvozi/Kamere."
1020 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:433
1021 msgid ":menuselection:`Import --> Card Readers`"
1022 msgstr ":menuselection:`Uvozi --> Bralniki kartic`"
1024 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:435
1025 msgid ""
1026 "All currently mounted card readers will be listed here. The function will "
1027 "open the same :ref:`interface <import_overview>` as the Import/Cameras menu "
1028 "item."
1029 msgstr ""
1030 "Tukaj bodo navedeni vsi trenutno nameščeni čitalniki kartic. Funkcija bo "
1031 "odprla isti :ref:`vmesnik <import_overview>` kot meni Uvozi/Kamere."
1033 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:437
1034 msgid ":menuselection:`Import --> Add Images...` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+I`"
1035 msgstr ":menuselection:`Uvozi --> Dodaj slike...` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt I`"
1037 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:439
1038 msgid ""
1039 "After asking for the source folder with the standard Open dialog of your OS "
1040 "the function will display the images in that folder in the same :ref:"
1041 "`interface <import_overview>` as the Import/Cameras menu item."
1042 msgstr ""
1043 "Po zahtevku za izvorno mapo s standardnim odprtim pogovornim oknom vašega "
1044 "operacijskega sistema bo funkcija prikazala slike v tej mapi v istem :ref:"
1045 "`vmesniku <import_overview>` kot menijska postavka Import/Cameras."
1047 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:441
1048 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:447
1049 msgid "This item is only active in the Albums View."
1050 msgstr "Ta element je aktiven samo v pogledu albumov."
1052 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:443
1053 msgid ":menuselection:`Import --> Add Folders...`"
1054 msgstr ":menuselection:`Uvozi --> Dodaj mape...`"
1056 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:445
1057 msgid "Navigate to a folder and import it entirely"
1058 msgstr "Pomaknite se do mape in jo v celoti uvozite"
1060 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:449
1061 msgid ""
1062 ":menuselection:`Import --> Import from Google Photos` :kbd:`Alt+Shift+P`"
1063 msgstr ":menuselection:`Uvozi --> Uvozi iz Google Foto` :kbd:`Alt Shift P`"
1065 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:451
1066 msgid "Tool to download files from Google Photos web-service."
1067 msgstr "Orodje za prenos datotek iz spletne storitve Google Photos."
1069 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:453
1070 msgid ""
1071 "See the dedicated :ref:`Google Photos Import Tool <google_import>` for more "
1072 "information."
1073 msgstr ""
1074 "Za več informacij si oglejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za uvoz Google Foto "
1075 "<google_import>`."
1077 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:455
1078 msgid ":menuselection:`Import --> Import from SmugMug` :kbd:`Alt+Shift+S`"
1079 msgstr ":menuselection:`Uvozi --> Uvozi iz SmugMug` :kbd:`Alt Shift S`"
1081 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:457
1082 msgid "Tool to download files from SmugMug web-service."
1083 msgstr "Orodje za prenos datotek iz spletne storitve SmugMug."
1085 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:459
1086 msgid ""
1087 "See the dedicated :ref:`SmugMug Import Tool <smugmug_import>` for more "
1088 "information."
1089 msgstr ""
1090 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za uvoz SmugMug <smugmug_import>` za več "
1091 "informacij."
1093 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:461
1094 msgid ""
1095 ":menuselection:`Import --> Import from remote storage` :kbd:`Alt+Shift+K`"
1096 msgstr ""
1097 ":menuselection:`Uvoz --> Uvoz iz oddaljenega pomnilnika` :kbd:`Alt Shift K`"
1099 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:463
1100 msgid "Tool to download files from another computer using network."
1101 msgstr "Orodje za prenos datotek iz drugega računalnika prek omrežja."
1103 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:465
1104 msgid ""
1105 "See the dedicated :ref:`Remote Storage Import Tool <remote_import>` for more "
1106 "information."
1107 msgstr ""
1108 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za uvoz oddaljenega pomnilnika <remote_import>` "
1109 "za več informacij."
1111 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:467
1112 msgid ":menuselection:`Import --> Import from Scanner...`"
1113 msgstr ":menuselection:`Uvozi --> Uvozi iz optičnega bralnika...`"
1115 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:469
1116 msgid "Opens a scanner dialog"
1117 msgstr "Odpre pogovorno okno skenerja"
1119 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:471
1120 msgid ""
1121 "See the dedicated :ref:`Acquire Images Tool <scanner_import>` for more "
1122 "information."
1123 msgstr ""
1124 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za pridobivanje slik <scanner_import>` za več "
1125 "informacij."
1127 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:476
1128 msgid "The Export Menu"
1129 msgstr "Meni izvoza"
1131 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:478
1132 msgid ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to Box...` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B`"
1133 msgstr ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v škatlo...` ​​:kbd:`Ctrl Alt Shift B`"
1135 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:480
1136 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to Box web-service."
1137 msgstr "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev Box."
1139 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:482
1140 msgid ""
1141 "See the dedicated :ref:`Box Export Tool <box_export>` for more information."
1142 msgstr "Glejte namensko :ref:`Box Export Tool <box_export>` za več informacij."
1144 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:484
1145 msgid ""
1146 ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to Dropbox...` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D`"
1147 msgstr ""
1148 ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v Dropbox...` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt Shift D`"
1150 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:486
1151 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to Dropbox web-service."
1152 msgstr ""
1153 "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev Dropbox."
1155 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:488
1156 msgid ""
1157 "See the dedicated :ref:`Dropbox Export Tool <dropbox_export>` for more "
1158 "information."
1159 msgstr ""
1160 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za izvoz Dropbox <dropbox_export>` za več "
1161 "informacij."
1163 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:490
1164 msgid ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to Flickr...` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R`"
1165 msgstr ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v Flickr...` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt Shift R`"
1167 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:492
1168 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to Flickr web-service."
1169 msgstr ""
1170 "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev Flickr."
1172 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:494
1173 msgid ""
1174 "See the dedicated :ref:`Flickr Export Tool <flickr_export>` for more "
1175 "information."
1176 msgstr ""
1177 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za izvoz Flickr <flickr_export>` za več "
1178 "informacij."
1180 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:496
1181 msgid ""
1182 ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to Google Drive...` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G`"
1183 msgstr ""
1184 ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v Google Drive...` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt Shift G`"
1186 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:498
1187 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to Google Drive web-service."
1188 msgstr ""
1189 "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev Google "
1190 "Drive."
1192 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:500
1193 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:506
1194 msgid ""
1195 "See the dedicated :ref:`Google Export Tool <google_export>` for more "
1196 "information."
1197 msgstr ""
1198 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Googlovo orodje za izvoz <google_export>` za več "
1199 "informacij."
1201 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:502
1202 msgid ""
1203 ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to Google Photos...` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift"
1204 "+P`"
1205 msgstr ""
1206 ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v Google Photos...` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt Shift P`"
1208 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:504
1209 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to Google Photos web-service."
1210 msgstr ""
1211 "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev Google "
1212 "Photos."
1214 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:508
1215 msgid ""
1216 ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to Imageshack` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M`"
1217 msgstr ""
1218 ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v Imageshack` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt Shift M`"
1220 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:510
1221 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to Imageshack web-service."
1222 msgstr ""
1223 "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev Imageshack."
1225 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:512
1226 msgid ""
1227 "See the dedicated :ref:`Imageshack Export Tool <image_shack>` for more "
1228 "information."
1229 msgstr ""
1230 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za izvoz Imageshack <image_shack>` za več "
1231 "informacij."
1233 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:514
1234 msgid ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to Imgur`"
1235 msgstr ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v Imgur`"
1237 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:516
1238 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to Imgur web-service."
1239 msgstr ""
1240 "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev Imgur."
1242 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:518
1243 msgid ""
1244 "See the dedicated :ref:`Imgur Export Tool <imgur_export>` for more "
1245 "information."
1246 msgstr ""
1247 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za izvoz Imgur <imgur_export>` za več "
1248 "informacij."
1250 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:520
1251 msgid ""
1252 ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to INaturalist` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N`"
1253 msgstr ""
1254 ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v INaturalist` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt Shift N`"
1256 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:522
1257 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to INaturalist web-service."
1258 msgstr ""
1259 "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev INaturalist."
1261 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:524
1262 msgid ""
1263 "See the dedicated :ref:`INaturalist Export Tool <inaturalist_export>` for "
1264 "more information."
1265 msgstr ""
1266 "Glejte namensko :ref:`INaturalist Export Tool <inaturalist_export>` za več "
1267 "informacij."
1269 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:526
1270 msgid ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to Onedrive` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O`"
1271 msgstr ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v Onedrive` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt Shift O`"
1273 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:528
1274 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to Onedrive web-service."
1275 msgstr ""
1276 "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev Onedrive."
1278 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:530
1279 msgid ""
1280 "See the dedicated :ref:`Onedrive Export Tool <one_drive>` for more "
1281 "information."
1282 msgstr ""
1283 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za izvoz Onedrive <one_drive>` za več "
1284 "informacij."
1286 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:532
1287 msgid ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to Pinterest` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I`"
1288 msgstr ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v Pinterest` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt Shift I`"
1290 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:534
1291 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to Pinterest web-service."
1292 msgstr ""
1293 "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev Pinterest."
1295 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:536
1296 msgid ""
1297 "See the dedicated :ref:`Pinterest Export Tool <pinterest_export>` for more "
1298 "information."
1299 msgstr ""
1300 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Pinterest Export Tool <pinterest_export>` za več "
1301 "informacij."
1303 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:538
1304 msgid ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to Piwigo`"
1305 msgstr ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v Piwigo`"
1307 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:540
1308 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to Piwigo web-service."
1309 msgstr ""
1310 "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev Piwigo."
1312 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:542
1313 msgid ""
1314 "See the dedicated :ref:`Piwigo Export Tool <piwigo_export>` for more "
1315 "information."
1316 msgstr ""
1317 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za izvoz Piwigo <piwigo_export>` za več "
1318 "informacij."
1320 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:544
1321 msgid ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to SmugMug` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S`"
1322 msgstr ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v SmugMug` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt Shift S`"
1324 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:546
1325 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to SmugMug web-service."
1326 msgstr ""
1327 "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev SmugMug."
1329 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:548
1330 msgid ""
1331 "See the dedicated :ref:`SmugMug Export Tool <smugmug_export>` for more "
1332 "information."
1333 msgstr ""
1334 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za izvoz SmugMug <smugmug_export>` za več "
1335 "informacij."
1337 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:550
1338 msgid ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to Twitter`"
1339 msgstr ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v Twitter`"
1341 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:552
1342 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to Twitter web-service."
1343 msgstr ""
1344 "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev Twitter."
1346 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:554
1347 msgid ""
1348 "See the dedicated :ref:`Twitter Export Tool <twitter_export>` for more "
1349 "information."
1350 msgstr ""
1351 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Twitterjevo orodje za izvoz <twitter_export>` za več "
1352 "informacij."
1354 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:556
1355 msgid ""
1356 ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to local storage` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L`"
1357 msgstr ""
1358 ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v lokalni pomnilnik` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt Shift "
1359 "L`"
1361 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:558
1362 msgid "Tool to copy files somewhere in your computer outside your collections."
1363 msgstr ""
1364 "Orodje za kopiranje datotek nekje v vašem računalniku zunaj vaših zbirk."
1366 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:560
1367 msgid ""
1368 "See the dedicated :ref:`Local Storage Export Tool <local_export>` for more "
1369 "information."
1370 msgstr ""
1371 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za izvoz lokalnega pomnilnika <local_export>` "
1372 "za več informacij."
1374 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:562
1375 msgid ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to MediaWiki`"
1376 msgstr ":menuselection:`Izvozi --> Izvozi v MediaWiki`"
1378 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:564
1379 msgid "Tool to upload or update files to MediaWiki web-service."
1380 msgstr ""
1381 "Orodje za nalaganje ali posodabljanje datotek v spletno storitev MediaWiki."
1383 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:566
1384 msgid ""
1385 "See the dedicated :ref:`MediaWiki Export Tool <media_wiki>` for more "
1386 "information."
1387 msgstr ""
1388 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za izvoz MediaWiki <media_wiki>` za več "
1389 "informacij."
1391 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:568
1392 msgid ""
1393 ":menuselection:`Export --> Export to remote storage` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+K`"
1394 msgstr ""
1395 ":menuselection:`Izvoz --> Izvoz v oddaljeno shrambo` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt Shift K`"
1397 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:570
1398 msgid "Tool to upload files to another computer using network."
1399 msgstr "Orodje za nalaganje datotek v drug računalnik prek omrežja."
1401 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:572
1402 msgid ""
1403 "See the dedicated :ref:`Remote Storage Export Tool <remote_export>` for more "
1404 "information."
1405 msgstr ""
1406 "Glejte namensko :ref:`Orodje za izvoz oddaljenega pomnilnika "
1407 "<remote_export>` za več informacij."
1409 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:577
1410 msgid "The Settings Menu"
1411 msgstr "Meni z nastavitvami"
1413 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:579
1414 msgid ":menuselection:`Settings --> Show Toolbar`"
1415 msgstr ":menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Pokaži orodno vrstico`"
1417 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:581
1418 msgid "Enable or disable the main digiKam toolbar."
1419 msgstr "Omogoči ali onemogoči glavno orodno vrstico digiKam."
1421 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:583
1422 msgid ":menuselection:`Settings --> Show Menubar` :kbd:`Ctrl+M`"
1423 msgstr ":menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Pokaži menijsko vrstico` :kbd:`Ctrl M`"
1425 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:585
1426 msgid "Enable or disable the main digiKam menu bar."
1427 msgstr "Omogoči ali onemogoči glavno menijsko vrstico digiKam."
1429 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:587
1430 msgid ""
1431 "Remind the keyboard shortcut in order to be able to get it back. Another way "
1432 "is the context menu within the **Icon-View**."
1433 msgstr ""
1434 "Opomnite na bližnjico na tipkovnici, da jo lahko dobite nazaj. Drugi način "
1435 "je kontekstni meni znotraj **Pogleda ikon**."
1437 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:589
1438 msgid ":menuselection:`Settings --> Show Statusbar`"
1439 msgstr ":menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Prikaži vrstico stanja`"
1441 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:591
1442 msgid "Enable or disable the main digiKam status bar."
1443 msgstr "Omogoči ali onemogoči glavno statusno vrstico digiKam."
1445 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:593
1446 msgid ":menuselection:`Settings --> Show Thumbbar` :kbd:`Ctrl+T`"
1447 msgstr ":menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Prikaži vrstico s palci` :kbd:`Ctrl T`"
1449 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:595
1450 msgid "Enable or disable the thumb-bar in the digiKam Icon-View."
1451 msgstr "Omogoči ali onemogoči vrstico s palcem v pogledu ikon digiKam."
1453 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:597
1454 msgid ""
1455 "This item is only active while a preview is displayed because it is meant to "
1456 "make more space for the preview in the Image Area."
1457 msgstr ""
1458 "Ta element je aktiven le, ko je prikazan predogled, ker naj bi naredil več "
1459 "prostora za predogled v območju slike."
1461 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:599
1462 msgid ":menuselection:`Settings --> Themes`"
1463 msgstr ":menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Teme`"
1465 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:601
1466 msgid ""
1467 "Choose from a list (sub-menu) of predefined color themes for the appearance "
1468 "of digiKam."
1469 msgstr ""
1470 "Izberite s seznama (podmenija) vnaprej določenih barvnih tem za videz "
1471 "digiKama."
1473 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:603
1474 msgid ""
1475 "For a detailed description see :ref:`digiKam Themes Configuration "
1476 "<theme_settings>` section."
1477 msgstr ""
1478 "Za podroben opis glejte razdelek :ref:`Konfiguracija tem digiKam "
1479 "<theme_settings>`."
1481 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:605
1482 msgid ":menuselection:`Settings --> Configure Languages...`"
1483 msgstr ":menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Konfiguriraj jezike...`"
1485 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:607
1486 msgid "Launch digiKam languages configuration dialog."
1487 msgstr "Zaženi pogovorno okno za konfiguracijo jezikov digiKam."
1489 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:609
1490 msgid ""
1491 "For a detailed description see :ref:`digiKam Languages Configuration "
1492 "<languages_settings>` section."
1493 msgstr ""
1494 "Za podroben opis glejte razdelek :ref:`digiKam Languages ​​Configuration "
1495 "<languages_settings>`."
1497 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:611
1498 msgid ":menuselection:`Settings --> Configure Shortcuts...` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+,`"
1499 msgstr ""
1500 ":menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Konfiguriraj bližnjice...` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt ,`"
1502 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:613
1503 msgid ""
1504 "Configure the digiKam shortcuts and manage different schemes of shortcuts."
1505 msgstr ""
1506 "Konfigurirajte bližnjice digiKam in upravljajte različne sheme bližnjic."
1508 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:615
1509 msgid ""
1510 "For a detailed description see :ref:`digiKam Shortcuts Configuration "
1511 "<shortcuts_settings>` section."
1512 msgstr ""
1513 "Za podroben opis glejte razdelek :ref:`Konfiguracija bližnjic digiKam "
1514 "<shortcuts_settings>`."
1516 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:617
1517 msgid ":menuselection:`Settings --> Configure Toolbars...`"
1518 msgstr ":menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Konfiguriraj orodne vrstice...`"
1520 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:619
1521 msgid "Configure the digiKam toolbars."
1522 msgstr "Konfigurirajte orodne vrstice digiKam."
1524 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:621
1525 msgid ""
1526 "For a detailed description see :ref:`digiKam Toolbars Configuration "
1527 "<toolbars_settings>` section."
1528 msgstr ""
1529 "Za podroben opis glejte razdelek :ref:`Konfiguracija orodnih vrstic digiKam "
1530 "<toolbars_settings>`."
1532 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:623
1533 msgid ":menuselection:`Settings --> Configure Notifications...`"
1534 msgstr ":menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Konfiguriraj obvestila...`"
1536 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:625
1537 msgid ""
1538 "Configure the digiKam notifications including actions like *Play a sound*, "
1539 "*Log to a file* or *Run command*."
1540 msgstr ""
1541 "Konfigurirajte obvestila digiKam, vključno z dejanji, kot so *Predvajaj "
1542 "zvok*, *Prijava v datoteko* ali *Zaženi ukaz*."
1544 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:627
1545 msgid ""
1546 "For a detailed description see :ref:`digiKam Notifications Configuration "
1547 "<notifications_settings>` section."
1548 msgstr ""
1549 "Za podroben opis glejte razdelek :ref:`Konfiguracija obvestil digiKam "
1550 "<notifications_settings>`."
1552 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:629
1553 msgid ":menuselection:`Settings --> Database Migration...`"
1554 msgstr ":menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Selitev baze podatkov...`"
1556 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:631
1557 msgid ""
1558 "Launch tool to migrate the digiKam databases from SQLite to MySQL or vice "
1559 "versa."
1560 msgstr ""
1561 "Zagon orodja za selitev baz podatkov digiKam iz SQLite v MySQL ali obratno."
1563 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:633
1564 msgid ""
1565 "Find more information about the databases and database migration in the "
1566 "setup section about :ref:`digiKam databases <database_settings>`."
1567 msgstr ""
1568 "Poiščite več informacij o bazah podatkov in selitvi baze podatkov v razdelku "
1569 "z nastavitvami o :ref:`bazah podatkov digiKam <database_settings>`."
1571 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:635
1572 msgid ":menuselection:`Settings --> Configure digiKam...` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+,`"
1573 msgstr ""
1574 ":menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Konfiguriraj digiKam...` :kbd:`Ctrl Shift ,`"
1576 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:637
1577 msgid "Launch digiKam configure dialog."
1578 msgstr "Zaženi konfiguracijsko pogovorno okno digiKam."
1580 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:639
1581 msgid ""
1582 "For a detailed description see :ref:`digiKam Configuration "
1583 "<setup_application>` section."
1584 msgstr ""
1585 "Za podroben opis glejte :ref:`digiKam Configuration <setup_application>` "
1586 "razdelek."
1588 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:644
1589 msgid "The Help Menu"
1590 msgstr "Meni Pomoč"
1592 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:646
1593 msgid ":menuselection:`Help --> What's this?` :kbd:`Shift+F1`"
1594 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pomoč --> Kaj je to?` :kbd:`Shift F1`"
1596 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:648
1597 msgid "Show Contextual help."
1598 msgstr "Pokaži kontekstno pomoč."
1600 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:650
1601 msgid ":menuselection:`Help --> Find Action` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+I`"
1602 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pomoč --> Najdi dejanje` :kbd:`Ctrl Alt I`"
1604 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:652
1605 msgid "Search a menu action in application window."
1606 msgstr "Išči dejanje menija v oknu aplikacije."
1608 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:658
1609 msgid "The Dialog to Find Action in Menu"
1610 msgstr "Pogovorno okno za iskanje dejanja v meniju"
1612 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:662
1613 msgid ":menuselection:`Help --> Supported RAW Camera`"
1614 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pomoč --> Podprta kamera RAW`"
1616 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:664
1617 msgid "Displays a list of all supported RAW camera."
1618 msgstr "Prikaže seznam vseh podprtih kamer RAW."
1620 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:670
1621 msgid "The List of Supported RAW Camera"
1622 msgstr "Seznam podprtih kamer RAW"
1624 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:674
1625 msgid ":menuselection:`Help --> Detected Hardware`"
1626 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pomoč --> Zaznana strojna oprema`"
1628 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:676
1629 msgid ""
1630 "Displays an information panel with the detected hardware from your computer."
1631 msgstr ""
1632 "Prikaže informacijsko ploščo z zaznano strojno opremo vašega računalnika."
1634 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:682
1635 msgid "The List of Detected Hardware"
1636 msgstr "Seznam zaznane strojne opreme"
1638 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:686
1639 msgid ":menuselection:`Help --> Components Information`"
1640 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pomoč --> Informacije o komponentah`"
1642 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:688
1643 msgid ""
1644 "Displays an information panel with shared libraries and the component "
1645 "configurations used by the application."
1646 msgstr ""
1647 "Prikaže informacijsko ploščo s knjižnicami v skupni rabi in konfiguracijami "
1648 "komponent, ki jih uporablja aplikacija."
1650 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:694
1651 msgid "The List of Components Information"
1652 msgstr "Informacije o seznamu komponent"
1654 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:698
1655 msgid ":menuselection:`Help --> Database Statistics`"
1656 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pomoč --> Statistika baze podatkov`"
1658 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:700
1659 msgid "Displays an information panel with a database summary."
1660 msgstr "Prikaže informacijsko ploščo s povzetkom baze podatkov."
1662 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:706
1663 msgid "The Statistics from the Database"
1664 msgstr "Statistika iz baze podatkov"
1666 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:708
1667 msgid ":menuselection:`Help --> Donate`"
1668 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pomoč --> Doniraj`"
1670 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:710
1671 msgid "Open project `Donation page <https://www.digikam.org/donate/>`_."
1672 msgstr "Odpri projekt `Stran za donacije <https://www.digikam.org/donate/>`_."
1674 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:712
1675 msgid ":menuselection:`Help --> Check from New Version`"
1676 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pomoč --> Preveri iz nove različice`"
1678 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:714
1679 msgid ""
1680 "Check if new application version is available online. See :ref:`this chapter "
1681 "<updates_settings>` from details."
1682 msgstr ""
1683 "Preverite, ali je na spletu na voljo nova različica aplikacije. Glejte :ref:"
1684 "`to poglavje <updates_settings>` za podrobnosti."
1686 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:716
1687 msgid ":menuselection:`Help --> Recipes Book`"
1688 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pomoč --> Knjiga receptov`"
1690 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:718
1691 msgid "Open `Recipes Book page <https://www.digikam.org/recipes_book/>`_."
1692 msgstr "Odprite stran `Recipes Book <https://www.digikam.org/recipes_book/>`_."
1694 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:720
1695 msgid ":menuselection:`Help --> Contribute`"
1696 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pomoč --> Prispevaj`"
1698 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:722
1699 msgid "Open project `Contribute page <https://www.digikam.org/contribute/>`_."
1700 msgstr ""
1701 "Odpri projekt `Stran za prispevke <https://www.digikam.org/contribute/>`_."
1703 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:724
1704 msgid ":menuselection:`Help --> Online Handbook`"
1705 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pomoč --> Spletni priročnik`"
1707 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:726
1708 msgid "Open `Online Manual page <https://docs.digikam.org/en/index.html>`_."
1709 msgstr ""
1710 "Odprite `Stran spletnega priročnika <https://docs.digikam.org/en/index."
1711 "html>`_."
1713 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:728
1714 msgid ":menuselection:`Help --> Report Bug`"
1715 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pomoč --> Prijavi napako`"
1717 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:730
1718 msgid "Open a dialog to report online a dysfunction."
1719 msgstr "Odprite pogovorno okno za spletno prijavo disfunkcije."
1721 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:732
1722 msgid ":menuselection:`Help --> About digiKam`"
1723 msgstr ":menuselection:`Pomoč --> O digiKamu`"
1725 #: ../../menu_descriptions/menu_mainwindow.rst:734
1726 msgid "Open a dialog to show application version and details."
1727 msgstr "Odpri pogovorno okno za prikaz različice aplikacije in podrobnosti."