Warning, /documentation/digikam-doc/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/main_window/similarity_view.po is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 # Copyright (C) licensed under the <a href="https://spdx.org/licenses/GFDL-1.2-or-later.html">licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2+</a> unless stated otherwise 0002 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Digikam Manual package. 0003 # 0004 # Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>, 2023. 0005 msgid "" 0006 msgstr "" 0007 "Project-Id-Version: Digikam Manual 8.1.0\n" 0008 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" 0009 "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-02 00:35+0000\n" 0010 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-21 08:09+0200\n" 0011 "Last-Translator: Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>\n" 0012 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-slo@lugos.si>\n" 0013 "Language: sl\n" 0014 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 0015 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 0016 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 0017 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n" 0018 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n" 0019 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.4\n" 0020 0021 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:1 0022 msgid "digiKam Main Window Similarity View" 0023 msgstr "digiKam glavno okno pogleda podobnosti" 0024 0025 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:1 0026 msgid "" 0027 "digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, " 0028 "learn, easy, similarity, search, duplicates, sketch" 0029 msgstr "" 0030 "digiKam, dokumentacija, uporabniški priročnik, upravljanje fotografij, " 0031 "odprta koda, prosto, učenje, enostavno, podobnost, iskanje, dvojniki, skica" 0032 0033 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:14 0034 msgid "Similarity View" 0035 msgstr "Pogled podobnosti" 0036 0037 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:17 0038 msgid "Overview" 0039 msgstr "Pregled" 0040 0041 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:19 0042 msgid "" 0043 "You have lost a picture because you can't remember its name or where you " 0044 "filed it? You need to perform a *Similarity* search on your collections." 0045 msgstr "" 0046 "Ste izgubili sliko, ker se ne spomnite njenega imena ali kam ste jo " 0047 "shranili? V svojih zbirkah morate izvesti iskanje *Podobnosti*." 0048 0049 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:21 0050 msgid "" 0051 "digiKam characterizes every image by a lengthy number that makes it possible " 0052 "to find similar images by comparing this calculated signature. The less " 0053 "numerical difference there is between any two image signatures, the more " 0054 "they resemble each other. This methodology is the core engine to three " 0055 "features named find **Duplicates**, find similar **Image**, and find by " 0056 "**Sketch**." 0057 msgstr "" 0058 "digiKam vsako sliko označi z dolgim številom, ki omogoča iskanje podobnih " 0059 "slik s primerjavo tega izračunanega podpisa. Manjša kot je številčna razlika " 0060 "med dvema podpisoma slike, bolj sta si podobni. Ta metodologija je osrednji " 0061 "mehanizem za tri funkcije, imenovane iskanje **dvojnikov**, iskanje podobnih " 0062 "**slik** in iskanje po **skici**." 0063 0064 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:25 0065 msgid "" 0066 "digiKam uses in background Wavelets/Haar algorithms based on the `Fast Multi-" 0067 "Resolution Image Querying publication <https://grail.cs.washington.edu/wp-" 0068 "content/uploads/2015/08/jacobs-1995.pdf>`_" 0069 msgstr "" 0070 "digiKam v ozadju uporablja algoritme Wavelets/Haar, ki temeljijo na " 0071 "publikaciji `Fast Multi-Resolution Image Querying <https://grail.cs." 0072 "washington.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/jacobs-1995.pdf>`_" 0073 0074 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:30 0075 msgid "Find Duplicates" 0076 msgstr "Poišči dvojnike" 0077 0078 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:32 0079 msgid "" 0080 "Before you can have digiKam finding duplicates the signatures (or " 0081 "fingerprints) have to be calculated. You can start that process with the " 0082 "button **Update Fingerprints** which initiates a total rebuild of the image " 0083 "signatures (may take hours if you have a large collection and slow storage " 0084 "devices). If you have already scanned your images for fingerprints then you " 0085 "should skip this step." 0086 msgstr "" 0087 "Preden lahko digiKam najde dvojnike, je treba izračunati podpise (ali prstne " 0088 "odtise). Ta postopek lahko začnete z gumbom **Posodobi prstne odtise**, ki " 0089 "sproži popolno obnovo slikovnih podpisov (lahko traja ure, če imate veliko " 0090 "zbirko in počasne naprave za shranjevanje). Če ste svoje slike že prečesali " 0091 "za prstne odtise, ta korak preskočite." 0092 0093 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:36 0094 msgid "" 0095 "You can perform fingerprint operations using :menuselection:`Tools --> " 0096 "Maintenance` and select **Rebuild Finger-prints** option. You can " 0097 "additionally choose if you want to rebuild the entire database or only scan " 0098 "your database for missing fingerprint (default behavior). Choosing the " 0099 "Faster option is quicker as it only searches for missing fingerprints." 0100 msgstr "" 0101 "Operacije s prstnimi odtisi lahko izvedete z :menuselection:`Orodja --> " 0102 "Vzdrževanje` in izberete možnost **Obnovi prstne odtise**. Dodatno lahko " 0103 "izberete, ali želite znova zgraditi celotno zbirko podatkov ali samo " 0104 "prečesati vašo zbirko podatkov glede manjkajočega prstnega odtisa (privzeto " 0105 "vedenje). Izbira možnosti Hitreje je hitrejša, saj išče samo manjkajoče " 0106 "prstne odtise." 0107 0108 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:38 0109 msgid "" 0110 "Once the fingerprints are calculated you can use **Find Duplicates**, but it " 0111 "will take a long time too as it has to compare every image with any other " 0112 "image. So the way to go in both cases is to confine your search to certain " 0113 "**Albums** and/or **Tags**. **Whole albums collection** and **Whole tags " 0114 "collection** check-box perform global searches in the database. Else uses " 0115 "the drop-down menu like where you will be asked which **Albums** and/or " 0116 "**Tags** to search." 0117 msgstr "" 0118 "Ko so prstni odtisi izračunani, lahko uporabite **Poišči dvojnike**, vendar " 0119 "bo trajalo tudi veliko časa, saj mora vsako sliko primerjati s katero koli " 0120 "drugo sliko. V obeh primerih je torej možno, da iskanje omejite na določene " 0121 "**Albume** in/ali **Značke**. Potrditvena polja **Celotna zbirka albumov** " 0122 "in **Celotna zbirka značk** izvajata globalna iskanja v bazi podatkov. " 0123 "Drugače uporablja spustni meni, kjer boste pozvani, katere **Albume** in/ali " 0124 "**Značke** želite iskati." 0125 0126 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:40 0127 msgid "" 0128 "**Reference Image Selection Method** setting allows to select the method how " 0129 "the reference image is determined. This is important if you are using the " 0130 "**Remove Duplicates** function to steer which image shall be deleted. One " 0131 "usecase is, if you are copying newly imported files into its own folder in " 0132 "the collection (unsorted photos), then you run the duplicates and delete all " 0133 "photos which are already sorted into the collection. After that you just " 0134 "have to sort in the new photos." 0135 msgstr "" 0136 "Nastavitev **Metoda izbire referenčne slike** omogoča izbiro metode za " 0137 "določitev referenčne slike. To je pomembno, če uporabljate funkcijo " 0138 "**Odstrani dvojnike** za usmerjanje, katera slika naj se izbriše. En primer " 0139 "uporabe je, če kopirate na novo uvožene datoteke v lastno mapo v zbirki " 0140 "(nerazvrščene fotografije), potem zaženete dvojnike in izbrišete vse " 0141 "fotografije, ki so že razvrščene v zbirko. Po tem morate le še razvrstiti " 0142 "nove fotografije." 0143 0144 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:42 0145 msgid "" 0146 "**Older or Larger** is the method used prior 8.1.0. The reference image is " 0147 "the one of the duplicates, which is older or larger than the others" 0148 msgstr "" 0149 "**Starejše ali večje** je metoda, uporabljena pred 8.1.0. Referenčna slika " 0150 "je tista od dvojnikov, ki je starejša ali večja od drugih" 0151 0152 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:43 0153 msgid "" 0154 "**Prefer selected folder as reference** means that in the newly appeared " 0155 "album selection, albums can be selected and if a duplicate occurs it uses " 0156 "the image found in one of those folders as reference" 0157 msgstr "" 0158 "**Prednost izbrane mape kot reference** pomeni, da je v na novo prikazanem " 0159 "izboru albuma mogoče izbrati albume in če pride do dvojnika, kot referenco " 0160 "uporabi sliko, najdeno v eni od teh map" 0161 0162 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:44 0163 msgid "" 0164 "**Prefer other than selected folder as reference** means that in the newly " 0165 "appeared album selection, albums can be selected and if a duplicate occurs " 0166 "it uses the image **not** found in one of those folders as reference" 0167 msgstr "" 0168 "**Raje kot referenco uporabi drugo kot izbrano mapo** pomeni, da je v novo " 0169 "prikazanem izboru albuma mogoče izbrati albume in če pride do dvojnika, kot " 0170 "referenco uporabi sliko, ki **ni** najdena v eni od teh map" 0171 0172 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:45 0173 msgid "" 0174 "**Prefer Newer Creation Date** means that the duplicates which is newer in " 0175 "the sense of the creation date is used as reference" 0176 msgstr "" 0177 "**Prednost z novejšim datumom kreiranja** pomeni, za referenco uporabijo " 0178 "novejši dvojniki v smislu datuma ustvarjanja" 0179 0180 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:46 0181 msgid "" 0182 "**Prefer Newer Modification Date** means that the duplicates which is newer " 0183 "in the sense of the modification date is used as reference" 0184 msgstr "" 0185 "**Izberi prednost novejši datum spremembe** pomeni, da se dvojniki, ki so " 0186 "novejši v smislu datuma spremembe, uporabijo kot referenca" 0187 0188 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:52 0189 msgid "" 0190 "Find Duplicates Tool Searching in Whole Albums Collection and prefer file " 0191 "not in the potential Duplicates folder. The results are displayed in Icon-" 0192 "View" 0193 msgstr "" 0194 "Poiščite orodje za iskanje dvojnikov v celotni zbirki albumov in izberite " 0195 "datoteko ne v potencialni mapi dvojnikov. Rezultati so prikazani v pogledu " 0196 "ikon" 0197 0198 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:54 0199 msgid "" 0200 "**Restrict to** setting allows apply criteria over the duplicate search, as " 0201 "to limit search to the album of reference image, to exclude the album of " 0202 "reference image of the search, or to not include restriction." 0203 msgstr "" 0204 "Nastavitev **Omeji na** omogoča uporabo kriterijev pri iskanju dvojnikov, da " 0205 "omejite iskanje na album referenčne slike, izključite album referenčne slike " 0206 "iskanja ali ne vključite omejitve." 0207 0208 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:56 0209 msgid "" 0210 "With the **Similarity Range** you can narrow down or enlarge the search " 0211 "result. Note that by lowering the upper threshold a little bit below 100 % " 0212 "you can keep things like exact copies, images from series shots, etc. out of " 0213 "the search result if you want." 0214 msgstr "" 0215 "Z **Razponom podobnosti** lahko zožite ali povečate rezultat iskanja. " 0216 "Upoštevajte, da lahko z znižanjem zgornjega praga nekoliko pod 100 % stvari, " 0217 "kot so natančne kopije, slike iz serijskih posnetkov itd., ostanejo zunaj " 0218 "rezultatov iskanja, če želite." 0219 0220 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:58 0221 msgid "" 0222 "**Restriction** setting is a feature to decide about the relation of the " 0223 "selected **Albums** and **Tags** while to perform searches. Possible options " 0224 "are listed below:" 0225 msgstr "" 0226 "Nastavitev **Omejitev** je funkcija za odločanje o razmerju izbranih " 0227 "**Albumov** in **Značk** med izvajanjem iskanja. Možne možnosti so navedene " 0228 "spodaj:" 0229 0230 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:60 0231 msgid "" 0232 "**One of** means that the images are either in the selected albums or tags." 0233 msgstr "**Ena od** pomeni, da so slike v izbranih albumih ali značkah." 0234 0235 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:61 0236 msgid "" 0237 "**Both** means that the images are both in the selected albums and tags." 0238 msgstr "**Obe** pomeni, da sta obe sliki v izbranih albumih in značkah." 0239 0240 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:62 0241 msgid "" 0242 "**Albums but not tags** means that images must be in the selected albums but " 0243 "not tags." 0244 msgstr "" 0245 "**Albumi, vendar ne značke** pomeni, da morajo biti slike v izbranih " 0246 "albumih, ne pa tudi značke." 0247 0248 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:63 0249 msgid "" 0250 "**Tags but not albums** means that images must be in the selected tags but " 0251 "not albums." 0252 msgstr "" 0253 "**Značke, vendar ne albumi** pomeni, da morajo biti slike v izbranih " 0254 "značkah, ne pa tudi v albumih." 0255 0256 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:64 0257 msgid "**Only selected tab** means that only the selected tab is used." 0258 msgstr "" 0259 "**Samo izbrani zavihek** pomeni, da je uporabljen samo izbrani zavihek." 0260 0261 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:66 0262 msgid "" 0263 "An overview of the result will be given in the duplicate list-view from the " 0264 "left side. The first column shows the **Reference images** (Ref.) as " 0265 "thumbnail for each single result. The **Items** column tells you how many " 0266 "images belong to each result including the **Reference image**. The last " 0267 "column shows the **Average similarity** which gives you an idea about how " 0268 "similar the images of every result might be. The reference image with its " 0269 "100 % is not included in the average. Note that the results can be sorted by " 0270 "clicking on one of the column headers. **Reference dates** and **Reference " 0271 "albums** columns are the properties of the **Reference images**." 0272 msgstr "" 0273 "Pregled rezultata bo podan v podvojenem pogledu seznama na levi strani. Prvi " 0274 "stolpec prikazuje **Referenčne slike** (Ref.) kot predogledno sličico za " 0275 "vsak posamezen rezultat. Stolpec **Elementi** vam pove, koliko slik pripada " 0276 "posameznemu rezultatu, vključno z **Referenčno sliko**. Zadnji stolpec " 0277 "prikazuje **Povprečno podobnost**, ki vam daje predstavo o tem, kako podobne " 0278 "bi lahko bile slike vsakega rezultata. Referenčna slika s svojimi 100 % ni " 0279 "vključena v povprečje. Upoštevajte, da je mogoče rezultate razvrstiti s " 0280 "klikom na enega od naslovov stolpcev. **Referenčni datumi** in **Referenčni " 0281 "albumi** so lastnosti **Referenčnih slik**." 0282 0283 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:72 0284 msgid "" 0285 "Find Duplicates Tool Searching in Whole Tags Collection and Displaying " 0286 "Results in Table-View" 0287 msgstr "" 0288 "Orodje za iskanje dvojnikov Iskanje v celotni zbirki značk in prikazovanje " 0289 "rezultatov v pogledu tabele" 0290 0291 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:74 0292 msgid "" 0293 "Individual similarity values for each item can be obtained in the **Table-" 0294 "View** mode (**Table** button on the Main Toolbar). Click with the right " 0295 "mouse button over one of the column headers and select **Similarity** from " 0296 "**Item Properties** to display the similarity column. By clicking on the " 0297 "header of this column then the results will be sorted by similarity grouped " 0298 "by reference images. Clicking repeatedly on the header will toggle between " 0299 "ascending and descending order." 0300 msgstr "" 0301 "Posamezne vrednosti podobnosti za vsak element lahko dobite v načinu " 0302 "**Pogled tabele** (gumb **Tabela** v glavni orodni vrstici). Kliknite z " 0303 "desnim gumbom miške na enega od naslovov stolpcev in izberite **Podobnost** " 0304 "v **Lastnosti predmeta**, da prikažete stolpec podobnosti. S klikom na glavo " 0305 "tega stolpca bodo rezultati razvrščeni po podobnosti, združeni po " 0306 "referenčnih slikah. Z večkratnim klikom na glavo preklopite med naraščajočim " 0307 "in padajočim vrstnim redom." 0308 0309 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:76 0310 msgid "" 0311 "**Remove Duplicates** allows to delete all duplicate images of the current " 0312 "selected item from **Duplicates** list." 0313 msgstr "" 0314 "**Remove Duplicates** omogoča brisanje vseh podvojenih slik trenutno " 0315 "izbranega elementa s seznama **Duplicates**." 0316 0317 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:78 0318 msgid "" 0319 "After performing **Searches** you might want to save the results. In the " 0320 "field below you can enter a name for the search, and press the **Save** " 0321 "button. In the **Searches** list below you will find your saved searches. " 0322 "Clicking on the title bar of that list toggles the sorting order between " 0323 "ascending and descending. At the bottom you will find an adaptive search " 0324 "field which can help you to find a particular search. To **Restore** a " 0325 "result, just click on one item from the list." 0326 msgstr "" 0327 "Po izvedbi **Iskanja** boste morda želeli shraniti rezultate. V spodnje " 0328 "polje lahko vnesete ime za iskanje in pritisnete gumb **Shrani**. Na " 0329 "spodnjem seznamu **Iskanja** boste našli shranjena iskanja. S klikom na " 0330 "naslovno vrstico tega seznama preklopite vrstni red razvrščanja med " 0331 "naraščajočim in padajočim. Na dnu boste našli prilagodljivo iskalno polje, " 0332 "ki vam lahko pomaga najti določeno iskanje. Če želite **Obnoviti** rezultat, " 0333 "preprosto kliknite na en element s seznama." 0334 0335 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:83 0336 msgid "Find Similar Image" 0337 msgstr "Poišči podobno sliko" 0338 0339 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:85 0340 msgid "" 0341 "This tool provides a drag and drop zone on the top-left where you can place " 0342 "any image to find a similar one. You can drag an image from anywhere, even " 0343 "from outside digiKam as file manager or other programs. You can also drag " 0344 "over the **Similarity** search icon in the **Left Sidebar**, as from album " 0345 "**Icon-View**, this will open a dialog and you drop it there. Finally, you " 0346 "can use **Find Similar...** entry from the context menu of a thumbnail in " 0347 "any other Icon-View." 0348 msgstr "" 0349 "To orodje ponuja območje tehnike povleci in spusti v zgornjem levem kotu, " 0350 "kamor lahko postavite katero koli sliko, da poiščete podobno. Sliko lahko " 0351 "povlečete od koder koli, tudi zunaj digiKama kot upravljalnika datotek ali " 0352 "drugih programov. Prav tako lahko povlečete čez ikono za iskanje " 0353 "**Podobnosti** v **levem stranskem stolpcu**, kot iz albuma **Pogled ikon**, " 0354 "to bo odprlo pogovorno okno in ga spustite tja. Končno lahko uporabite vnos " 0355 "**Poišči podobno ...** iz kontekstnega menija sličice v kateremkoli drugem " 0356 "pogledu ikon." 0357 0358 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:91 0359 msgid "" 0360 "Screencast of Drag and Drop item from Album Icon-View to Find Similar using " 0361 "Left Sidebar" 0362 msgstr "" 0363 "Zaslon elementa povleci in spusti iz pogleda ikone albuma za iskanje " 0364 "podobnih z uporabo leve stranske vrstice" 0365 0366 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:93 0367 msgid "" 0368 "Like with **Find Duplicates**, you can restrict the search to a set of " 0369 "**Albums** or the whole collection. You can narrow down or enlarge the " 0370 "resulting selection with the **Similarity range** here as well." 0371 msgstr "" 0372 "Tako kot pri **Poišči dvojnike**, lahko omejite iskanje na niz **Albumov** " 0373 "ali celotno zbirko. Nastali izbor lahko tudi tukaj zožite ali povečate z " 0374 "**Razponom podobnosti**." 0375 0376 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:95 0377 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:112 0378 msgid "" 0379 "The **Search in**, **Save**, and **Restore** previous searches features " 0380 "works as **Find Duplicates** tool." 0381 msgstr "" 0382 "Funkcije **Išči v**, **Shrani** in **Obnovi** prejšnjih iskanj delujejo kot " 0383 "orodje **Poišči dvojnike**." 0384 0385 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:101 0386 msgid "Searching Similar Items For a Single Image" 0387 msgstr "Iskanje podobnih elementov za eno sliko" 0388 0389 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:106 0390 msgid "Find by Sketch" 0391 msgstr "Iskanje s skico" 0392 0393 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:108 0394 msgid "" 0395 "This tool is a free hand color sketching editor. You can draw a quick sketch " 0396 "and digiKam will find corresponding images. You will find the same means to " 0397 "save your search as in the **Image** tab." 0398 msgstr "" 0399 "To orodje je prost urejevalnik barvnih skic. Lahko narišete hitro skico in " 0400 "digiKam bo našel ustrezne slike. Iskanje lahko shranite na enak način kot na " 0401 "zavihku **Slika**." 0402 0403 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:110 0404 msgid "" 0405 "On the left hand side of digiKam, navigate to the tab **Sketch**. This view " 0406 "has a drawing area plus some settings below to set pencil and history tools. " 0407 "Choose a color that your image might contain, you can change the size of the " 0408 "pen which is on the scale of 1-10, and you can also choose the number of " 0409 "images that you want to be displayed during your fuzzy search, this can be " 0410 "set to a value between 1-50 items. As you sketch on the area you will see " 0411 "that the similarity search related images appears on the right hand side." 0412 msgstr "" 0413 "Na levi strani digiKama se pomaknite do zavihka **Skica**. Ta pogled ima " 0414 "območje za risanje in nekaj spodnjih nastavitev za nastavitev orodij za " 0415 "svinčnik in zgodovino. Izberite barvo, ki bi jo lahko vsebovala vaša slika, " 0416 "lahko spremenite velikost peresa, ki je na lestvici od 1 do 10, in lahko " 0417 "tudi izberete število slik, ki jih želite prikazati med mehkim iskanjem, to " 0418 "je lahko nastavite na vrednost med 1–50 predmeti. Ko skicirate območje, " 0419 "boste videli, da se na desni strani pojavijo slike, povezane z iskanjem " 0420 "podobnosti." 0421 0422 #: ../../main_window/similarity_view.rst:118 0423 msgid "Searching Items by Drawing a Sketch" 0424 msgstr "Iskanje predmetov z risanjem skice"