Warning, /documentation/digikam-doc/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/main_window/albums_view.po is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Copyright (C) licensed under the  <a href="https://spdx.org/licenses/GFDL-1.2-or-later.html">licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2+</a> unless stated otherwise
0002 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Digikam Manual package.
0003 #
0004 # Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>, 2023.
0005 msgid ""
0006 msgstr ""
0007 "Project-Id-Version: Digikam Manual 8.1.0\n"
0008 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
0009 "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-02 00:35+0000\n"
0010 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-24 07:32+0200\n"
0011 "Last-Translator: Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>\n"
0012 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-slo@lugos.si>\n"
0013 "Language: sl\n"
0014 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
0015 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
0016 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
0017 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n"
0018 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
0019 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.2\n"
0021 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:1
0022 msgid "digiKam Main Window Albums View"
0023 msgstr "digiKam glavno okno pogleda albumov"
0025 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:1
0026 msgid ""
0027 "digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, "
0028 "learn, easy, album, properties, creating, moving"
0029 msgstr ""
0030 "digiKam, dokumentacija, uporabniški priročnik, upravljanje fotografij, "
0031 "odprta koda, prosto, učenje, enostavno, album, lastnosti, ustvarjanje, "
0032 "premikanje"
0034 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:14
0035 msgid "Albums View"
0036 msgstr "Pogled albumov"
0038 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:16
0039 msgid "Contents"
0040 msgstr "Vsebina"
0042 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:19
0043 msgid "Overview"
0044 msgstr "Pregled"
0046 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:27
0047 msgid "The digiKam Main Window Album-View"
0048 msgstr "Pogled albuma v glavnem oknu digiKam"
0050 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:29
0051 msgid ""
0052 "By clicking the **Albums** button on the left side bar you toggle the Albums "
0053 "tree which provides an organized view of your photograph albums. The top "
0054 "item Albums just shows the **Welcome to digiKam** screen in the view area. "
0055 "The next level of the Albums tree shows your different Collections (marked "
0056 "by the icon |icon_collection|) or at least one if you haven't added one or "
0057 "more yet in the :menuselection:`Settings --> Configure digiKam...` and "
0058 "**Collections** section. Each Collection represents a folder branch on your "
0059 "hard disk, on removable media or on network shares and the next levels in "
0060 "the tree show the structure of those folders, here called **Albums**. The "
0061 "albums can be sorted by their folder layout on the hard disk, by the "
0062 "Category that has been set in the :ref:`Album Properties <managing_albums>` "
0063 "or by the Date of that Albums (this date can also be changed in the "
0064 "Properties of each Album). You can invert the sort order (ascending/"
0065 "descending) by clicking on the title bar of the album tree."
0066 msgstr ""
0067 "S klikom na gumb **Albumi** na levem stranskem stolpcu preklopite drevo "
0068 "albumov, ki nudi organiziran pogled vaših foto albumov. Zgornji element "
0069 "Albumi samo prikaže zaslon **Dobrodošli v digiKam** v območju pogleda. "
0070 "Naslednja raven drevesa albumov prikazuje vaše različne zbirke (označene z "
0071 "ikono |icon_collection|) ali vsaj eno, če ene ali več še niste dodali v :"
0072 "menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Konfiguriraj digiKam.` in razdelek **Zbirke**. "
0073 "Vsaka zbirka predstavlja vejo mape na vašem trdem disku, na izmenljivem "
0074 "mediju ali v omrežnih skupnih diskih, naslednje ravni v drevesu pa "
0075 "prikazujejo strukturo teh map, tukaj imenovanih **Albumi**. Albume lahko "
0076 "razvrstite po postavitvi mape na trdem disku, po kategoriji, ki je bila "
0077 "nastavljena v :ref:`Lastnosti albuma <managing_albums>` ali po datumu teh "
0078 "albumov (ta datum lahko spremenite tudi v lastnostih vsakega albuma). Vrstni "
0079 "red razvrščanja lahko obrnete (naraščajoče/padajoče) s klikom na naslovno "
0080 "vrstico drevesa albuma."
0082 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:31
0083 msgid ""
0084 "You can switch between these sort orders using **Sort Albums** from the "
0085 "**View** menu."
0086 msgstr ""
0087 "Med temi vrstnimi redi lahko preklapljate z **Razvrsti albume** v meniju "
0088 "**Pogled**."
0090 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:36
0091 msgid "Creating a New Album"
0092 msgstr "Ustvarjanje novega albuma"
0094 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:38
0095 msgid ""
0096 "There are a number of ways to create a new Album. You can create a new Album "
0097 "when you upload new photographs from the Camera using :menuselection:`Import "
0098 "--> Cameras`. You can also create a new empty Album with :menuselection:"
0099 "`Album --> New...` :kbd:`Ctrl+N` in the Albums view. As an additional "
0100 "option, you can create a new Album by importing an existing folder of "
0101 "photographs from your computer; just select :menuselection:`Import --> Add "
0102 "Folders...` from the menu bar and select the folder that you want to import. "
0103 "An Album will be created with the same name as the hard disk folder. You can "
0104 "use drag and drop to import a folder. Drag a folder icon, for example from "
0105 "your preferred files-manager. Then drop it on the album list on the left. A "
0106 "menu will appear that gives you the option to move or copy the folder into "
0107 "digiKam."
0108 msgstr ""
0109 "Nov album lahko ustvarite na več načinov. Nov album lahko ustvarite, ko "
0110 "naložite nove fotografije iz kamere z uporabo :menuselection:`Uvozi --> "
0111 "Kamere`. Prav tako lahko ustvarite nov prazen album z :menuselection:`Album "
0112 "--> Novi...` :kbd:`Ctrl+N` v pogledu Albumi. Kot dodatno možnost lahko "
0113 "ustvarite nov album z uvozom obstoječe mape s fotografijami iz vašega "
0114 "računalnika; samo izberite :menuselection:`Uvoziti --> Dodaj mape...` v "
0115 "menijski vrstici in izberite mapo, ki jo želite uvoziti. Ustvaril se bo "
0116 "album z enakim imenom kot mapa na trdem disku. Za uvoz mape lahko uporabite "
0117 "povleci in spusti. Povlecite ikono mape, na primer iz želenega upravljalnika "
0118 "datotek. Nato ga spustite na seznam albumov na levi. Pojavil se bo meni, v "
0119 "katerem lahko premaknete ali kopirate mapo v digiKam."
0121 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:42
0122 msgid ""
0123 "A album is hosted in a collection root path registered in the database. If a "
0124 "settings about collections has changed or if the collection no longer exists "
0125 "(for example with a removable media), no new albums can be created. You "
0126 "needs to check the collection properties in :ref:`the digiKam setup dialog "
0127 "<collections_settings>`."
0128 msgstr ""
0129 "Album gostuje v korenski poti zbirke, registrirani v bazi podatkov. Če so se "
0130 "nastavitve o zbirkah spremenile ali če zbirka ne obstaja več (na primer z "
0131 "izmenljivim medijem), novih albumov ni mogoče ustvariti. Lastnosti zbirke "
0132 "morate preveriti v :ref:`nastavitvi digiKama <collections_settings>`."
0134 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:46
0135 msgid ""
0136 "Under Windows, file locking used by the system can introduce time latencies "
0137 "or dysfunctions. digiKam uses a low level file management with Qt framework "
0138 "that cannot handle locked files. The following conditions must be met so "
0139 "that there are no problems with digiKam:"
0140 msgstr ""
0141 "V sistemu Windows lahko zaklepanje datotek, ki ga uporablja sistem, povzroči "
0142 "časovne zakasnitve ali motnje delovanja. digiKam uporablja upravljanje "
0143 "datotek na nizki ravni z okvirom Qt, ki ne more obravnavati zaklenjenih "
0144 "datotek. Da ne bo težav z digiKamom, morajo biti izpolnjeni naslednji pogoji:"
0146 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:48
0147 msgid ""
0148 "Album monitoring in digiKam must be deactivated. See the :ref:`Collection "
0149 "Settings <collections_settings>` for details."
0150 msgstr ""
0151 "Spremljanje albuma v digiKamu mora biti deaktivirano. Poglejte :ref:"
0152 "`Nastavitve zbirk <collections_settings>` za podrobnosti."
0154 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:49
0155 msgid "Folders must not be part of a Windows file or network share."
0156 msgstr "Mape ne smejo biti del Windows datoteke ali omrežne skupne rabe."
0158 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:50
0159 msgid ""
0160 "Folders or pictures must not be open in other programs such as Explorer or "
0161 "similar."
0162 msgstr ""
0163 "Mape ali slike ne smejo biti odprte v drugih programih, kot je Explorer ali "
0164 "podobno."
0166 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:55
0167 msgid "Deleting an Album"
0168 msgstr "Brisanje albuma"
0170 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:57
0171 msgid ""
0172 "When you delete an Album from digiKam it will be moved into the internal "
0173 "Trash Can. As an option you could change this behavior, so that delete "
0174 "really will remove the Album and all of the photographs in it. This can be "
0175 "changed by selecting :menuselection:`Settings --> Configure digiKam...` and "
0176 "selecting the **Miscellaneous** page. At the top of this page are the "
0177 "settings that control what happens when a photograph is deleted. To delete "
0178 "an Album, click with the right mouse button over the Album in the Albums "
0179 "tree and select **Delete Album** from the context menu."
0180 msgstr ""
0181 "Ko album izbrišete iz digiKama, bo premaknjen v interni smetnjak. Kot "
0182 "možnost lahko spremenite to vedenje, tako da bo brisanje res odstranilo "
0183 "album in vse fotografije v njem. To lahko spremenite tako, da izberete :"
0184 "menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Konfiguriraj digiKam...` in izberete stran "
0185 "**Razno**. Na vrhu te strani so nastavitve, ki nadzorujejo, kaj se zgodi, ko "
0186 "je fotografija izbrisana. Če želite izbrisati album, z desno miškino tipko "
0187 "kliknite na album v drevesu albumov in v kontekstnem meniju izberite "
0188 "**Izbriši album**."
0190 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:62
0191 msgid "Adding a Photograph to an Album"
0192 msgstr "Dodajanje fotografije v album"
0194 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:64
0195 msgid ""
0196 "Most of the time you will create new Albums and populate them with "
0197 "photographs directly from your camera using the Camera Tool. However, "
0198 "sometimes you may want to add a photograph that you already have on your "
0199 "computer to an existing Album. To add a photograph to an Album select :"
0200 "menuselection:`Import --> Add Images...` :kbd:`Alt+Shift+I` from the menu "
0201 "bar. Select a source folder from the dialog and click OK. An import window "
0202 "will open. Select the photographs that you want to add and choose **Download "
0203 "Selected** from the **Download** drop down menu. A dialog will open where "
0204 "you can choose the destination album. The photographs will be copied into "
0205 "the Album. **Download New** :kbd:`Ctrl+N` from the same menu will copy only "
0206 "those images which are not in the destination folder yet."
0207 msgstr ""
0208 "Večino časa boste ustvarili nove albume in jih napolnili s fotografijami "
0209 "neposredno iz fotoaparata z orodjem za fotoaparat. Včasih pa boste morda "
0210 "želeli dodati fotografijo, ki jo že imate v računalniku, v obstoječi album. "
0211 "Če želite dodati fotografijo v album, v menijski vrstici izberite :"
0212 "menuselection:`Uvozi --> Dodaj slike...` :kbd:`Alt+Shift+I`. V pogovornem "
0213 "oknu izberite izvorno mapo in kliknite V redu. Odpre se okno za uvoz. "
0214 "Izberite fotografije, ki jih želite dodati, in v spustnem meniju **Prenos** "
0215 "izberite **Prenesi izbrano**. Odpre se pogovorno okno, kjer lahko izberete "
0216 "ciljni album. Fotografije bodo kopirane v album. **Prenesi novo** :kbd:`Ctrl"
0217 "+N` iz istega menija bo kopiral samo tiste slike, ki še niso v ciljni mapi."
0219 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:66
0220 msgid ""
0221 "Additionally, you can use drag and drop to import photographs. Drag the "
0222 "photographs icons, for example from your preferred file manager. Then drop "
0223 "it on the image list on the right hand side."
0224 msgstr ""
0225 "Poleg tega lahko uporabite tehniko povleci in spusti za uvoz fotografij. "
0226 "Povlecite ikone fotografij, na primer iz želenega upravljalnika  datotek. "
0227 "Nato ga spustite na seznam slik na desni strani."
0229 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:68
0230 msgid ""
0231 "If you have a scanner configured, you can also scan a photograph straight "
0232 "into an Album. Select menu entry :menuselection:`Import --> Import from "
0233 "Scanner...`."
0234 msgstr ""
0235 "Če imate konfiguriran optični bralnik, lahko tudi skenirate fotografijo "
0236 "naravnost v album. Izberite menijski vnos :menuselection:`Uvoz --> Uvoz iz "
0237 "optičnega bralnika...`."
0239 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:73
0240 msgid "Moving or Copying Photographs"
0241 msgstr "Premikanje ali kopiranje fotografij"
0243 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:76
0244 msgid "Between Albums"
0245 msgstr "Med albumi"
0247 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:78
0248 msgid ""
0249 "Simply drag the photograph and drop it on the destination Album to move or "
0250 "copy it from one Album to another. A menu will appear that gives you the "
0251 "option to **Move** or **Copy** the photograph. You can move or copy multiple "
0252 "photographs the same way, just select all the photographs that you want to "
0253 "move and drag them on to the destination Album."
0254 msgstr ""
0255 "Preprosto povlecite fotografijo in jo spustite na ciljni album, da jo "
0256 "premaknete ali kopirate iz enega albuma v drugega. Prikaže se meni, ki vam "
0257 "daje možnost **Premakni** ali **Kopiraj** fotografijo. Na enak način lahko "
0258 "premikate ali kopirate več fotografij, samo izberite vse fotografije, ki jih "
0259 "želite premakniti, in jih povlecite v ciljni album."
0261 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:81
0262 msgid "With Other Applications"
0263 msgstr "Z drugimi aplikacijami"
0265 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:83
0266 msgid ""
0267 "The behavior will be the same as copying between albums, but the difference "
0268 "will depend on the target application where you paste items and on what "
0269 "information the target program takes from the clipboard. With a text editor, "
0270 "pasting input fields will host the path. A word processor that can also use "
0271 "images may take the URL and insert the image."
0272 msgstr ""
0273 "Obnašanje bo enako kot kopiranje med albumi, vendar bo razlika odvisna od "
0274 "ciljne aplikacije, kamor prilepite elemente, in od tega, katere informacije "
0275 "ciljni program vzame iz odložišča. Z urejevalnikom besedil bo lepljenje "
0276 "vnosnih polj gostilo pot. Urejevalnik besedil, ki lahko uporablja tudi "
0277 "slike, lahko prevzame URL in vstavi sliko."
0279 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:88
0280 msgid "Managing Albums"
0281 msgstr "Upravljanje albumov"
0283 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:90
0284 msgid ""
0285 "Album Properties can help you remember which kind of photographs are in an "
0286 "Album and can also help you to organize the Albums tree. To access the Album "
0287 "Properties, click with the right mouse button on an Album and select "
0288 "**Properties** :kbd:`Alt+Enter` from the context menu."
0289 msgstr ""
0290 "Lastnosti albuma vam lahko pomagajo zapomniti, katere vrste fotografij so v "
0291 "albumu, in vam lahko pomagajo organizirati drevo albumov. Za dostop do "
0292 "lastnosti albuma kliknite z desno miškino tipko na album in v kontekstnem "
0293 "meniju izberite **Lastnosti** :kbd:`Alt+Enter`."
0295 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:96
0296 msgid "The digiKam Album Properties Dialog"
0297 msgstr "Pogovorno okno z lastnostmi albuma digiKam"
0299 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:98
0300 msgid "The Album Properties dialog allows you to set:"
0301 msgstr "Pogovorno okno Lastnosti albuma vam omogoča nastavitev:"
0303 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:100
0304 msgid ""
0305 "The Album **Title**: Name of the Album, identical with the name of the "
0306 "folder on your hard disk. If you edit it here, the folder will also be "
0307 "renamed."
0308 msgstr ""
0309 "**Naslov** albuma: Ime albuma, ki je enako imenu mape na vašem trdem disku. "
0310 "Če jo uredite tukaj, se bo mapa tudi preimenovala."
0312 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:102
0313 msgid ""
0314 "The Album **Category**: this is a way of grouping your Albums together by a "
0315 "common label. The Category you set will be used to order your albums when "
0316 "you select **By Category** from the drop down box in the tool bar or using :"
0317 "menuselection:`View --> Sort Albums --> By Category`. If you want to add and "
0318 "delete Category labels, choose from the menu entry :menuselection:`Settings "
0319 "--> Configure digiKam... --> Views page --> Categories tab`."
0320 msgstr ""
0321 "**Kategorija** albuma: to je način združevanja vaših albumov po skupni "
0322 "oznaki. Kategorija, ki jo nastavite, bo uporabljena za razvrščanje vaših "
0323 "albumov, ko izberete **Po kategoriji** iz spustnega polja v orodni vrstici "
0324 "ali z uporabo :menuselection:`Pogled --> Razvrsti albume --> Po kategoriji`. "
0325 "Če želite dodati in izbrisati oznake kategorij, izberite v meniju :"
0326 "menuselection:`Nastavitve --> Konfiguriraj digiKam... --> Pogledi strani --> "
0327 "Zavihek Kategorije`."
0329 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:104
0330 msgid ""
0331 "The **Caption** for the Album: Usually a short description of the content, "
0332 "but of course you are free to abuse it in any conceivable way. But beware: "
0333 "this will be shown in the banner at the top of the main Image Window ;-)"
0334 msgstr ""
0335 "**Napis** za album: Običajno kratek opis vsebine, seveda pa ga lahko "
0336 "zlorabljate na kakršen koli način. Vendar pozor: to bo prikazano v pasici na "
0337 "vrhu glavnega slikovnega okna ;-)"
0339 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:106
0340 msgid ""
0341 "The Album **Date**: this will be used when you order your Albums by date "
0342 "using :menuselection:`View --> Sort Albums --> By Date`."
0343 msgstr ""
0344 "**Datum** albuma: to bo uporabljeno, ko razvrstite svoje albume po datumu z :"
0345 "menuselection:`Pogled --> Razvrsti albume --> Po datumu`."
0347 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:108
0348 msgid ""
0349 "**Oldest**, **Average**, and **Newest** buttons: these will set the **Date** "
0350 "to the oldest, average or latest date of the images in that album. It will "
0351 "first try to calculate the average date of the images in the album based on "
0352 "the Exif-headers. If that fails it will fall back to the modification date "
0353 "of the files in that folder."
0354 msgstr ""
0355 "Gumbi **Najstarejše**, **Povprečje** in **Najnovejše**: ti nastavijo "
0356 "**Datum** na najstarejši, povprečni ali najnovejši datum slik v tem albumu. "
0357 "Najprej bo poskušal izračunati povprečni datum slik v albumu na podlagi glav "
0358 "Exif. Če to ne uspe, se bo vrnil na datum spremembe datotek v tej mapi."
0360 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:113
0361 msgid "Setting the Album Icon"
0362 msgstr "Nastavitev ikone albuma"
0364 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:115
0365 msgid ""
0366 "digiKam displays the usual folder icon in the Albums list. You can choose "
0367 "one of your photographs instead. This may help you to remember what kind of "
0368 "photographs are contained in an Album."
0369 msgstr ""
0370 "digiKam prikaže običajno ikono mape na seznamu albumov. Namesto tega lahko "
0371 "izberete eno od svojih fotografij. To vam lahko pomaga, da se spomnite, "
0372 "kakšne fotografije so v albumu."
0374 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:117
0375 msgid ""
0376 "To select a photograph as the Album icon, click with the right mouse button "
0377 "on the photograph that you want to use as the Album icon and select **Set as "
0378 "Album Thumbnail** from the context menu. Additionally you can use drag and "
0379 "drop to set the Album icon. Drag the photographs icon from the thumbnail "
0380 "area and drop it on the currently selected Album in the Album list."
0381 msgstr ""
0382 "Če želite izbrati fotografijo kot ikono albuma, z desno miškino tipko "
0383 "kliknite fotografijo, ki jo želite uporabiti kot ikono albuma, in v "
0384 "kontekstnem meniju izberite **Nastavi kot sličico albuma**. Poleg tega lahko "
0385 "uporabite povleci in spusti, da nastavite ikono albuma. Povlecite ikono "
0386 "fotografij iz območja sličic in jo spustite na trenutno izbran album na "
0387 "seznamu albumov."
0389 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:121
0390 msgid ""
0391 "An Album can only be in one Album Collection and Album Collections cannot be "
0392 "nested."
0393 msgstr ""
0394 "Album je lahko samo v eni zbirki albumov in zbirk albumov ni mogoče "
0395 "ugnezditi."
0397 #: ../../main_window/albums_view.rst:123
0398 msgid ""
0399 "digiKam also supports tagging individual photographs. Album Categories are "
0400 "different from photograph tagging because the Album Category applies to all "
0401 "the photographs in an Album rather than to individual photographs. You can "
0402 "use both Album Category and tagging to organize your photographs."
0403 msgstr ""
0404 "digiKam podpira tudi označevanje posameznih fotografij. Kategorije albuma se "
0405 "razlikujejo od označevanja fotografij, ker se kategorija albuma nanaša na "
0406 "vse fotografije v albumu in ne na posamezne fotografije. Za organiziranje "
0407 "fotografij lahko uporabite kategorijo albuma in označevanje."