Warning, /documentation/digikam-doc/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/image_editor/transform_tools.po is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Copyright (C) licensed under the  <a href="https://spdx.org/licenses/GFDL-1.2-or-later.html">licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2+</a> unless stated otherwise
0002 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Digikam Manual package.
0003 #
0004 # Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>, 2023.
0005 msgid ""
0006 msgstr ""
0007 "Project-Id-Version: Digikam Manual 8.1.0\n"
0008 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
0009 "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-02 00:35+0000\n"
0010 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-24 21:12+0200\n"
0011 "Last-Translator: Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>\n"
0012 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-slo@lugos.si>\n"
0013 "Language: sl\n"
0014 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
0015 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
0016 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
0017 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n"
0018 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
0019 "X-Generator: Lokalize 23.04.3\n"
0021 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:1
0022 msgid "digiKam Image Editor Transform Tools"
0023 msgstr "digiKam orodja za preoblikovanje urejevalnika slik"
0025 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:1
0026 msgid ""
0027 "digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, "
0028 "learn, easy"
0029 msgstr ""
0030 "digiKam, dokumentacija, uporabniški priročnik, upravljanje fotografij, "
0031 "odprta koda, prosto, učenje, enostavno"
0033 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:14
0034 msgid "Transform Tools"
0035 msgstr "Orodja za preoblikovanje"
0037 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:16
0038 msgid "Contents"
0039 msgstr "Vsebina"
0041 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:19
0042 msgid "Cropping a Photograph"
0043 msgstr "Obrezovanje fotografije"
0045 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:24
0046 msgid "Manual Crop"
0047 msgstr "Ročno obrezovanje"
0049 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:26
0050 msgid ""
0051 "Cropping a photograph is not only a common operation, but an often "
0052 "underestimated photographer's tool to compose an image. The Image Editor "
0053 "makes it very easy. To crop a photograph simply drag a rectangle over the "
0054 "image by holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse. You will "
0055 "see a wire frame rectangle appear as you move the mouse."
0056 msgstr ""
0057 "Obrezovanje fotografije ni le običajna operacija, ampak pogosto podcenjeno "
0058 "fotografsko orodje za kompozicijo slike. Urejevalnik slik to naredi zelo "
0059 "enostavno. Če želite obrezati fotografijo, preprosto povlecite pravokotnik "
0060 "čez sliko tako, da držite levi gumb miške in premikate miško. Ko premikate "
0061 "miško, boste videli pravokotnik z žičnim okvirjem."
0063 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:32
0064 msgid "A Region from Image Editor Canvas Ready for Manual Crop"
0065 msgstr "Območje s platna urejevalnika slik, pripravljeno za ročno obrezovanje"
0067 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:34
0068 msgid ""
0069 "When you release the button the area of the photograph that will be removed "
0070 "by a crop operation is greyed out. This allows you to get a good view of how "
0071 "your photograph will look once you have cropped it. You can change the size "
0072 "of the cropped area by dragging the corners of the rectangle, and you can "
0073 "create a new crop area simply by dragging out another rectangle."
0074 msgstr ""
0075 "Ko spustite gumb, bo del fotografije odstranjen z operacijo pridelka je "
0076 "obarvan sivo. To vam omogoča dober vpogled v to, kako bo videti vaša "
0077 "fotografija, ko jo obrežete. Lahko spremenite velikost obrezanega območja "
0078 "tako, da povlečete vogale pravokotnika in lahko ustvarite novo območje "
0079 "obrezovanja tako, da preprosto povlečete drug pravokotnik."
0081 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:36
0082 msgid ""
0083 "Once you are happy with the crop, click on the Image Editor **Crop** button "
0084 "on the toolbar and the photograph will be cropped :kbd:`Ctrl+X`. Use the :"
0085 "menuselection:`File --> Save` or :menuselection:`File --> Save As...` "
0086 "entries in the File menu to save the newly cropped photograph."
0087 msgstr ""
0088 "Ko ste zadovoljni z obrezovanjem, kliknite gumb **Obreži** urejevalnika slik "
0089 "v orodni vrstici in fotografija bo obrezana :kbd:`Ctrl+X`. Uporabite vnose :"
0090 "menuselection:`Datoteka --> Shrani` ali :menuselection:`Datoteka --> Shrani "
0091 "kot...` v meniju Datoteka, da shranite na novo obrezano fotografijo."
0093 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:40
0094 msgid ""
0095 "The Histogram tab from the right sidebar will recompute the color statistics "
0096 "accordingly with the current selection on image."
0097 msgstr ""
0098 "Zavihek Histogram v desnem stranskem stolpcu bo znova izračunal barvno "
0099 "statistiko v skladu s trenutno izbiro na sliki."
0101 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:45
0102 msgid "Auto Crop"
0103 msgstr "Samodejno obrezovanje"
0105 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:47
0106 msgid ""
0107 "The Auto Crop tool removes the borders from an image. It searches the "
0108 "largest possible border area that is all the same color, and then crops this "
0109 "area from the image, as if you had used the Crop tool."
0110 msgstr ""
0111 "Orodje za samodejno obrezovanje odstrani robove slike. Išče največje možno "
0112 "robno območje, ki je vse iste barve, nato pa obreže to območje s slike, kot "
0113 "če bi uporabili orodje za obrezovanje."
0115 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:49
0116 msgid ""
0117 "This tool can be used for example to crop a stitched panorama, assembly with "
0118 "many images, which generate black borders around."
0119 msgstr ""
0120 "To orodje lahko uporabite na primer za obrezovanje sestavljene panorame, "
0121 "sklopa s številnih slik, ki okoli ustvarijo črne obrobe."
0123 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:51
0124 msgid "See below a stitched Panorama processed with auto crop tool."
0125 msgstr ""
0126 "Spodaj si oglejte sestavljeno panoramo, obdelano z orodjem za samodejno "
0127 "obrezovanje."
0129 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:57
0130 msgid ""
0131 "A Panorama Processed on the Bottom by Auto-Crop to Drop the Black Frame "
0132 "Around the Original Image on the Top."
0133 msgstr ""
0134 "Panorama, obdelana na dnu s samodejnim obrezovanjem, da spusti črni okvir "
0135 "okoli izvirne slike na vrhu."
0137 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:62
0138 msgid "Proportional Crop"
0139 msgstr "Proporcionalno obrezovanje"
0141 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:64
0142 msgid ""
0143 "The Aspect Ratio Crop tool goes further. While you are editing digital "
0144 "images, it is often necessary to create a compatible format with, for "
0145 "example, your photo album or paper formats. If you print an image from your "
0146 "digital camera and then try to put it in your photo album, you may notice "
0147 "that the camera has a different width or height ratio than a normal "
0148 "photographic film format so you need to crop your digital images in a "
0149 "predefined ratio (for example 5:7 or 2:3 which is a standard photo ratio)."
0150 msgstr ""
0151 "Orodje za obrezovanje razmerja stranic gre še dlje. Medtem ko urejate "
0152 "digitalne slike, je pogosto treba ustvariti združljivo obliko, na primer za "
0153 "vaš album s fotografijami ali formati papirja. Če natisnete sliko iz svoje "
0154 "digitalne kamere in jo poskusite dati v svoj foto album, boste morda opazili "
0155 "da ima kamera drugačno razmerje širine in višine kot je običajno v formatu "
0156 "fotografskega filma, zato morate svoje digitalne slike obrezati v vnaprej "
0157 "določeno razmerje (na primer 5:7 ali 2:3, kar je standardno razmerje "
0158 "fotografij)."
0160 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:70
0161 msgid "The digiKam Image Editor Ratio Crop Tool"
0162 msgstr "Orodje za obrezovanje razmerja urejevalnika slik digiKam"
0164 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:72
0165 msgid ""
0166 "In the preview area you can resize the cropping rectangle by moving the "
0167 "corners with the mouse. It will keep the ratio value set in the bottom of "
0168 "dialog."
0169 msgstr ""
0170 "V območju predogleda lahko spremenite velikost pravokotnika za obrezovanje "
0171 "tako, da premikate vogale z miško. Ohranjena bo vrednost razmerja "
0172 "nastavljena v dialogu na dnu."
0174 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:74
0175 msgid ""
0176 "In the Aspect Ratio Crop tool settings, you specify the **Orientation** as "
0177 "**Portrait** or **Landscape**. Portrait will always have the larger size "
0178 "assigned to the **Height** and Landscape to the **Width**."
0179 msgstr ""
0180 "V nastavitvah orodja za obrezovanje razmerja stranic določite "
0181 "**Orientacijo** kot **Pokončno** ali **Ležeče**. Pokončno bo vedno imel "
0182 "večjo velikost dodeljen **Višini** in Ležeče pa **Širini**."
0184 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:76
0185 msgid ""
0186 "Aspect Ratio Crop tool uses a relative ratio. That means it is the same if "
0187 "you use centimeters or inches and it doesn't specify the physical size. For "
0188 "example, you can see below a correspondence list of traditional photographic "
0189 "paper sizes and aspect ratio crop."
0190 msgstr ""
0191 "Orodje za obrezovanje razmerja stranic uporablja relativno razmerje. To "
0192 "pomeni, da je enako, če uporabljate centimetre ali inče in ne določa fizične "
0193 "velikosti. Na primer, spodaj si lahko ogledate korespondenčni seznam "
0194 "tradicionalnih fotografij velikosti papirja in razmerja stranic obrezovanja."
0196 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:79
0197 msgid "Standard Photograph Paper Size"
0198 msgstr "Standardna velikost fotografskega papirja"
0200 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:79
0201 msgid "Aspect Ratio Crop"
0202 msgstr "Obrezovanje razmerja stranic"
0204 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:81
0205 msgid "10x15cm 20x30cm 30x45cm 3.5x5\" 4x6\" 8x12\" 12x18\" 16x24\" 20x30\""
0206 msgstr "10x15cm 20x30cm 30x45cm 3,5x5\" 4x6\" 8x12\" 12x18\" 16x24\" 20x30\""
0208 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:81
0209 msgid "2:3"
0210 msgstr "2:3"
0212 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:82
0213 msgid "6x8cm 15x20cm 18x24cm 30x40cm 3.75x5\" 4.5x6\" 6x8\" 7.5x10\" 9x12\""
0214 msgstr "6x8cm 15x20cm 18x24cm 30x40cm 3,75x5\" 4,5x6\" 6x8\" 7,5x10\" 9x12\""
0216 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:82
0217 msgid "3:4"
0218 msgstr "3:4"
0220 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:83
0221 msgid "20x25cm 40x50cm 8x10\" 16x20\""
0222 msgstr "20x25cm 40x50cm 8x10\" 16x20\""
0224 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:83
0225 msgid "4:5"
0226 msgstr "4:5"
0228 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:84
0229 msgid "15x21cm 30x42cm 5x7\""
0230 msgstr "15x21cm 30x42cm 5x7\""
0232 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:84
0233 msgid "5:7"
0234 msgstr "5:7"
0236 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:85
0237 msgid "21x30cm 42x60cm"
0238 msgstr "21x30cm 42x60cm"
0240 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:85
0241 msgid "7:10"
0242 msgstr "7:10"
0244 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:88
0245 msgid ""
0246 "At the far right of the dialog two buttons are available to move the crop "
0247 "selection automatically to the horizontal or vertical center of the image."
0248 msgstr ""
0249 "Na skrajni desni strani pogovornega okna sta na voljo dva gumba za samodejni "
0250 "premik izbire obrezovanja v vodoravno ali navpično sredino slike."
0252 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:90
0253 msgid ""
0254 "At the very bottom line of the dialog, the **Max. Ratio** button lets you "
0255 "set the crop area size to the maximum size according to the current aspect "
0256 "ratio settings and orientation."
0257 msgstr ""
0258 "Na sami spodnji vrstici pogovornega okna je gumb **Maks. razmerje**, ki vam "
0259 "omogoča da nastavite velikost območja obrezovanja na največjo velikost glede "
0260 "na trenutni vidik nastavitve razmerja in usmeritev."
0262 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:94
0263 msgid ""
0264 "The Aspect Ratio Crop tool remembers the settings depending on image "
0265 "orientation (horizontal or vertical). When you use the crop tool next time, "
0266 "these settings will be used as default values depending on the image "
0267 "orientation. The changed image dimensions are stored into the Exif tables so "
0268 "that the Exif data reflects the cropped image and not the original one."
0269 msgstr ""
0270 "Orodje za obrezovanje v razmerju stranic si zapomni nastavitve glede na "
0271 "orientacijo slike (vodoravno ali navpično). Ko naslednjič uporabite orodje "
0272 "za obrezovanje, bodo te nastavitve uporabljene kot privzete vrednosti, "
0273 "odvisno od orientacije slike. Spremenjene dimenzije slike se shranijo v "
0274 "tabele Exif tako, da podatki Exif odražajo obrezano sliko in ne izvirne."
0276 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:99
0277 msgid "Composition Guide"
0278 msgstr "Vodnik po kompoziciji"
0280 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:101
0281 msgid ""
0282 "When first looking at an image, the eye of the viewer rarely settles at the "
0283 "center of the image, but moves instead from the top left to the right, and "
0284 "then from the lower left to the right again. This pattern is unconscious but "
0285 "has been well documented. It is probably associated with the western reading "
0286 "pattern. From the photographer's point of view, the goal then becomes to "
0287 "guide the gaze of the viewer to the subject, being aware of the way many "
0288 "people perceive an image."
0289 msgstr ""
0290 "Ob prvem pogledu na sliko se oko gledalca le redko ustavi na na sredini "
0291 "slike, ampak se premakne od zgornjega levega dela v desno in nato spet od "
0292 "spodnjega levega dela proti desnemu. Ta vzorec je nezaveden, vendar je dobro "
0293 "dokumentiran. Verjetno je povezano z vzorcem zahodnega branja. Z vidika "
0294 "fotografa postane cilj, da usmerite pogled gledalca na temo, pri čemer se "
0295 "zavedate, kako mnogi ljudje zaznavajo sliko."
0297 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:103
0298 msgid ""
0299 "The **Composition Guide** settings provides guiding elements to better "
0300 "compose your images. These guides are:"
0301 msgstr ""
0302 "Nastavitve **Vodiča kompozicije** zagotavljajo vodilne elemente za boljše "
0303 "kompozicije svojih slik. Ti vodniki so:"
0305 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:105
0306 msgid ""
0307 "**Rule of Thirds**: a grid that divides the image into thirds in every "
0308 "direction (that makes for 9 parts). These proportions are close to the "
0309 "golden rule and are derived from the field of view of the human eye. They "
0310 "are often used with slight variations throughout a large number of commonly "
0311 "used objects. Within that frame there are precise areas where the important "
0312 "parts of the image should be placed. The same principle is used to determine "
0313 "the position of the horizon and the proportion of ground to sky. Many "
0314 "photographers and artists are aware of the Rule of Thirds, where an image is "
0315 "divided into three sections vertically and horizontally and the points of "
0316 "intersection represent places to position important visual elements. Moving "
0317 "a horizon in a landscape to the position of one third is often more "
0318 "effective than placing it in the middle, but it could also be placed near "
0319 "the bottom one quarter or sixth. There is nothing obligatory about applying "
0320 "the Rule of Thirds. In placing visual elements for effective composition, "
0321 "one must assess many factors including color, dominance, size and balance "
0322 "together with proportion. Often a certain amount of image balance or tension "
0323 "can make a composition more effective."
0324 msgstr ""
0325 "**Pravilo tretjin**: mreža, ki deli sliko na tretjine v vsaki smeri (to je 9 "
0326 "delov). Ti deleži so blizu zlatemu pravilu in izhajajo iz vidnega polja "
0327 "človeškega očesa. Pogosto se uporabljajo z majhnimi spremembami v velikem "
0328 "številu običajnih rabljenih predmetov. V tem okviru so natančna področja, "
0329 "kamor je potrebno postaviti pomembne dele slike. Isto načelo se uporablja za "
0330 "določitev položaja obzorja in razmerje tal proti nebu. Mnogi fotografi in "
0331 "umetniki se zavedajo pravila tretjin, kjer je slika razdeljena na tri dele "
0332 "navpično in vodoravno ter točke križišč predstavljajo mesta za "
0333 "pozicioniranje pomembnih vizualnih elementov. Premikanje horizonta v "
0334 "pokrajini na položaj ene tretjine je pogosto bolj učinkovito, kot če bi ga "
0335 "postavili na sredino, lahko pa bi ga postavili tudi blizu spodnja četrtine "
0336 "ali šestine. Nič ni obvezujočega pri pravilu tretjin. Pri postavljanju "
0337 "vizualnih elementov za učinkovito kompozicijo, je treba oceniti številne "
0338 "dejavnike, vključno z barvo, prevlado, velikostjo in ravnotežjem skupaj s "
0339 "proporci. Pogosto določena količina ravnotežja ali napetosti slike lahko "
0340 "naredi kompozicijo bolj učinkovito."
0342 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:107
0343 msgid ""
0344 "**Harmonious Triangles**: harmonious divisions rely on the principle of "
0345 "similarity. Like the Rule of Thirds guide, Harmonious Triangles are another "
0346 "division of the image using a rectangle into equiangular harmonious "
0347 "triangles aligned with the diagonal."
0348 msgstr ""
0349 "**Harmonični trikotniki**: harmonične delitve temeljijo na principu "
0350 "podobnosti. Tako kot vodnik po pravilu tretjin so harmonični trikotniki še "
0351 "ena delitev slike s pomočjo pravokotnika na enakokotne harmonične "
0352 "trikotnike, poravnane z diagonalo."
0354 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:109
0355 msgid ""
0356 "**Golden Mean**: the Golden Mean is a ratio underlying numerous growth "
0357 "patterns throughout nature (from the spiral of a Nautilus shell to the "
0358 "petals of a sunflower), it has an uncanny way of showing up in all kinds of "
0359 "things we deem beautiful. The Golden Ratio is the irrational number "
0360 "1.618033988..., and it is usage dates back to the ancient Egyptians and "
0361 "Greeks who used it in the construction of their temples and pyramids. "
0362 "Artists and architects throughout time have used the Golden Ratio when "
0363 "composing their paintings, buildings, and even photographs, in order to give "
0364 "their creations a sense of natural order and beauty. The ratio is inherent "
0365 "in the Fibonacci series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 etc.., where each "
0366 "succeeding number after 1 is equal to the sum of the two preceding numbers. "
0367 "The ratio formed 1:1.618 is the Golden Mean. A composition following this "
0368 "rule is considered visually harmonious. The Golden Mean provides more fluid "
0369 "guidelines when used to compose an image. These guides are listed below:"
0370 msgstr ""
0371 "**Zlata sredina**: zlata sredina je razmerje, na katerem temeljijo številni "
0372 "vzorci rastipo vsej naravi (od spirale Nautilusove školjke do cvetnih listov "
0373 "sončnice), in se na nenavaden način pokaže v vseh vrstah stvari, ki se nam "
0374 "zdijo lepe. Zlati rez je iracionalno število 1,618033988 ..., in njegova "
0375 "uporaba sega v čase starih Egipčanov inGrkov, ki so ga uporabljali pri "
0376 "gradnji svojih templjev in piramid. Umetniki in arhitekti so skozi čas "
0377 "uporabljali zlati rez za kompozicijo svojih slik, zgradb in celo fotografij, "
0378 "da bi dali njihovim stvaritvam občutek naravnega reda in lepote. Razmerje je "
0379 "inherentnoFibonaccijevem zaporedju: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 itd., kjer "
0380 "je vsako naslednje število za 1 enako vsoti dveh predhodnih števil. "
0381 "Oblikovano razmerje 1:1,618 je zlata sredina. Temu sledi pravilo "
0382 "kompozicije, ki velja za vizualno harmonično. Zlata sredina zagotavlja več "
0383 "fluidnih smernic pri kompoziciji slike. Ti vodniki so navedeni spodaj:"
0385 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:111
0386 msgid ""
0387 "The **Golden Spiral** guide will increase your odds of getting captivating "
0388 "results in your photographs. As opposed to Rule of Thirds, the Golden Spiral "
0389 "forms a fluid line for the eye to trace through the image. This style of "
0390 "composition will invite the viewer's gaze into the image along the line of "
0391 "the spiral, creating a more symmetrical visual flow, and an overall "
0392 "compelling viewing experience. See below an image composition example using "
0393 "golden spiral."
0394 msgstr ""
0395 "Vodnik **Zlata spirala** bo povečal vaše možnosti, da boste očarani nad "
0396 "rezultati v vaših fotografijah. V nasprotju s pravilom tretjin, tvori zlata "
0397 "spirala tekočo linijo, ki ji oko lahko sledi skozi sliko. Ta slog "
0398 "kompozicije bo povabila gledalčev pogled v sliko vzdolž črte spirale, ki "
0399 "ustvarja bolj simetričen vizualni tok in celotno prepričljivo izkušnjo "
0400 "gledanja. Spodaj si oglejte primer sestave slike z uporabo zlate spirale."
0402 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:113
0403 msgid ""
0404 "One more rule is a **Golden Spiral Sections** (or Golden Rectangles). These "
0405 "rectangles are used to build the Golden Spiral. There should be something "
0406 "leading the eye to the center of the composition. It could be a line or "
0407 "several subjects. This \"something\" could just be there without leading the "
0408 "eyes, but it would make its job."
0409 msgstr ""
0410 "Še eno pravilo so **zlati spiralni prerezi** (ali zlati pravokotniki). Ti "
0411 "pravokotniki se uporabljajo za izdelavo zlate spirale. Nekaj mora biti, da "
0412 "vodi oko v središče kompozicije. Lahko je črta oz. več predmetov. To \"nekaj"
0413 "\" bi lahko bilo samo tam, ne da bi vodilo oči, vendar bi opravilo svoje "
0414 "delo."
0416 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:115
0417 msgid ""
0418 "The **Golden Triangles** is a derivative of the Golden Spiral discussed "
0419 "above. Its vertices are the midpoints of the sides of the Golden Rectangle. "
0420 "Note that unlike Harmonious Triangles, Golden Triangles aren't equiangular "
0421 "triangles. Placing diagonals along these lines can make an otherwise static "
0422 "subject appear more dynamic. When you use Golden Triangles to break up your "
0423 "frame, you're creating an effect professional photographic experts call "
0424 "Dynamic Symmetry. Try to keep your focal subject on one of the intersecting "
0425 "points, and place other visual information into the triangles you've already "
0426 "divided out. The result will be a very attractive composition you may not "
0427 "have otherwise attained."
0428 msgstr ""
0429 "**Zlati trikotniki** so izpeljanka zlate spirale obravnavane zgoraj. Njena "
0430 "oglišča so središča stranic zlatega pravokotnika. Upoštevajte, da za razliko "
0431 "od harmoničnih trikotnikov zlati trikotniki niso enakostranični trikotniki. "
0432 "Postavitev diagonal vzdolž teh črt lahko naredi drugače statični motiv "
0433 "videti bolj dinamičen. Ko uporabljate zlate trikotnike, da razbijete svoje "
0434 "okvire, ustvarjate učinek, ki ga imenujejo profesionalni fotografski "
0435 "strokovnjaki dinamična simetrija. Poskusite obdržati vaš osrednji subjekt na "
0436 "enem od točk v križiščih in postavite druge vizualne informacije v "
0437 "trikotnike, ki ste jih že razdelili. Rezultat bo zelo privlačna kompozicija, "
0438 "ki je morda sicer nebi dosegli."
0440 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:117
0441 msgid ""
0442 "Like the Rule of Thirds the **Golden Sections** affects the ratio of an "
0443 "image size as well as the placement of the main subjects on the photo. This "
0444 "ratio is close to the 35mm ratio, so you don't need to change the size of "
0445 "the photo in most cases. But you need to consider the composition: the main "
0446 "subject should lie on one of the four lines or four intersections (subject's "
0447 "eye for example). Truthfully speaking, these rules are not the same. Rule of "
0448 "Thirds is a simplified version of the Golden Mean."
0449 msgstr ""
0450 "Tako kot pravilo tretjin **zlati rez** vpliva na razmerje med velikostmi "
0451 "slike kot tudi na postavitev glavnih motivov na fotografiji. To razmerje je "
0452 "blizu razmerju 35 mm, zato vam  v večini primerov ni treba spreminjati "
0453 "velikosti fotografije. Vendar morate upoštevati kompozicijo: glavni predmet "
0454 "mora ležati na eni od štirih črt ali štirih presečišč (predmetov oko na "
0455 "primer). Iskreno povedano, ta pravila niso enaka. Pravilo tretjin je "
0456 "poenostavljena različica zlate sredine."
0458 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:119
0459 msgid ""
0460 "The **Flip Horizontal** and **Flip Vertical** options can be used to apply "
0461 "flip transformation to the harmonious divisions."
0462 msgstr ""
0463 "Možnosti **Obrni vodoravno** in **Obrni navpično** lahko uporabite za "
0464 "uporabo obrnjene transformacije harmoničnih delitev."
0466 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:121
0467 msgid ""
0468 "The **Color** button lets you set the guidelines color. If you have an high "
0469 "color contrast image, the guidelines may become invisible. By the way, you "
0470 "can adapt the color guide to the current image."
0471 msgstr ""
0472 "Gumb **Barva** vam omogoča nastavitev barve vodil. Če imate barvno visoko "
0473 "kontrastno sliko, lahko vodila postanejo nevidna. Mimogrede lahko barvno "
0474 "vodilo prilagodite trenutni sliki."
0476 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:126
0477 msgid "Rotating or Flipping"
0478 msgstr "Vrtenje ali obračanje"
0480 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:128
0481 msgid ""
0482 "If the photograph shows a wrong orientation you can **Flip** or **Rotate** "
0483 "it to the orientation you would like by using Transform Flip/Rotate tools "
0484 "available in :menuselection:`Transform --> Rotate and Transform --> Flip` "
0485 "menus."
0486 msgstr ""
0487 "Če fotografija prikazuje napačno usmerjenost, jo lahko **obrnete** ali "
0488 "**zavrtite** z orodji Transformiraj Obrni/Zavrti v želeno smer na voljo v "
0489 "menijih :menuselection:`Transformiraj --> Zavrti in preoblikuj --> Obrni`."
0491 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:130
0492 msgid ""
0493 "With flipping options, you can flip or turn over the image horizontally or "
0494 "vertically like a card deck. With the rotating options, you can rotate the "
0495 "image in 90 degrees steps clockwise. It can be used to change the display "
0496 "mode to Portrait or Landscape. Be aware that this rotation is not lossless "
0497 "when using JPEG format. You also can rotate more accurately to a finer "
0498 "degree by using the Free Rotation tool. You can access it by the :"
0499 "menuselection:`Transform --> Free Rotation` menu entry. See the dedicated "
0500 "Free Rotation section below for more information."
0501 msgstr ""
0502 "Z možnostmi obračanja lahko sliko obrnete ali obrnete vodoravno oz. navpično "
0503 "kot komplet kart. Z možnostmi vrtenja lahko zavrtite sliko v korakih po 90 "
0504 "stopinj v smeri urinega kazalca. Lahko se uporablja za spreminjanje zaslona "
0505 "na pokončno ali ležeče. Zavedajte se, da to vrtenje ni brez izgube pri "
0506 "uporabi formata JPEG. Prav tako lahko natančneje postopno rotirate z uporabo "
0507 "orodja Prosto vrtenje. Do njega lahko dostopate v menuju :menuselection:"
0508 "`Transformacija --> Prosto vrtenje`. Oglejte si namenski spodnji razdelek "
0509 "prosto vrtenje za več informacij."
0511 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:135
0512 msgid "Free Rotation"
0513 msgstr "Prosta rotacija"
0515 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:137
0516 msgid ""
0517 "The digiKam Free Rotation is a tool for image rotation by any arbitrary "
0518 "angle."
0519 msgstr "digiKam prosto vrtenje je orodje za vrtenje slike za poljuben kot."
0521 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:139
0522 msgid ""
0523 "When taking an image it is all too easy to hold the camera not quite "
0524 "perfectly vertical or horizontal, resulting in an image where things are "
0525 "tilted at an angle. The way to fix this with the digiKam Image Editor is to "
0526 "use the Free Rotation tool. Select :menuselection:`Transform --> Free "
0527 "Rotation` and adjust to the target angle."
0528 msgstr ""
0529 "Ko fotografirate, je vse prelahko držati fotoaparat ne popolnoma navpično "
0530 "ali vodoravno, kar ima za posledico sliko, kjer so stvari nagnjene pod "
0531 "kotom. To lahko popravite z urejevalnikom slik digiKam uporabite orodje "
0532 "prosto vrtenje. Izberite :menuselection:`Transformiraj --> Prosto vrtenje` "
0533 "in nastavite na ciljni kot."
0535 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:141
0536 msgid ""
0537 "Rotate your image by using the **Angle** slider (value in degrees). Press to "
0538 "**Reset Values** for reset the slider to zero. A rotating effect preview is "
0539 "available on the right side of the dialog. The new target image dimensions "
0540 "in pixels are shown."
0541 msgstr ""
0542 "Zavrtite sliko z drsnikom **Kot** (vrednost v stopinjah). Pritisnite za "
0543 "**Ponastavi vrednosti** za ponastavitev drsnika na nič. Predogled učinka "
0544 "vrtenja je na voljo na desni strani pogovornega okna. Prikazane so nove "
0545 "dimenzije ciljne slike v slikovnih pikah."
0547 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:143
0548 msgid ""
0549 "For better orientation, the Free Rotation tool provides a vertical and "
0550 "horizontal guide. Move the mouse cursor under image preview to display the "
0551 "dashed line guide. Move the cursor to an supposedly vertical or horizontal "
0552 "feature in the image like the sea or a building border and press the left "
0553 "mouse button for freeze the dashed lines position. Now, adjust the angle "
0554 "accordingly with the guide."
0555 msgstr ""
0556 "Za boljšo orientacijo orodje prosto vrtenje omogoča navpično in vodoravno "
0557 "vodilo. Premaknite kazalko miške pod predogled slike, da prikažete vodilo s "
0558 "črtkano črto. Premaknite kazalko na domnevno navpični ali vodoravni element "
0559 "slike, kot je morje ali mejo stavbe, in pritisnite levi gumb miške za "
0560 "zamrznitev položaja črtkanih črt. Zdaj prilagodite kot v skladu z vodnikom."
0562 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:147
0563 msgid ""
0564 "After rotating the image, you often find that things are better but not "
0565 "quite perfect. One solution is to rotate a bit more, but there is a "
0566 "disadvantage to that approach. Each time you rotate an image, because the "
0567 "rotated pixels don't line up precisely with the original pixels, the image "
0568 "inevitably gets blurred a little bit. For a single rotation, the amount of "
0569 "blurring is quite small, but two rotations cause twice as much blurring as "
0570 "one, and there is no reason to blur things more than you have to. Sure, the "
0571 "guide tool available in the Free Rotation preview can help you to apply "
0572 "correctly at the first time an angle adjustment to an image."
0573 msgstr ""
0574 "Po obračanju slike pogosto ugotovite, da so stvari boljše, a ne čisto "
0575 "popolne. Ena od rešitev je, da zavrtite še malo, vendar obstaja slabost tega "
0576 "pristopa. Vsakič, ko zavrtite sliko, neizogibno postane nekoliko zamegljena, "
0577 "ker se zavrtene slikovne pike ne ujemajo natančno z izvirnimi slikovnimi "
0578 "pikami. Za eno vrtenje je količina zamegljenosti precej majhna, vendar dva "
0579 "vrtenja povzročita dvakrat večjo zameglitev kot eno in ni razloga, da bi "
0580 "stvari zameglili bolj, kot je nujno. Seveda vam vodilo, ki je na voljo v "
0581 "predogledu prostega vrtenja, lahko pomaga pri uveljavljanju pravega kota že "
0582 "ob prvi prilagoditvi slike."
0584 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:153
0585 msgid "The digiKam Image Editor Free Rotation Tool"
0586 msgstr "digiKam orodje za prosto rotacijo urejevalnika slik"
0588 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:155
0589 msgid ""
0590 "After you have rotated an image, there will be unpleasant triangular *holes* "
0591 "at the corners. One way to fix them is to crop the image with :menuselection:"
0592 "`Transform --> Crop` Image Editor menu."
0593 msgstr ""
0594 "Ko zavrtite sliko, se bodo pojavile neprijetne trikotne *luknje* na vogalih. "
0595 "Eden od načinov, da jih popravite, je, da obrežete sliko z :menuselection:"
0596 "`Transformiraj --> Obreži` v urejevalniku slik."
0598 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:157
0599 msgid ""
0600 "A more elegant way to crop the rotated image is to use the **Auto-Crop** "
0601 "function. Choose anyone of the following options from the combo-box to your "
0602 "preference:"
0603 msgstr ""
0604 "Bolj eleganten način za obrezovanje obrnjene slike je uporaba funkcije "
0605 "**Samodejnega obrezovanja**. V kombiniranem polju izberite katero koli od "
0606 "naslednjih možnosti:"
0608 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:159
0609 msgid ""
0610 "**Widest area**: This option crops the rotated image to the widest possible "
0611 "(width) rectangular section."
0612 msgstr ""
0613 "**Najširše območje**: Ta možnost obreže obrnjeno sliko na najširši možni "
0614 "pravokotni del glede na širino."
0616 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:161
0617 msgid ""
0618 "**Largest area**: This options crops the rotated image to the biggest "
0619 "surface."
0620 msgstr ""
0621 "**Največje območje**: Ta možnost obreže obrnjeno sliko na največjo površino."
0623 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:163
0624 msgid ""
0625 "Hold the mouse over the combo-box and scroll with the wheel between the two "
0626 "possibilities."
0627 msgstr ""
0628 "Držite miško nad kombiniranim poljem in se s kolescem pomikajte med obema "
0629 "možnostma."
0631 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:165
0632 msgid ""
0633 "The **Anti-aliasing** checkbox will smooth the image a bit after rotation. "
0634 "Please read the warning above."
0635 msgstr ""
0636 "Potrditveno polje **Anti-aliasing** bo nekoliko zgladilo sliko po vrtenju. "
0637 "Preberite zgornje opozorilo."
0639 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:170
0640 msgid "Perspective Adjustment"
0641 msgstr "Prilagoditev perspektive"
0643 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:172
0644 msgid ""
0645 "The digiKam Perspective Adjustment is a tool for adjusting the image's "
0646 "perspective."
0647 msgstr ""
0648 "digiKam prilagoditev perspektive je orodje za prilagajanje perspektive slike."
0650 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:174
0651 msgid ""
0652 "With this tool you can work on the perspective in a photograph. This is very "
0653 "useful when working with photographs that contain keystone distortion. "
0654 "Keystone distortion occurs when an object is photographed from an angle "
0655 "rather than from a straight-on view. For example, if you take an image of a "
0656 "tall building from ground level, the edges of the building appear to meet "
0657 "each other at the far end. On the other hand you can use this tool to "
0658 "introduce a new perspective that is not a face-on view but to give the image "
0659 "a creative spin."
0660 msgstr ""
0661 "S tem orodjem lahko delate na perspektivi na fotografiji. To je zelo "
0662 "uporabno pri delu s fotografijami, ki vsebujejo trapezno popačenje. Trapezno "
0663 "popačenje se pojavi, ko je predmet fotografiran pod kotom namesto iz "
0664 "neposrednega pogleda. Če na primer posnamete sliko visoka stavba od tal se "
0665 "zdi, da se robovi stavbe stikata na skrajnem koncu. Po drugi strani pa lahko "
0666 "to orodje uporabite za uvajanje nove perspektive, ki ni pogled iz oči v oči, "
0667 "temveč daje podobi ustvarjalni zagon."
0669 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:176
0670 msgid ""
0671 "All perspective transformations are performed around a fixed point called "
0672 "the reference point. This point is at the center of the item you are "
0673 "transforming and is displayed by a red circle."
0674 msgstr ""
0675 "Vse transformacije perspektive se izvajajo okoli fiksne točke, imenovane "
0676 "referenčna točka. Ta točka je v središču predmeta, ki ga transformirate in "
0677 "je prikazana z rdečim krogom."
0679 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:178
0680 msgid ""
0681 "To change the perspective, use the square areas at the image corners for "
0682 "dragging. The perspective preview is rendered automatically. On the right of "
0683 "the dialog you'll find a set of information witch help you to control the "
0684 "perspective change:"
0685 msgstr ""
0686 "Če želite spremeniti perspektivo, uporabite kvadratne površine na vogalih "
0687 "slike zavlečenje. Predogled perspektive je upodobljen samodejno. Na desni "
0688 "stranipogovornem oknu boste našli niz informacij, ki vam bodo pomagale "
0689 "nadzorovatispremembo perspektive:"
0691 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:180
0692 msgid ""
0693 "**New Width**: show the new image width in pixels including the empty area "
0694 "around the image resulting from the geometrical transformation."
0695 msgstr ""
0696 "**Nova širina**: prikaži novo širino slike v slikovnih pikah, vključno s "
0697 "praznim območjem okoli slike, ki je posledica geometrijske transformacije."
0699 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:182
0700 msgid ""
0701 "**New Height**: show the new image height in pixels including the empty area "
0702 "around the image resulting from the geometrical transformation."
0703 msgstr ""
0704 "**Nova višina**: prikaži novo višino slike v slikovnih pikah, vključno s "
0705 "praznim območjem okoli slike, ki je posledica geometrijske transformacije."
0707 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:184
0708 msgid ""
0709 "**Top Left Angle**: show the current angle in degrees at the top left corner "
0710 "of the perspective area."
0711 msgstr ""
0712 "**Zgornji levi kot**: prikaži trenutni kot v stopinjah v zgornjem levem kotu "
0713 "območja perspektive."
0715 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:186
0716 msgid ""
0717 "**Top Right Angle**: show the current angle in degrees at the top right "
0718 "corner of the perspective area."
0719 msgstr ""
0720 "**Zgornji desni kot**: prikaži trenutni kot v stopinjah v zgornjem desnem "
0721 "kotu območja perspektive."
0723 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:188
0724 msgid ""
0725 "**Bottom Left Angle**: show the current angle in degrees at the bottom left "
0726 "corner of the perspective area."
0727 msgstr ""
0728 "**Spodnji levi kot**: prikaži trenutni kot v stopinjah v spodnjem levem kotu "
0729 "območja perspektive."
0731 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:190
0732 msgid ""
0733 "**Bottom Right Angle**: show the current angle in degrees at the bottom "
0734 "right corner of the perspective area."
0735 msgstr ""
0736 "**Spodnji desni kot**: prikaži trenutni kot v stopinjah v spodnjem desnem "
0737 "kotu območja perspektive."
0739 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:194
0740 msgid ""
0741 "After applying the perspective adjustment, the image inevitably gets blurred "
0742 "a little bit. For a single adjustment, the amount of blurring is quite "
0743 "small, but two adjustments cause twice as much blurring as one, and there is "
0744 "no reason to blur things more than you have to."
0745 msgstr ""
0746 "Po uporabi prilagoditve perspektive je slika neizogibno malo zamegljena. Za "
0747 "eno samo prilagoditev je količina zamegljenosti precej majhna, vendar dve "
0748 "prilagoditvi povzročita dvakrat večjo zamegljenost kot ena in ni razloga, da "
0749 "bi zameglili stvari bolj, kot je nujno."
0751 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:196
0752 msgid ""
0753 "After you have adjusted the perspective of an image there will be unpleasant "
0754 "triangular *holes* at the corners. One way to fix them is to crop the image "
0755 "with :menuselection:`Transform --> Crop` Image Editor menu."
0756 msgstr ""
0757 "Ko ste prilagodili perspektivo slike, se bodo pojavile neprijetne trikotne "
0758 "*luknje* na vogalih. Eden od načinov, da jih popravite, je, da obrežete "
0759 "sliko z :menuselection:`Transformiraj --> Obreži` v urejevalniku slik."
0761 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:202
0762 msgid "The digiKam Image Editor Perspective Tool"
0763 msgstr "digiKam orodje perspektive urejevalnika slik"
0765 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:207
0766 msgid "Shearing Image"
0767 msgstr "Obrezovanje slike"
0769 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:209
0770 msgid ""
0771 "The digiKam Shearing Image is a tool for shearing an image horizontally or "
0772 "vertically."
0773 msgstr ""
0774 "digiKam striženje slike je orodje za vodoravno ali navpično striženje slike."
0776 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:211
0777 msgid ""
0778 "The Shear tool is used to shift one part of an image to one direction and "
0779 "the other part to the opposite direction. For instance, a horizontal "
0780 "shearing will shift the upper part to the right and the lower part to the "
0781 "left. This is not a rotation: the image is distorted. In other words, it "
0782 "will turn a rectangle into a parallelogram. This tool is available from :"
0783 "menuselection:`Transform --> Shear` menu."
0784 msgstr ""
0785 "Orodje za striženje se uporablja za premik enega dela slike v eno smer in "
0786 "drugega dela v nasprotno smer. Na primer vodoravno striženje bo zgornji del "
0787 "premaknilo v desno in spodnji del v levo. To ni rotacija: slika je popačena. "
0788 "Z drugimi besedami, to bo spremenil pravokotnik v paralelogram. To orodje je "
0789 "na voljo :menuselection:`Transformiraj  --> Striži`."
0791 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:213
0792 msgid ""
0793 "Shear your image by using the **Horizontal Angle** and **Vertical Angle** "
0794 "sliders (values in degrees). You can shear along either Horizontally and "
0795 "vertically at the same time. Click on the **Reset Values** to reset. A "
0796 "shearing effect preview is shown on the center of dialog window. The new "
0797 "target image dimensions in pixels are displayed at the right side of dialog."
0798 msgstr ""
0799 "Strižite svojo sliko z uporabo drsnikov **Vodoravnega kota** in **Navpičnega "
0800 "kota** (vrednosti v stopinjah). Strižete lahko bodisi vodoravno ali navpično "
0801 "hkrati. Za ponastavitev kliknite **Ponastavi vrednosti**. Predogled učinka "
0802 "striženja je prikazan na sredini pogovornega okna. Nove dimenzije ciljne "
0803 "slike v slikovnih pikah so prikazane na desni strani pogovornega okna."
0805 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:215
0806 msgid ""
0807 "To assist you in aligning, the tool provides a vertical and horizontal "
0808 "guide. Move the mouse cursor under image preview for display the dashed "
0809 "lines guide. Move the cursor to an important place in the image like the sea "
0810 "or a building border and press the left mouse button for freeze the dashed "
0811 "lines position. Now, adjust the shear correction according with the guide."
0812 msgstr ""
0813 "Orodje vam pomaga pri poravnavi navpičnega in vodoravnega vodila. Premaknite "
0814 "kazalko miške pod predogled slike za prikaz črtkanega vodila po linijah. "
0815 "Premaknite kazalko na pomembno mesto na sliki, kot je morje ali mejo stavbe "
0816 "in pritisnite levi gumb miške, da zamrznete črtkano položaj vrstic. Zdaj "
0817 "prilagodite korekcijo striženja v skladu z vodilom."
0819 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:219
0820 msgid ""
0821 "After applying a shearing adjustment, the image inevitably gets blurred a "
0822 "little bit. For a single shearing, the amount of blurring is quite small, "
0823 "but two shears cause twice as much blurring as one, and there is no reason "
0824 "to blur things more than you have to."
0825 msgstr ""
0826 "Po uveljavljanju striženja je slika neizogibno malo zamegljena. Za eno samo "
0827 "prilagoditev je količina zamegljenosti precej majhna, vendar dve "
0828 "prilagoditvi povzročita dvakrat večjo zamegljenost kot ena in ni razloga, da "
0829 "bi zameglili stvari bolj, kot je nujno."
0831 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:221
0832 msgid ""
0833 "After you have sheared an image, there will be unpleasant triangular \"holes"
0834 "\" at the corners. One way to fix them is to crop the image with :"
0835 "menuselection:`Transform --> Crop` Image Editor menu."
0836 msgstr ""
0837 "Ko striženju slike, se bodo pojavile neprijetne trikotne *luknje* na "
0838 "vogalih. Eden od načinov, da jih popravite, je, da obrežete sliko z :"
0839 "menuselection:`Transformiraj --> Obreži` v urejevalniku slik."
0841 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:227
0842 msgid "The digiKam Image Editor Shear Tool"
0843 msgstr "digiKam orodje za striženje urejevalnika slik"
0845 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:232
0846 msgid "Changing Image Size"
0847 msgstr "Spreminjanje velikosti slike"
0849 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:235
0850 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:301
0851 msgid "Overview"
0852 msgstr "Pregled"
0854 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:237
0855 msgid ""
0856 "The digiKam resize Photograph is definitely one of the most advanced tools "
0857 "to increase a photograph's size with minimal loss in image quality."
0858 msgstr ""
0859 "DigiKam Resize Photograph je vsekakor eno najnaprednejših orodij za "
0860 "povečanje velikosti fotografije z minimalno izgubo kakovosti slike."
0862 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:239
0863 msgid ""
0864 "Rescaling an image to make it smaller is easy. The big question is: how can "
0865 "you blow up an image and keep the details sharp? How can one zoom in when "
0866 "the resolution boundary has been reached? How can one reinvent or guess the "
0867 "missing information to fill in the necessarily coarse image after upsizing? "
0868 "Well, the algorithm we use here does an excellent job, try it out and see "
0869 "for yourself."
0870 msgstr ""
0871 "Spreminjanje velikosti slike, če jo pomanjšujete, je enostavno. Veliko "
0872 "vprašanje je: kako lahko povečate sliko in ohranite podrobnosti ostre? Kako "
0873 "lahko povečujete, koje dosežena meja ločljivosti? Kako lahko na novo izumite "
0874 "ali uganete manjkajoče informacije za zapolnitev nujno grobe slike po "
0875 "povečanju? No, algoritem, ki ga uporabljamo tukaj, opravlja odlično delo, "
0876 "preizkusite ga in se prepričajte sami."
0878 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:242
0879 msgid "Resizing a Photograph"
0880 msgstr "Spreminjanje velikosti fotografije"
0882 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:244
0883 msgid ""
0884 "If the photograph has the wrong size, you can scale it to the size you would "
0885 "like by using Transform Resize tool. Select :menuselection:`Transform --> "
0886 "Resize` and adjust the target values. The Resize tool dialog is available "
0887 "below."
0888 msgstr ""
0889 "Če je fotografija napačne velikosti, jo lahko spremenite na želeno velikost "
0890 "z uporabo orodja Transformiraj spremeni velikost. Izberite :menuselection:"
0891 "`Transformiraj -->Spremeni velikost` in prilagodite ciljne vrednosti. Na "
0892 "voljo je pogovorno okno orodja za spreminjanje velikosti spodaj."
0894 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:250
0895 msgid "The digiKam Image Editor Resize Tool"
0896 msgstr "digiKam orodje za spreminjanje velikosti urejevalnika slik"
0898 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:252
0899 msgid ""
0900 "This image resizing tool uses a standard linear interpolation method to "
0901 "approximate pixels. If you want to up-size a small image with a better "
0902 "quality, try the Blowup tool."
0903 msgstr ""
0904 "To orodje za spreminjanje velikosti slike uporablja standardno metodo "
0905 "linearne interpolacije za približne slikovne pike. Če želite majhno sliko "
0906 "povečati z boljšo kakovostjo, preizkusite orodje povečevalnik."
0908 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:255
0909 msgid "Increasing Image Size"
0910 msgstr "Povečanje velikosti slike"
0912 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:257
0913 msgid ""
0914 "Many image editing programs use some kind of interpolation e.g. spline "
0915 "interpolation to scale-up an image. digiKam uses a more sophisticated "
0916 "approach."
0917 msgstr ""
0918 "Mnogi programi za urejanje slik uporabljajo neke vrste interpolacijo, npr. "
0919 "interpolacijo zlepkov za povečanje slike. digiKam uporablja bolj "
0920 "sofisticiran pristop."
0922 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:259
0923 msgid ""
0924 "You have to tell the tool about the resizing you want to do. These settings "
0925 "are available in **New Size** tab and are listed below:"
0926 msgstr ""
0927 "Orodju morate povedati, kakšno spremembo velikosti želite narediti. Te "
0928 "nastavitveso na voljo v zavihku **Nova velikost** in so navedene spodaj:"
0930 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:261
0931 msgid ""
0932 "**Maintain Aspect Ratio**: if this option is enabled, setting the new image "
0933 "size will preserve the aspect ratio of the original image."
0934 msgstr ""
0935 "**Ohranjaj razmerje stranic**: če je ta možnost omogočena, bo nastavitev "
0936 "nove velikosti slike ohranila razmerje stranic izvirne slike."
0938 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:263
0939 msgid "**Width**: the new image width to use for blowing up."
0940 msgstr "**Širina**: nova širina slike za povečanje."
0942 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:265
0943 msgid "**Height**: the new image height to use for blowing up."
0944 msgstr "**Višina**: nova višina slike za povečanje."
0946 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:267
0947 msgid ""
0948 "If you want to set filter parameters for finer adjustments, use **Smoothing "
0949 "Settings** and **Advanced Settings** tabs:"
0950 msgstr ""
0951 "Če želite nastaviti parametre filtra za natančnejše prilagoditve, uporabite "
0952 "zavihka **Nastavitve glajenja** in **Napredne nastavitve**:"
0954 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:269
0955 msgid "Photograph Resize Smoothing Settings:"
0956 msgstr "Nastavitve glajenja za spreminjanje velikosti fotografije:"
0958 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:271
0959 msgid ""
0960 "**Detail Preservation** p [0, 100]: this controls the preservation of the "
0961 "curvatures (features). A low value forces an equal smoothing across the "
0962 "image, whereas bigger values preferably smooth the homogeneous regions and "
0963 "leaves the details sharper. A value of 0.9 should well preserve details so "
0964 "that no sharpening is required afterwards. Note that **Detail Preservation** "
0965 "must be always inferior to **Anisotropy**."
0966 msgstr ""
0967 "**Ohranjanje podrobnosti** p [0, 100]: to nadzoruje ohranjanje ukrivljenosti "
0968 "(lastnosti). Nizka vrednost zahteva enakomerno glajenje čez sliko, medtem ko "
0969 "večje vrednosti prednostno zgladijo homogene regije in naredijo podrobnosti "
0970 "ostrejše. Vrednost 0,9 bi morala dobro ohraniti podrobnosti, da naknadno "
0971 "ostrenje ni potrebno. Upoštevajte, da mora biti **Ohranjanje podrobnosti** "
0972 "vedno slabša od **Anizotropije**."
0974 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:273
0975 msgid ""
0976 "**Anisotropy alpha** [0, 100]: a low value smooths equally in all "
0977 "directions, whereas a value close to 1 smooths in one direction only. If you "
0978 "have film grain or CCD kind of noise a high value will result in wave-like "
0979 "pattern, whereas JPEG artifacts are suited for values close to 1."
0980 msgstr ""
0981 "**Anizotropija alfa** [0, 100]: nizka vrednost gladi enako v vseh smereh, "
0982 "medtem ko vrednost blizu 1 gladi samo v eno smer. Če imate filmsko zrnatost "
0983 "ali vrsto šuma CCD, bo visoka vrednost povzročila vzorec valovanja, medtem "
0984 "ko so artefakti JPEG primerni za vrednosti blizu 1."
0986 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:275
0987 msgid ""
0988 "**Smoothing** [0, 500]: this sets the maximum overall smoothing factor (when "
0989 "p defines the relative smoothing). Set it according to the noise level."
0990 msgstr ""
0991 "**Glajenje** [0, 500]: to nastavi največji splošni faktor glajenja (ko p "
0992 "določa relativno glajenje). Nastavite glede na raven šuma."
0994 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:277
0995 msgid ""
0996 "**Regularity** [0, 100]: this parameter is concerned with the bigger "
0997 "structures. The bigger this value, the more even the overall smoothing will "
0998 "be. This is necessary when much noise is present since it is then difficult "
0999 "to estimate the geometry. Also if you want to achieve a 'van Gogh' "
1000 "turbulence effect, setting it higher than 3 is recommended."
1001 msgstr ""
1002 "**Regularnost** [0, 100]: ta parameter se nanaša na večje strukture. Večja "
1003 "kot je ta vrednost, bolj enakomerno bo splošno glajenje. To je potrebno, "
1004 "kadar je prisotnega veliko šuma, saj je takrat težko oceniti geometrijo. "
1005 "Tudi če želite doseči \"van Goghov\" učinek turbulence, je priporočljiva "
1006 "nastavitev višja od 3."
1008 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:279
1009 msgid ""
1010 "**Filter Iterations**: number of times the blurring algorithm is applied. "
1011 "Usually 1 or 2 is sufficient."
1012 msgstr ""
1013 "**Ponovitve filtra**: kolikokrat je uporabljen algoritem za zameglitev. "
1014 "Običajno zadostujeta 1 ali 2."
1016 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:281
1017 msgid "Photograph Resize Advanced Settings:"
1018 msgstr "Napredne nastavitve za spreminjanje velikosti fotografije:"
1020 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:283
1021 msgid ""
1022 "**Angular Step** da [5, 90]: angular integration of the anisotropy alpha. If "
1023 "alpha is chosen small, da should also be chosen small. But beware, small "
1024 "angles result in long runs! Choose it as large as you can accept."
1025 msgstr ""
1026 "**Kotni korak** da [5, 90]: kotna integracija anizotropije alfa. če alfa je "
1027 "izbrana majhna, treba tudi da izbrati majhno. Toda pozor, majhni koti "
1028 "povzročijo dolge obdelave! Izberite ga tako velikega, kot ga lahko še "
1029 "sprejmete."
1031 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:285
1032 msgid ""
1033 "**Integral Step** [0.1, 10]: spatial integration step width in terms of "
1034 "pixels. Should remain less than 1 (sub-pixel smoothing) and never be higher "
1035 "than 2."
1036 msgstr ""
1037 "**Integralni korak** [0,1, 10]: širina koraka prostorske integracije glede "
1038 "na slikovne pike. Mora ostati manjša od 1 (glajenje podpikslov) in nikoli "
1039 "višja od 2."
1041 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:287
1042 msgid ""
1043 "**Use Linear Interpolation**: The gain in quality if you select this option "
1044 "is only marginal and you lose a factor of 2 in speed. Our recommendation is "
1045 "to leave it off."
1046 msgstr ""
1047 "**Uporabi linearno interpolacijo**: izboljšanje kakovosti, če izberete to "
1048 "možnost je le obrobno in izgubite faktor 2 pri hitrosti. Naše priporočilo "
1049 "je, da ga pustite."
1051 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:289
1052 msgid ""
1053 "**Save As** and **Load** buttons are used to do just that. Any Blowup "
1054 "Photograph filter settings that you have set can be saved to the filesystem "
1055 "in a text file and loaded later."
1056 msgstr ""
1057 "Gumba **Shrani kot** in **Naloži** se uporabljata prav za to. Vsaka "
1058 "nastavitev fotografskega filtra povečevalnika, ki ste ga nastavili, lahko "
1059 "shranite v datotečni sistemv besedilni datoteki in naložite pozneje."
1061 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:293
1062 msgid ""
1063 "Resize Photograph is very fast in what it is doing, but it can take a long "
1064 "time to run and cause high CPU load. You may always abort computation by "
1065 "pressing **Cancel** button during rendering."
1066 msgstr ""
1067 "Orodje za spremembo velikosti fotografije je zelo hitro pri tem, kar počne, "
1068 "vendar lahko traja dolgo časa za delovanje in povzroči visoko obremenitev "
1069 "procesorja. Računanje lahko kadar koli prekinete s pritiskom gumba "
1070 "**Prekliči** med upodabljanjem."
1072 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:298
1073 msgid "Liquid Rescale"
1074 msgstr "Tekočinsko spreminjanje velikosti"
1076 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:303
1077 msgid ""
1078 "This tool is an Image Editor using the `Seam Carving method <https://en."
1079 "wikipedia.org/wiki/Seam_carving>`_."
1080 msgstr ""
1081 "To orodje je urejevalnik slik, ki uporablja  `metodo rezljanja šivov "
1082 "<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seam_carving>`_."
1084 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:305
1085 msgid ""
1086 "The Seam Carving procedure aims at resizing pictures non uniformly while "
1087 "preserving their features, i.e. avoiding distortion of the important parts. "
1088 "The tool supports manual feature selection, and can also be used to remove "
1089 "portions of the picture in a consistent way."
1090 msgstr ""
1091 "Postopek rezljanja šivov je namenjen neenakomernemu spreminjanju velikosti "
1092 "slik ohranjanje njihovih lastnosti, tj. izogibanje popačenju pomembnih delov."
1093 "Orodje podpira ročno izbiro funkcij in se lahko uporablja tudi za "
1094 "odstranjevanje delov slike na dosleden način."
1096 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:307
1097 msgid ""
1098 "It works both ways, shrinking and enlarging, and it can use **masks** to "
1099 "select which features of the image should be preserved and which should be "
1100 "discarded."
1101 msgstr ""
1102 "Deluje v obe smeri, krči in povečuje, in lahko uporablja **maske**, da "
1103 "izbere, katere značilnosti slike naj se ohranijo in katere zavržejo."
1105 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:309
1106 msgid ""
1107 "See below a sample image loaded in Liquid Rescale to illustrate the usage of "
1108 "this tool."
1109 msgstr ""
1110 "Spodaj si oglejte vzorčno sliko, naloženo v tekočinsko spremembo velikosti, "
1111 "za ponazoritev uporabe tega orodja."
1113 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:315
1114 msgid "**Step 1**: A Sample Image Before Resizing Using Liquid Rescale Tool"
1115 msgstr ""
1116 "**1. korak**: vzorčna slika pred spreminjanjem velikosti z orodjem "
1117 "tekočinsko spreminjanje velikosti"
1119 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:318
1120 msgid "Target Size"
1121 msgstr "Ciljna velikost"
1123 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:324
1124 msgid "The digiKam Liquid Rescale Tool Size Settings"
1125 msgstr "digiKam nastavitve tekoča sprememba velikosti"
1127 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:326
1128 msgid ""
1129 "In this section, it is possible to choose the final size. It is advisable to "
1130 "rescale always in one direction at a time. If both the **width** and the "
1131 "**height** are changed, rescaling is performed by default on the width "
1132 "first, then on the height. You can also **Preserve aspect ratio** from the "
1133 "original image. Dimensions can be set in pixels (**px**) or in **percents**."
1134 msgstr ""
1135 "V tem razdelku je možno izbrati končno velikost. Priporočljivo je, da "
1136 "spreminjanje velikosti vedno le v eno smer naenkrat. Če se spreminjata "
1137 "**širina** in **višina**, se sprememba velikosti privzeto izvede najprej na "
1138 "širini in nato na višini. Prav tako lahko **Ohrani razmerje stranic** iz "
1139 "originalne slike. Dimenzije lahko nastavite v slikovnih pikah (**px**) ali v "
1140 "**odstotkih**."
1142 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:329
1143 msgid "Rescale Percentage"
1144 msgstr "Odstotek spremenjene velikosti"
1146 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:335
1147 msgid "The digiKam Liquid Rescale Tool Percentage Settings"
1148 msgstr "digiKam nastavitve odstotka orodja tekočinske spremembe velikosti"
1150 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:337
1151 msgid ""
1152 "In this section, you can specify here your desired content-aware rescaling "
1153 "percentage. This option sets the maximum enlargement which will be performed "
1154 "in a single rescale step. When the final size is greater than this, the tool "
1155 "will automatically stop and restart the rescaling as many times as needed. "
1156 "You might need to reduce this value if you have large preservation masks. "
1157 "Note that in this case, the same areas will be affected over and over by the "
1158 "rescaling."
1159 msgstr ""
1160 "V tem razdelku lahko določite želeno spreminjanje velikosti glede na "
1161 "odstotke. Ta možnost nastavi največjo povečavo, ki bo izvedena v enem samem "
1162 "koraku preoblikovanja. Ko je končna velikost večja od te, se bo orodje "
1163 "samodejno ustavilo in znova zagnala spreminjanje velikosti tolikokrat, kot "
1164 "je potrebno. Če imate velike zaščitne maske, boste morda morali zmanjšati to "
1165 "vrednost. Upoštevajte, da bodo v tem primeru ista področja vedno znova "
1166 "vplivala na spreminjanje velikosti."
1168 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:340
1169 msgid "The Feature Masks"
1170 msgstr "Funkcijske maske"
1172 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:346
1173 msgid "The digiKam Liquid Rescale Tool Mask Settings"
1174 msgstr "digiKam nastavitve maske orodja za tekočinsko spreminjanje velikosti"
1176 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:348
1177 msgid ""
1178 "The masks are the easiest way to manually select the features of the image "
1179 "that you want to protect or discard. Turn on the **Add weight masks** option "
1180 "to switch in mask edit mode."
1181 msgstr ""
1182 "Maske so najlažji način za ročno izbiro značilnosti slike, ki jih želite "
1183 "zaščititi ali zavreči. Vklopite možnost **Dodaj maske uteži** za preklop v "
1184 "način urejanja maske."
1186 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:350
1187 msgid ""
1188 "To discard portion of image, press the **Suppression weight mask** button "
1189 "and paint the mask over the canvas. The mask is a virtual transparent layer "
1190 "using **Red** color, with 50% opacity to indicate the area to discard."
1191 msgstr ""
1192 "Če želite zavreči del slike, pritisnite gumb **Maska uteži zatiranja** in "
1193 "poslikajte masko čez platno. Maska je navidezna prozorna plast z uporabo "
1194 "**rdeče** barve s 50-odstotno motnostjo, ki označuje območje, ki ga je treba "
1195 "zavreči."
1197 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:352
1198 msgid ""
1199 "To protect portion of image, press the **Preservation weight mask** button "
1200 "and paint the mask over the canvas. The mask is a virtual transparent layer "
1201 "using **Green** color, with 50% opacity to indicate the area to protect."
1202 msgstr ""
1203 "Če želite zaščititi del slike, pritisnite gumb **Maska uteži zatiranja** in "
1204 "poslikajte masko čez platno. Maska je navidezna prozorna plast z uporabo "
1205 "**zelene** barve s 50-odstotno motnostjo, ki označuje območje, ki ga je "
1206 "treba zaščititi."
1208 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:354
1209 msgid ""
1210 "You can change the **Brush size** to paint masks on the canvas. To change "
1211 "mask regions, use the **Erase mask** button and clean desired portion of "
1212 "masks over the canvas."
1213 msgstr ""
1214 "Spremenite lahko **Velikost čopiča** za barvanje mask na platnu. Za "
1215 "spremembo območja maske, uporabite gumb **Izbriši masko** in počistite "
1216 "želeni del maske čez platno."
1218 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:358
1219 msgid ""
1220 "Object removal is only possible when shrinking. By default, feature discard "
1221 "masks are ignored when enlarging, because in that case the masked areas "
1222 "would be inflated rather then removed. If you actually want to get this "
1223 "effect, you need to unset the corresponding option in the **Advanced "
1224 "Settings** tab."
1225 msgstr ""
1226 "Odstranjevanje predmeta je možno samo pri krčenju. Privzeto se maske "
1227 "zavrženja pri povečevanju ne upoštevajo, ker bi v tem primeru bila "
1228 "zamaskirana območja prej napihnjena kot odstranjena. Če res želite dobiti ta "
1229 "učinek, morate počistiti ustrezno možnost v zavihku **Napredne nastavitve**."
1231 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:360
1232 msgid ""
1233 "Preservation of features is not possible if enlarging too much, because the "
1234 "inflation process is the exact reverse of the shrinking process, so the "
1235 "maximum amount of pixels you can add to a layer corresponds to the amount of "
1236 "pixels which are not protected. For example, if you have a 1000 pixel wide "
1237 "image and you have marked a 800 pixel wide area for protection, the final "
1238 "width should be less than 1200."
1239 msgstr ""
1240 "Ohranjanje zmožnosti ni možno, če se preveč poveča, ker je proces "
1241 "povečevanja je ravno obraten od procesa krčenja, torej največje število "
1242 "slikovnih pik, ki jih lahko dodate plasti, ustreza količini slikovnih pik, "
1243 "ki niso zaščitene. Na primer, če imate sliko široko 1000 slikovnih pik in "
1244 "ste označili 800 slikovnih pik široko območje za zaščito, mora biti končna "
1245 "širina manjša od 1200."
1247 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:362
1248 msgid ""
1249 "See below the sample image where masks have been applied to preserve "
1250 "important areas in green and remove unwanted in red."
1251 msgstr ""
1252 "Glejte spodnjo vzorčno sliko, kjer so bile uporabljene maske za ohranjanje "
1253 "pomembnih območij v zeleni barvi in ​​odstranjevanje neželenih v rdeči barvi."
1255 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:368
1256 msgid ""
1257 "**Step 2**: Liquid Rescale Preservation and Suppression Masks Applied Over "
1258 "the Sample Image Before Resizing"
1259 msgstr ""
1260 "**2. korak**: Maske zaščite in zatiranja tekočinske spremembe velikosti "
1261 "uporabljene čez vzorčno sliko pred spreminjanjem velikosti"
1263 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:371
1264 msgid "Energy Function"
1265 msgstr "Energijska funkcija"
1267 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:377
1268 msgid "The digiKam Liquid Rescale Energy Function Settings"
1269 msgstr "digiKam nastavitve energetske funkcije tekočinske spremembe velikosti"
1271 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:379
1272 msgid ""
1273 "In this section, you can choose a gradient function applied while rescaling. "
1274 "This function is used to determine which pixels should be removed or kept. "
1275 "Possible values are listed below:"
1276 msgstr ""
1277 "V tem razdelku lahko izberete funkcijo gradienta, uporabljeno med "
1278 "spreminjanjem velikosti. Ta funkcija se uporablja za določanje, katere "
1279 "slikovne pike je treba odstraniti ali obdržati. Možne vrednosti so navedene "
1280 "spodaj:"
1282 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:381
1283 msgid "**Norm of brightness gradient**: norm of the brightness gradient."
1284 msgstr "**Norma gradienta svetlosti**: norma gradienta svetlosti."
1286 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:382
1287 msgid ""
1288 "**Sum of absolute values of brightness gradients**: sum of absolute values "
1289 "of the brightness gradients in both directions."
1290 msgstr ""
1291 "**Vsota absolutnih vrednosti gradientov svetlosti**: vsota absolutnih "
1292 "vrednosti gradientov svetlosti v obe smeri."
1294 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:383
1295 msgid ""
1296 "**Absolute value of brightness gradient**: absolute value of the brightness "
1297 "gradient in the direction of the rescaling (this is the default)."
1298 msgstr ""
1299 "**Absolutna vrednost gradienta svetlosti**: absolutna vrednost gradienta "
1300 "svetlosti v smeri preoblikovanja (to je privzeto)."
1302 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:384
1303 msgid "**Norm of luma gradient**: norm of the luma gradient."
1304 msgstr "**Norma gradienta lume**: norma gradienta lume."
1306 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:385
1307 msgid ""
1308 "**Sum of absolute values of luma gradients**: sum of absolute values of the "
1309 "luma gradients in both directions."
1310 msgstr ""
1311 "**Vsota absolutnih vrednosti gradientov lume**: vsota absolutnih vrednosti "
1312 "gradientov lume v obe smeri."
1314 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:386
1315 msgid ""
1316 "**Absolute value of luma gradient**: absolute value of the luma gradient in "
1317 "the direction of the rescaling."
1318 msgstr ""
1319 "**Absolutna vrednost gradienta lume**: absolutna vrednost gradienta lume v "
1320 "smeri spreminjanja velikosti."
1322 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:388
1323 msgid ""
1324 "The **Preserve Skin Tones** option allows to preserve pixels whose color is "
1325 "close to a skin tone."
1326 msgstr ""
1327 "Možnost **Ohrani odtenke kože** omogoča ohranitev slikovnih pik, katerih "
1328 "barva je podobna odtenku kože."
1330 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:391
1331 msgid "Advanced Settings"
1332 msgstr "Napredne nastavitve"
1334 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:397
1335 msgid "The digiKam Liquid Rescale Advanced Settings"
1336 msgstr "digiKam napredne nastavitve tekočinske spremembe velikosti"
1338 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:399
1339 msgid "In this section, you can tune some advanced values to tweak the tool."
1340 msgstr ""
1341 "V tem razdelku lahko nastavite nekaj naprednih vrednosti za prilagajanje "
1342 "orodja."
1344 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:401
1345 msgid ""
1346 "**Overall rigidity of the seams**: Use this value to give a negative bias to "
1347 "the seams which are not straight. May be useful to prevent distortions in "
1348 "some situations, or to avoid artifacts from pixel skipping (it is better to "
1349 "use low values in such case). This setting applies to the whole selected "
1350 "layer if no rigidity mask is used."
1351 msgstr ""
1352 "**Skupna togost šivov**: Uporabite to vrednost, če želite dati negativno "
1353 "pristranskostšivom, ki niso ravni. Lahko je koristno za preprečevanje "
1354 "popačenj v nekaterih situacijah ali da bi se izognili artefaktom zaradi "
1355 "preskakovanja slikovnih pik (bolje je, da v tem primeru uporabite nizke "
1356 "vrednosti). Ta nastavitev velja za celotno izbrano plast, če ne uporabite "
1357 "maske za togost."
1359 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:405
1360 msgid ""
1361 "The bias is proportional to the difference in the transversal coordinate "
1362 "between each two successive points, elevated to the power of 1.5, and summed "
1363 "up for the whole seam."
1364 msgstr ""
1365 "Pristranskost je sorazmerna z razliko v prečni koordinati med vsakima dvema "
1366 "zaporednima točkama, povišana na potenco 1,5 in sešteta za celoten šiv."
1368 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:407
1369 msgid ""
1370 "**Maximum number of transversal steps**: This option lets you choose the "
1371 "maximum transversal step that the pixels in the seams can take. In the "
1372 "standard algorithm, corresponding to the default value step = 1, each pixel "
1373 "in a seam can be shifted by at most one pixel with respect to its neighbors. "
1374 "This implies that the seams can form an angle of at most 45 degrees with "
1375 "respect to their base line. Increasing the step value lets you overcome this "
1376 "limit, but may lead to the introduction of artifacts. In order to balance "
1377 "the situation, you can use the rigidity setting."
1378 msgstr ""
1379 "**Največje število prečnih korakov**: Ta možnost vam omogoča izbiro "
1380 "največjega prečnega koraka, ki ga lahko sprejmejo piksli v šivih. V "
1381 "standardnem algoritmu, ki ustreza koraku privzete vrednosti = 1, se vsaka "
1382 "slikovna pika v šivu lahko premakne za največ eno piko glede na svoje "
1383 "sosede. To pomeni, da lahko šivi tvorijo kot največ 45 stopinj spoštovanja "
1384 "njihove osnovne linije. Če povečate vrednost koraka, lahko odpravite to "
1385 "omejitev, a to lahko povzroči vnos artefaktov. Da bi uravnovesili situacijo, "
1386 "lahko uporabite nastavitev togosti."
1388 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:409
1389 msgid ""
1390 "**Side switch frequency**: During the carving process, at each step the "
1391 "optimal seam to be carved is chosen based on the relevance value for each "
1392 "pixel. However, in the case where two seams are equivalent (which may "
1393 "happen, for instance, when large portions of the image have the same color), "
1394 "the algorithm always chooses the seams from one side.  In some cases, this "
1395 "can pose problems, e.g. an object centered in the original image might not "
1396 "be centered in the resulting image. In order to overcome this effect, this "
1397 "setting allows the favored side to be switched automatically during "
1398 "rescaling, at the cost of slightly worse performance."
1399 msgstr ""
1400 "**Frekvenca stranskega preklopa**: Med postopkom rezanja pri vsakem koraku "
1401 "je optimalen šiv za izrezovanje izbran na podlagi vrednosti ustreznosti za "
1402 "vsakegapiksla. Vendar pa v primeru, ko sta dva šiva enakovredna (kar je "
1403 "lahko na primer, ko imajo veliki deli slike enako barvo), algoritem vedno "
1404 "izbere šive z ene strani. V nekaterih primerih to lahko povzroči težave, "
1405 "npr. predmet v središču izvirne slike morda nena sredini dobljene slike. Da "
1406 "bi premagali ta učinek, ta nastavitev omogoča, da se prednostna stran "
1407 "samodejno preklopi med spreminjanjem velikosti, za ceno nekoliko slabšega "
1408 "delovanja."
1410 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:411
1411 msgid ""
1412 "**Resize Order**: Here you can set whether to resize **horizontally first** "
1413 "or **vertically first**."
1414 msgstr ""
1415 "**Spremeni vrstni red velikosti**: Tukaj lahko nastavite, ali želite "
1416 "spremeniti velikost **najprej vodoravno** ali **najprej navpično**."
1418 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:414
1419 msgid "More Details About the Seam Carving Technique"
1420 msgstr "Več podrobnosti o tehniki rezljanja šivov"
1422 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:416
1423 msgid ""
1424 "The tool works by finding so-called *seams* over an image, i.e. continuous, "
1425 "zig-zagged lines transversing the image from top to bottom (*vertical* "
1426 "seams), or from left to right (*horizontal* seams). When one such seam, say "
1427 "a vertical one, is removed from an image (the *carving* operation), the "
1428 "width of the image is reduced by one pixel. Removing horizontal seams "
1429 "reduces the height. Iterating such operations (find a seam and remove it), "
1430 "one can reduce the image size at will. Collecting together all the seams "
1431 "which were carved from an image, in their respective order, constitutes what "
1432 "is called a *seams map*."
1433 msgstr ""
1434 "Orodje deluje tako, da poišče tako imenovane *šive* čez sliko, tj. cik-cak "
1435 "črte, ki prečkajo sliko od zgoraj navzdol (*navpični* šivi) ali od leve "
1436 "proti desni (*vodoravni* šivi). Ko en tak šiv, recimo navpični, je "
1437 "odstranjen iz slike (operacija *izrezovanje*),širina slike se zmanjša za en "
1438 "piksel. Odstranjevanje vodoravnih šivov zmanjšuje višino. Ponavljanje takih "
1439 "operacij (poišče šiv in ga odstrani), velikost slike lahko poljubno zmanjša. "
1440 "Zbirka vseh šivov ki so bili izrezljani iz podobe, v svojem ustreznem "
1441 "vrstnem redu, predstavljajo, kar se imenuje *karta šivov*."
1443 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:418
1444 msgid ""
1445 "Mirroring the carving process, by inserting additional seams besides the "
1446 "ones which are found by the algorithm, instead of removing them, image "
1447 "enlargement can be obtained, too. The meaning of the seam map is reversed in "
1448 "this case."
1449 msgstr ""
1450 "Z zrcaljenjem postopka rezljanja z vstavljanjem dodatnih šivov poleg "
1451 "tistega, ki jih najde algoritem, namesto da bi jih odstranil, lahko dobimo "
1452 "tudi povečavo slike. V tem primeru je pomen zemljevida šivov obrnjen."
1454 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:420
1455 msgid ""
1456 "In order to get good results from this technique, the main issue is finding "
1457 "which are the most suitable seams to carve or to insert. If the aim is "
1458 "simply to change the proportions of the image without affecting too much the "
1459 "content, for example, *good* seams will be those which don't cross important "
1460 "features of the image, and instead pass through a background landscape."
1461 msgstr ""
1462 "Da bi dobili dobre rezultate s to tehniko, je glavno vprašanje iskanja, "
1463 "kateri so najprimernejši šivi za izrezovanje ali vstavljanje. Če je cilj "
1464 "preprosto spremeniti razmerja slike, ne da bi pri tem preveč vplivali na "
1465 "vsebino, na primer, bodo *dobri* šivi tisti, ki niso pomembni za značilnosti "
1466 "slike in namesto tega gredo skozi pokrajino v ozadju."
1468 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:422
1469 msgid ""
1470 "By default, the tool tries to find the seams which cross the lowest-contrast "
1471 "areas (how this happens exactly is specified by the energy function "
1472 "settings). Therefore, each pixel of the image is assigned a so-called "
1473 "*energy value*, as the higher the contrast, the higher the energy, and seams "
1474 "are less likely to cross high-energy areas."
1475 msgstr ""
1476 "Orodje privzeto poskuša najti šive, ki prečkajo najnižji kontrast področja "
1477 "(kako se to točno zgodi, določa energetska funkcija nastavitve). Zato je "
1478 "vsakemu pikslu slike dodeljena t.i *energijska vrednost*, saj višji kot je "
1479 "kontrast, večja je energija in manj verjetno je, da bodo šivi prečkali "
1480 "visokoenergijska območja."
1482 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:424
1483 msgid ""
1484 "Since in many cases this simple contrast-based method is not optimal, the "
1485 "energy function can be *biased* by the user, who can decide that some areas "
1486 "should have a higher energy (using a preservation masks) or, on the "
1487 "contrary, that they should have a lower energy (using a suppression mask), "
1488 "and therefore effectively *drive* the seams and the whole process."
1489 msgstr ""
1490 "Ker v mnogih primerih ta preprosta metoda, ki temelji na kontrastu, ni "
1491 "optimalna, jeenergijska funkcija lahko *pristranska* glede na uporabnika, ki "
1492 "se lahko odloči, da imajo nekatera področja višjo energijo (z uporabo "
1493 "zaščitnih mask) ali nasprotno, da morajo imeti nižjo energijo (uporaba maske "
1494 "za zatiranje), in tako učinkovito *poganja* šive in celoten proces."
1496 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:426
1497 msgid ""
1498 "See below the sample image resized where width have been reduced by 30%. The "
1499 "height still the same. Look like preserved areas are not deformed while "
1500 "operation and the unwanted disappear magically."
1501 msgstr ""
1502 "Spodaj si oglejte vzorčno sliko spremenjene velikosti, kjer je bila širina "
1503 "zmanjšana za 30 %. Višina še vedno ista. Videti je, da ohranjena območja med "
1504 "tem niso deformirana, delovanje in nezaželeno čarobno izgine."
1506 #: ../../image_editor/transform_tools.rst:432
1507 msgid ""
1508 "**Step 3**: The Sample Image Width Finally Reduced With Liquid Rescale Masks "
1509 "Applied"
1510 msgstr ""
1511 "**Korak 3**: Končno zmanjšana širina vzorčne slike z uporabljenimi tekočimi "
1512 "maskami za ponovno skaliranje"