Warning, /documentation/digikam-doc/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/image_editor/basic_operations.po is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Copyright (C) licensed under the  <a href="https://spdx.org/licenses/GFDL-1.2-or-later.html">licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2+</a> unless stated otherwise
0002 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Digikam Manual package.
0003 #
0004 # Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>, 2023.
0005 msgid ""
0006 msgstr ""
0007 "Project-Id-Version: Digikam Manual 8.1.0\n"
0008 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
0009 "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-02 00:35+0000\n"
0010 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-23 09:56+0100\n"
0011 "Last-Translator: Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>\n"
0012 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-slo@lugos.si>\n"
0013 "Language: sl\n"
0014 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
0015 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
0016 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
0017 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n"
0018 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
0019 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.1\n"
0021 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:1
0022 msgid "Basic Operations With digiKam Image Editor"
0023 msgstr "digiKam osnovne operacije z urejevalnikom slik"
0025 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:1
0026 msgid ""
0027 "digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, "
0028 "learn, easy, image, editor, revert, undo, redo, print, review"
0029 msgstr ""
0030 "digiKam, dokumentacija, uporabniški priročnik, upravljanje fotografij, "
0031 "odprtokodnost, prosto, učenje, enostavno, slika, urejevalnik, razveljavi, "
0032 "razveljavi, ponovi, natisni, pregled"
0034 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:14
0035 msgid "Basic Operations"
0036 msgstr "Osnovne operacije"
0038 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:16
0039 msgid "Contents"
0040 msgstr "Vsebina"
0042 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:19
0043 msgid "Revert to Original Photograph"
0044 msgstr "Povrnitev na izvirno fotografijo"
0046 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:21
0047 msgid ""
0048 "The editing functions of the Image Editor will make changes to your "
0049 "photograph. None of the editing functions will change the original "
0050 "photograph unless you selecting :menuselection:`File --> Save` or clicking "
0051 "the **Save** button in the tool bar. Note that once you have saved the "
0052 "changed version you will not be able to recover the original photograph."
0053 msgstr ""
0054 "Funkcije urejanja v urejevalniku slik bodo spremenile vaše fotografije. "
0055 "Nobena od funkcij urejanja ne bo spremenila izvirnika fotografije, razen če "
0056 "izberete :menuselection:`Datoteka --> Shrani` ali kliknete gumb **Shrani** v "
0057 "orodni vrstici. Upoštevajte, da ko shranite spremenjeno različico, ne boste "
0058 "mogli več obnoviti izvirne fotografije."
0060 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:23
0061 msgid ""
0062 "You might prefer to take a copy of your photograph before you make any "
0063 "changes. You can use :menuselection:`File --> Save As...` to save a working "
0064 "copy."
0065 msgstr ""
0066 "Morda bi raje naredili kopijo svoje fotografije, preden izvedete spremembe. "
0067 "Uporabite lahko :menuselection:`Datoteka --> Shrani kot...`, da shranite "
0068 "delovno kopijo."
0070 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:25
0071 msgid ""
0072 "At any time before you save your photograph you can restore the view to the "
0073 "original image by selecting :menuselection:`File --> Revert` or clicking the "
0074 "**Revert** button on the tool bar. You will lose any changes that you have "
0075 "made to the photograph since it was last saved."
0076 msgstr ""
0077 "Kadar koli, preden shranite svojo fotografijo, lahko povrnete pogled na "
0078 "izvirno sliko tako, da izberete :menuselection:`Datoteka --> Povrni` ali "
0079 "kliknete Gumb **Povrni** v orodni vrstici. Izgubili boste vse spremembe, ki "
0080 "ste jih imeli narejene na fotografiji, odkar je bila nazadnje shranjena."
0082 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:28
0083 msgid "Undoing and Redoing Actions"
0084 msgstr "Razveljavitev in ponovitev dejanj"
0086 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:30
0087 msgid ""
0088 "Almost anything you do to an image in Image Editor can be undone and redone. "
0089 "You can undo the most recent action by choosing :menuselection:`Edit --> "
0090 "Undo`, and redo by :menuselection:`Edit --> Redo`."
0091 msgstr ""
0092 "Skoraj vse, kar naredite s sliko v urejevalniku slik, je mogoče razveljaviti "
0093 "ali uveljaviti.Zadnje dejanje lahko razveljavite tako, da izberete :"
0094 "menuselection:`Uredi --> Razveljavi` in uveljavi z :menuselection:`Uredi --> "
0095 "Uveljavi`."
0097 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:32
0098 msgid ""
0099 "If these are done frequently, you really should memorize the keyboard "
0100 "shortcuts, :kbd:`Ctrl+Z` to undo an action, and :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+Z` to redo "
0101 "an action."
0102 msgstr ""
0103 "Če to počnete pogosto, bi si resnično morali zapomniti bližnjice na "
0104 "tipkovnici, :kbd:`Ctrl Z` za razveljavitev dejanja in :kbd:`Ctrl Shift Z` za "
0105 "ponovitev dejanja."
0107 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:34
0108 msgid ""
0109 "You have to press the left mouse button over the undo or redo icon in the "
0110 "tool bar and hold it down for a moment to produce a context menu. If you "
0111 "choose one of the menu items, all undo or  redo actions until the chosen "
0112 "ones are undone or redone."
0113 msgstr ""
0114 "Z levim gumbom miške morate pritisniti nad ikono za razveljavitev ali "
0115 "uveljavitev v orodni vrstici in jo za trenutek pridržite, da se prikaže "
0116 "kontekstni meni. Če izberete enega od elementov menija, vsa dejanja "
0117 "razveljavite ali ponovite do izbranega nekateri so razveljavljeni ali "
0118 "ponovno uveljavljeni."
0120 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:37
0121 msgid "Moving Between Photographs"
0122 msgstr "Premikanje med fotografijami"
0124 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:39
0125 msgid ""
0126 "Once you have started the Image Editor you can move between photographs in "
0127 "the same view you started from by using the navigator buttons on the "
0128 "toolbar, :kbd:`PgUp`, :kbd:`PgDn` or the entries in the **File** menu. If "
0129 "you have made any changes to the current photograph you will be asked if you "
0130 "want to save them."
0131 msgstr ""
0132 "Ko zaženete urejevalnik slik, se lahko premikate med fotografijami v istem "
0133 "pogledu, iz katerega ste začeli z uporabo navigacijskih gumbov na orodni "
0134 "vrstici :kbd:`PgUp`, :kbd:`PgDn` ali v meniju **Datoteka**. Če ste naredili "
0135 "kakršne koli spremembe na trenutni fotografiji, boste vprašani, ali jih "
0136 "želite shraniti."
0138 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:42
0139 msgid "Changing the View"
0140 msgstr "Spreminjanje pogleda"
0142 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:44
0143 msgid ""
0144 "You can zoom in and out of a photograph using the **Ctrl-scroll** wheel, the "
0145 "toolbar icons or the entries in the View menu."
0146 msgstr ""
0147 "Fotografijo lahko povečate in pomanjšate z uporabo kolesca **Ctrl-scroll**, "
0148 "ikon v orodni vrstici ali vnosov v meniju Pogled."
0150 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:46
0151 msgid ""
0152 "To make a photograph fit the window use the **Zoom Autofit** button from the "
0153 "tool bar."
0154 msgstr ""
0155 "Če želite, da se fotografija prilega oknu, uporabite gumb **Zoom Autofit** v "
0156 "orodni vrstici."
0158 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:48
0159 msgid ""
0160 ":menuselection:`View --> Full Screen Mode` will display the photograph using "
0161 "the full screen mode. You can move back to the normal view by pressing the :"
0162 "kbd:`Esc` key. By default the toolbar is still displayed even in Full Screen "
0163 "Mode. If you would prefer that the toolbar is not displayed you can turn it "
0164 "off in the Configure digiKam dialog accessed from the main digiKam window, "
0165 "see the :ref:`Setup Image Editor Window <editor_settings>` section."
0166 msgstr ""
0167 ":menuselection:`Pogled --> Celozaslonski način` bo prikazal fotografijo z "
0168 "uporabo celozaslonskega načina. Na običajen pogled se lahko vrnete s "
0169 "pritiskom na tipko :kbd:`Esc`. Orodna vrstica je privzeto še vedno prikazana "
0170 "tudi v celozaslonskem načinu. Če želite, da orodna vrstica ni prikazana, jo "
0171 "lahko izklopite v pogovornem oknu Konfiguriraj digiKam, do katerega "
0172 "dostopate iz glavnega okna digiKam, glejte razdelek :ref:`Nastavite okno "
0173 "urejevalnika slik <editor_settings>`."
0175 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:51
0176 msgid "Printing Images"
0177 msgstr "Tiskanje slik"
0179 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:53
0180 msgid ""
0181 "When you want to print the current image from the Image Editor, select :"
0182 "menuselection:`File --> Print image...` :kbd:`Ctrl+P` and you get the "
0183 "standard Print dialog, where you can adjust the settings before printing "
0184 "your photograph."
0185 msgstr ""
0186 "Ko želite natisniti trenutno sliko iz urejevalnika slik, izberite :"
0187 "menuselection:`Datoteka --> Natisni sliko...` :kbd:`Ctrl+P` in dobite "
0188 "standardno pogovorno okno za tiskanje, kjer lahko prilagodite nastavitve "
0189 "pred tiskanjem vaše fotografije."
0191 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:59
0192 msgid "Standard Print Dialog from image Editor"
0193 msgstr "Standardno pogovorno okno za tiskanje iz urejevalnika slik"
0195 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:63
0196 msgid ""
0197 "Under Windows, at least one printer module must be installed on your system "
0198 "to support this function."
0199 msgstr ""
0200 "V sistemu Windows mora biti v vašem sistemu nameščen vsaj en tiskalniški "
0201 "modul, da podpira to funkcijo."
0203 #: ../../image_editor/basic_operations.rst:65
0204 msgid ""
0205 "From the main window view you can print single images or whole sets of them. "
0206 "Entire thumbnail pages can be printed with your selection. All you need to "
0207 "do is selecting images the standard way and call :menuselection:`Item --> "
0208 "Print Creator...`. Then follow the instructions and choices to make as "
0209 "explained :ref:`in the section <print_creator>` from the manual."
0210 msgstr ""
0211 "V pogledu glavnega okna lahko natisnete posamezne slike ali njihove celotne "
0212 "nize. Po vaši izbiri je mogoče natisniti celotne strani s sličicami. Vse, "
0213 "kar potrebujete je izbiranje slik na standardni način in klic :menuselection:"
0214 "`Predmet --> Kreator tiska...`. Nato sledite navodilom in izbiram razloženo :"
0215 "ref:`v razdelku <print_creator>` iz priročnika."