Warning, /documentation/digikam-doc/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/export_tools/dropbox_export.po is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Copyright (C) licensed under the  <a href="https://spdx.org/licenses/GFDL-1.2-or-later.html">licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2+</a> unless stated otherwise
0002 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Digikam Manual package.
0003 #
0004 # Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>, 2023.
0005 msgid ""
0006 msgstr ""
0007 "Project-Id-Version: Digikam Manual 8.1.0\n"
0008 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
0009 "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-02 00:35+0000\n"
0010 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-29 13:45+0200\n"
0011 "Last-Translator: Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>\n"
0012 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-slo@lugos.si>\n"
0013 "Language: sl\n"
0014 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
0015 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
0016 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
0017 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n"
0018 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
0019 "X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.2\n"
0021 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:1
0022 msgid "digiKam Export to Dropbox Web-Service"
0023 msgstr "digiKam izvoz v spletno storitev Dropbox"
0025 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:1
0026 msgid ""
0027 "digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, "
0028 "learn, easy, dropbox, export"
0029 msgstr ""
0030 "digiKam, dokumentacija, uporabniški priročnik, upravljanje fotografij, "
0031 "odprta koda, prosto, učenje, enostavno, dropbox, izvoz"
0033 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:14
0034 msgid "Export To Dropbox"
0035 msgstr "Izvoz v Dropbox"
0037 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:16
0038 msgid "Contents"
0039 msgstr "Vsebina"
0041 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:18
0042 msgid "This tool allows the user to upload photos to the Dropbox web-service."
0043 msgstr ""
0044 "To orodje uporabniku omogoča nalaganje fotografij v spletno storitev Dropbox."
0046 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:20
0047 msgid ""
0048 "`Dropbox <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dropbox>`_ is a file hosting service "
0049 "that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, personal cloud, and client "
0050 "software."
0051 msgstr ""
0052 "`Dropbox <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dropbox>`_ je storitev gostovanja "
0053 "datotek, ki ponuja shranjevanje v oblaku, sinhronizacijo datotek, osebni "
0054 "oblak in odjemalsko programsko opremo."
0056 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:22
0057 msgid ""
0058 "The tool can be used to upload a selections of images from your collection "
0059 "to the remote Dropbox server using the Internet."
0060 msgstr ""
0061 "Orodje se lahko uporablja za nalaganje izbire slik iz vaše zbirke na "
0062 "oddaljeni strežnik Dropbox prek interneta."
0064 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:24
0065 msgid ""
0066 "When accessing the tool for the first time by the :menuselection:`Export --> "
0067 "Export to Dropbox` :kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D` menu entry, you are taken through "
0068 "the process of obtaining a token which is used for authentication purposes. "
0069 "The following dialog will popup and a browser window will be launched you "
0070 "will log in to Dropbox:"
0071 msgstr ""
0072 "Pri prvem dostopu do orodja z :menuselection:`Izvoz --> Izvoz v Dropbox` :"
0073 "kbd:`Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D` menijski vnos, vas popelje se skozi postopek "
0074 "pridobivanja žetona, ki se uporablja za namene avtentikacije. Odprlo se bo "
0075 "naslednje pogovorno okno in odprlo se vam bo okno brskalnika, ki se bo "
0076 "prijavil v Dropbox:"
0078 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:30
0079 msgid "The Dropbox Login Dialog"
0080 msgstr "Pogovorno okno za prijavo v Dropbox"
0082 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:32
0083 msgid ""
0084 "After successful sign-up digiKam will be allowed to send photos to the "
0085 "Dropbox website. You will be presented with the following page:"
0086 msgstr ""
0087 "Po uspešni prijavi bo digiKam lahko pošiljal fotografije na Spletno mesto "
0088 "Dropbox. Pred vami bo naslednja stran:"
0090 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:38
0091 msgid "The Dropbox Authorize Dialog"
0092 msgstr "Pogovorno okno za avtorizacijo Dropboxa"
0094 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:40
0095 msgid ""
0096 "Then, simply authorize application and close the web browser. Return to the "
0097 "host application dialog, you will see the interface used to upload photos to "
0098 "Dropbox."
0099 msgstr ""
0100 "Nato preprosto avtorizirajte aplikacijo in zaprite spletni brskalnik. Ko se "
0101 "boste vrnili na pogovorno okno gostiteljske aplikacije, boste videli vmesnik "
0102 "za nalaganje fotografij Dropbox."
0104 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:46
0105 msgid "The Dropbox Export Tool Dialog"
0106 msgstr "Pogovorno okno orodja za izvoz Dropbox"
0108 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:48
0109 msgid ""
0110 "By default, the tool proposes to export the currently selected items from "
0111 "the icon-view. The **+** Photos button can be used to append more items on "
0112 "the list."
0113 msgstr ""
0114 "Orodje privzeto predlaga izvoz trenutno izbranih elementov iz pogled ikon. "
0115 "Gumb **+** fotografije lahko uporabite za dodajanje več elementov v seznam."
0117 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:50
0118 msgid ""
0119 "With the **Album** options, you can select the online folder to store files "
0120 "to upload. You can **Create** new one and **Reload** the list on the combo-"
0121 "box if online contents have been changed in Dropbox web interface."
0122 msgstr ""
0123 "Z možnostmi **Album** lahko izberete spletno mapo za shranjevanje datotek za "
0124 "prenos. Lahko **Ustvarite** novega in **Znova prenesete** seznam na "
0125 "kombiniranem polju, če je bila spletna vsebina spremenjena v spletnem "
0126 "vmesniku Dropbox."
0128 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:52
0129 msgid ""
0130 "If the **Resize photos before uploading** option is selected, the photos "
0131 "will be resized before transferring to Dropbox. The values will be read from "
0132 "the **JPEG quality** and **Maximum Dimension** settings, which can be used "
0133 "to adjust the maximum height and the compression. The width calculation will "
0134 "be done so as to have the aspect ratio conserved. With the **Upload original "
0135 "image file** option, the photo are transferred without modification."
0136 msgstr ""
0137 "Če je izbrana možnost **Spremeni velikost fotografij pred prenosom**, bodo "
0138 "pred prenosom v Dropbox spremenjena velikost fotografij. Vrednosti bodo "
0139 "prebrane iz nastavitve **Kakovost JPEG** in **Največja dimenzija**, ki ju je "
0140 "mogoče uporabiti za nastavitev največje višine in kompresije. Izračun širine "
0141 "bonarejen tako, da se ohranja razmerje stranic. Z možnostjo **Naloži izvirno "
0142 "slikovno datoteko** se fotografije prenesejo brez sprememb."
0144 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:58
0145 msgid "The Dropbox Export Uploading in Progress"
0146 msgstr "Poteka nalaganje izvoza Dropbox"
0148 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:60
0149 msgid ""
0150 "Press **Start Upload** button to transfer items. You can click on the "
0151 "**Close** button to abort the uploading of photos."
0152 msgstr ""
0153 "Za prenos elementov pritisnite gumb **Začni prenos**. Lahko kliknete na Gumb "
0154 "**Zapri** za prekinitev prenosa fotografij."
0156 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:62
0157 msgid ""
0158 "Finally, you can view the uploaded photos by visiting the Dropbox website."
0159 msgstr ""
0160 "Na koncu si lahko ogledate naložene fotografije na spletnem mestu Dropbox."
0162 #: ../../export_tools/dropbox_export.rst:68
0163 msgid "The Dropbox Online Account Displaying the Uploaded Contents"
0164 msgstr "Spletni račun Dropbox, ki prikazuje naloženo vsebino"