Warning, /documentation/digikam-doc/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/asset_management/authorship_copyright.po is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 # Copyright (C) licensed under the <a href="https://spdx.org/licenses/GFDL-1.2-or-later.html">licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2+</a> unless stated otherwise 0002 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Digikam Manual package. 0003 # 0004 # Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>, 2023. 0005 msgid "" 0006 msgstr "" 0007 "Project-Id-Version: Digikam Manual 8.0.0\n" 0008 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" 0009 "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-02 00:35+0000\n" 0010 "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-22 12:08+0200\n" 0011 "Last-Translator: Matjaž Jeran <matjaz.jeran@amis.net>\n" 0012 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-slo@lugos.si>\n" 0013 "Language: sl\n" 0014 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 0015 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 0016 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 0017 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n" 0018 "%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n" 0019 "X-Generator: Lokalize 23.04.3\n" 0020 0021 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:1 0022 msgid "Protect Your Authorship and Copyright" 0023 msgstr "Zaščitite svoje avtorstvo in avtorske pravice" 0024 0025 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:1 0026 msgid "" 0027 "digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, " 0028 "learn, easy, watermarking, IPTC and XMP authorship data, export size" 0029 msgstr "" 0030 "digiKam, dokumentacija, uporabniški priročnik, upravljanje fotografij, " 0031 "odprta koda, prosto, učenje, enostavno, vodni žig, podatki o avtorstvu IPTC " 0032 "in XMP, izvozna velikost" 0033 0034 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:14 0035 msgid "Authorship and Copyright" 0036 msgstr "Avtorstvo in avtorske pravice" 0037 0038 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:16 0039 msgid "Contents" 0040 msgstr "Vsebina" 0041 0042 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:19 0043 msgid "Strings Metadata" 0044 msgstr "Metapodatki nizov" 0045 0046 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:21 0047 msgid "" 0048 "This will be the last chapter and step to mark your digital library with " 0049 "authorship, ownership and copyright or left information. More than in 'the " 0050 "good(?) old days' of paper copies, the ubiquitous Internet makes it just too " 0051 "easy to 'steal' a picture from a web site. At the very least, for all images " 0052 "that will be exported and/or published in any form, the authorship and " 0053 "copyright information should be part of their metadata." 0054 msgstr "" 0055 "To bo zadnje poglavje in korak za označevanje vaše digitalne knjižnice z " 0056 "informacijami o avtorstvu, lastništvu in avtorskih ali levih pravicah. Bolj " 0057 "kot v \"dobrih(?) starih časih\" papirnatih kopij, je zaradi vseprisotnega " 0058 "interneta preveč preprosto \"ukrasti\" sliko s spletne strani. Vsaj za vse " 0059 "slike, ki bodo izvožene in/ali objavljene v kateri koli obliki, morajo biti " 0060 "informacije o avtorstvu in avtorskih pravicah del njihovih metapodatkov." 0061 0062 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:23 0063 msgid "" 0064 "Nothing more simple to do with digiKam: you can setup the default identity, " 0065 "and any images ingested be digiKam will be automatically informed. We put " 0066 "**copyleft** in the title for a reason:" 0067 msgstr "" 0068 "Z digiKamom ni nič bolj preprostega: nastavite lahko privzeto identiteto in " 0069 "vse slike, ki jih digiKam zaužije, bodo samodejno obveščene. **copyleft** " 0070 "smo v naslov vnesli z razlogom:" 0071 0072 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:25 0073 msgid "" 0074 "Copyleft is a play on the word copyright and is the practice of using " 0075 "copyright law to remove restrictions on distributing copies and modified " 0076 "versions of a work for others and requiring that the same freedoms be " 0077 "preserved in modified versions." 0078 msgstr "" 0079 "Copyleft je igra z besedo avtorske pravice in je praksa uporabe zakona o " 0080 "avtorskih pravicah za odpravo omejitev pri distribuciji kopij in " 0081 "spremenjenih različic dela za druge ter zahteva, da se iste svoboščine " 0082 "ohranijo v spremenjenih različicah." 0083 0084 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:27 0085 msgid "" 0086 "Copyleft is a form of licensing and may be used to modify copyrights for " 0087 "works such as ... music, and art. In general, copyright law allows an author " 0088 "to prohibit others from reproducing, adapting, or distributing copies of the " 0089 "author's work. In contrast, an author may, through a copyleft licensing " 0090 "scheme, give every person who receives a copy of a work permission to " 0091 "reproduce, adapt or distribute the work as long as any resulting copies or " 0092 "adaptations are also bound by the same copyleft licensing scheme. A widely " 0093 "used and originating copyleft license is the GNU General Public License. " 0094 "Similar licenses are available through Creative Commons - called Share-alike." 0095 msgstr "" 0096 "Copyleft je oblika licenciranja in se lahko uporablja za spreminjanje " 0097 "avtorskih pravic za dela, kot so ... glasba in umetnost. Na splošno zakon o " 0098 "avtorskih pravicah dovoljuje avtorju, da drugim prepove reproduciranje, " 0099 "prilagajanje ali distribucijo kopij avtorjevega dela. Nasprotno pa lahko " 0100 "avtor prek licenčne sheme copyleft vsaki osebi, ki prejme kopijo dela, preda " 0101 "dovoljenje za reprodukcijo, priredbo ali distribucijo dela, če so vse " 0102 "nastale kopije ali priredbe prav tako vezane na isto licenčno shemo " 0103 "copylefta. Splošna javna licenca GNU je pogosto uporabljena in izvirna " 0104 "licenca za kopiranje. Podobne licence so na voljo prek Creative Commons – " 0105 "imenovane Share-alike (deljenje pod enakimi pogoji)." 0106 0107 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:33 0108 msgid "" 0109 "The digiKam :ref:`Template Metadata <templates_settings>` Settings Panel" 0110 msgstr "" 0111 "Plošča z nastavitvami digiKam :ref:`Metapodatki predloge " 0112 "<templates_settings>`" 0113 0114 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:35 0115 msgid "" 0116 "And here follows a description of what should be supplied to digiKam's setup " 0117 "page as information:" 0118 msgstr "" 0119 "Tukaj sledi opis tega, kar je treba vnesti na nastavitveno stran digiKam kot " 0120 "informacije:" 0121 0122 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:37 0123 msgid "" 0124 "**Author** (synonymous with Creator and By-line): This field should contain " 0125 "your name, or the name of the person who created the photograph. If it is " 0126 "not appropriate to add the name of the photographer (for example, if the " 0127 "identity of the photographer needs to be protected) the name of a company or " 0128 "organization can also be used. Once saved, this field should not be changed " 0129 "by anyone. This field does not support the use of commas or semi-colons as " 0130 "separator." 0131 msgstr "" 0132 "**Avtor** (sinonim za ustvarjalca in avtorja): to polje mora vsebovati vaše " 0133 "ime ali ime osebe, ki je ustvarila fotografijo. Če ni primerno dodati imena " 0134 "fotografa (na primer, če je treba zaščititi identiteto fotografa), se lahko " 0135 "uporabi tudi ime podjetja ali organizacije. Ko je to polje shranjeno, ga ne " 0136 "sme nihče spreminjati. To polje ne podpira uporabe vejic ali podpičja kot " 0137 "ločila." 0138 0139 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:39 0140 msgid "" 0141 "**Author** title (synonymous with By-line title): Linked to Author. This " 0142 "field should contain the job title of the photographer. Examples might " 0143 "include titles such as: Staff Photographer, Freelance Photographer, or " 0144 "Independent Commercial Photographer. Since this is a qualifier for the " 0145 "Author field, the Author field must also be filled out." 0146 msgstr "" 0147 "Naslov **Avtor** (sinonim za naslov avtorja): Povezan z avtorjem. To polje " 0148 "mora vsebovati naziv delovnega mesta fotografa. Primeri lahko vključujejo " 0149 "nazive, kot so: zaposleni fotograf, samostojni fotograf ali neodvisni " 0150 "komercialni fotograf. Ker je to kvalifikator za polje Avtor, je treba " 0151 "izpolniti tudi polje Avtor." 0152 0153 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:41 0154 msgid "" 0155 "**Credit** (synonymous to Provider): Use the Provider field to identify who " 0156 "is providing the photograph. This does not necessarily have to be the " 0157 "author. If a photographer is working for a news agency such as Reuters or " 0158 "the Associated Press, these organizations could be listed here as they are " 0159 "'providing' the image for use by others. If the image is a stock photograph, " 0160 "then the group (agency) involved in supplying the image should be listed " 0161 "here." 0162 msgstr "" 0163 "**Zasluge** (sinonim za Ponudnik): Uporabite polje Ponudnik, da ugotovite, " 0164 "kdo zagotavlja fotografijo. Ni nujno, da je to avtor. Če fotograf dela za " 0165 "tiskovno agencijo, kot sta Reuters ali Associated Press, bi te organizacije " 0166 "lahko našteli tukaj, saj 'zagotavljajo' sliko za uporabo drugim. Če je slika " 0167 "fotografija iz zaloge, mora biti tukaj navedena skupina (agencija), ki " 0168 "sodeluje pri dobavi slike." 0169 0170 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:43 0171 msgid "" 0172 "**Source**: The Source field should be used to identify the original owner " 0173 "or copyright holder of the photograph. The value of this field should never " 0174 "be changed after the information is entered following the image's creation. " 0175 "You should consider this to be a write-once field. The source could be an " 0176 "individual, an agency, or a member of an agency. To aid in later searches, " 0177 "We suggest to separate any slashes '/' with a blank space. Use the form " 0178 "'photographer / agency' rather than 'photographer/agency.' Source may also " 0179 "be different from Creator and from the names listed in the Copyright Notice." 0180 msgstr "" 0181 "**Vir**: Polje Vir je treba uporabiti za identifikacijo prvotnega lastnika " 0182 "ali imetnika avtorskih pravic fotografije. Vrednosti tega polja se ne sme " 0183 "nikoli spremeniti po vnosu informacij po ustvarjanju slike. To bi morali " 0184 "obravnavati kot polje za enkratno pisanje. Vir je lahko posameznik, agencija " 0185 "ali član agencije. Za pomoč pri poznejših iskanjih predlagamo, da poševnice " 0186 "'/' ločite s presledkom. Uporabite obrazec 'fotograf / agencija' namesto " 0187 "'fotograf/agencija'. Vir se lahko tudi razlikuje od Ustvarjalca in imen, " 0188 "navedenih v obvestilu o avtorskih pravicah." 0189 0190 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:45 0191 msgid "" 0192 "**Copyright Notice**: The Copyright Notice should contain any necessary " 0193 "copyright notice for claiming the intellectual property, and should identify " 0194 "the current owner(s) of the copyright for the photograph. Usually, this " 0195 "would be the photographer, but if the image was done by an employee or as " 0196 "work-for-hire, then the agency or company should be listed. Use the form " 0197 "appropriate to your country. For the United States you would typically " 0198 "follow the form of © {date of first publication} name of copyright owner, as " 0199 "in 'copr 2005 John Doe.' The word 'copyright' or the abbreviation 'copr' " 0200 "shall be used in place of the (c) symbol as ASCII characters only are " 0201 "allowed. In some foreign countries only the copyright symbol is recognized " 0202 "and the abbreviation does not work. Using something like (c) where the " 0203 "parentheses form a partial circle is not sufficient. For additional " 0204 "protection worldwide, use of the phrase, 'all rights reserved' following the " 0205 "notice above is encouraged. In Europe you would use: Copyright {Year} " 0206 "{copyright owner}, all rights reserved. In Japan, for maximum protection, " 0207 "the following three items should appear in the copyright field of the IPTC " 0208 "Core: (a) the word, Copyright; (b) year of the first publication; and (c) " 0209 "name of the author. You may also wish to include the phrase *all rights " 0210 "reserved*." 0211 msgstr "" 0212 "**Obvestilo o avtorskih pravicah**: Obvestilo o avtorskih pravicah mora " 0213 "vsebovati vsa potrebna obvestila o avtorskih pravicah za zahtevanje " 0214 "intelektualne lastnine in mora identificirati trenutnega lastnika(-e) " 0215 "avtorskih pravic za fotografijo. Običajno bi bil to fotograf, če pa je sliko " 0216 "naredil zaposleni ali jo je najemal, je treba navesti agencijo ali podjetje. " 0217 "Uporabite obrazec, ki ustreza vaši državi. Za Združene države bi običajno " 0218 "sledili obliki © {datum prve objave} ime lastnika avtorskih pravic, kot v " 0219 "'copr 2005 John Doe.' Beseda „copyright“ ali okrajšava „copr“ se uporablja " 0220 "namesto simbola (c), saj so dovoljeni samo znaki ASCII. V nekaterih tujih " 0221 "državah je priznan le simbol avtorskih pravic, okrajšava pa ne deluje. " 0222 "Uporaba nečesa podobnega (c), kjer oklepaji tvorijo delni krog, ne " 0223 "zadostuje. Za dodatno zaščito po vsem svetu je priporočljiva uporaba fraze " 0224 "'vse pravice pridržane' po zgornjem obvestilu. V Evropi bi uporabili: " 0225 "Copyright {Year} {copyright owner}, vse pravice pridržane. Na Japonskem se " 0226 "morajo zaradi največje zaščite v polju avtorskih pravic jedra IPTC pojaviti " 0227 "naslednji trije elementi: (a) beseda Avtorska pravica; (b) leto prve objave; " 0228 "in (c) ime avtorja. Morda boste želeli vključiti tudi izraz *vse pravice " 0229 "pridržane*." 0230 0231 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:47 0232 msgid "" 0233 "Whereas it is paramount to fill-in the author and copyright sections, they " 0234 "represent no protection against fraud. Anyone with a bit more than basic " 0235 "computer knowledge is able to delete or modify image embedded metadata. The " 0236 "solution to this problem is called *digital watermarking*. To private " 0237 "persons this might be of little interest for the majority of photographs, " 0238 "but for professionals ans semi-professionals this protection is really " 0239 "important." 0240 msgstr "" 0241 "Čeprav je najpomembnejše, da izpolnite razdelke o avtorju in avtorskih " 0242 "pravicah, ti ne predstavljajo zaščite pred goljufijami. Vsakdo z malo več " 0243 "kot osnovnim računalniškim znanjem lahko izbriše ali spremeni metapodatke, " 0244 "vdelane v slike. Rešitev tega problema se imenuje *digitalni vodni žig*. " 0245 "Zasebnim osebam je to morda malo zanimivo za večino fotografij, za " 0246 "profesionalce in polprofesionalce pa je ta zaščita res pomembna." 0247 0248 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:53 0249 msgid "" 0250 "The digiKam :ref:`Copyrights View <metadata_editor>` From Metadata Editor" 0251 msgstr "" 0252 "DigiKam :ref:`Pogled avtorskih pravic <metadata_editor>` iz urejevalnika " 0253 "metapodatkov" 0254 0255 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:56 0256 msgid "Digital Watermarking" 0257 msgstr "Digitalni vodni žig" 0258 0259 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:58 0260 msgid "" 0261 "Digital Watermarking refers to an invisible digital watermark that is being " 0262 "impressed on photographs as an element of Digital Rights Management (DRM). " 0263 "The watermark contains the same information of authorship and copyright as " 0264 "described above, but the metadata is encrypted and saved in the actual image " 0265 "data (as opposed to the metadata section which is a separate section within " 0266 "the image file)." 0267 msgstr "" 0268 "Digitalni vodni žig se nanaša na nevidni digitalni vodni žig, ki je vtisnjen " 0269 "na fotografije kot element upravljanja digitalnih pravic (DRM). Vodni žig " 0270 "vsebuje iste informacije o avtorstvu in avtorskih pravicah, kot je opisano " 0271 "zgoraj, vendar so metapodatki šifrirani in shranjeni v dejanskih slikovnih " 0272 "podatkih (v nasprotju z razdelkom z metapodatki, ki je ločen razdelek " 0273 "znotraj slikovne datoteke)." 0274 0275 #: ../../asset_management/authorship_copyright.rst:60 0276 msgid "" 0277 "This invisible imprint has holographic properties so that modifications done " 0278 "to an image (size, color, crop, up to a certain limit) will not destroy the " 0279 "copyright information. Only when an image is resized to a very small " 0280 "fraction like a thumbnail will the embedded information be lost, but then " 0281 "the image is of no value anymore to the copyright infringing party. The " 0282 "digital watermark will be unique per image." 0283 msgstr "" 0284 "Ta nevidni odtis ima holografske lastnosti, tako da spremembe slike " 0285 "(velikost, barva, obrezovanje, do določene meje) ne bodo uničile informacij " 0286 "o avtorskih pravicah. Šele ko se velikost slike spremeni na zelo majhen del, " 0287 "kot je sličica, se vdelane informacije izgubijo, vendar potem slika za " 0288 "stranko, ki krši avtorske pravice, nima več vrednosti. Digitalni vodni žig " 0289 "bo edinstven za vsako sliko."