Warning, /accessibility/kmouth/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003   <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
0004   <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
0005 ]>
0007 <book id="kmouth" lang="&language;">
0008 <bookinfo>
0009   <title>The &kmouth; Handbook</title>
0011   <authorgroup>
0012     <author>
0013       <firstname>Gunnar</firstname>
0014       <surname>Schmi Dt</surname>
0015       <affiliation>
0016         <address><email>gunnar@schmi-dt.de</email></address>
0017       </affiliation>
0018     </author>
0020   </authorgroup>
0023   <copyright>
0024     <year>2002</year><year>2003</year>
0025     <holder>Gunnar Schmi Dt</holder>
0026   </copyright>
0027   <!-- Translators: put here the copyright notice of the translation -->
0028   <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0031   <date>2022-03-18</date>
0032   <releaseinfo>1.2.0 (KDE Gear 22.04)</releaseinfo>
0034   <abstract>
0035     <para>
0036       &kmouth; is an application that enables persons that cannot speak to let their
0037       computers speak.
0038     </para>
0039   </abstract>
0041   <keywordset>
0042     <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0043     <keyword>kdeaccesibility</keyword>
0044     <keyword>KMouth</keyword>
0045     <keyword>text-to-speech conversion</keyword>
0046     <keyword>mutual persons</keyword>
0047   </keywordset>
0048 </bookinfo>
0050 <chapter id="introduction">
0051   <title>Introduction</title>
0053   <para>
0054     &kmouth; is a program that enables persons that cannot speak to let their
0055     computers speak. It includes a history of spoken sentences from which the
0056     user can select sentences to be re-spoken.
0057   </para>
0058   <para>
0059     Note that &kmouth; does not include any speech synthesizers. Instead it requires
0060     a speech synthesizer installed in the system.
0061   </para>
0062 </chapter>
0064 <chapter id="using-kmouth">
0065   <title>Using &kmouth;</title>
0066   <sect1 id="Wizard">
0067     <title>The First Time Setup</title>
0068     <para>
0069       During the first use of &kmouth;, a wizard is displayed in which you
0070       can configure it.
0071     </para>
0072     <para>
0073       <screenshot>
0074         <screeninfo>Text-to-Speech Configuration</screeninfo>
0075         <mediaobject>
0076           <imageobject>
0077             <imagedata fileref="kmouthwizard1.png" format="PNG"/>
0078           </imageobject>
0079           <textobject>
0080             <phrase>Text-to-Speech Configuration</phrase>
0081           </textobject>
0082         </mediaobject>
0083       </screenshot>
0084     </para>
0085     <para>
0086       With the first page of the wizard you specify
0087       the engine and voice that shall be used for the text-to-speech conversion.
0088       For more details look into the <link linkend="tts-config">description
0089       of the configuration dialog.</link>
0090     </para>
0091     <para>
0092       <screenshot>
0093         <screeninfo>Word Completion</screeninfo>
0094         <mediaobject>
0095           <imageobject>
0096             <imagedata fileref="kmouthwizard3.png" format="PNG"/>
0097           </imageobject>
0098           <textobject>
0099             <phrase>Word Completion</phrase>
0100           </textobject>
0101         </mediaobject>
0102       </screenshot>
0103     </para>
0104     <para>
0105       With the third page you define the dictionary
0106       for a word completion. &kmouth; will parse the &kde; documentation of
0107       the chosen language in order to detect the regularity of individual
0108       words. Optionally you can compare the word list to an OpenOffice.org
0109       dictionary in order to only add correctly spelled words to the word
0110       completion.
0111     </para>
0112   </sect1>
0113   <sect1 id="main-window">
0114     <title>The Main Window</title>
0115     <para>
0116       The main window of &kmouth; is fairly simple. It consists basically of an
0117       edit field into which you type your sentences (the lower white field in
0118       the screen shot) and a history of spoken sentences (the upper white field
0119       in the screen shot).
0120     </para>
0121     <para>
0122       <screenshot>
0123         <screeninfo>The main window of &kmouth;</screeninfo>
0124         <mediaobject>
0125           <imageobject>
0126             <imagedata fileref="kmouthmain.png" format="PNG"/>
0127           </imageobject>
0128           <textobject>
0129             <phrase>The main window of &kmouth;</phrase>
0130           </textobject>
0131         </mediaobject>
0132       </screenshot>
0133     </para>
0134     <para>
0135       Assuming that you have correctly <link linkend="config-dialog">configured
0136       &kmouth;</link> you can use the edit field for entering sentences you
0137       want to hear. Once a sentence got spoken it will be appended to the
0138       history. From the history you can select sentences to be re-spoken.
0139     </para>
0140     <para>
0141       From the phrase books (located in the line below the tool bar) you can
0142       select often used phrases.
0143     </para>
0144   </sect1>
0145   <sect1 id="config-dialog">
0146     <title>The Configuration Dialog</title>
0147     <para>
0148       By using the menu entry
0149       <menuchoice>
0150         <guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure &kmouth;...</guimenuitem>
0151       </menuchoice>
0152       you open the configuration dialog of &kmouth;. This dialog consists of
0153       the pages <guilabel>General Options</guilabel> with the two tabs <guilabel>Preferences</guilabel>
0154       and <guilabel>Text-to-Speech</guilabel> and the page <guilabel>Word Completion</guilabel>.
0155     </para>
0156     <sect2 id="preferences">
0157       <title>The Preferences tab</title>
0158       <para>
0159         <screenshot>
0160           <screeninfo>The <guilabel>Preferences</guilabel> tab</screeninfo>
0161           <mediaobject>
0162             <imageobject>
0163               <imagedata fileref="kmouthcpref.png" format="PNG"/>
0164             </imageobject>
0165             <textobject>
0166               <phrase>Screen shot</phrase>
0167             </textobject>
0168           </mediaobject>
0169         </screenshot>
0170       </para>
0171       <para>
0172         The <guilabel>Preferences</guilabel> tab contains options that alter the behavior of
0173         &kmouth; in certain situations.
0174       </para>
0175       <para>
0176         With the first combo box <guilabel>Selection of phrases in the phrase book</guilabel>
0177         you specify which action is triggered by typing the shortcut of a
0178         phrase or by selecting a phrase in the <guimenu>Phrase Book</guimenu>
0179         menu or in the phrase book bar.
0180       </para>
0181       <para>
0182         By selecting <guilabel>Speak Immediately</guilabel> the
0183         selected phrase gets immediately spoken and is entered into
0184         the history. If you select <guilabel>Insert Into Edit
0185         Field</guilabel> the selected phrase is just inserted into the
0186         edit field.
0187       </para>
0188       <para>
0189         With the second combo box, <guilabel>Closing the phrase book
0190         edit window</guilabel>, you specify whether the phrase book
0191         gets saved if you just close the phrase book edit window.
0192       </para>
0193       <para>
0194         By selecting <guilabel>Save Phrase Book</guilabel> the phrase
0195         book gets saved. If you select <guilabel>Discard
0196         changes</guilabel> the changes are discarded and the phrase
0197         book is not saved. If you select <guilabel>Ask Whether to
0198         Save</guilabel> &kmouth; will ask you whether it shall save
0199         the phrase book.
0200       </para>
0201     </sect2>
0202     <sect2 id="tts-config">
0203       <title>The Text-to-Speech tab</title>
0204       <para>
0205         <screenshot>
0206           <screeninfo>The <guilabel>Text-to-Speech</guilabel> tab</screeninfo>
0207           <mediaobject>
0208             <imageobject>
0209               <imagedata fileref="kmouthctts.png" format="PNG"/>
0210             </imageobject>
0211             <textobject>
0212               <phrase>Screen shot</phrase>
0213             </textobject>
0214           </mediaobject>
0215         </screenshot>
0216       </para>
0217       <para>
0218         By selecting <guilabel>Use default speech system</guilabel> you tell &kmouth;
0219         first to try to use the system speech service prior to calling the speech
0220         synthesizer directly. If this succeeds the other configuration entries on
0221         this tab are ignored. The system speech service is a &Qt; library which
0222         wraps speech-dispatcher on &Linux;, and native speech systems on other platforms.
0223         On a Debian based system you need the packages speech-dispatcher, libqt5texttospeech5
0224         and one of the speech-dispatcher modules, usually <application>espeak</application>.
0225         <note><para>Use the commandline tool <command>spd-conf</command> (Debian package python3-speechd)
0226         to adjust settings like rate, pitch, volume, voice type and language &etc; for the default speech system.
0227         Additionally <command>spd-conf</command> will let you choose between all installed
0228         speech-dispatcher modules, &ie; <application>espeak</application>,
0229         <application>festival</application>, <application>flite</application>,
0230         <application>mbrola</application> &etc;
0231         </para></note>
0232       </para>
0233       <para>
0234           It is also possible to select the <guilabel>Engine</guilabel> and <guilabel>Voice</guilabel> for the speech system.
0235       </para>
0236       <para>
0237         Should the <guilabel>Use default speech system</guilabel> item is not selected you can enter the command
0238         for calling the speech synthesize into the edit field of the <guilabel>Alternative</guilabel> panel. With the combo box below the edit
0239         field you specify the character encoding that is used for passing the
0240         text to the speech synthesizer.
0241       </para>
0242       <para>
0243         &kmouth; knows two ways of passing the text: If the command expects the
0244         text as standard input you select the check box.
0245       </para>
0246       <para>
0247         The other way is to pass the text as a parameter:
0248         Before calling the command &kmouth; replaces certain placeholders with
0249         actual content:
0250         <informaltable frame="topbot">
0251          <tgroup cols="2">
0252           <thead>
0253           <row><entry>Placeholder</entry><entry>Replaced with</entry></row>
0254           </thead>
0255             <tbody>
0256               <row><entry><token>%t</token></entry>
0257                    <entry>The actual text that should be spoken</entry>
0258               </row>
0259               <row><entry><token>%f</token></entry>
0260                    <entry>The name of a temporary file that contains the text
0261                           that should be spoken</entry>
0262               </row>
0263               <row><entry><token>%l</token></entry>
0264                    <entry>The language code associated with the current word completion
0265                           dictionary</entry>
0266               </row>
0267               <row><entry><token>%%</token></entry><entry>A percent sign</entry></row>
0268            </tbody>
0269           </tgroup>
0270         </informaltable>
0271       </para>
0272       <para>
0273         Of course the command for speaking texts is dependent on which speech
0274         synthesizer you use. Please look into the documentation of your speech
0275         synthesizer for the command for speaking texts.<!--FIXME comment until appendix tts is up to date You can find examples
0276         for the command in the <link linkend="tts">appendix</link>.-->
0277       </para>
0278     </sect2>
0279     <sect2 id="completion-config">
0280       <title>The Word Completion page</title>
0281       <para>
0282         <screenshot>
0283           <screeninfo>The <guilabel>Word Completion</guilabel> page</screeninfo>
0284           <mediaobject>
0285             <imageobject>
0286               <imagedata fileref="kmouthcwcp.png" format="PNG"/>
0287             </imageobject>
0288             <textobject>
0289               <phrase>Screen shot</phrase>
0290             </textobject>
0291           </mediaobject>
0292         </screenshot>
0293       </para>
0294       <para>
0295         The <guilabel>Word Completion</guilabel> page contains a list
0296         of dictionaries used for the word completion. (&kmouth; will
0297         display a combo box next to the edit field in the main window
0298         if this list contains more than one dictionary. You can use this
0299         combo box in order to select the dictionary that actually gets
0300         used for the word completion.)
0301       </para>
0302       <para>
0303         With the buttons on the right side of the page you can add and
0304         delete dictionaries, change the order of the dictionaries or export
0305         dictionaries to a file. With the edit field and the combo box below
0306         the list you can change the name and the language associated with
0307         the dictionary.
0308       </para>
0309       <para>
0310         When you add a new dictionary you may choose between several sources:
0311       </para>
0312       <itemizedlist>
0313         <listitem>
0314           <para>Create a new dictionary from the &kde; documentation</para>
0315           <para>
0316             If you use this source &kmouth; will ask you for the intended
0317             language and afterwards parse the &kde; documentation. The
0318             frequentness of the individual words is detect by simply counting
0319             the occurrences of each word. Optionally you can compare the word
0320             list to an OpenOffice.org dictionary in order to only add correctly
0321             spelled words to the new dictionary.
0322           </para>
0323         </listitem>
0324         <listitem>
0325           <para>Create a new dictionary from a file</para>
0326           <para>
0327             If you use this source &kmouth; will ask you for the intended
0328             file. You may either select an &XML; file, a standard text file or
0329             a file containing a word completion dictionary created by either
0330             &kmouth; or GOK (the GNOME On-screen Keyboard). If you select a
0331             standard text file or an &XML; file the frequentness of the individual
0332             words is detected by simply counting the occurrences of each word.
0333             Optionally you can compare the word list to an OpenOffice.org
0334             dictionary in order to only add correctly spelled words to the new
0335             dictionary.
0336           </para>
0337         </listitem>
0338         <listitem>
0339           <para>Create a new dictionary from a folder</para>
0340           <para>
0341             If you use this source &kmouth; will ask you for the intended folder.
0342             &kmouth; will open all files in that folder and its subfolders.
0343             Each file is either loaded as a completion dictionary, as an &XML; file
0344             or as a standard text file. In the latter two cases the occurrences of
0345             each individual word in the file is counted. Optionally you can compare
0346             the word list to an OpenOffice.org dictionary in order to only add
0347             correctly spelled words to the new dictionary.
0348           </para>
0349         </listitem>
0350         <listitem>
0351           <para>Merge dictionaries</para>
0352           <para>
0353             You can use this option in order to merge the available dictionaries.
0354             &kmouth; will ask you which dictionaries should be merged and how the
0355             individual dictionaries should be weighted.
0356           </para>
0357         </listitem>
0358         <listitem>
0359           <para>Create an empty word list</para>
0360           <para>
0361             You can use this option in order to create a blank dictionary without
0362             any entries. As &kmouth; automatically adds newly typed words to the
0363             dictionaries it will learn your vocabulary with the time.
0364           </para>
0365         </listitem>
0366       </itemizedlist>
0367     </sect2>
0368   </sect1>
0369   <sect1 id="phrasebook-editor">
0370     <title>The Phrase Book Edit Window</title>
0371     <para>
0372       By using the menu entry
0373       <menuchoice>
0374         <guimenu>Phrase Books</guimenu><guimenuitem>Edit...</guimenuitem>
0375       </menuchoice>
0376       you open the phrase book edit window.
0377     </para>
0378     <para>
0379       <screenshot>
0380         <screeninfo>The phrase book edit window</screeninfo>
0381         <mediaobject>
0382           <imageobject>
0383             <imagedata fileref="kmouthedit.png" format="PNG"/>
0384           </imageobject>
0385           <textobject>
0386             <phrase>Screenshot</phrase>
0387           </textobject>
0388         </mediaobject>
0389       </screenshot>
0390     </para>
0391     <para>
0392       The main area of the phrase book edit window is divided into two parts.
0393       Within the upper part the phrase books are displayed in some tree
0394       structure.
0395     </para>
0396     <para>
0397       Within the lower part you may modify a selected item. If you have
0398       selected a phrase you can modify the contents of the phrase as well
0399       as its shortcut. If you have selected a phrase book you can only
0400       change its name.
0401     </para>
0402     <para>
0403       Actions like adding new phrases and phrase books and deleting selected
0404       phrases and phrase books can be done by selecting them in either the
0405       menu bar, the toolbar or a pop up menu.
0406     </para>
0407     <para>
0408       You can change the order of the phrase books and phrases by dragging
0409       them to their new places or by using the arrow keys while the
0410       &Alt; key is pressed.
0411     </para>
0412   </sect1>
0414 </chapter>
0416 <chapter id="commands">
0417   <title>Command Reference</title>
0419   <sect1 id="main-commands">
0420     <title>Commands Within The Main Window</title>
0421     <sect2 id="file-menu">
0422       <title>The File Menu</title>
0423         <variablelist>
0424           <varlistentry>
0425             <term><menuchoice>
0426               <shortcut>
0427                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>O</keycap></keycombo>
0428               </shortcut>
0429               <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0430               <guimenuitem>Open as History...</guimenuitem>
0431             </menuchoice></term>
0432             <listitem><para><action>Opens a text file into as history of spoken sentences.</action></para></listitem>
0433           </varlistentry>
0434           <varlistentry>
0435             <term><menuchoice>
0436               <shortcut>
0437                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>
0438               </shortcut>
0439               <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0440               <guimenuitem>Save History As...</guimenuitem>
0441             </menuchoice></term>
0442             <listitem><para><action>Saves the history into a text file.</action></para></listitem>
0443           </varlistentry>
0444           <varlistentry>
0445             <term><menuchoice>
0446               <shortcut>
0447                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>P</keycap></keycombo>
0448               </shortcut>
0449               <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0450               <guimenuitem>Print History...</guimenuitem>
0451             </menuchoice></term>
0452             <listitem><para><action>Prints the history.</action></para></listitem>
0453           </varlistentry>
0454           <varlistentry>
0455             <term><menuchoice>
0456               <shortcut>
0457                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo>
0458               </shortcut>
0459               <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0460               <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>
0461             </menuchoice></term>
0462             <listitem><para><action>Quits &kmouth;</action></para></listitem>
0463           </varlistentry>
0464         </variablelist>
0465     </sect2>
0467     <sect2 id="edit-menu">
0468       <title>The Edit Menu</title>
0469         <variablelist>
0470           <varlistentry>
0471             <term><menuchoice>
0472               <shortcut>
0473                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>X</keycap></keycombo>
0474               </shortcut>
0475               <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0476               <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem>
0477             </menuchoice></term>
0478             <listitem><para><action>
0479               Cuts the selected section and puts it to the clipboard. If there
0480               is some text selected in the edit field it is placed in the
0481               clipboard. Otherwise the selected sentences in the history (if
0482               any) are placed in the clipboard.
0483             </action></para></listitem>
0484           </varlistentry>
0485           <varlistentry>
0486             <term><menuchoice>
0487               <shortcut>
0488                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>
0489               </shortcut>
0490               <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0491               <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem>
0492             </menuchoice></term>
0493             <listitem><para><action>
0494               Copies the selected section to the clipboard. If there is some
0495               text selected in the edit field it is copied to the clipboard.
0496               Otherwise the selected sentences in the history (if any) are
0497               copied to the clipboard.
0498             </action></para></listitem>
0499           </varlistentry>
0500           <varlistentry>
0501             <term><menuchoice>
0502               <shortcut>
0503                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>V</keycap></keycombo>
0504               </shortcut>
0505               <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0506               <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem>
0507             </menuchoice></term>
0508             <listitem><para><action>
0509               Pastes the clipboard contents at the current cursor position into
0510               the edit field.
0511             </action></para></listitem>
0512           </varlistentry>
0513           <varlistentry>
0514             <term><menuchoice>
0515               <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0516               <guimenuitem>Speak</guimenuitem>
0517             </menuchoice></term>
0518             <listitem><para><action>
0519               Speaks the currently active sentence(s). If there is some text in
0520               the edit field it is spoken. Otherwise the selected sentences in
0521               the history (if any) are spoken.
0522             </action></para></listitem>
0523           </varlistentry>
0524         </variablelist>
0525     </sect2>
0527     <sect2 id="phrasebooks-menu">
0528       <title>The Phrase Books Menu</title>
0529         <variablelist>
0530           <varlistentry>
0531             <term><menuchoice>
0532               <guimenu>Phrase Books</guimenu>
0533               <guimenuitem>Edit...</guimenuitem>
0534             </menuchoice></term>
0535             <listitem><para>
0536               Opens the <link linkend="phrasebook-editor">phrase book edit window</link>.
0537             </para></listitem>
0538           </varlistentry>
0539         </variablelist>
0540 <para>
0541 &kmouth; has the common &kde; <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> and <guimenu>Help</guimenu>
0542 menu items, for more information read the sections about the <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-settings"
0543 >Settings Menu</ulink> and <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-help">Help Menu</ulink>
0544 of the &kde; Fundamentals.
0545 </para>
0546     </sect2>
0548   </sect1>
0550   <sect1 id="pb-editor-commands">
0551     <title>Commands within the phrase book edit window</title>
0552     <sect2 id="pbe-file-menu">
0553       <title>The File Menu</title>
0554         <variablelist>
0555           <varlistentry>
0556             <term><menuchoice>
0557               <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0558               <guimenuitem>New Phrase</guimenuitem>
0559             </menuchoice></term>
0560             <listitem><para><action>Adds a new phrase.</action></para></listitem>
0561           </varlistentry>
0562           <varlistentry>
0563             <term><menuchoice>
0564               <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0565               <guimenuitem>New Phrase Book</guimenuitem>
0566             </menuchoice></term>
0567             <listitem><para><action>Adds a new phrase book.</action></para></listitem>
0568           </varlistentry>
0569           <varlistentry>
0570             <term><menuchoice>
0571               <shortcut>
0572                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>
0573               </shortcut>
0574               <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0575               <guimenuitem>Save</guimenuitem>
0576             </menuchoice></term>
0577             <listitem><para><action>Saves the phrase book.</action></para></listitem>
0578           </varlistentry>
0579           <varlistentry>
0580             <term><menuchoice>
0581               <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0582               <guimenuitem>Import...</guimenuitem>
0583             </menuchoice></term>
0584             <listitem><para><action>Imports a file and adds its contents to the phrase book</action></para></listitem>
0585           </varlistentry>
0586           <varlistentry>
0587             <term><menuchoice>
0588               <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0589               <guimenuitem>Import Standard Phrase Book</guimenuitem>
0590             </menuchoice></term>
0591             <listitem><para><action>Imports a standard phrase book and adds its contents to the phrase book</action></para></listitem>
0592           </varlistentry>
0593           <varlistentry>
0594             <term><menuchoice>
0595               <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0596               <guimenuitem>Export...</guimenuitem>
0597             </menuchoice></term>
0598             <listitem><para><action>Exports the currently selected phrase(s) or phrase book(s) to a file</action></para></listitem>
0599           </varlistentry>
0600           <varlistentry>
0601             <term><menuchoice>
0602               <shortcut>
0603                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>W</keycap></keycombo>
0604               </shortcut>
0605               <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0606               <guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem>
0607             </menuchoice></term>
0608             <listitem><para><action>Closes the window</action></para></listitem>
0609           </varlistentry>
0610         </variablelist>
0611     </sect2>
0613     <sect2 id="pbe-edit-menu">
0614       <title>The Edit Menu</title>
0615         <variablelist>
0616           <varlistentry>
0617             <term><menuchoice>
0618               <shortcut>
0619                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>X</keycap></keycombo>
0620               </shortcut>
0621               <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0622               <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem>
0623             </menuchoice></term>
0624             <listitem><para><action>
0625               Cuts the selected items and puts it to the clipboard.
0626             </action></para></listitem>
0627           </varlistentry>
0628           <varlistentry>
0629             <term><menuchoice>
0630               <shortcut>
0631                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>
0632               </shortcut>
0633               <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0634               <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem>
0635             </menuchoice></term>
0636             <listitem><para><action>
0637               Copies the selected items to the clipboard.
0638             </action></para></listitem>
0639           </varlistentry>
0640           <varlistentry>
0641             <term><menuchoice>
0642               <shortcut>
0643                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>V</keycap></keycombo>
0644               </shortcut>
0645               <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0646               <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem>
0647             </menuchoice></term>
0648             <listitem><para><action>
0649               Pastes the clipboard contents into the phrase book.
0650             </action></para></listitem>
0651           </varlistentry>
0652           <varlistentry>
0653             <term><menuchoice>
0654               <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0655               <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem>
0656             </menuchoice></term>
0657             <listitem><para><action>
0658               Deletes the selected items.
0659             </action></para></listitem>
0660           </varlistentry>
0661         </variablelist>
0662     </sect2>
0664     <sect2 id="pbe-help-menu">
0665       <title>The Help Menu</title>
0666       <para>The items in this menu are the same as in the main window.</para>
0667     </sect2>
0669     <sect2 id="pbe-popup-menu">
0670       <title>The Pop up Menu</title>
0671         <variablelist>
0672           <varlistentry>
0673             <term><menuchoice>
0674               <guimenuitem>New Phrase</guimenuitem>
0675             </menuchoice></term>
0676             <listitem><para><action>Adds a new phrase.</action></para></listitem>
0677           </varlistentry>
0678           <varlistentry>
0679             <term><menuchoice>
0680               <guimenuitem>New Phrase Book</guimenuitem>
0681             </menuchoice></term>
0682             <listitem><para><action>Adds a new phrase book.</action></para></listitem>
0683           </varlistentry>
0684           <varlistentry>
0685             <term><menuchoice>
0686               <guimenuitem>Import...</guimenuitem>
0687             </menuchoice></term>
0688             <listitem><para><action>Imports a file and adds its contents to the phrase book</action></para></listitem>
0689           </varlistentry>
0690           <varlistentry>
0691             <term><menuchoice>
0692               <guimenuitem>Import Standard Phrase Book</guimenuitem>
0693             </menuchoice></term>
0694             <listitem><para><action>Imports a standard phrase book and adds its contents to the phrase book</action></para></listitem>
0695           </varlistentry>
0696           <varlistentry>
0697             <term><menuchoice>
0698               <guimenuitem>Export...</guimenuitem>
0699             </menuchoice></term>
0700             <listitem><para><action>Exports the currently selected phrase(s) or phrase book(s) to a file</action></para></listitem>
0701           </varlistentry>
0702           <varlistentry>
0703             <term><menuchoice>
0704               <shortcut>
0705                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>X</keycap></keycombo>
0706               </shortcut>
0707                <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem>
0708             </menuchoice></term>
0709             <listitem><para><action>
0710               Cuts the selected items and puts it to the clipboard.
0711             </action></para></listitem>
0712           </varlistentry>
0713           <varlistentry>
0714             <term><menuchoice>
0715               <shortcut>
0716                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>
0717               </shortcut>
0718               <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem>
0719             </menuchoice></term>
0720             <listitem><para><action>
0721               Copies the selected items to the clipboard.
0722             </action></para></listitem>
0723           </varlistentry>
0724           <varlistentry>
0725             <term><menuchoice>
0726               <shortcut>
0727                 <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>V</keycap></keycombo>
0728               </shortcut>
0729               <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem>
0730             </menuchoice></term>
0731             <listitem><para><action>
0732               Pastes the clipboard contents at this position into the phrase book.
0733             </action></para></listitem>
0734           </varlistentry>
0735           <varlistentry>
0736             <term><menuchoice>
0737               <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem>
0738             </menuchoice></term>
0739             <listitem><para><action>
0740               Deletes the selected items.
0741             </action></para></listitem>
0742           </varlistentry>
0743         </variablelist>
0744     </sect2>
0745   </sect1>
0747 </chapter>
0749 <chapter id="credits">
0750   <title>Credits and License</title>
0752   <para>
0753     &kmouth;
0754   </para>
0755   <para>
0756     Program copyright 2002-2004 Gunnar Schmi Dt <email>gunnar@schmi-dt.de</email>
0757   </para>
0758   <para>
0759     Documentation copyright 2002-2004 Gunnar Schmi Dt <email>gunnar@schmi-dt.de</email>
0760   </para>
0764   &underFDL;
0765   &underGPL;
0766 </chapter>
0768 <!--
0769 <appendix id="tts">
0770   <title>Examples for the text-to-speech configuration</title>
0771   <qandaset id="ttslist">
0772       <qandaentry>
0773       <question>
0774         <para>Festival</para>
0775       </question>
0776       <answer>
0777         <para>
0778           Festival is a text-to-speech system written from the University of
0779           Edinburgh. It currently supports English, Spanish and Welsh speech.
0780           Its license allows to use and distribute Festival free of charge
0781           without restrictions.
0782         </para>
0783         <para>
0784           In order to create the command line example for the text-to-speech
0785           configuration we assume that Festival is installed in the directory
0786           <filename class="directory">/usr/local/festival/</filename>. The
0787           command for speaking texts then is as follows:
0788         </para>
0789         <para>
0790           <screen><userinput><command>/usr/local/festival/bin/festival</command> <option>- -tts</option></userinput></screen>
0791         </para>
0792         <para>
0793           The option <guilabel>Send the data as standard input</guilabel> must
0794           be enabled.
0795         </para>
0796       </answer>
0797     </qandaentry>
0798     <qandaentry>
0799       <question>
0800         <para>FreeTTS</para>
0801       </question>
0802       <answer>
0803         <para>
0804           FreeTTS is a speech synthesizer written entirely in the &Java;™
0805           programming language. It currently only has support for English
0806           pronounciation. Its license allows to use and distribute FreeTTS
0807           free of charge without restrictions.
0808         </para>
0809         <para>
0810           In order to create the command line example for the text-to-speech
0811           configuration we assume that FreeTTS is installed in the directory
0812           <filename class="directory">/usr/local/freetts/</filename>. The
0813           command for speaking texts then one of the following three examples:
0814         </para>
0815         <para>
0816           <screen><userinput><command>java</command> <option>-jar /usr/local/freetts/lib/freetts.jar</option> <option>-text %t</option></userinput></screen>
0817         </para>
0818         <para>
0819           <screen><userinput><command>java</command> <option>-jar /usr/local/freetts/lib/freetts.jar</option> <option>-file %f</option></userinput></screen>
0820         </para>
0821         <para>
0822           <screen><userinput><command>java</command> <option>-jar /usr/local/freetts/lib/freetts.jar</option></userinput></screen>
0823         </para>
0824         <para>
0825           For the third example the option <guilabel>Send the data as standard
0826           input</guilabel> must be enabled. (This one is the preferred example
0827           for the use with FreeTTS.)
0828         </para>
0829       </answer>
0830     </qandaentry>
0831     <qandaentry>
0832       <question>
0833         <para>MBROLA</para>
0834       </question>
0835       <answer>
0836         <para>
0837           MBROLA is a speech synthesizer for a large number of languages. It
0838           converts a list of phonemes to a wave file, so you need some other
0839           tool to convert the text into a list of phonemes. The license of
0840           MBROLA allows to use and MBROLA free of charge for non-commercial,
0841           non-military applications.
0842         </para>
0843         <para>
0844           For our example we will use Hadifax in order to convert German texts
0845           into a list of phonemes suitable for MBROLA. We will assume that
0846           Hadifax and MBROLA are installed to
0847           <filename class="directory">/usr/local/hadifax/</filename> and
0848           <filename class="directory">/usr/local/mbrola/</filename>.
0849         </para>
0850         <para>
0851           Unfortunately Hadifax tends to swallow the last character of the text,
0852           so we may want to add an additional character to the text. The complete
0853           command is therefore more complex than the previous examples:
0854         </para>
0855         <para>
0856           <screen><userinput>(<command>cat</command> <option>-</option>; <command>echo</command> <option>&quot; &quot;</option>) | <command>/usr/local/hadifax/txt2pho</command> <option>-f</option>
0857           | <command>/usr/local/mbrola/mbrola</command> <option>-e</option>
0858           <option>/usr/local/mbrola/de1/de1 - /tmp/tmp.wav</option>;
0859           <command>paplay</command> <option>/tmp/tmp.wav</option>; <command>rm</command> <option>/tmp/tmp.wav</option></userinput></screen>
0860         </para>
0861         <para>
0862           All parts of this command need to be written into one line. The option
0863           <guilabel>Send the data as standard input</guilabel> must be enabled.
0864         </para>
0865       </answer>
0866     </qandaentry>
0867   </qandaset>
0868 </appendix>
0869 -->
0871 </book>
0872 <!--
0873 Local Variables:
0874 mode: sgml
0875 sgml-minimize-attributes:nil
0876 sgml-general-insert-case:lower
0877 sgml-indent-step:0
0878 sgml-indent-data:nil
0879 End:
0880 -->