Warning, /accessibility/kmousetool/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
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0007 <book id="kmousetool" lang="&language;">
0009 <bookinfo>
0010 <title>The &kmousetool; Handbook</title>
0012 <authorgroup>
0013 <author>
0014 <firstname>Jeff</firstname>
0016 <surname>Roush</surname>
0017 <affiliation>
0018 <address><email>jeff@kmousetool.com</email></address>
0019 </affiliation>
0020 </author>
0022 </authorgroup>
0025 <copyright>
0026 <year>2002</year>
0027 <holder>Jeff Roush</holder>
0028 </copyright>
0030 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0032 <date>2017-07-06</date>
0033 <releaseinfo>1.12 (Applications 17.08)</releaseinfo>
0035 <abstract>
0036 <para>
0037 &kmousetool; clicks the mouse whenever the mouse cursor pauses briefly.  It
0038 was designed to help those with repetitive strain injuries, for whom
0039 pressing buttons hurts. 
0040 </para>
0041 </abstract>
0043 <keywordset>
0044 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0045 <keyword>rsi</keyword>
0046 <keyword>KMouseTool</keyword>
0047 <keyword>ergonomic</keyword>
0048 <keyword>tendonitis</keyword>
0049 <keyword>carpal tunnel syndrome</keyword>
0050 </keywordset>
0052 </bookinfo>
0054 <chapter id="introduction">
0055 <title>Introduction</title>
0057 <para>
0058 &kmousetool; clicks the mouse whenever the mouse cursor pauses briefly.  It was designed to help those
0059 with repetitive strain injuries, for whom pressing buttons hurts.
0060 It can also drag the mouse, although this takes a bit more practice.
0061 </para>
0063 <para>
0064 &kmousetool; can eliminate the pain caused by clicking the mouse, and helps many
0065 people to use the computer without pain.  Unfortunately, some pain can also
0066 be caused by simply moving the mouse around the table.  If you are experiencing
0067 computer-related pain and haven't yet seen a doctor, please do so.
0068 </para>
0069 <para>
0070 Just to make it absolutely clear: while &kmousetool; can help reduce the pain
0071 caused by <emphasis>clicking</emphasis> the mouse, it cannot help any pain
0072 caused by <emphasis>moving</emphasis> the mouse.  And, like all ergonomic tools,
0073 your mileage may vary.
0074 </para>
0076 </chapter>
0079 <chapter id="using-kmousetool">
0080 <title>Using &kmousetool;</title>
0081 <para>
0082 Using &kmousetool; is simple: &kmousetool; watches as you move the mouse, and
0083 when you pause briefly, it clicks.
0084 </para>
0086 <para>
0087 &kmousetool;'s Smart Drag mode allows you to drag the mouse.
0088 </para>
0090 <para>
0091 When Smart Drag is enabled, &kmousetool; pauses after it clicks down; if you
0092 move the mouse, it waits until you stop moving before it clicks up. This
0093 way, you can both click and drag the mouse. Smart Drag takes a bit more
0094 practice, but becomes natural once you get used to it.
0095 </para>
0097 </chapter>
0100 <chapter id="commands">
0101 <title>Command Reference</title>
0103 <sect1 id="kmousetool-mainwindow">
0104 <title>The Main &kmousetool; window</title>
0106     <para>&kmousetool;'s
0107     options are accessed mostly via the mouse.</para>
0110     <variablelist>
0111       <varlistentry>
0112         <term><guibutton>Start</guibutton>/<guibutton>Stop</guibutton>
0113         </term>
0114         <listitem>
0115           <para>Starts (or stops) &kmousetool;.</para>
0116         </listitem>
0117       </varlistentry>
0118 <varlistentry>
0119 <term><guilabel>Minimum movement:</guilabel></term>
0120 <listitem>
0121 <para>The minimum movement in pixels before &kmousetool; will attempt
0122 to click the mouse.</para>
0123 </listitem>
0124 </varlistentry>
0126       <varlistentry>
0127         <term><guilabel>Dwell time (1/10 sec):</guilabel>
0128         </term>
0129         <listitem>
0130           <para>The time the mouse has to pause before &kmousetool; clicks.
0131           Try increasing this time if
0132           it is hard getting used to &kmousetool; </para>
0133         </listitem>
0134       </varlistentry>
0135       <varlistentry>
0136         <term><guilabel>Smart drag</guilabel>
0137         </term>
0138         <listitem>
0139           <para>Enables or disables Smart Drag.  Disabled use is
0140           easier, so this is the default.</para><para>If you enable
0141           <guilabel>Smart drag</guilabel> the <guilabel>Drag time
0142           (1/10 sec):</guilabel> field becomes available.  This is the
0143           time &kmousetool; waits, after it clicks down, before it
0144           clicks back up if you don't move the mouse. </para>
0145         </listitem>
0146       </varlistentry>
0147       <varlistentry>
0148         <term><guilabel>Enable strokes</guilabel>
0149         </term>
0150         <listitem>
0151           <para>&kmousetool; now supports strokes.  When you enable
0152 strokes, a slow move to the right and back, followed by a pause, will
0153 generate a <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click.  A slow move left
0154 and back will generate a double click.  (Strokes are specified in
0155 <filename>$<envar>KDEHOME</envar>/share/config/kmousetool_strokes.txt</filename>.
0156 This file is generated by &kmousetool; the first time it is run, but
0157 can be modified afterwards.)
0158           </para>
0159         </listitem>
0160       </varlistentry>      
0161        <varlistentry>
0162         <term><guilabel>Audible click</guilabel>
0163         </term>
0164         <listitem>
0165           <para>
0166          Plays a sound when &kmousetool; clicks down.  This helps, especially
0167          with Smart Drag.
0168           </para>
0169         </listitem>
0170       </varlistentry>
0171       <varlistentry>
0172         <term><guilabel>Start with desktop session</guilabel>
0173         </term>
0174         <listitem>
0175           <para>When this is enabled, &kmousetool; will start each
0176           time the session of the desktop starts.</para>
0177         </listitem>
0178       </varlistentry>
0179 <varlistentry>
0180 <term><guibutton>Defaults</guibutton></term>
0181 <listitem>
0182 <para>Reset all settings to their defaults.</para>
0183 </listitem>
0184 </varlistentry>
0185 <varlistentry>
0186 <term><guibutton>Reset</guibutton></term>
0187 <listitem>
0188 <para>Reset all settings to their state when you opened the dialog,
0189 or, if you have already saved a setting with the
0190 <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button, reset all settings to the state
0191 when you last pressed <guibutton>Apply</guibutton></para>
0192 </listitem>
0193 </varlistentry>
0194      <varlistentry>
0195         <term><guibutton>Apply</guibutton>
0196         </term>
0197         <listitem>
0198           <para>After changing any settings, you must click this button.</para>
0199         </listitem>
0200       </varlistentry>
0201 <varlistentry>
0202 <term><guibutton>Help</guibutton></term>
0203 <listitem>
0204 <para>Opens the User manual (this document).</para>
0205 </listitem>
0206 </varlistentry>
0207 <varlistentry>
0208 <term><guibutton>Close</guibutton></term>
0209 <listitem>
0210 <para>Close the dialog without saving any settings.</para>
0211 </listitem>
0212 </varlistentry>
0213 <varlistentry>
0214 <term><guibutton>Quit</guibutton></term>
0215 <listitem>
0216 <para>Quit &kmousetool;</para>
0217 </listitem>
0218 </varlistentry>
0219 </variablelist>
0221 </sect1>
0222 </chapter>
0224 <chapter id="Tips">
0225 <title>Tips</title>
0227 <para>
0228 These tips can help shorten &kmousetool;'s learning curve a bit.
0230 <itemizedlist>
0231 <listitem><para>You can modify the time delays &kmousetool; waits, for both clicking and for dragging.</para>
0232 </listitem>
0233 <listitem><para>It's best to practice clicking with &kmousetool; using its defaults first.
0234 You may especially want to leave Smart Drag disabled at first.
0235 Then, once you are comfortable clicking, move on to practicing Smart Drag.</para>
0236 </listitem>
0237 <listitem><para>When using Smart Drag, it may help to enable the Audible Click</para>
0238 </listitem>
0239 <listitem><para>When using the Audible Click, you may need to speed up &kde;'s audio response.</para>
0240 </listitem>
0241 </itemizedlist>
0242 </para>
0244 </chapter>
0246 <chapter id="faq">
0247 <title>Questions and Answers</title>
0249 <qandaset id="faqlist">
0250 <qandaentry>
0251 <question>
0252 <para>Help!  &kmousetool; keeps dropping spurious clicks all over the screen!</para>
0253 </question>
0254 <answer>
0255 <para>
0256 When you are using &kmousetool;, you do have to learn new mousing habits.
0257 </para>
0258 <para>
0259 First, 
0260 keep in mind where it's safe to click &mdash; clicking on gray parts of windows or non-link
0261 areas of web browsers won't hurt anything, so you can safely rest the mouse over those areas 
0262 until you need it.
0263 </para>
0264 <para>
0265 Second, you need to know where you're going to click before you move
0266 the mouse. Most of the time, when we know we're going to use the mouse, most of
0267 us grab the mouse and start moving it around randomly until we figure out where
0268 we want to click. With &kmousetool;, you need to know where you're going to click
0269 before you move the mouse in the first place. It is also a good idea to keep
0270 your hands off the mouse when you're not using it.
0271 </para>
0272 </answer>
0273 </qandaentry>
0275 <qandaentry>
0276 <question>
0277 <para>My mouse sticks when I move it. Can I still use &kmousetool;?</para>
0278 </question>
0279 <answer>
0280 <para>Yes. If your mouse sticks, it means you need to clean your mouse.
0281 This is usually easy to do; the trick is that you have to clean not just the
0282 mouse's ball, but the rollers that the ball rolls against inside the mouse.</para>
0283 <para>First, you have to remove the ball.  The method for doing this varies from
0284 mouse to mouse, but it's usually pretty clear how to do this if you look at
0285 the bottom of the mouse.</para>
0286 <para>Once you've removed the ball, you should be able to see the rollers on the
0287 sides of the hole that contained the ball.  The dirt and grime on them can be
0288 easily scraped off with a flat blade or with a fingernail.  </para>
0289 </answer>
0290 </qandaentry>
0292 <qandaentry>
0293 <question>
0294 <para>&kmousetool; clicks down and never clicks up. What's happening?</para>
0295 </question>
0296 <answer>
0297 <para>In some rare situations, the system suspends &kmousetool; when a drag
0298 starts; if you are using Smart Drag, this means that &kmousetool; can never finish the drag by
0299 clicking up.</para>
0300 <para>
0301 This happens when you use &kmousetool; under a non &kde; window manager and then
0302 use it to move a window.  
0303 </para>
0304 <para>The solution is to simply click manually; this resets &kmousetool;, and you can then
0305 continue to work normally again.</para>
0306 </answer>
0307 </qandaentry>
0309 <qandaentry>
0310 <question>
0311 <para>
0312 &kmousetool; moves the cursor when I am trying to type.</para>
0313 </question>
0314 <answer>
0315 <para>Problem: When you're typing text, &kmousetool; keeps
0316 dropping clicks and moving the cursor away from where you want to type.</para>
0317 <para>Solution: Use the mouse to place the cursor where you want it, but when you're ready
0318 to type, park the mouse on a neutral area on the screen. Then, if you
0319 bump the mouse, or if it moves a few pixels, any random clicks that it sends
0320 won't matter. Safe places to park the mouse include the gray areas
0321 around toolbars and menus, and on the title bars of windows.</para>
0322 </answer>
0323 </qandaentry>
0325 <qandaentry>
0326 <question>
0327 <para>I'm trying to use Smart Drag, but I cannot get the hang of using it to edit text.</para>
0328 </question>
0329 <answer>
0330 <para>
0331 Smart Drag is an advanced feature of &kmousetool;, and takes some getting used to. It is very
0332 possible to use it to select text, to cut and paste, and use it in almost any situation
0333 where you would normally want to drag the mouse. But you probably won't be able to do this
0334 at first. Here are some suggestions:
0335 </para>
0336 <itemizedlist>
0337 <listitem><para>Don't use Smart Drag while you are first learning to use &kmousetool;. Instead,
0338 to select text, click at one end of the text, and hold down
0339 the shift key while you click at the other end of the text.
0340 </para></listitem>
0341 <listitem><para>Use the Audible Click.  This will play a <quote>click</quote> sound when &kmousetool; clicks
0342 down, and this will tell you when the Smart Drag delay is beginning.  With practice, you
0343 can use Smart Drag without the Audible Click, but it does take a fair amount of practice.
0344 </para></listitem>
0345 <listitem><para>Know where you're going to click the mouse before you begin moving it.
0346 </para></listitem>
0347 </itemizedlist>
0349 </answer>
0350 </qandaentry>
0352 </qandaset>
0353 </chapter>
0355 <chapter id="credits">
0357 <title>Credits and License</title>
0359 <para>
0360 &kmousetool;
0361 </para>
0362 <para>
0363 Program copyright 2002 Jeff Roush <email>jeff@mousetool.com</email>
0364 and 2003 Gunnar Schmi Dt <email>gunnar@schmi-dt.de</email>
0365 </para>
0366 <para>
0367 Contributors:
0368 <itemizedlist>
0369 <listitem><para>Jeff Roush <email>jeff@mousetool.com</email></para></listitem>
0370 <listitem><para>Gunnar Schmi Dt <email>gunnar@schmi-dt.de</email></para></listitem>
0371 <listitem><para>Olaf Schmidt <email>ojschmidt@kde.org</email></para></listitem>
0372 </itemizedlist>
0373 </para>
0375 <para>
0376 Documentation copyright 2002 Jeff Roush <email>jeff@mousetool.com</email>
0377 </para>
0380 &underFDL;
0381 &underGPL;               <!-- GPL License -->
0383 </chapter>
0385 &documentation.index;
0386 </book>
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